The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, June 23, 1911, Image 2
Greenwood. Mr. Johnie Nail and family were the guests of Mr. Allen Rape Sun day. Mr. Cliff Morris and wife visited relatives in McDonpugh Saturday. Mr. W. A. Copeland was the guest of .bis son, W. E. Copeland, Friday night. Mr. Rush Nail and wife visited W, E. Rape and family Sunday. Mrs. Paul Mays has been real sick a few days last week. Mrs. W. T. Rape and Mary An derson visited W. E. Rape and family Friday. Mr. J. B. Sowell called on W. E. Copeland Friday. Mr. Ros;o Morris and family were the guests of J. C. Morris Sunday. Mrs. W. T. Bates and daughters passed through here Sunday on their way to Luella. Mr. Alien Rape and wife called on her s.ster, Mrs. Milt Walker, Saturday. Mrs. P. R. Martin, of Luella, spent Wednesday with W. E. Copeland. Charley McDour, colored, near Greenwood, had a child to get irad dog bitten one day last week. Mr. J. C. Morris and brother, Roseo , \ -.ted John Morrow Sun day afternoon. Mr. Bob Chapel and son, Clem, calle d on_W. E._Copeland Satur day. Mr. C. H. Martin and wife called on W. E. Copeland awhile Sunday. Bethany. (Last Week’s Letter.) Oh, my How we need rain. It seems that the crops will soon dry up to mother earth if it doesn’t rain. Mrs. J. A. Jackson spent the v» eek end the guest of her daugh ter, Mrs. E E. Cathy, of Barnes ville. Mr. Ty: on Bowden, of McDon ough, visaed his sister, Mrs. J. C. Culpeppte. Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Gunter spent Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Fori. Miss Me:tie Hays and brother, John, art' isit ng Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Chaffin this week, of Jasper county. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Goss visited ttieir brot er, Mr. Wilford Goss, last Sunday. Miss Hester Davis was the guest of Miss 1 :te Stallworth Sunday. Mr. J. E. Jackson and his two children,! Hie Ixm and Henry, vis it ?d Jenk insburg Sunday. Mr. Ton: In,ram and daughter, A' iss Lillian, dined with Mr. and A' rs. Emerson Rodgers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond, of Lo cust Grov-'. . ‘nt Saturday night atld Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hays. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Craig vis ited Mr. a. ad Mrs. Will Patterson Sunday. Mr. am Mrs Eddie Dickson, of VcDonough, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C J. Dickson. Mrs Toni Sowell and lady spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. A art Sowell. Quite a number from here went to South River fishing Saturday at.d had good luck catching fish. Mis Lenoa Welch entertained a few friends Saturday evening in honor of her guests, Misses Hester Davis and Kate Stallworth; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bryan were j the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker Sunday. Messrs. Tom Goss and Tom ! Stallsworth visited Mrs. Jirft Tom j Craig last week. X. V. X. Beersheba Items. < Last Week's Letter. ) Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Preston and son. Trellis, accompanied by his sister, Miss Nannie, visited rela tives in Second Newton Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Viola Stroud and children spent one day last week with her sick mother, Mrs. YV. N. Gilmore. Mr. Hemp Preston, one of our best and most prosperous young farmers, report cotton squares. Mr. Charles Stroud has a severe case of rheumatism. Cotton chopping season is nearly over, and ••general green” is nearly captnred in our section. We are very much in need of rain. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Jenkins and children are visiting at Locust Grove at this writing. Mrs. Nan Rosser and little daugh ter. Lorine, spent one afternoon last week with Mrs. J. E. Preston. Mr. Luther Smith was in our sec tion one day last week. The death angel visited the home of Mrs. Bethie Smith, on May 28. and took from them their dear and precious mother, Mary Ann Piper. She lived to a ripe old age of ST years. She was a good mother, and is missed in her home so much, and especially by her afflicted granddaugter, Effie. She leaves a dost of children and loVbd ones to monrn her loss. Her remains were carried to Red Oak for rest. Jenkinshurg The singing at Old Bethel was attended by a large crowd. Mrs. Effie King and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Lester John son Sunday. Misses Jennie Bowden, Elsie and Alma Thurston, Gertrude Rich, and Ruth Patrick visited friends and relatives near Cedar Rock Saturday night. Mrs. I. D. E’Dalgo made a call on Mrs. Lizzie E’Dalgo, Sunday. Misses Gertrude Rich and Ruth Patrick and Claude Thurston made a trip to the dam Sunday after noon. The friends of Mr. Oscar Turner will be glad to hear that he is im proving. I guess folks feel better this morning. We got a shower last night. Blue Eyes. Along Route Four. Last Week’s Letter. Here I come another bright morning to greet you all. Everything dry and dusty in this community. Misses Estelle and Elon Elliott, of Atlanta, are visiting relatives in this section a few days. Miss Minnie McGarity is very sick with Typhoid fever. