The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, June 02, 1911, Image 4
Locust Grove Localls Miss Lueile Middlebrooks, who attended school at Southern Fe male College, Lagrange, the past term, is at home for vacation. Mr. John Rowan and his daugh ter, Miss Rachel, are visiting friends and relatives at Stock bridge and Flippen. Mr. Walter Hubbard, who was here for several days last week, has returned to his home in Cor dele. Walter is a general favorite and is missed from Locust Groye. Mr. Ernest Gray, who has been teaching in the North Georgia Baptist College, is with his mother for the summer. Miss H. L. Glausier will be all summer with relatives in Bartow, Fla. Presidents Horton and Gray, of Locust Grove Institute, have in vested in a handsome new auto mobile. They will use it in can vassing for the school, which they Flippen. Miss Lizzie Miller visited Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Miller last week. Messrs. J. C. Harris and Henry Hightower, of McDonough, were here Monday afternoon. Mr. Fred Glass, who has been attending the Agricultural School at Barnesville, is at home, to the delight of his many friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Floyd visit ed relatives near Mt. Carmel Mon day. Rev. G, H. Rowden, of Stock bridge, spent Friday here with Mr. and Mrs. Swinney. Mr. George Anderson, of Tunis, made his regular visits here every day last week. Several from here enjoyed a fishing trip at Greene’s Mill Fri day afternoon. Several from here attended the singing at Salem Sunday after noon. Mesdames Cora Fields, Josie Lovorn, and Erpina Fields were the guests of their sister, Mrs. J. C. Harris, of McDonough, Monday. Miss Birdie Glass, of Tunis, was a visitor in Flippen Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Hays, of near r 1 Salem, attended preaching here Saturday. Mrs. G. H. Bailey spent last Wednesday with homefolks. Mrs. Sallie Roundtree was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lizzie Roundtree, Tuesday night. Misses Leila and Oza Johnson visited relatives at Tunis Wednes day. Mr. Jord Johnson, who has been on the sick list for the past week, has almost recovered. Mrs. Sallie Roundtree and Miss Willie Roundtree spent Wednes day in Atlanta. Mr. J. C. Harris and daughter, Miss Helen, were the guests of Mrs. M. D. Roundtree Sunday. Miss Ida Owen visited Mrs. To.i McCullough last Saturday. Mr. Julian Weems, of McDon ough, was among the social visitors here Friday afternoon. Little Miss Virgie Rene Giass, who has been attending school in McDonough, is now at home.' Mr. John Rowan, of Locust Grove, visited relatives here Sun day. are determined to better and en large. ( Mr. Troy Allen, of Monticellp, came over Sunday evening for his cousin, Miss Ethel Faulkner, who was visiting Miss Pitts. They spent the night, and started tor Monticello by daylight Mbnday morning. Mr. Applewhite, from Millen, whose son was drowned some time since, is a guest at the Dormitory. Mr. J. B. Turner lias resigned his position in Locust Grove Insti tute, and expects to pursue the study of law. Everybody in Lo cu ;t Grove will miss Mr. Turner. His happy, genial manner, won him many friends here. Mr. W. A. Adamson left for home and rest Monday morning. He expects to spend part of the summer in New York. Miss Bohannon, the commercial teacher, left Monday morning for her home in Madison county, Va. Mrs. Andrew Conkle, of Dutch town, was with relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mosley were with Stockbridge relatives Sun day. S. K. N. Rex. Well, we have had some rain since the last writing, and it is hot enough to rain again. Mrs. Minnie Kyle spent last Thursday with her sister, Mrs. E. E. Milam. Mr. Bill McMullen and wife and sister-in-law, Mrs. Laura Mc- Mullen, from Jonesboro, visited Mrs. Francis Kirkland last week. Mr. Jim Mitchell and his wife dined with Mr. Igo Dease and family Sunday. Mrs. Zenomia Patiljo has re turned home from a few days’ vis* it with her relatives down below this place. There was a large crowd out at the Rock church last Sunday, though it was a bad day. Mr. Tom Mann and his sister spent Monday night with Mrs. Francis Kirkland. Mr. Henry Toney and wife visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Linton Powell Sunday. Mrs. Jennie Sanders, Mrs. Lena Hefflin, and Miss Alpha Born made a short call at Mrs. Clyde Barr’s Monday evening. Mrs. Kate Burks was in Rex Monday evening for a short while. Mrs. Mary Mitchell and her daughter, Mrs. Lueile Callahan, visited Mrs. M. A. Campbell and Mrs. Francis Kirkland Tuesday af ternoon. The host of friends of Mr. Fox Farmer was shocked to hear of his death last Tuesday. He leaves his dear mother, four brothers, and one sister. Oh, how they wnl miss him in their home. Mrs. Lila Calloway went to the Gate City Tuesday. Mr. Tom Fields and his sister, A s. Sam Mays, visited herdaugh L r, Mrs. Walter Barr, a short while Sunday. Miss Green Livingston was in 1R x Thursday. Mr. and Mfs. George All, from Dutchtown, visited their daughter, Mrs. Tinnie Powell, last Friday. Messrs. R. E. Kyle and Mose Stephenson returned Friday morn ing from a trip to Rome, to a big Odd Fellow’s to-do. They were tickled to death over ther trip. Mr. Walter Barr went to Atlanta Saturday. Miss Annie Mae Milam spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emory Barr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barr’s vis itors last Sunday were: Mr. Criss Adamson and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. George Gunter and three children, Mrs. John Mashburn and her two little girls, and Mrs. J. P. Barr. Mr. Pit Adamson and wife spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Emory Barr. Fig Tree. Beersheba Items. Mrs. Essie Allen and Avery Sewell spent one evening last, week with Mrs. Ophelia Joyner. Mrs. Nannie Presson and Mrs. Octavia Rawls visited Mrs. Burl Smith’s family last Sunday after noon. Grandma Piper is quite sick at this writing, but we hope for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Emma Berry is on the sick list this week. Little Katie Lou Smith, who has been quite sick, is much better now. Mr. Emmett Smith and family spent last Saturday and Sunday with his brother, Mr. Luther Smith’s, family at Rawley. