Newspaper Page Text
The 1000 Georgia Feeble-Mind
ed Children and Women.
New York neglected the 3 Jukes
Children. They now number 800,
-Tid have cost largely over $1,250.-
Breed disease, death, high taxes,
1. Care—a terrible burden to a
poor family.
2. Homes —often broken up by
3. Neighbors—worried by their
idiotic acts.
4. Child —suffers from neglect,
often cruelty.
r, Steal or beg for a living.
0. Cruel sometimes, even be
coming murderers.
7. Venereal diseases scattered
among men
Parents of ever-increasing
li ke-mimled families.
9. Expensive trials and prison.
it). Lost—time of witnesses,
lawyers, and others.
11. Destroyed—va 1 uahle proper
ty and lives.
Where are they? Wliat shall we
4c ?
Fn every village often the butt of
laughter, or hid way.
Like 34 States let Georgia give
400 of her young a manual school
training. Urge the legislature to
firotectGeorgia by protecting these
Ih-T most, pitiful and dangerous citi
Riverdale and Cross Roads.
(Too Late for Last Week.)
We are having some very fine
weather now and farmers are
irhking the best of it by murder
*. ;rass.
• rish potatoes, beans, cabbage,
■ltd English peas are all the go
down here, and Mr. Editor, you
h'-tyc a special invitation to come
»nd dine with us. We will do
car best to make you have the
ln- st of times, i would offer fried
hicken but there are not many
ihound here, and what are here
-;re no larger than vour fist.
A large crowd attended preach
ir g at Sharon church Sunday.
V/Jhy don’t you people around
hare attend Sunday school that
v> ly. Why, sometimes there are
c - more than 12 or 15 there.
Miss Cora Bryans entertained a
f -'v of lit • friends recently. We
> e glad to note that Miss Minnie
Upchurch is some better, but sorry
Elia! her father is not any better.
V hope to hear that he will be
b tier soon.
i' !rs. Bessie Lyric a is on the sick
A, 7rt a hope for her a speedy
r. Grady Rosser, of near Lo
t Grove, spent the weekend
w ill hi; asin, Reggie Rosser.
; Ir. Ella *t Meadows, of Newton,
visited relatives n ~r here for the
Well, 1.. less i o rter close my
v t and i a you u* od-bye till we
in -et again.
Sard ; s.
bliss Mason, of Jackson,
i. visit : friends *.nd relatives
IrWe thi week.
) Ir. To Wiisoi and family
-pent Sunday with Mr. Clint
C nvan and better half.
• would 7ke to correct a mistake
i .idt 7ie Weekly awhile back.
; ;.i v, . nbouu 140 scholars
enrolled at this place and we only
have about 100. Boys and girls,
came to Sunday school and let’s
see if we can’t have 140 scholars.
Mr. J. I). Hays and family spent
Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Sal
lie Hays.
Mr. Eugene Bledsoe and sister,
Miss Ethel, and Miss Ruby Jack
son attended Sunday school at
this place Monday afternoon.
Mr. Lon Cowan and wife visited
the latter’s parents near Island
Shoals, Saturday night and Sun
Mr. Howard Hays and three
young ladies were out riding Sun
day afternoon. He seems to be
very popular among the young
Mr. J. T. Allums dined with his
sister, Mrs. Nora Hunt, Sunday.
Bicycles seem to be all the talk,
the walk, and rage in this settle
ment. 1 saw six riding Sunday,
but guess they were enjoying
There was quite a large crowd
at prayer meeting last night. It
was held at Mr. O. P. Stroud’s.
Rev. Hugh Steele, formerly of
Flippen, but now of Knoxville,
Tenn., was among his many friends
here Wednesday.
Mr. J. R. Price, Sr., has gone to
Indian Springs, where he will stay
two or three weeks for his health.
Miss Oza Johnson and Miss Myr
tice Fields spent Thursday night
in Tunis with relatives.
Mrs. Gus Branan, who has been
sick, is now' convalescing.
Miss Rachel Rowan, of Locust
Grove, visited Mrs. G. H. Bailey
one day last week.
Mr. H. E. Guyton and family
spent several days last w'eek w'ith
Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeney.
Miss Evelyn Pendley, of McDon
ough, returned home Monday
after a few days visit with friends
Mrs. J. I). McCullough spent the
week end with friends and rela
tives here.
Mr. J. W. Roundtree made a
business trip to Stockbridge Fri
day morning.
Misses Lois and Florrie Owen,
of Tunis, were the guests of Miss
Myrtiee Fields Wednesday.
Mr. J. F, Moseley, of this place,
has gone to Stockbridge where
Dr. Hightower will give him hy
dropathy treatment for typhoid j
Mrs. G. H. Bailey and sister,
Miss Maggie Lee Dailey, visited
| their sister, Mrs. Wyatt Rowan,
near Mt. Carmel, Saturday and
Mr. Oscar Miller made a busi
ness trip to Atlanta Friday.
Mrs. Mary Nash, of Locust Grove,
was the guest of Mrs. W. H. Burch,
: Jr., last Thursday.
Mrs. Bettie Rutledge, of Carroll
i county, visited Mrs. B, O. Fields
; last Thursday and Friday.
Mrs. Charlie Hinton, of near
Flat Rock, spent Thursday night
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Roundtree.
Miss Dennis Fields and little sis
ter. Cora, visited their aunt, Mrs.
