Newspaper Page Text
Will have RACES OF' ALL KINDS at their new Race Track, near
Locust Tiir riDCT QATIIDMIV iM MAV everybody
Grove- | lIL Mild I SKIOIIUKi tu ifilil. INVITED.
Be Sure to Come and Bring Your Race Stock With You. “mayT'flu'"
An interesting event in connection with the horse Show to be Held at Locust
Grove will be the AUTOMOBILE RACES.
With the assistance of the McDonough Motor Car Co. we hope to make these races a great suc
/Jypfefc tjjju f wj cess. There should be some World’s Records made on that fast half mile track.
******* Jr/ The Entry will be $2.50, and all who desire to enter their Cars should notify the
These races can be withdrawn without further notice.
For April. 1911, Term Henry
Superior Court.
We the Grand Jury, sworn for
the Spring Term, 1911, of Henry
Superior Court, beg leave to make
the following presentments:
We have, through our commit
tees, examined the various offices
of the county.
We find the Ordinary’s books
neatly and correctly kept with the
proper vouchers on file and all
records kept so that the public at
any time can ascertain promptly
any information desired.
We find the Treasurer’s books
properly and neatly kept with all
vouchers on fiL, with a balance
on hand of $2,744.16. ( See report
herewith attached.)
We find that the Tax Collector
has not made a final return, that
the taxable property for 1910 was
Amount on digest due
for taxes $30,028.40
Amount paid in, in cash 29,529.71
Fi Fas now on hand,un
collected 1,854.74
With errors amounting
to 186.99
Making a total of 32,070.22
We think many of these Fi Fas
are solvent and should be col
We recommend that the Ordi
nary take such steps as will be
necessary to collect these, and
have the whole matter looked into
and settled up.
We find the County School Com
missioner’s books com
prehensively, and neatly kept;
that he received during
the year 1910, $18,470.04
And his disbursements
were 18,455.04
Leaving a balance of 1,500.00
on hand. (See report hereto at
tached. i
We recommend our commission
er, Mr. Lawrence Duffey, who is
soon to us for other fields
of labor, as being worthy of their
esteem and confidence, and we
further indorse his administration
as County School Commissioner,
and wish him success and pros
We find the books and records
of the Clerk properly and neatly
We find the office of the Sher
iff in good shape and properly
We find the Justice of Peace
and Notary Public Dockets prop
erly kept with the exception of
the 486th and 775th Districts; also
that the 1477th District failed to
present any criminal docket.
We find the County Court affairs
in good condition and that the
Court is very prompt in the dis-
patch of the business that comes
before it.
_ \
We find the County Farm and
chaingang in first class condition,
that the convicts are properly
treated and cared for as well as
all the inmates on the farm. We
find two convicts sick. All the
rest are at work.
The mules are in excellent con
dition and well cared for.
The County Farm is iri high
state of cultivation, many things
being raised going toward the
support of the Farm, convicts, and
mules: (See statement hereto at
We heartily commend the Or
dinary and our worthy warden,
Mr. W. A. Reeves, for the way
they are moving things along, the
good work they are doing on the
roads of our county, and for the
excellent sanitary condition of our
convict quarters.
We find the jail in good sani
tary condition.
We recommend that the Ordi
nary have the roof of the Court
House put in good condition.
We recommend that Alice Cook
be removed from the County
Poor Farm after being given due
and lawful notice.
We recommend that the tax
rate be made ten mills for the year
1911, and that the Ordinary make
the best financial arrangements
! possible to pay the county expen
ses until taxes are collected.
We recommend that the Island
Shoals road be made a first class
road from Keys Ferry road to
We recommend that Mrs. Susan
Babb and children be paid $15.00
per quarter; Mrs. Sarah George
and Miss Mandy Sorrows be paid
$7.50 per quarter instead of what
they have been receiving, all to be
paid out of the pauper fund.
We recommend that the names
herewith attached together with
others be allowed to tap the
County sewer at the jail with
another sewer, same to be done
in a way that will keep the sewer
open at all times, the Ordinary to
fsecure the proper contract.
List of names for sewer:
T. A. Sloan; Horton Drug Co.,
E. T. A.; T. A. Lifsey; A. F.
Lemon; A. A. Lemon; First Nat
ional Bank; The McDonough Drug
Co.; The Copeland-Turner Mer
cantile Co.
We recommend that the Ordi
nary be paid $25.00 per month for
the year 1911, for the purpose of
looking after the roads and con
vict affairs of the County, this to
cover all his expenses for looking
after the same and to take the
place of a regular road Commis
sioner, and that no regular com
missioner be employed so long as
he is paid this price.
We recommend that Dr. J. G.
District or Place. Homs. Day. May.