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Crowell visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Lige Allen one day last week. Miss Leola Presson spent Sun day afternoon with Miss Effie Smith. Mrs. Dora Cawthon and children spent one night last week with her daughter, Mrs. Belle Smith. Hickory Flat. Miss Hattie Elliott, of near Whitehouse, spent last week with her cousin, Miss Travie Lee Elliott. Misses Byrd and Lueile Glass, of Tunis, were the guests of Mrs. Jonce Branan Tuesday night. Mr. Zachry Beard passed throuh Hickory Flat Sunday. Miss Callie Everett visited her aunt, Mrs. J. B. Rowan, Sunday. Little Odelle Branan spent Sun day with his grandparents near Flippen. Mrs. J. B. Branan had as her guests Tuesday Misses Travie Lee, Mary E., and Hattie Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Steele and children spent Sunday in Atlanta. Mr. Ewell Hendon visited his sister, Mrs. J. \V. Branan, Jr., Sun day. Mr. Jack Branan, of near Mc- Donough, spent Tuesday night with his sister at this place. Flat Rock. Well, Mr. Editor, after an ab sence of a while, I will try to give you a few dots from this place. Farmers of this section are busy chopping cotton and fighting “gen eral green”, and trying to get ready to harvest their grain. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Askew visited relatives and friends at Stock bridge, the latter end of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nix, of Stock bridge, visited at the home of Mr. Henry Owens Sunday. There is an old saying, “if you don’t at first succeed, try, try Stubborn Case “ I was under the treatment of two doctors, writes Mrs. R. L. Phillips, of Indian Valley, Va., “and they, pro nounced my case a very stubborn one, of womanly weak ness. I was not able to sit up, when 1 commenced to take Cardui. I used it about one week, before I saw much change. Now, the severe pain, that had been in my side for yc .rs, has gone, and I don’t suffer at all. I am feeling better than in a long time, and cannot speak too highly of Cardui. CTAKE Yha ARDUI Woman’s Tonic if you are one of those ailing women who suffer from any of the troubles so common to women. Cardui is a builder of womanly strength. Composed of purely vegetable ingredients, it acts quickly on the womanly system, building up womanly strength, toning up the womanly nerves, and regulating the womanly system. Cardui has been in successful use for more than 50 years. Thousands of ladies have written to tell of the benefit they received from it. Try it for your troubles. Begin today. Write to: Ladles* Advisory Dept. Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tena.. for Special Instructions , and £4-page book, “ Home Treatment for Women,” sent free. J 52 GET YOUR Lumber, Lime, Shingles AND EVERY KIND OF Building Material FROM P. R. MARTIN, Luella, Ga. 7-38, 12. Oglesby Brothers Have their new full o“VARIETY GOODS Now in the 'Basement of MASONIC TEMPLE "r BARGAIN BASEMENT and VARIETY STORE, we think it has the right name. Be sure to pay it a visit when in town and save money. Oglesby Brothers. again,” and if this escapes the waste basket, I will try again. Mr. Gaston Hinton has recover ed from a serious case of the mumps. Mrs. Luke Livingston and daugh ter, Miss Greene, visited Mrs. G. W. Hinton, the latter end of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Henry visited their son, Mr. George Henry, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Owen visited the former’s.parents Sunday. Mr. Carl Hinton has invested in a new horse and buggy; so look out, girls. Wonder where two young men go so soon after dinner every Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Elliott and famil> visited the latter’s parents Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Henry are all smiles now. Just a boy. Many young people of this com munity. attended the singing at Salem Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lewis visited Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Henry Sunday. Old Sager. We are still in the market for Black, Speckled and unknown Peas. Copeland-Tut;ner Mercantile Co. East Peeksville. I don’t know just how to begin to write this* week, as I understand the city people think our letters are so silly. We country people do not have very much to write about except visiting. Although the city people think our letters silly, we are not going to quit writing. . Must we, Mr. Editor? [Certainly not—Editor.] Preaching at New Hope Sunday was highly appreciated by nearly every one present, and there was quite a large crowd out. A good many young people from New Hope attended Sabbath school at Sardis Sunday afternoon. Mr. T. B. Connor and family worshipped at Cedar Rock Sun day. Mr. R. W. Cash and lady spent the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oddie Hanes, of Woodstown. We regret that Mrs. J. A. Lane is quite sick, Hope she will soon be recovered. Mr. William Barnes and family spent the afternoon Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Nail. Mr. J. B. Jenkins was mingling with friends here Sunday. Miss \ innie Lou Jinks is at home to spend vacation. Daisy.