Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Mr. P. B. Cheek’s Residence Burned to the
Fire was discovered in the resi
dence of Mr. P. B. Cheek in Mc-
Donough Wednesday night shortly
after 10 o’clock.
The fire was first discovered in
the dining room, but had made
such headway that none of the
contents eoutd be saved and the
family barely escaped. Mr. Cheek’s
loss was about $2,000.00, with
$750.00 insurance. In this is in
cluded a very fine collection of
jewelry and diamonds of Mrs,
Mr J. T. Sowell owned the
building and his loss is about
$1,800.00, with no insurance.
The bucket brigade again saved
several adjacent buildings by their
fine work.
The cause of the fire is a mys
tery, as no fire had been in the
stove since morning.
Was One of Henry County's Best
Mr. J. B. Moseley, Sr., passed
away at his home in Love’s dis
trict Sunday morning at 4 o’clock,
after a long illness.
Mr. Moseley was 54 years of age,
and was one of Henry county’s
best and most prominent citizens.
Quiet, but ever ready to serve his
fellowman, he leaves many friends
who will mourn with the bereaved
family over his departure.
He was the father of Mrs. John
R. Smith and Mr. Tom Moseley, of
our city.
He is survived by those just
mentioned; his wife; two other
daughters, Mrs, W. F. Helms,
and Mrs. Will Chaffin, of
this county; and four other sons:
Messrs. Jim Moseley, of Ocilla;
John Moseley, of Atlanta, and
Walter Moseley and Asa Moseley,
of this county.
The funeral and interment were
at Ozias Monday morning at 11
o’clock. Elders E. Oglesby and A.
C. Elliott conducted the funeral
and burial services.
Well, havest time is here, and a
lot of the farmers have begun to
reap their wheat. You will soon
begin to hear the thrash whistle,
and then the people will have new
biscuits to eat. ,
We had a right nice little shower
last night, not enough to keep the
people from work, but to make
every thing look fresh and good.
The death angel visited Mr.
Tanner Hawkins’s home last Tues
day and took from him his little
infant about five months old. It
had the whooping cough. His
dear companion was taken from
him about four months ago, and
he has our deepest sympathy in
his sad bereavement.
Mr. William Burks and daugh-
McDonough, Georgia. Friday june 2, 1911.
ter, MissQuilla, of Jonesboro, were
the guests of Mr. W. M. Stephens
and family last Sunday.
There \vill be preaching at Tan
ner’s next Saturday and
by the pastor, Rev. Burdett.
Mrs. Marie Battle visited Mrs. J.
M. Avery last Saturday evening.
There, was an all-day singing at
Forest Grove church last* Sunday.
Some reporta fine time.
Mr. L. M. Stephens and wife
went to Atlanta last Wednesday
Mr. George Morris and wife at
tended preaching at Anvil Black
last Sunday.
Mr. J.H. Carrol and family and
Mr. N. P. Henderson and family
went to Jackson last Sunday in
their automobile to see the big
We regret to say that Mr. W. A.
Stephens is still no better.
Mr. Walter Cowan claims to have
the best wheat of this section, but
just let me tell you, Mr. W. M.
Stephens is close in behind on
Mr. Joe Tanner, better known
as Uncle Joe, has moved from
Conley to Forest Park, Ga.
Blue Bells.
Lizzardsville News.
Well, Mr. Editor, I haven’t much
to say around Lizzardsville.
There was a large crowd at Sa
lem last Sunday at the singing.
Mr. David Cathy spent last Sat
urday night with Mr. John Knight,
•and John dined with him Sunday
I have to plow this morning and
I can’t hardly wait till I eat break
fast, neither.
Oh, you! “Along Route Four;’’
I saw you not long ago.
Hello, Mr. Editor, and ye scribes.
Mr. Festus Mason, of Jackson,
visited his brother, Mr. Grover
Mason, Sunday.
