The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, June 23, 1911, Image 5

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Mr. W. G. Fargason, of Macon,
was shaking hands with the old
friends of his boyhood on our
streets Wednesday. He is looking
well-fed and reports that the
world is being good to him. He is
remembered as one of the late
Mr. Rod Fargason’s sons.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Moon, of Kis
simmee, Florida, are the guests of
the Brown House. Their many
friends here are glad to see them
again. Mr. Moon was the Dastor
of the Methodist church here for
several years and, during ther
residence here, he and his family
endeared themselves to all our
people of all denominations. Mr.
Moon is now practicing law at Kis
simmee, and enjoys a large prac
Miss Anna Belle Harper and Mr.
Burge Harper, of Jonesboro, at
tended the funeral of Mr. S. M.
Oglesby here Saturday.
A certain colored gentleman,
Hayes Ridgeway by name, was in
the toils of the law for some mis
demeanor and, while awaiting his
commitment trial, was lodging at
Hotel Henry. He grew tired of
this hostelry and managed Tues
day mornirlg to tear out a few
brick beneath a window and make
his escape. He has not yet been
caught. The commitment trial
was set for Tuesday morning, but
it has been indefinitely postponed.
Mr. R. W. Dickerson, of Snap
ping Shoals, was in our city Tues
Mr. A. F. Lemon visited Jackson
Dr. H. C. Ellis came through
McDonough Tuesday enroute to
his home in Woodstown from At
lanta in a handsome new automo
bile, which he had just bought in
Mr. David Cagle and daughter,
Miss Birdfe Cagle, attended the
funeral of Mr. S. M. Oglesby here
Misses Nell Wise and McCul
lough, and Mr. Wayne Wise, of
Lovejoy. and Miss Lukie Harper,
of Jonesboro, fnade an automobile
visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. J. In
gram here Sunday.
Miss Trellis Woodward, of For
syth, is the guest of Miss Carrie
Sue Fields this week.
, Mrs. Frank Baker and children
of Birmingham, Ala., are on a visit
at her sister’s this week, Mrs. Hen
ry Guest, near Jenkinsburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Dickson vis
ited Mr. Jim Guest and his mother
Saturday night, and attended the
sacred harp singing at old Bethel
church in Butts county Sunday.
Mr. Jim Guest and mother were
in Jackson Monday shopping, and
came very near being water bound
coming home. The water was up
to the hill on each side of the
creek and the bridge under water
at the Tom Greer Crossing.
Mr. John R. Smith and little son
visited Atlanta Monday.
Mrs. Eliza Crookshanks has re
turned home, after a month spent
in visiting relatives in Griffin and
other places.
Messrs. John and R. L. Mose
ley, of Love’s district, were in our
city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carmichael
will spend the week-end at Warm
Springs with Mrs. R. A. Sloan.
Mr. Lucien Goodrich, of Griffin,
spent Monday in our city on legal
The Daughters of the Confeder
acy will hold their regular meeting
next Thursday, the 29th instant, in
their Chapter room in the Masonic
Building. The lesson has already
been published in The Weekly and
the President urges every member
to be present.
Twenty-One Pounds of Rice for
SI.OO at
W. B. J. Ingram Company.
The friends of little H. J. Cope
land regret to know of his illness.
Our last report was that he is im
Mr. Cloma Berry accidentally
shot himself in the knee with a
pistol, near Bethany, Monday af
ternoon. He was handling the
pistol and in some way it was ac
cidentally discharged. Dr. Horton
attended Mr. Berry and found that
the wound was only slight and
not dangerous.
Mi c s Ruth Sluss, of Baltimore,
Maryland, is the guest of her
sister, Mrs. R. H. Hankinson.
Messrs. Fred Walker and Tom
mie Tolleson made a business visit
to Macon Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Andrew Blake and Mrs. J.
P. Nichols, of Griffin, spent the
week-end here with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Daniel.
Misses Daisy and Grace LeCraw,
of Atlanta, were the guests of Miss
Ruth Turner last week.
Miss Bess Fouche spent Monday
in Atlanta.
Salesman. —We want a good
man to sell Home Purchasing In
vestment contracts for us. Money
loaned at 5 per cent.
Georgia Loan & Investment Co.,
7-14, 4. Tifton, Ga.
Mrs. Jack Craft, of Hartwell, at
tended the Alpha Delta Phi con
vention in Atlanta last week. Mrs.
Craft was Miss Turner, of this
place, and was formerly a presi
dent of the Sorority at Wesleyan.
L. C. Henslee spent yesterday in
McDonough. —Saturday’s Griffin
News. .
H. J. Copeland, a prominent
business man of McDonough, was
in the city yesterday. —Saturday’s
Griffin News.
located on new street. Terms to
suit. Apply to Mrs. Anna Weaver,
McDonough, Georgia.
8-18, 8.
Mr. A. C. Elliott, of Flippen, was
in our city Tuesday.
Mrs. Shumate, of Atlanta, is the
guest of Mrs. Julia McDonald and
Mrs. Roy Turner. She is a daugh
ter of the late Mr. Joe Tomlinson
and wiii be pleasantly remember
ed by some of ou* older citizens.
Mr. J. B. Newman has been
very ill with the mumps, but is
now much better.
East Peeksvilie.
Good morning, one and all, I
have come again to chat with you
a while.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jinks and
Miss Vanie attended the Chautau
qua at .Jackson Friday.
Mrs. Geo. Williams, Mrs. Eva
Cash, Mrs. W. M. Hardy were
all visitors to Jackson last week.
