Newspaper Page Text
Southern Commercial Congress
Finds That Farmers Are Charg
ed Extortionate Prices and Or
ganizes Protection.
The Southern Commercial Con
gress which was organized in
Washington, December 1908, has,
in the development of its work,
co ne across a condition affecting
tie* interest of every farmer who
m iy contemplate moving into the
A number of very large land
corporations have been formed
outside the South to acquire large
bo lies of Southern land at cheap
prices and then sell the land in
small pieces to farmers at a per
p ndicular advance in price. The
Congress has seen in this two
w ongs to the South, and has set
about to correct them.
The first wrong is that the en
ti • profit of retailing these lands
fa sto benefit the region out of
v -tch the profit is made, and the
s ond wrong is that purchasers
p too mucti and have no local
r ,- ess if they have bought un
s uctory land “off the map/’
C isequently, the Southern Com
i "rial Congress is now working
i irious counties in the South to
1 g together land owners, real
( t ■ men, bankers, and other
. ies men of a county in order
t they may go into the business
o vhoiesaling large tracts and
r tiling them in small areas. The
■uctory part of this plan is that
b .‘ M’s of lands from distant points
vv . ieal with only the most de
p iabl* men in a community and
tii , are bound to be satisfied.
ns entirely new system, which
h i been evolved by the Congress
is lobe called “The Monroe Sys
tem,” since it was first put into
effect in Monroe, Louisiana, where
tiu Monroe Realty and Immigra
tion Association has been capital
ize! to handle the rich, unused
lands of Ouachita Parish. At the
oul-set a similar association will
be organized in one county at
least of each of the States thst the
Southern Commercial Congress
works for. These States are Ala
bama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland,
Mississippi, Missouri, North Caro
lina, Oklahoma, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and
West Virginia. The Congress,
from its Washington office, an
swers any and every sort of ques
tion regarding these States.
v. I. G. Walker will preach
for the Missionary Society at
Ri any Saturday afternoon at
3.:.'* o’clock. •
.verybody is invited to attend
esp daily the members of the
Society. We hope to have more
with us this time than we did at
his meeting last year. Let every
one who can come.
Mrs. Ola. Jackson, Pres.
Miss Kate Stallworth, Sec.
(Too Late for Last Week.)
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Moore spent
Sunday with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. V. Moure.
Miss Florence Stalls worth has re
turned home from a visit to At
Little Miss Marion Moore has re
turned home to Atlanta.
Miss Willie Woodward has re
turned home from Brunswick.
Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Moore spent
Saturday in Jackson.
Mrs. Ida Gray and Misses Baunie
Evans, Mary Gray, Minnie Gray,
and Margarette Gray and Mr. Jim
Bowden made an automobile trip
to Indian Spring last Wednesday.
They reported a fine time.
Miss Lillie Childs has returned
home from Atlanta.
Mrs. W. L. Skinner spent Satur
day in McDonough.
Mr. and Mrs. Low Whitaker
made an automobile trip to Jackson
Saturday afternoon. *
Along Route Four.
The many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Marion Moss extend their
heartfelt sympathy to them in
their sad bereavement. Grieve
not, dear parents, for the Lord
knoweth best.
Miss Bertha McGarity, of Mc-
Donough, is the charming guest of
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. McGarity, a few days.
Messrs: Monroe Upchurch and
Otto Joyner have gone to Borden
Wheeler Springs, where the
former goes for his health. Mr.
Joyner returned home Sunday.
The many friends of Mrs. Allie
McGarity regret to hear of her
illness. We hope for her a
speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Upchurch
and family spent Saturday night
and Sunday with relatives at Lo
cust Grove. +
Mr. Paul Berry called on Mr. B.
T. Berry and family Sunday morn
Mr. John McGarity and daugh
ter are reported no better at this
Miss Willie Berry spent Satur
day afternoon with Misses Lillian
and Clara Jackson.
Mrs. Lizzie McGarity and little
son Archie, of McGarity, spent
Sunday with Mrs. M. H. Berry.
Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Scott passed
through here Sunday afternoon.
Oakland Sketches.
The rain has come at last and
everything has revived.
Mr. and Mrs. Parker Floyd spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Mrs. Lula Turnipseed spent
Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. E. P.
A good many from an.und here
attended children services at Mt.
Carmel Sunday night.
Mrs. W. H. Tarpley is spending
a while with her daughter, Mrs.
Ada Alexander.
Mr. Oxford Barnett and sister,
Miss Stella, were the gyests of Miss
Leitha and Brunett Sorrow Sun
Mr. Ben Harper spent Tuesday
night with his sister, Mrs. W. H.
The Henry County Weekly is
growing better each issue. That’s
right; let’s see what we can make
out of- it. More correspondents
are coming in each week.
Mrs. Oxford Barnett spent Sat
urday afternoon with Mrs. E. P.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barnett spent
Saturday in Hampton the guest of
the latter’s brother, Mr. Joe Tarp
Miss Janie Mays spent Saturday
night with her brother, Mr. J. T.
Master Hubert Tarpley spent
last week with his cousin, Master
Wilson Barnett.