Mr. Sam Wilkerson and Misses
Lillie Beil Wilkerson and Lois
Cowan were out riding Sunday
There was quite a large crowd
out at Sunday school Sunday after
Mr: Hilly, of Covington, visited
his sister, Mrs. Trella Carter, Sat
urday night.
Miss Pearl Carter, of Atlanta, is
visiting her parents this week.
Mr. Hugh Martin and Miss Bell
Mason and Mr. Leon Carter and
Miss Nora Mason attended Sunday
school at this place Sunday after
Next Sunday is meeting day at
this place and let everybody come.
Mr. T. J. Brown Succeeds Him
as Trustee.
Professor Lawrence Duffey
moved his family to Barnesville
Thursday. On that date he as
sumed the principalship of the
Sixth District A. and M. School.
Our town and county regret
very much to lose him, and Mrs.
Duffey and little Sadie, but wish
them all happiness and prosperity
in the new home and new work.
Professor Duffey has performed
an excellent'work in the schools of
Henry county and has left the im
press of his strong personality on
its educational system.
/ Prbfessor Duffey had been one
of the trustees of the Barnesville
institution since its establishment.
Governor Brown has appointed
Mr. T. J. Brown as his successor.
It was an excellent appointment.
Mr. Brown is chairman of the
Board of Education of this county
and is an enthusiastic and capable
school worker.
The Garden Spot.
Rain! Rain!!
Guano in the sacks.
Farmers with coats on their hacks,
Watermelons near killed,
One left in some hills.
Court week is very near here.
Judge R. T. Daniel will fill the
chair. His charge will be forceful
and strong, too. So the Grand
Jury will know what to do.
Henry County Weekly the best,
Because it’s ahead of the rest.
Frank «ives us a newsy sheet
On Friday each week.
Mr. D. T. Stone reports a fine
time while out on hi 3 trip to Little
Rock and to the Hot Springs.
I suppose Tom Strickland went
to the old Soldiers’ Reunion at
Little Rock, as we haven’t seen
him in some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Richardson
Lose Infant.
The 6-months-old infant of Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Richardson died at
their home at Union in Rockdale
county Saturday. The interment
was at Union church Sunday
morning at 10 o’clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Duffey's
• Infant Dies.
The infant of Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Duffey died at its parents
home west of McDonough Thurs
day. The funeral and interment
occurred Friday at Bethany.
List of Letters^
Remaining -Undelivered From i'he Post
Office at McDonough, Ga , Fort lie
Period Ending May 29nd, 1911.
S. E. Dailey, P. M.
Messrs. Ammons, Ilenry; Elen
zler, Wedie; Gleaton, John S.;
Green, P. B.; Petty* Clark E.;
Walker, Abe.
Mesdames. Branan, Rob; White,
Misses Green, Savannah; Jen
kins, Minnie; Kelley, Leola; Miller,
Willie; Noland, Fannie; Pearson,
Willie; Ruth, Lizzie; Thompson,
Minnie; Walker, Mittie.
Miss Lillie Coan spent Thursday
and Friday of last week, in At
lanta, as the guest of Miss Ethel
Mrs. W. A. Wilson was a visitor
to Atlanta Monday.
Rev. Fred J. Mashburn of At
lanta, was here Tuesday to attend
the funeral of Mr. C. D. Turnip
Mrs. H. G. Fields spent Monday
in Atlanta.
Mrs. W. E. Carnes, of Jones
boro, visited Mrs. W. J. Harris sev
eral days last week.
Miss Orian Arnold is at home
from Shorter College for the sum
Prof. J. B. Turner, of Locust
Grove, was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. H. G. Fields Sunday and
Miss Josie Stevens, of Atlanta,
is a few days here as the
guest of Miss Ethel Minter.
Miss Arnola went over to
McDonotigh Saturday to spend the
week end with her father, Rev.
W. W. Arnold.
Mrs. Minnie Hubbard Smith re
turned to her home in Atlanta
Monday, after spending a few
days here witli Mrs. W. J. Harris.
Dr. W. S. Wood is spending a
few weeks with his mother, Mrs.
