Newspaper Page Text
808 BURMAN and BARNEY OLDFIELD in their 200 horse power “Blitzen-
Benz” hold the world’s record, traveling at the rate of over one hundred and
forty miles an hour, faster than human ever traveled, risking their lives, reputa
tions, end + Ur ' thousands upon thousands of dollars in prizes, etc.—Would you
b hdus ested to learn what make of tires they use in tho-ge
If those two speed Kings see it to their interest to use “FIRESTONE TIRES,” you can safely tank on these tires being
good for your car.
Ether “Firestone,” “G. & J “Hartford,” “Goodrich,” or any other tire that is made.
I also have on-Jran 1, “Wolverine” Auto Oil, possibly as good a grade cf oil as you can buy, and can furnish any quanti
GASOLINE, GEAR GREASE, and anything you would need for
your Auto.
Any Make of AUTO or any kind of MACHINERY. Rest workmanship,—No “'Flunkeys,” “Burr Heads” or Auto-College
Graduates work here.
Bicycles, $15.00, $16.00, $17.00
and RACYCLES on up to $60.00.
Tires, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 up to $7.00 per pair.
M. & W. Rubber Cement 3 for 10c. Everything else for the Bicycle at Rock Bottom Prices.
Come to see me near the Depot.
Phone No. 75. McDonough, Ga.
Miss Mary Arnold spent Sunday
and Monday in Atlanta with Miss
Mamie Howard.
Mrfe. R. C. Adams and daughter,
Miss Pearle, went down to Griffin
Monday afternoon.
Messrs. T. A. Wilson and James
L. Henderson left Monday to at
tend the commencement exercises
at Emory College.
Miss Mary Redwine is home
from Atlanta, where she has been
taking a special course in music.
Mrs. Joe Henderson, of Luella,
was the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. A. Turner, Thursday.
Miss Julia Bass Mashburn, of
Atlanta, returned home Tuesday,
after spending several days here
as the guest of Miss Mary Pritchett.
Mrs. Nellie Forrest spent Wed
nesday in Macon.
Mr. Grady Fears is home from
Athens, where he has been attend
ing the State Agricultural College.
Misses Posie and Ollie Bright
went down to Milner Sunday to
attend the annual singing.
Mr. J. W. Stephens is suffering
from an old war wound, but is im
proving slowly.
Mrs. J. V. Chunn and son, Mas
A pleasant automobile party
from Oxford paid McDonough a
visit Sunday. The members of
the party were: Miss Thena Holt,
of Sandersville; Miss Lester, of
Covington; Mr. Pearce and Mr.
Pearce Stewart, of Oxford.
By Geo. S. D. MaLaier.
ter Adair, were the guests of Mrs.
A. J. Henderson Friday.
Mr. J. M. Tarpley attended a
meeting of the Board of Educa
tion in McDonough Monday.
Messrs. H. L. Fields, James L.
Henderson and T. Alwyn Wilson
formed an auto party to Atlanta
Mr. W. M. Harris attended the
graduating exercises at the Geor
gia-Tech Tuesday and Wednesday-
Mrs. E. H. Hair was the guest of
Mrs. R. E. Plowden, of Atlanta,
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. W. E. Wilson, National Bank
Examiner of the Northern Dis
trict of Georgia, was here Monday
looking after the proposed First
National Bank of Hampton. Mr.
Wilson spoke in very flattering
terms of Hampton and its hustling
j citizens.
Mr. L. J. Melson, of Atlanta, has
announced the engagement of his
, daughter, Miss Annie Dent and
Mr. Ives Barton, of Baltimore, Md.
The wedding to take place at Park
i Street Methodist church, on Wed
nesday, June 28th. Miss Melson
has visited Hampton frequently,
and has a host of friends here who
; are pleasantly interested in her
: approaching marriage.
Enterprising young man to act
as agent for oidest old line Mutual
Life Insurance Company in the
| United States. liberal contract.
Money in it for right man.
Blood worth and Jackson,
Forsyth, Ga.
Howdy do. How is everybody
standing this hot weather?
The farmers have all finished
chopping cotton and started to
hoeing in this section.