Clarence Harris, of McDonough,
Mr. Sterling Price was among
the social visitors here Friday.
j Mrs. Virgie Burch and children
were the guests of Mrs. W. H.
Burch, Sr., Thursday.
Miss Willie Roundtree spent the
The Logical Wav
to do combined writing and adding is on """"
a combined writing and adding machine
Remington /Writes Here \
Typewriter I f/^ lt ij^\ Hcre jOfJ.
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bined writing and adding work.
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Atlanta, Ga. 56 N. Broad St. *-
week end with her sister, Mrs.
Hinton, of Flat Rock.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Harris and
little son, Clarence, spent Sunday
at Indian Spring.
Mr. L. D. Moore, of Greenwood,
agent for the W. T. Ranleigh Med
ical Co., was here a short while
Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Long, of Progress,
made a pop call here Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Burch visited
relatives near Salem Saturday
night and Sunday. S. K. N.
If this dry weather continues a
few more -days everything will
burn up and farmers will be out
of a job.
Mr. W. E. Copeland had as his
guests Sunday Messrs. J. H. Carr,
C. H. Martin, John Copeland, R. E.
Martin, Mr. Lovern, Tom Morris
and family.
Mr. Allen Rape and family went
up to McDonough shopping Sat
Mr. H. P. Oglesby has a fine
boy stopping over at his home.
Misses Mollie and Tommy Cope
land visited Mrs. W. E. Copeland
Mr. Charley Criddle visited W.
E. Copeland Sunday.
Mrs. Lizzie Walker and sister,
Jane, went up to Atlanta Shopping
Mr. H. M. Amis and family went
up to McDonough Sunday.
Mr. B. B. Dingier and sister,
Miss Willie Bates, were the guests
of Mrs. W. E. Copeland Saturday.
Mr. Emmett Dorton and Miss
Mattie May and Ella Lois Sowell
attended preaching at Pleasant
Hill Sunday.
Mr. Tom Morris and family vis
ited Mr. J. C. Morris a while Sun
Mrs. J. H. Carr spent last Fri
day night with her sister, Mrs. W.
E. Copeland.
Mr. R. R. Roan and wife called
on Mr. W. E. Copeland Sunday.
Lizzardsville News.
Well, if everybody is as tired as
1 aril this morning, 1 know they
feel like a millionaire.
1 have been threshing wheat
this week and have eat at negro
houses so much till 1 feel right
curious at a white man’s table.
They say that Messrs. David
District or Place. Hours. Day. June
Wednesday 21
FLIPPEN. Wednesday 14
SIXTH. Thursday 15
HAMPTON. Friday * 16
Tuesday 20
LUELLA. Morning. Monday 19
GREENWOOD. Afternoon. Monday 19
LOCUST GROVE. Thursday 22
At McDonough every Saturday until the books are closed.
J. H. WALLACE, Tax Receiver, Henry County, McDonough, Ga.
Cathy and Jim Forsyth are holding
the championship on eating syrup
and persimmons.
We are glad to note that Mr.
Jess Philips is improving at this
Mr. Jonce Elliott has been visit
ing friends and relatives.
Mr. Ed. Bunn was seen out feed
ing his muttons last Saturday,
State Senator Irby Elliott, Pres.
Clint Crumbley, and Gov. Henry
Steele was headed or tailed some
where last Saturday, I don’t know
Everybody be sure to rub their
sides good with liniment when
they get through reading this.
Why is it that when a fellow
marries he gets poor and never
has his hair cut?
For Administration.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern :
TJ. H. Turnipse u d, having made applica
tion to me in due form to be appointed per
manent Administrator upon the estate
of C. D. Turnipseed, late of said
county, notice is hereby given that said
application will Ive heard at the regular
term of the Court of Crdinary for said
county, to be held on the First Monday in
Ju'y. 1911.
Witness my hand and official signature
this ath day of June, 191 i.
A. G. Harris,
H 3d. 4. Ordinary.
Notice of Local Legislation for City
of McDonough, Ga.
Notice is hereby given that at the next
session of the General Assembly or
Georgia the mayor and aldermen of the
City of McDonough. Ga.. will apply for an
amendment to. or a new charter for said
City of McDonough, ami which said
amendment, or new charter, among other
things will ask that the limits of said City
be extended in accordance with a resolu
tion passed by said Mayor and Aldermen.
March 6, 1911, viz.: That the center of
said city be.established one-eighth (18)
mile south of present center of public
square, ami running from thence five
eighths (5-8) of mile in every direction,
thus forming a circle, one and one-quarter
(l l 4 ) miles in diameter.
A. M Stewart. Mayor.
6-iid. 4 J. B. Dickson, Clerk.
Notice of Application lor Parole.
Notice is hereby given that application
will be presented to the Prison Commis
sion of Georgia at the July Session, on the
4th day of July, 191.1, for the parole of Ed
Stephenson, who was convicted of the
offence of murder at the October Term.
1899, of Henry Superior Court, and sen
tenced to life imprisonment in the Peni
This the Bth day of June, 1911.
6-23, 3. Ed Stephenson.
Physician and Surgeon,
Attorney at Law,
McDonough, Georgia.
Office in the Masonic Building.
Will practice in all the courts.
Office Hours: .
7.3 d to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 F M.
McDonough. Ga.
I >. A. BROWN.
Office Hours :
T.iio to I:,’ A. m. to 5 P. m.
McDonough, Ga.
Attorney-at = Law,
M c noxoroH. ga.
Office over Star Store.