The singing at Oakland Sunday
afternoon was well attended and
was enjoyed by all present.
The Logical Way
to do combined writing and adding is on
a combined writing and adding machine
The New Model 1 1 \
Remington A-it writes Here \
Typewriter 'T'/X
with Wahl Adding and Subtract- j
ing Attachment is the only general y f I/!} jI (‘ \
writing machine which adds. It is ' j / j /Ijljj
the only adding and subtracting nil 1:1 jj' /j i
machine which writes. It is the /I f{ j )*!(/!//////ill
only machine which affords the f I / !j!/!ft
maximum of labor-saving in com- I /lI’XU/
bined writing and adding work. I 1
Remington Typewriter Company
Atlanta, Ga. 56 N. Broad St. > "»
Mr. Bill Clark and family had as
their guest Mrs. Zenomia Patillo
last Saturda> night, Sunday and
Mrs. Anna Callahan spent a
short while with her sister Mon
day afternoon.
Mrs. Rossie Smith was a visitor
in Rex Sunday.
We are glad to note that Mrs.
M. A. Campbell is some better at
this writing.
Miss Harriet Clark was in our
town a short while Monday after
Messrs. Gus Brown, Barney
Estes, and Clyde Thurman went
over in Philadelphia settlement
Miss Beulah Milam, of near Mor
row, has for her pastime the mea
Mrs. George Gunter and child
ren, from Atlanta, are down to
spend a week or two with her
homefolks, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. Jim Livingston was in the
city of Rex Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Alice Barr was the guest of
Mrs. M. A. Campbell and Mrs.
Francis Kirkland a short while
Mr. Roy Elliott became very ill
last Saturday night, but we hope
he is much better,
Mrs. A. P. Adamson visited her
daughter, Mrs. Emory Barr, last
Mr. Jim Cowan was down from
Atlanta Tuesday in his car, visiting
Mr. Walter Estes went to At
lanta Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Eulalah Patillo is spending
the latter part of this week with
her mother, Mrs. Ben Patillo, of
Mrs. S. W. Barr, of Rex, visited
Mrs. John Barr and her daughter,
Mrs. George Gunter, Friday.
Mrs. will Powell is confined to
her bed again. We hope she will
soon recover.
We had a nice little shower of
rain night, but hope we will get
some more today.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Callahan and
little Miss Ethel dined with Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. Kyle Sunday.
Fig Tree.
FOR SALE. —Milch cow giving
3 gallons milk a day. J. W. Sims,
McDonough, Ga., Rt. 4.
6-23, 1.
District or Place. Hours. Day. June.
Wednesday 21
FLIPPEN. Wednesday 14
SIXTH. Thursday 15
HAMPTON. Friday 16
Tuesday 20
LUELLA. Morning. Monday 19
GREENWOOD. Afternoon. Monday 19
LOCUST GROVE. Thursday 22
Ar McDonough every Saturday until the books are closed.
J. H. WALLACE, Tax Receiver, Henry County, McDonough, Ga.
For Administration,
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
It. H. Turnipseed, having made applica
tion to me in due form to be appointed per
manent Administrator upon the estate
of C. D. Turnipseed, late of said
county, notice is hereby given that said
application wMI be heard at the regular
term of the Court of Crdinary for said
countv, to be held on the First Monday in
July. 1911.
Witness my hand and official signature
this sth day of June, 1911.
A. G. Harris,
6 30, 4. Ordinary.
Notice of Local Legislation for City
of McDonough, Ga.
Notice is hereby given that at the next
session of the General Assembly ot
Georgia the mayor and aldermen of the
City of McDonough, G»., will apply for an
amendment to, or a new charter for said
City of McDonough, and which said
amendment, or new charter, among other
things will ask that the limits of said City
be extended in accordance with a resolu
tion passed by said Mayor and Aldermen,
March 6, 1911, viz.: That the center of
said city be established one-eighth (18)
mile south of present center of public
square, and running from thence five
eighths (5-8) of mile )n every direction,
thus forming a circle, one and one-quarter
(1 1-4) miles in diameter.
A. si. Stewart, Mayor.
6-30, 4. J B. Dickson. Clerk.
By our Divided Pay
ment Plan you can soon
own a beautiful stone
of known value and rec
ognized worth.
Durham Bros,
Optical Company
A. . • rd.
Notice of Application tor Parole.
Notice is hereby given that application,
will be presented to the Prison Commis
sion of Georgia at the July Session, on the
4th day of July, 1911, for the parole of Ed
Stephenson, who was convicted of the
offence of murder at the October Term,
1899, of Henry Superior Court, and sen
tenced to life imprisonment in the Peni
This the Bth day of June, 1911.
6-23, 3. Ed Stephenson.
Physician and Surgeon,
Attorney at Law,
McDonough, Georgia.
Office in the Masonic Building. *
Will practice in all the courts.
Office Hours :
7.30 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 P. M.
mum . * ■ m
McDonough, Ga,
Office Hours :
7.30 to 12 A. M. to 6 P. M.
McDonough, Ga.
Office over Star Store.