The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, June 16, 1911, Image 5
J^ocals. Mrs. J. W. Harper spent Mon day near Jenkinsburg with rela tives. Mrs. Sims, of Atlanta, was the week-end of Mrs. M. C. Lowe. Mrs. Nancy Lemon, of Sandy Ridge district, is the guest of Mrs. Annie Nolan. Miss Maud Woodward leaves to day for a visit to Mrs. Barnett at Dublin. Misses Annie Nolan and Annie Lemon visited Atlanta Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott visited Mr. Henry Sharp in Newton coun ty Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Scott went to Indian Spring Wednesday. Mr. Joe Cawthorn and Mr. Minter, of Butts county, spent Fri day here as guests of Mr. W. B. J. Ingram. Dr. D. W. Scott spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Mr. Alonza Bankston, of Macon, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bankston, Jr„ Sunday. Messrs. W. H, King and 0. F, Love spent last Sunday at Indian Spring. Mr, Robert Wells, of Fort Valley, was the guest of Mrs. Joel Bankston. Sr., Sunday. Mrs. Ray Stripling, of Macon, is the guest of Mrs. Ben Bankston. Mrs. G. W. Cathey and her mother, Mrs. J. A. Jackson, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Olin Cathey at Barnesville. Mrs. Ab Harris left Friday for a stay at Borden Wheeler Springs, where she hopes to be benefitted by the curative powers of the water, for rheumatism, from which she has suffered much. Messrs. D. J. and Will Green were in attendance of the Sunday School Rally at Union Saturday. Mr. D. J. was one of the speakers. Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Dailey and little son were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Knight Tuesday. Mr. Ed Mason displayed on the streets Tuesday some fish, one blue cat weighing 17 pounds, one 4, and one 2. they were caught at Island Shoals. Messrs. Tal madge Carmichael and Will Walker left immediately in the fastest automobile to catch a larger one, not to return until they had succeeded. We have not heard from them yet. A new business firm will open here on the first of September. It will be composed of Messrs, hum Ingram and A. M. Bowden. The out-or-Town relatives who attended the funeral of Mrs. Mo ria Robinson here Sunday were: Miss Nellie Smith, of Carrollton; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adamson, sMr. and Mrs. Emanuel Burks, all of Clayton county; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gilbert, of Morrow. Mr. W. D. Knight and Mr. Clar ence Harris have beautified their homes by adding a coat of paint to their residences. Mr. Harris Carmichael is improv ing his residence by adding anoth er room. We like to see these things go on, it is a sign of pros perity, and it makes our little city more attractive. Miss Ella Smith, of Jonesboro, is in the city the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Joe Smith. Governor Smith has announced his intention of appointing Judge T. E. Patterson, of Griffin, to fill the vacancy on the State Prison Commission, which wili be madv vacant when Gen. Clement A. Evans accepts the position of Ad jutant General. Judge Patterson is well known in this county, hav ing practiced in the courts here, and he has many friends here who are glad to hear of his appoint ment and are congratulating him. He is an excellent and genial gen tleman and a fine lawyer, and will fill this new position with credit to himself and to the State. Miss Hattie Sue Lowe has re turned from a pleasant visit to Atlanta. On her way to the sta tion in Atlanta, some unknown appropriated the contents of her dress suit case, kindly leaving her the latter. Mr. E. 0. Reddy, of Griffin, was in our city Tuesday. Mr. Frank Copeland is attending the Jackson chautauqua this week and is the guest of his brother, Dr. Id. W, Copelaad. Miss Lucy Reagan will leave Tuesday for a visit to friends at Thomaston. Mr. and Mrs. Park A. Dallas were the guests of Mrs. Annie Nolan for the week-end. The friends of Miss Ida Lou Knight regret to hear of her illness. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Turner vis ited his mother near town Monday. Miss Kathleen Walker, from near Griffin, is in the city, the guest of Mrs. Asa Lemon. Mrs. Talmadge Carmichael is at Borden Wheeler Springs, Miss Eula Riley, of Macon, and Mrs. Slappey, of Savannah, arriv ed Wednesday for a visit tq Mrs. Ethel Tye Wright. Miss Nena TurnerN has gone to Athens for the university com mencement. She is the guest of the Misses O’Ferrell. Mrs. Joim A. Simpson has gone to Toccoa for a visit to relatives. Then she will join Masters John A., Jr., and Ben White Simpson at her mother’s in Danielsville. Mr. Simpson accompanied her to Toc coa, where he will spend this ; week. Mrs. J. T. Sowell left Tuesday for a ten day’s visit to Indian Spring. LOST. —0 n e Elgin Ladies’ Watch. Double gold case, size 6. E. I. T. engraved on same. Lost somewhere between Tussahaw Creek and Norman’s store. Re ward will be paid for return to The Weekly office. 6-16, 1. Central Dots. Mr. Kenny Clower was a wel come caller to Woolsey Wednes day afternoon. Miss Mattie Henderson has re turned home, after a week’s stay at Inman, the guest of Miss Lubie Me Lucas. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Little visited Mrs. Chris Turnipseed Sunday af ternoon. Hulon Peebles and David and Allem North, of Hampton, were hunting berries Saturday, but did not get any. Mr. Tom Henderson was at home with his mother, Mrs. W. I). Henderson, Sunday. Mr. Barney Nichols, of Atlanta, and Miss Mattie Henderson, of Hampton, were to see Miss Mable Clower Sunday afternoon. Kennie Clower made a call up near Lovejoy Sunday. Mrs. D. W. Clower, Misses Em ma and Mattie Henderson and Kennie Clower made a trip to At lanta shopping Monday. The farmers are certainly need- American Fence Combine the Fence _ and the Hogr and get] p thc DoUar4 AmericanDollarg HELLO! YOU, NO DOUBT, ARE AWARE that this fence is made of hard, stiff steel wire with the best of gal vanizing, has the tension curve and hinge joint, which when pressure is brought against the fence, it is possi • ble to force the stay out of alignment, and without breaking it. ALSO NOTICE BETWEEN BARS, stays are perfectly straight and when pressure is removed the e Hire stay from top to-bottom springs back to its original position. RAISING HOGS IS A MONEY MAKING PROPOSITION. COMPLETE YOUR LOT WITH OUR SPECIAL HOG FENCE. Stretchers Furnished Free. VERY TRULY, GOPELANO-TURNER MERCANTILE COMPANY Phone 25. McDONOUGH, GA. ing rain on their crops, but are having a good time killing the grass. I will stop and come again. Blue Eyes. Woodstown. The most enjoyable social event of the past week at Woodstown was the lawn party given by Dr. and Mrs. 11. C. Ellis Thursday evening in honor of .their guest, Misses Fannie Ellis and LuciJe Middlebrooks. Those partaking of the festivi ties of the evening were: Misses Fannie Ellis, Lucile Middlebrooks, Larne Lummus, Lessie Moore, Vera Stroud, Sadye Lewis, Dessa Fincher, Lois McDonald, Florence Franc DeLoach. Francis Hooten, Lennie Thrasher, Eva May Woods; Messrs. Horace Randall, Robert McDonald, Robert Lummus, Tom McDonald, Gibson Hooten, Kennie Garner, Curt Cowan, Claud Finch er, Will DeLoach, Thomas Woods. After many games, a delightful ice course was served. Mr. and Mrs. Dowman Almand spent the week-end with the lat ter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. TV Lummus. Dr. H. C. Ellis went to Atlanta Monday to purchase a new auto. Misses Fannie Ellis and Lucile Middlebrooks have returned to their home at Locust Grove. Mr. R. W. Cash was a visitor at Woodstown Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Adair were the guests ofV Dr. and Mrs. Ellis Sunday. Lite Ha. Mrs. S. B. Caudle and charming little daughter, Martha, Mrs. P. R. Martin and children, and Miss Sweet Patrick visited Mrs. S. P. Brown Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bailey, Mrs. V. G. Turner and son, Bailey, Mrs. J. W. Henderson and little Freda A Car Load OF Nails and American Fence Turner went to McDonough and Locust Grove Thursday afternoon in Mr. Bailey’s automobile. Mr. V. G. Turner went to Grif fin last Tuesday. Mrs. S. B. Caudle and little daughter visited Mrs. J. A. Nelms and Mrs. J. W. Henderson Tues day afternoon. Mrs. S. P. Brown spent Tuesday with Mr. A. E. Brown and family. 4 Mr. D. G. Neal went to Atlanta last Tuesday. Mrs. 0. H. Goodman visited Mrs. D. G. Neal a while Tuesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bailey, Mrs. V. G. Turner and son, Bailey, and Mr. P. R. Martin went to Griffin Friday afternoon. Mr. P. R. Martin and little daughter, Louise, ate dinner with Mr. S. P. Brown Tuesday. Mrs. J. W. Henderson went to Hampton Wednesday afternoon to see her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Turner. Mrs. B. F. Thompson visited Mrs. W. S. Steel Friday afternoon. Little Freda Turner visited her sister, Mrs. J. W. Henderson, a few days last week. Miss Sweet Patrick went to Griffin Thursday morning. Mrs. W. L. Steel visited Mrs. W. S. Steel last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bailey, Mrs. V. G. Turner and son, Bailey, were outriding Sunday afternoon. Misses Helen, Annie Kate Carr and Grace Goodman spent Satur day night and Sunday with Mrs. P. R. Martin. i Mr. Frank Mitcham and Miss ; Serena Swann, of Hampton, were riding through Luella Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pruitt, of Jackson, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Brown. ! Mrs. Susie Foster visited Mrs. B. F. Thompson Monday afternoon. Mr. C. C. Goodman and family and Mr. W. C. Stanfield and family Mr. V. G. Turner and Mr. P. R. Martin went to Hampton Sunday afternoon. Mr. Dock Henley and Mr. Elmo Hammock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Henderson spent Sunday in Hamilton visiting relatives. spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. B. F. Thompson and family. Mrs. W. S. Steel went to Mon roe Sunday to visit her son, Mr. R. B. Steel. Miss Sweet Patrick and Mr. Robert Strickland attended the birthday dinner of Mrs. Grover Patrick Sunday, near Griffin. Mr. W. S. Steel and granddaugh ter, Miss Dora Hattaway, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Butler, of Spalding county. Oak Hill Celebration on July 4-th. The annual celebration at Oai< Hill will be held July 4th, 191 L A good program is being ar ranged, which will appear later. Cordial invitation is extended to all. T. W. Hicks, Secretary. FOR SALE 277 acres on Keys Ferry road for $37.50 with 5-horse farm open. 190 acres near Locust Grove, $45 per acre, 5-horse farm open. 50 acres near Locust Grove, rents i'or 4b cotton, SSO per acre. 1200 acres near town, sls per acre, 18-horse farm open, with 8 good houses, one 8-room 2-story. 125 acres near town, $1250 on terms. One house and lot in Locust Grove, on terms to suit you, just like rent. 430 acres, 2 1-2 in town, 5-horse farm open, $7.56 per acre, I have several farms listed that are in South Georgia from SB.OO to » SIOO per acre. JNO. S. BROWN. Locust Grove, - Georgia. ,6-16, 2.