S. H. Griffin. Dr. Wood has a
very large practice in Atlanta, and
is in need of a complete rest.
Mr. Nesbit Harper,of Jonesboro,
was here Monday afternoon.
The many friends of Mr. W. J.
Harris will be pleased to know
that he is improving rapidly; within
another week he will be at his
place of business,
Messrs. A. M. and J. L. Hender
son went up to Atlanta Tuesday to
attend the ball game.
Mr. R. L. Harris will leave Sat
urday for New York and Chicago
on a business trip to be gone for
three weeks.
Protracted services at the Meth
odist church are being conducted
by Rev! J. E. England.
A party from here will attend
the Inter-State Cotton Seed Crush
ers Association to be held in New
York June 7th to 10th. The con
vention will be entertained by the
New York Board of Trade, The
following will represent Hampton:
Messrs. J. E. Moore, R. L. Harris,
Misses Irene Moore and Annie
F’ields. Mr. H. M. Rice, of Atlanta,
and Mr. R. Zuck of Columbus, will
join the party in Savannah.
Mr. R. E. Henderson went down
to Barnesville Tuesday,
For several* days Mr. H. A.
Turner has been ill, but is improv
Hampton GirJ Gives
Recital at Brenau.
Miss Ethel Mary Edwards, of
Hampton gave her graduating re
cital in piano at Brenau College
Conservatory on May 25th.
Miss Edwards has applied herself
diligently, and her brilliant recital
reflected credit upon herself and
the institution. Her many friends
in Hampton and Henry County
By Geo. S. D. MaLaier.
will rejoice to hear of her success.
Her program was as follows:
1. Sonata in B flat, Op. 22
(a) Allegro, (b) Minuetto.
2. Cantique d’Amour Liszt
8. Ballade in A flat Chopin
4. Vocal Solos:
Irish Love Song Long
The Shoogy-Shoo Ambrose
Miss Lilly May Pettyjohn.
5. (a) Fairy Folk
(b) Danse Negre Cyril Scott
(1. Rhapsodic in B. minor Brahms
A delightful social event of last
Saturday for the little folks was
the birthday party giyen by Miss
Gladys Branan. The occasion was
her seventh birthday. Interesting,
gtmes were enjoyed. Delicious
ices and cakes were served. The
color scheme of pink was carried
out in the decorations and refresh
ments. Little Misses Mary Joe
and Louise Merritt, of Atlanta,
came down to be at the party and
spent a night and day.
Mrs. B. C. Ward, Mr. Rosse*
Ward, Miss Marguerite Ward, and
Miss Black, of Atlanta, spent last
Saturday here the guests of rela
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Askew an
nounce the birth of a son, James
Hardy, Jr. '
Mr. Ed Livingston, of Jackson,
spent Sunday here.
Miss Mary Dodson spent last
Sunday afternoon among her host
of of friends and relatives here.
Mrs. S. C. McWilliams and daugh
ter, Miss Ward, spent Monday in
Miss Dora May Milam is in At
lanta, assisting in the Music at
Rev'. Dunnaway’s meeting. Be
fore returning home, she will visit
her aunt at Fayettville.
The Methodist Episcopal Sunday
school here had a delightful pic
nic at Grant Park Wednesday.
Mrs. Tom Kelly is the guest of
her sister, Mrs. Hardy Askew.
Old Stockbridge.
Miss lonian Jarrett and Miss
Walden spent Wednesday in At
Mr. Tom Jarrett and son were
in Atlanta business.
Mr. Rosco Branan and wife went
to Atlanta Wednesday on business.
Mrs. Emma Evans and two little
daughters were shopping in At
lanta this week.
Little Miss Sarah Evans and sis
ter, Gladys, are spending a few
days with little Miss Cora Bryant,
near McDonough. '
Mr. and Mrs. Rosco Branan were
the guests of Mr. Ed Grant and
family Sunday.
Captain Miles and wife, of At
lanta, were the guests of Mrs.
Rosco Branan last week.
Mr. Carl Soan spent last week
end at home.
$i A Year