TUSSAHAW. . Tuesday 2
Pkkksville 10 to 12 a. m. Wednesday 3
Store ' 1 to 3p. m. Wednesday 3
SANDY RIDGE. Thursday 4
Tom Martin’s Stork 10 to 12 «. m. Friday 5
Woodstown 1 to 3p. m. Friday 5
Island Shoals JO to 12 a. m. Monday 8
Snapping Shoals 1 to 3p. m. Monday 8
BEERSHEBA. 10 to 12 a. m. Tuesday- 9
Ola 1 to 3 p. rn. Tuesday 9
MCMULLEN’S. < 10 to 12 a.m. Wednesday 10
Julia 1 to 3p. m. Wednesday 10
LOVE’S. 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Thursday 11
George Morris’
Store 2 to 4p.m. Thursday 11
Simmons & George’s
Store 9 to 10 a. m. Friday 12
KNOB. 11 a. m. to 2 p. in. Friday 12
SHAKERAG. 10 to 12 a. in. Monday 15
Morris Grove 10 to 12 a. m. Tuesday 10
Jarrett's Store 1 to 3p. m. Tuesday 10
STOCKBRIDGE. (Wednesday 17
FLIPPEN. • Thursday 18
SIXTH. 10 to 12 a. in. Friday 19
Babb’s Mill 2 to 4 p. in. Friday 19
HAMPTON. Monday 22
LTJELLA. * 10 a. rn. to 1 p. m. Tuesday 23
GREENWOOD. 2 to 4 p. m. Tuesday 23
Smith be the County Physician for
the year 1911 at the same salary
as heretofore.
We recommend that Mr. G. G.
LeGuin be appointed Notary pub
lic of the 489th district.
We recommend that Mr. G. W.
Pritchett be appointed Notary
Public of the 486th District. v
We recommend that our Repre
sentative, Hon. E. M. Smith, intro
duce and get passed a bill to place
our Solicitors on a salaried basis.
We desire to extend to the Judge,
Robt. T. Daniel, our hearty thanks
for his able charge and kindness
to the body.
We desire to extend to our So
licitor, J. W. Wise, our thanks for
his kindness and unbounded as
sistance to the body.
We extend to our worthy fore
man, Mr. C. C. Fargason, our
thanks and best wishes for his
faithfulness and generous way in
which he has presided over the
We extend our thanks to Mr. E.
M. Copeland for the services that
he has rendered to the body as
We extend our thanks to Mr. A.
A. Borders, our faithful Bailiff, for
his services.
We recommend that these pre
sentments be printed in the Henry'
County Weekly and that the Editor
Ar McDonough every Saturday until the hooks are closed.
be paid SIO.OO for the same.
J. D. Carter,
W. L. Wynn,
J. G. Jinks,
G. B. Childs,
T. J. Lewis,
T. G. Swann,
E. M. Copeland,
\V. A. Ammons,
W. J. Pope,
C. 'l'. Elliott,
Newton Barnett,
M. A. Norman,
J. W. Patillo,
J. R. Woodward,
H. C. Riley,
J. S. Rodgers,
O. J. Bowen,
j. T. Wilson,
N. B. Cowan,
B. H. Morris,
W. H. Burch, Sr.,
J. D. Davis,
C. C. Fargason,
Ordered that the foregoing Gen
eric Presentments be entered on
the Minutes of the Court and pub
lished as herein recommended.
This April 25th, 1911.
Robt. T. Daniel,
Judge S. C. F. C.
If you don’t care for the best
Buggy on the market, 1 have the
cheap kind also. Come along and
you can find what you are hunting.
D. T. Carmichael.
Hours. Day. June.
Thursday 1
Thursday 22
Monday 6
‘ i
10 to 12 a. m. Tuesday 0
1 to 3p. m. Tuesday 0
10 to 12 a. m. Wednesday 7
Ito 3p. m. Wednesday 7
Thursday 8
Friday 9
Monday 12
Tuesday 13
Wednesday 21
Wednesday 14
Thursday 15
Friday 10
Tuesday 20
Morning. Monday 19
Afternoon. Monday 19
Mr. Louie Dailey Goes to Beyond.
"Mr. L. E. Dailey, familiarly
known to most of us as “Louie,”
breathed his last Saturday morn
ing at 7 o’clock at Ins father’s
home near here.
He had been ill several years
and had even gone to Florida for
his health; at last, however, he
yielded in the unequal struggle
with death.
Though often suffering, In* com
plained not and was one of God’s*
noblemen indeed, who is missed
not only by his parents, but by
many friends. Just in the twen
ties, he was called home in life’s
early morning, but not before his
manly character had impressed it
self upon those who knew him.
The funeral and interment were
at Fiippen, the Rev. J. E. England
conducting the services.
The deceased is survived by his
Darents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Dailey;
three sisters, Mrs. Wyatt Rowan,
Mrs. Bailey, and Miss Maggie
Dailey; and three brothers, Messrs.
Bernard, Candler, and Master Sam
The .bereaved ones have our
sincerest sympathy.
Just received car of Studebaker
Wagons —One, Two, and Three
Horse. You can buy one now and
pay for it in the Fall without cost
ing you any more.
D. T. Carmichael.