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Little Miss Bertha Jackson spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Nannie Jackson, of McDonough. The crops are looking fine in this section, especially the hay crop. Mrs. W. A. Ammons spent Sat urday afternoon with Mrs. M. H. Berry. Mr. Harris Stewart, accompan ied by Misses Lillian Jackson and Rosa Berry, were out riding Sat urday afternoon. Mrs. Ollie Duffey was the week end guest of her parents, Mr. B. T. Berry and family. Mrs. Lizzie McGarity, of McDon ough, spent Wednesday night with her niece, Mrs. Ector McGar ity. / Mr. Jonas Lester has purchased a new buggy. Look out, near Bethany. Rev, Olin King, of McDonough, filled his regular appointment at Turner’s Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Berry were the guests of B. T. Berry and family Sunday afternoon. Little Miss Clyde Berry, of Lo cust Grove, spent Saturday night and Sunday with her 1 uncle, Mr. Mitt Upchurch. Her little cousin, Bessie Brown, accompanied her home. Master Clovis Berry spent Sun day with Master Rastus and Artis Culpepper. Misses Sallie and Allie Rawls were the guests of Misses Rosa and Willie Berry Saturday. Beersheba Items. Crops in this section are badly needing rain. Mr. William Parker, of Stewart, visited relatives here last week. Mrs. Alexander Rush and her little daughter, Ruby Gibson, who has been visiting Mrs. J. E. Pres son, has returned to their home in Griffin. Mrs. Bertha Smith and Mrs. Nannie Rosser and little daughter Lorena, spent Friday evening with Mrs. Demps Rivers. Mr. Luther Smith, of Rawley, spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burl Smith. Mrs. Addie Jenkins and children spent one evening last week with Mrs. Mollie Presson. Mr. W. L. Presson is on the sick list this week. He thinks he is taking the measles. Sardis Church Has a Flourishing Sunday School. It is with some pride that I wish to announce to the public that after a long effort we have succeeded in building up as fine a Sunday school at Sardis church as you can find at any country church. The teachers of all the classes are doing some fine work, and their efforts are bearing much fruit. We have fine singing conducted by Bro. L. M. Cowan. Everybody invited to be with us. M. A. Wilson, Superintendent. THE WORLDS GREATEST SEWING MACHINE A h LIGHT RUNNING tegsC If you want either a Vibrating Shuttle, Rotary Shuttle or a Single Thread f Chain St itch] Sewing Machine write to THE NEW HOME SEWINQ MACHINE COMPANY Orange, Mass. Many sewing machines are made to sell regardless o| quality, but the Jiett Home is made to wear. Our guaranty never runs out f Sold by authorised dealers only* FOR SALS BY My Doctor Said “Try Cardui,” writes Mrs. Z. V. Spell, of Hayne, N. C. “ I was in a very low state of health, and was not able to be up and tend to my duties. I did try Cardui, and soon began to feel better. I got able to be up and help do my housework. 1 continued to take the medicine, and now I am able to do my housework and to care for my children, and I feci as though I could never praise Cardui enough for the benefits I have received.” Cardui Wo man’s Tonic Cardui is successful, because it is made especially for women, and acts specifically on the womanly constitution. Cardui does one thing, and does it well. That explains the great success which it has had, during the past 50 years, in helping thousands of weak and ailing women back to health and happiness. If you are a woman, feel tired, dull, and are nervous, cross and irritable, it’s because you need a tonic. Why not try Cardui ? Cardui builds, strengthens, restores, and ads in every way as a special, tonic remedy for women. Test it for yourself. Your druggist sells Cardui Ask him. Writ* to: Dull**’ Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Median* Co, Chattanooga. Teno., for Special Instructions, and 64-page book, "Home Treatment (or Women," *etit free. J 56 TALMADGE CARMICHAEL, McDonough, Ga. Funeral Director and Embalmer. Day Phone No. 51. Nijtht Phone No. 52 and 6 J. All calls answered promptly day or night. All embalming carefully done and according to best methods Onr stock of metal and wood caskets and robes are unequalled. Our services, hearses and equipment, are the best to be had. We furnish the best steel, briek or eement Vaults. TAYLDR SAW MILLS LEAD w a Maeon Jiada Machinery and avoid Tv J exoossive Freights and long waitu for Repairs ‘jpf Steam and Gasolixe Engines Portable s Stationarit Boilers r Com ? lets Ginning, Sawing and Shingle Outfits Pump*. Tanks, Tpwers, Rirf in, Acetylene Ligbino Plants t- \ EVEBYTHIMG IN MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES w ' f MALLftRY MACHINERY CO.^aK. 1 We Are Here To Save You • r 7 ”'*! 513.85 517.00 $22.50 freight prepaid Safe Delivery Guaranteed GET YOUR Lumber, Lime, Shingles AND EVERY KIND OF Building Material from P. R. MARTIN, Luella, Ga. 7-38, 13. • From S2O to S3O in the purchase of one of our celebrated High Grade Family Sewing Machines, as against the Jobbers’, Dealers’ and Agents’ profits. Besides the saving the Sew ing Machine is covered w ith our .k ml ■ n | TEN YEAR GUARANTEE Onr Sewing* Machines are constructed from the Rpst material. ••’ th*- Best possible mnnr» rbv Skilled me chanics. Highly finished. Finely adjusted. Rasy run nimr durable and handsome. We hav*- thousands of l°tt rs from customers confirming: our statements as to the True Merits of our celebrated Sewing Machines Onr Big New Catalog-tie Illustrates. De-cribeg and T rices onr entire lino of Sowing- Machines. Cooking; and Heating- Stoves and Steel Ranges It is fujl of In terest from start to finish. as it fully explains our di rect selling’ plan and how we save you from S2O to S3O. Send Jo.- it today-lt Is FREE. MALSBY, SHIPP & CO., Dept. Y Atlanta, Georgia