The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 28, 1911, Image 7
THE BANNER FARMING SECTION. It has been said not with too much emphasis, “ Every conceivable con sideration ot interest and i sentiment impels every Southern man now to stand shoulder to should er with his neighbor, in f support of Home Indus tries and Enterprises." FOR SALE BY GREEN, TARPLEY & COMPANY. McDonough, ga. Rex. Mrs. Will King went to the Gate Citv a-shopping last Wednesday. Mr. Edd Mays was in Rex Sat urday. Dr. J. H. Heflin went to Atlanta Friday on business. Mrs. Will and Tennie Powell spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. France Kirkland. Miss Green Livingston was n Rex Friday. Miss Annie Mae Milam went to the Gate Citv Monday and Wed nesday on business. Miss Myrtice Mays and Mrs. Clyde Barr spent Tuesday evening with Mrs. Alton Estes, near Tan ner’s church. Mr. Paul Smith went to Atlanta Thursday on business. Mr. Fred Mays was in our town last Wednesday evening. ‘ Mr. Florence Smith and his wife went to Atlanta last Monday. Mrs. Eulalah Patillo has return ed from a week’s visit to her mother’s in Atlanta. Mrs. Will King spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Ella Milam. Miss Annie Mae Milam spent last Sunday night with Mrs. Ross Smith. Mrs. Clyde Barr spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Mollie Camp. 0 Mr. George Sanders and his family spent Sunday with Mr. Will Callaham. Fig Tree. Central Dots. Mr. Watson Stanfield and Misses Ruby Barnett and Lillian Stanfield attended the pound supper at Mr. Such is Central Georgia as is being demonstrated by an ever increasing number of our most progressive farm ers who realizing the importance of heavy fertilization are making crop yields per acre surprising even themselves. Surely all of our farmers seeing the profits arising from such increased yields will use more commercial fertilizers this season than ever before. HIPTi FERTILIZER CO. = Composed of men knowing the needs of this section of the State, earnestly interested in its prosperity, and who are themselves directly interested in farming, IS MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS, Made from the Best Materials Obtainable in the Markets. Our brands ol fertilizers have made enviabl reputations as crop producers, and we will continue to keep up their high standard ot excellence realizing that our farmers need and demand the very best fertilizers to be had. We believe that a trial of them will convince you that they are Of Superior Merit. Clint Gibbs’ last Wednesday night, which was given in honor of Mr. Howard Callaway. Many pleasant games were the feature of the evening, and fruit and candies were served. It seems that the measles are taking the day in this locality. Mrs. D. L. McLendon and her son, Otis, and Miss Lillian Stan fild spent the day in Hampton Sunday. Miss May Meadows closed her school last Friday on account of the measles. She did not have her entertainment, to the sorrow of many of her friends. Miss May proved to be a fine teacher, and her many friends whom she made while here will miss her very much when she returns to her home in Louisville, Kentucky. 'We wish her God-speed wherever she may go. Mrs. Ida Callaway visited Miss Lelah Callaway last Friday. Mr. Henry Wallace, of Atlanta, visited his mother, Mrs. I). L. Mc- Lendon, last Friday night. Miss Ruby Barnett spent a few days with Mrs. Ida Callaway this week. Miss Lelah Campbell visited re latives in Griffin a few days last week. Mrs. Turner, of Hampton, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. T. Stanfield, returned home last Monday. Well, as news is scarce and the writer is sick, I will ring off. Pearl. The Henry County Weekly with Daily Constitution, one year both for $3.00; with Daily and Sunday Constitution one year, for $4.25. Sheriff's Sale. Georgia, Henry County. Will be sold before the Court House door in McDonough. Ga., on the first Tuesday in may, 1911, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property, to-wit: One-half acre of land more or less in the 7th land district of Henry t County, Ga., lying between the Macon and Luella roads, near the limits of McDonough, Ga., commencing at the intersection of said roads and running south along Macon road 250 feet, thence west 209 feet to .Lu ella road, thence north-east along Luella road 325 feet to starting point Levied on as the property of E. S. Stall ings, to satisfy a fi-fa issued from Justice Court of the 1234 Dist. G. M. Fulton County, Ga., in favor of J. li. Woodward and H. M. Amis against said E. S. Stall ings. Tenant in possession notified. This April 4, 1911. 4 28, 4. A. O. Sowell, Sheriff. DAILY CONSTITUTION 12 months for Only $3.00 , or DAILY & SUNDAY $4.50 On Rural Routes. Cash in advance. Offer good tiil April 30tb. Take advantage of this special offer immediately to subscribe for the South’s Greatest Daily. Those now taking the Daily Constitution and who ate in arrears may take advantage, of this special rate by paying the ‘amount duo to date at the regular rate of £5.00 for Daily or sT.tXJ for the Daily and Sunday. This is a special cash in advance offer and good only on rural routes and small inland towns. NoThing less than 12 months at this special rate. AGENTS wanted. Send your remittance and subscrip tion today and address, THE DAILY CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ga. With THE WEEKLY: Daily Constitution. - * * W.SS ■ Daily and Suuday»Constitution. 4.50 1-2 S. FOR THOSE WHO WALK There's a mmt of Easy Street a lot of economy in RED SEAL MHS Kia " Bee SHOES Yours Truly MADE IN GEORGIA ' Three fifty to five, and a Dollar a pair Saved in the Wear. J. K. ORR SHOE CO., ATLANTA HOWARD CARMICHAEL LEADING UNDERTAKE!-}. * • - Comp!-teline of Cfc-tketsall Btyles and prices. Careful and polite attention given all funerals entru sted to me. Embalming done according to latest and most Im proved methods. Newest and most up to date equipment. Calls answered promptly day and nights Phones 28 and 30. /McDonough Qa. 4 AND COPPER STENCILS. Catalogue on Request. i JSUL 1 BENNETT RUBBER STAMP & ? EAL CO, iMilitlliW - 1 • Some of Our Most Popular Brands are: Field’s Climax 12-2.47-3 Hampton High Grade 10-1.65-2 “ Blood & Bone 9-2.47-3 “ Blood & Meal 9-1.65-3 Grain Grower No. 2 8-1.65-4 Harris Extra High Grade 10-2.47-3 Henry County High Grade 10-1.65-2 Moore’s Special Pride 10-1.65-2 Hampton Grayland 10-1.65-4 Grain Grower No. 1 10-0.82-4