Mr. W. W. Nail made a business
trip to McDonough last Thursday.
We are sorry to state that the
little baby of Mr. and Mrs. William
Barnes is quite sick, and hope it
will soon be better.
Quite a party from this place
attended the all-day singing at
Bethel Sunday.
We have had a fine rain to-day,
and everything looks nice.
Ready-to-W ear
stylish hats Slippers, Hosiery,
Trimmed to Your Taste and ~ i
Satisfaction on Short Notice. <AIICI >3lvll IS
There is comfort in cooking by using our
NEW PERFECTION Blue Flame Oil Cook
Stoves. Safe, Sure, and Reliable.
Your kind attention appreciated.
Phone 25. McDONOUGH, GA.
Mrs. Joe Smith Hostess.
The “42” party, which Mrs. Joe
Smith gave last Thursday after
noon was a pretty affair in honor
of her niece, Miss Ella Smith, of
Mrs. E. M. Smith Hostess.
Mrs. E. M. Smith entertained at
two tables of Bridge Saturday
The guests spent a most enjoy
able afternoon.
Mrs. Copeland and Mrs. Car
michael Entertain.
: A beaut ful reception ot Thurs
day afternoon was that given by
Mrs. Green Copeland and Mrs.
Howard Carmichael at the home
of the former on Depot street.
The tables were placed on the
lawn and about forty of 'their
friends were present to enjoy play
ing dominoes.
Delightful refreshments were
served, consisting of a salad course
and ices.
Miss Sowell Hostess.
Miss Ethel Sowell entertained
Monday evening in honor of her
charming visitor, Miss Jessie Sut
ton, of Bartow, Florida.
Delightful refreshments were
served and the guests enjoyed the
evening to the fullest.
Miss Ruth Rape Hostess.
Miss Ruth Rape was hostess
Tuesday evening to her friends, as
a compliment to Miss Ethel So
well’s guest, Miss Jessie Sutton.
Delicious refreshments were
served, and the evening was a
most pleasant one for the guests.
Mrs. Willie Turner Entertains.
A “42” at which Mrs. Willie
Turner entertained at her home,
Statement of the Condition of ,
The Bank of Locust Grove : •
Located at Locust Grove, Ga., at the close of business
June 7th, 1911.
Time Loans - - 50,1:42.09
Qgerdraffs, secured, - - 020 02
Overdrafts, unsecured, - OH2 54
Bonds and stocks owned by Bank None
Banking Hons<-' ... 4 721.51
Furniture and Fixtures - - 1,052.15
Other Real Estate - - - None
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this State - - - 3,022.41
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States . - - 188.06
Currency - - $1,583 (X)
Gold - - S(H)
Silver, Nickels, etc. 090.00
Cash Items - - 308.00
Clearing House * - None
Advances on Cotton None
Profit and Loss - None
Other Resources - None 2,580.00
Total .... $01,249.03
State of Georgia—Henry County.
Before me came J. W. Brown, Cashier of above Bank, who being duly sworn,
says that the above ami foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as
shown by the books of file in said Bank.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Kith day of June, 1911.
I) L. BURK, C. N. P.
in honor Qf Mrs. Jack Craft, of
The house was artistically dec
orated with ferns and cut flowers.
After the game delightful re
freshments were served.
Those invited were: Mesdames.
Jack Craft, H. J&. Neal, Julian
Weems, Alex Brown, Tom Brown,
Jim Carmichael, Fouche Lemcn,
Truman Lifsey, Howard Carmi
chael, Green Copeland, Sidney
Farrar, Homer Turner, Merrell
Low, Tom Woodruff, Tom Patter
son, Zachry Thompson, Mrs. Will
Walker, B. E. Horton, Ernest
Smith, and Misses Ruby and Ruth
An Affidavit.
Personally appeared before me
Mrs. A. H. Price, who upon oath
says that all reports claimed to
have been circulated by heragainst
the character of Mrs. Berry Hinton
are absolutely false.
Mrs. A. H. Price.
J. W. Brown, C. N. P.,
Henrv County, Georgia.
Capital Stock Paid in - $25,000.00
Surplus Fund - None
Undivided Profits, less Current
Expenses and Taxes Paid - 3,595.17
Due to Banks and Bankers in
this State .... 0,000 00
Due to Banks and Bankers in
other States ■ - - None
Due Unpaid Dividends - - None
individual Deposits Subject to
' (jheck .... 10,993 70
Savings Deposits - - None
Demand Certificates - - None
Time Certificates - - 3,888.02
<'ertifitd Cnecks - - - None
Cashier’s Checks - - - 293 38
Due to Clearing House - - None
Notes and Bills Rediscounted - None
Bills Payable. I nelud’g Time Cer
tificates repre’ng borr’d money, 15,000 on
Other Liabilities .... None
Total - - - 170*270.27
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Oglesby Lose
Infant. \
The infant of Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Oglesby passed away Wednesday
night, and was buried at the Mc-
Donough cemetery Thursday,
The many friends of the be
reaved parents deeply sympathize
with them.
Tax Receiver's Notice.
On and after to-day, Thursday,
June 22, 1911, I shall be in my
office in the court house at Mc-
Donough; and shall receive tax
returns until July Ist.
This gives all plenty of time, so
be sure to return your taxes this
Yours respectfully,
J. H. Wallace,
Tax Receiver of Henry County.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson
and Robert, Jr., are in our
city as guests of Mrs. Julia