The many friends of Mrs. Wal
ter Moore will be glad to hear that
she is able to be up again.
Mrs. C. Saunders was on the
sick list last week.
Mr. Lowell Thurston made a
business trip to Jackson Satur
Mr. and Mrs. I. D. E’Dalgo made
a shopping trip to Jackson Satur
The ice cream supper was very
much enjoyed at Miss Della
Smith’s Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Rosser vis
ited relatives in this section Satur
day night and Sunday.
Misses Vallie E’Dalgo and An
nilu Coker and Messrs. Jim Bow
den and Dempsey Colwell made a
trip to Atlanta Friday in Mr. Bow
den’s automobile.
Miss Katie Tolleson visited Miss
Elon E’Dalgo Saturday night.
Misses Eva Velma and Hattie
Reeves visited Mr. and Mrs. Low
ell Thurston Saturday night and
The singing at Miss Vallie
j E’Dalgo’s was highly enjoyed by
all present.
Mr. Lum Jones visited relatives
in this section Saturday night and
Miss Rosa Lee Dumas and Mr.
Earl Roquemore, from Forsyth,
visited Miss Vallie E’Dalgo, Satur
day night and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. White, from At- J
lanta, were the week-end guests ■;
of the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Thurston.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moore, of
Atlanta, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Moore Sunday.
Blue Eyes.
Gordon News.
Twenty-five men went las f Mon
day and gave Mr. Millard Martin
a day’s work. Mrs. Martin is no
better at this writing. Dr. Grace
and wife, from Atlanta, were down
in liis auto to see her last week.
Mr. Jim White and wife made a
short call at Mr. Scarbrough’s Sur
dav afternoon.
Mi3s Kate Kennedy visited in the
lower part of Rockdale county Sat
urday and Sunday.
Mr. Charles Gardner and wife
visited Mr. Austin's family Sunday.
Mr. Charlie Powell and family,
from Rex, visited Mr. John White
one day recently.
Mr. Glynn Stanley went to Sun
day school at Mt. Zion Sunday.
Mr. Claude Martin, from Atlanta,
was with home people Sunday.
Miss Sis Henry is still very feeble.
R. E. Berry went to Stockbridge
Mr. Nelson Pair had a fine milk
cow to die Saturday.
Mr. Wallace, our tax man. was
through here last week.
Mrs Mollie Burks, from Atlanta,
visited her son and lady part of
last and alsp visited some of
her old friends while here.
Mrs. A kies, from near Decatur,
spent the week-end with her sister.
Mrs. Kennedy.
Any information through the
! papers as to where George Chaffin
■ and famifv have moved will be
gladly appreciated. We have lost
track of them.
Miss Ethel Simpkins is expecting
her sister next Saturday from At
lanta. Mrs. Mauley.
Well, I think it nearly time for a
big fish fry. Don’t you all? Let
all the correspondents have one
some time soon. Soon belaying by
time and everybody can go.
Well, we country people don’t
know much to write. I think every
body stayed at home Sunday and
looked for somebody. Just wait
till Sail takes her big trip this sum
mer, and she will have a lots to tell
you all. Well, by-by.
Sail Blink.
Oakland Sketches.
Last week was another busy
time, so there isn’t much news ; vis
iting was scarce.
Mrs. J. H.* Sorrow and daughter,
Rushleen, spent Friday afternoon
with Mrs. W. H. Fargason.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Barnett spent
Saturday night and Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Mays.
Miss Maggie Henderson is spend
ing a few days with her aunt, Mrs.
Ves Mosely, of McDonough.
A good many from around here
| attended the singing at Pleasant
Hill Sunday afternoon, and all re
ported a nice time and fine singing.
Mr. Gladstone Mays artd Miss
j Matilda Fields passed through our
midst Sunday alternoon.
Mr. Varnie Abercrombie and
; Miss SteHa Barnett were welcome
visitors at Oakland Sunday after
Sunday school was very short
Sunday afternoon onaccountof the
singing at Pleasant Hill. Let every
one that can, Come next Sunday.
| News is so awfully scarce this
week, I guess 1 had better close
until I can write about something
else besides visiting, as it is not
every one that likes to read that.