The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 28, 1911, Image 6
Flippen. Miss Willie Pearl Fannin, of near Salem, spent a few days the past week with her aunt, Mrs. R. Love. Mr. Dudley Fields, one of Mc- Donough’s telephone operators, formerly of Flippen, spent Thurs day night with home-folks. Mr. 0. B. Bailey made a business trip to Atlanta Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Lovorn and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Strickland. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McCullough and little son, J. D., Jr., of Stock bridge, visited relatives here Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Dailey spent Monday afternoon in McDonough. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson, of Locust Grove, visited the former’s sister, Mrs. B. 0. Fields and family Sunday. Mr. J. E. Guyton has returned home after spending sometime in Lexington, Kentucky, and other points. Mr. Claude Hutcheson, of Jones boro, was here a short while Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Roe Alexander, of Dutchtown, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rowan. Mrs. C. W. Wood visited her sister, Mrs, Clarence Strickland, Friday. Mrs. Cora Fields spent a few days in Dutchtown last week, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. M. Foster. The school enjoyed an egg hunt last Tuesday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Sprayberty, of Woolsey, visited the latter’s sister, Mrs. A. G. Harris and family. Sunday. Mrs. Josie Lovorn is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Strickland. Mr. Harper, of Jonesboro, visit ed Miss Mae Glass Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Moseley spent Tuesday with the latter’s home folks, Mrs. Henderson, and family, of Stockbridge. % Mr. Bob Crumley, of White house, made a pop-call here Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. J. Ingram, of McDonough, passed through here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mace Foster, of Dutchtown, visited Mrs. Cora Fields and family last Monday. Mrs. F. H. Hinton and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Oscar Miller. Mr. J. K. Hood made a business trip to McDonough Monday. Mrs. H. J. Burch visited home folks near Salem Friday night. Mrs. W. T. Nottingham, of Stockbridge. was here a short while Friday. Mr. C. J. Simpson filled his regular appointment in Tunis Sun day afternoon. The many friends of Mr. L. E. Dailey will be pained to know of his death which occurred at his father’s home last Saturday morn ing about 7 o’clock. A large crowd attended the funeral services here Sunday morning at 10 o’clock, Revs. J. E. England and Olln King officiating. S. K. N. Old Stockbridge. Mrs. Erma Evans is reported sick at this writing. Mrs. Bill Mitchell is visiting her son in Atlanta this week. The friends of Mrs. Wes. Milam Miss Lillian Jarrett has returned home from a most pleasant visit among relatives and friends in Griffin. Miss Annie Jarrett went to At lanta Tuesday. Mrs. Rosco Branan went to Atlanta Thursday to take treat ment from Dr. Calhoun for her eyes. Mrs. Seth Carroll spent Sunday with her son, Emmett Carroll. was ; 1 ' to f’C her out at church Saturday, and glad to know she is improving. ' Little Mary Louise Branan had an Easter egg hunt Saturday after noon,little Annie Love Brown find ing the prize egg. Mr. Parker Mitchell and wife spent the evening with Mrs. Palm er near Rex Thursday. Mr. Rosco Branan was very sick Tuesday but is out again. Application for Charter. Georgia, Henry County: To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of S. P. Hooten, H. C. Ellis, A. C. Norman. W F. Gilmore, and W. C. Woods, all residents of said county, shows: 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns to be incorporated under the name and style of “The Ola Wood stow n Telephone Company.” 2. They desire to be incorporated for a period of Twenty years, with the right of renewal at the expiration of that time. 3. The cay ital stock of said proposed corporation is to be One Thousand Dol lars, with the right to increase same from time to time to a maximum of Five Thousand Dollars. Said capital stock is to be divided into shares of the par value of Twenty-Five Dollars each. Seventy- Five per cent of said capital stock has already been paid in. 4. The principal office and place of bus iness of said corporation is to he at Ola, in Henry county, Ga., but they ask for the right to establish other offices and places of business anywhere in Georgia. 5. The particular business to be carried on by said corporation is that of building, equipping, owning and operating tele phone lines and telephone exchanges, and in the conduct of t his business they ask for the right to erect poles, wires and whatever else may be necessary for the successful conduct of this business, to rent and lease telephones to customers, to collect rent and toll from their customers and the public, t hey desire the right to buy, sell, own, hold, rent, lease and con vey all property that is necessary or inci dental to the conduct of this business, real aud personal, to make and take deeds, mortgages, or other evidences of debt, to borrow and lend money, to take and give security, and to do all things necessary to successfully carry out the business con templated by this corporation. 6. The object of said corporation is pe cuniary gain to its stockholders. 7. They ask for the right to have and use a common seal, to sueand be sued and and to have all the powers granted to pri vate corporations by the laws of Geongia. to make such rules, regulations and by laws as may be necessary for the opera tion and control of said corporation. Wherefore they pray that they be made a body corporate, under the name and style aforesaid, entitled to all the privi leges allowed corporations and subject to all the liabilities fixed for them by law April Hth, 1911. E. M. Smith, Petitioners’ Attorney. Filed in ollice this April 6th, 1911. J. A. Fouche, C. S. G. H. C. Georgia. Henry County: I, J. A. Fouche, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify that the within and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original applica tion of S. P. Hooten'and others, filed in this office, asking to be incorporated as “The Ola-Woodstown Telephone Com pany,” as appears from the record of file in this office. Given under my hand and seal of office this April 13th, 1911. J. A. Fouche, 5-3, 4, C. S. C. H. C.. Ga. Sheriffs Sale. Georgia, Henry County: Will be sold at the Court house door in said county, on the Tuesdav in May, 1911, within the legal hours of sale, to-wit: “One-sixth (1-6) interest in a tract or parcel of land in the 7th District of Henry county, Ga.. about one mile south of Mc- Donough on the Griffin road, known as part of the estate formerly owned by Tracy Brown, deceased, bounded as fol lows: East by Griffin road, south by lands formerly o vned by William Groves, west by part of the \\ illiani Groves estate,.and west by what is known as Fannie Crook shanks place, the same l**ing the land sold by A. A. Lemon to Fannie Latham, con taining (1-4) of an acre. Property l>eing in the possession now of William Latham, To Bj Friends • ,Desire, :“ and Customers • For past patronage And now I am better prepared to serve you than ever before. I have just put in a complete line of WOOD WORK AND BLACKSMITH MACHINERY And I have been very fortunate in securing good men to help me. I have two as good horseshoers as there is in McDonough—Mr. Walter Thompson and Mr. W. H. King. I have Uncle Sant Hooten, who has charge of the Wood Work and Farm Blacksmithing. He is widely known to be the best on that line of anyone in the county. I have my son, Ben, in the painting department. He has been at work in the largest Buggy Factory in the South for the last 6 months, and has caught onto the latest methods and styles of painting, so bring on your old buggies and have them made new. I make a specialty of putting on RUBBER TIRES and Trimming Work of All Kinds. I make a few Buggies and One=Hor«e Wagons That I will put against any on the market. I have been in the Buggy Business 21 1-2 years and I think I know how to do and have your work done. Come to see me for anything you need in my line and I will try and give you the best work, price and terms I possibly can. Yours for Business, JOEL BANKSTON, MCDoNoI/CH, GA. with all improvements thereon. Said land levied on as the property of William Lat ham, levied on as his (1-6) undivided in terest, he being a legatee of said Fannie ham. deceased. Levied on to satisfy an execution issued from the Justice’s Court of the 498th district, G. M., in said County, on the 3th day of April, 1911, in favor of Lee & Grant against William Latham. Tenant in possession notified. This thetith day of April, 1911. 4-28, 4. A. C. Sowell, Sheriff. W ARC ROOFING Got roof troubles, eh? Well it’s your own fault. You should use Amalgamated ARC ROOFING. It is the kind that wont drip in very hot weather, and wont crack when it’s bitterly cold. It’s all in the secret process by which Amalgamated ARC ROOFING is made. Nobody has yet been able to successfully imitate it. Takes the same rate of insurance as slate or metal. Our agents are authorized to refund your money if Amalgamated ARC ROOFING isn’t absolutely satisfactory. Send for samples and full information. AMALGAMATED ROOFING CO. First Nat'l Bank Bldft. Birmintham, Ala. For Sale by Planter’s Warehouse & Lum ber Co., McDonough, Ga. WHEN IN ATLANTA EAT AT ELIOT'S QUICK LUNCH 55 N. PRYOR ST. Quick, Clean Service. Moderate Prices. Good Coffee. E, W. RO3ERTS MGR, ®*SnulW Anti-Skids (M) Look for on leading tii* sign egrants / Anti-Skid I ST*‘ l** lou S h » flexible, \ I Studs do prevent / V IN STOCK BY McUooough Motor Car Co., street , We Are Mere To Save You S 13.85 S 17.00 522.50 FREIGHT PREPAID Safe Delivery Guaranteed From $2O to $3O in the purchase of one of our celebrated High Grade Family Sewing Machines, as against the Jobbers’, Dealers’ and Agents’ profits. Besides the saving the Sew ing Machine is covered with our TEN YEAR GUARANTEE Our Sewing Machines are constructed from the Best material, in the Be*t possible manner by Skilled me chanics. Hitrhly finished. Finely adjusted. Easy run nine: durable and handsome, we have thousands of letters from customers confirming- our statements a> to the True Merit%of our celebrated Sewing- Machines. Our Pip New Catalogue Illustrates. Describes and Prices our entire line of Sewing- Machines. Cooking and Heating Stoves and Steel Pangea. It is full of in terest from start to finish. as it fully explains our di rect selling plan and how we save you from $2O to $3O. Send lor It today-it is FREE. MALSBY, SHIPP & CO., Dvp*- , Atlanta, Georgia