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808 BURMAN and BARNEY OLDFIELD in their 200 horse power “Blitzen-
Benz” hold the world’s record, traveling at the rate of over one hundred and
forty miles an hour, faster than human ever traveled, risking their lives, reputa
tions, and the thousands upon thousands of dollars in prizes, etc.—Would you
he interested to learn what make of tires they use in these great risks they run?
If these two speed Kings see it to their interest to use “FIRESTONE TIRES,’’ you can safely bank on these tires being
good for your car.
Either “Firestone,” “G. & J ,” “Hartford,” “Goodrich,” or any other tire that is made.
I also have on hand, “Wolverine” Auto Oil, possibly as good a grade of oil as you can buy, and can furnish any quanti
GASOLINE, GEAR GREASE, and anything you would need for
your Auto.
AnyJMake of AUTO or any kind of MACHINERY. Best workmanship,—No “Flunkeys,” “Burr Heads” or Auto-College
Graduates work here. J
Bicycles, $15.00, $16.00, $17.00
and RACYCLES on up to $60.00.
Tires, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 up to $7.00 per pair.
M. & W. Rubber Cement 3 for 10c. Everything else for the Bicycle at Rock Bottom Prices.
Come to see me near the Depot.
Phone No. 75. McDonough, Ga.
Mr. Henry Griffin is spending a
few days with his mother, Mrs. S.
H. Griffin.
Miss Sylvia Schlomberg return
ed to her home in Jonesboro
Tuesday, after spending a few days
as the guest of Mrs. W. J. Harris.
Mr. Fred Moore spent last week
with his parents, returning to At
lanta Sunday night.
Messrs. A. J. Henderson, W. M.
Harris, and Henry Harris attended
the annual meeting of the Georgia
Industrial Association held at
Warm Springs on the 15th and
Rev. J. E. England, Messrs. W.
S. Davis, and W. M. Harris went
down to the District Meeting of
the Griffin District at Forsyth Mon
day afternoon.
Mr. W. A. Wilson went up to
Atlanta Tuesday.
Mr. H. L. Fields went up to
Jonesboro Monday and Tuesday
on business.
Miss Linnie Wilson left for La
grange Saturday, to attend the
Summer School of Lagrange Fe
male College.
Miss Mamie Howard, of Atlanta,
is the guest of Miss Mary Arnold.
Mr. J. M. Tarpley will within a
short while make an addition to
his residence on West Main street.
Mr. Julian Weems, the popular
representative the Southern
States Life Insurance Company, is
spending lot of time here.
We are glad to have you with us,
Mr. Weems.
Contractor Gunter is getting
along well building cement side
walks in the business portion of
town. Within a short while the
business blocks will add greatly
to the general appearance of the
Mr, J. A. Parham, of McDon
ough, was here Saturday.
“Sport” Harris left for Atlanta
Sunday night.
Dr. R. J. Arnold went to APanta
Mr. Richard Plowden, of At
lanta, was here Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleave Adams, of
Atlanta, spent Sunday with Mrs.
R. C. Adams.
Misses Arline, Esther, and Myrtie
Harris and Mary Pritchett are at
tending a house party given by
Miss Julia Bass Mashburn, of At
lanta. '
Messrs. V. G. Turner and W. S.
Steele, of Luella, were here Satur
Mr. J. F. Forrest was here for
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Mitcham.
Mr. J. L. Moore and Misses Irene
Moore and Anne Fields returned
home Saturday, after spending
two weeks in New York, Buffalo,
Toronto, Canada, and Niagara
Falls. Mr. R. L. Harris left the
party in Buffalo to go over to Chi
cago for a few days; he will re
turn home Saturday.
Mrs. B. C. Ward, Mrs. Jessie L.
Ward, and Mr. Rosser Ward spent
last Tuesday with Mrs. John Ward.
Mrs. J. L. Daniel and children,
of Franklin, were the recent guests
of Rev. W. 0. Butler.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cook and
son, James Power Cook, of Comer,
and Miss Olga Power, of Smith
sonia, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. C. M. Power for theVveek
Mrs. W. W. Ward and two child
ren wer the guests of Mrs. Z. D.
Ward last Sunday.
Miss Ella Berry spent last Sat
urday in McDonough.
Miss Ward McWilliams returned
to Locust Grove Monday to attend
the Summer School.
Mrs. J. W. Daniel, of Wilming
ton, N. C., was the guest of Rev.
W. O. Butler and family this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Nottingham
have returned from a delightful
trip t > Washington, D. C., and
Norfolk, Va.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brown an
nounce the birth of a son.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ward spent
two days this week on a delight
ful fishing trip at Dame’s Ferry.
Miss Mattie Dixon, of Atlanta,
was the week end guest of Miss
Lois Gilbert.
Mrs. John Walden has returned
from a most delightful visit to her
sister, Mrs. Laura Carter, at Cov
Mr. Will Branan spent the week
end at Duluth.
List of Letters.
Remaining Undelivered From The Post
Office at McDonough, Ga., For the
Period Ending June 19th, 1911.
S. E. Dailey, P. M.
Messrs. Alexander, West; Allen,
Hugh R.; Banks, B. B.; Drewry,
Turner; Elmore. Lancaster; Miller,
Emruss; Resion, Frank; Soro, M.
C.; Strickland, Clarence; Tremble,
Gordon; Wootus, M. Harry.
Statement of the Condition of
The Bank of Stockbridge
Located at Stockbr’dge, Ga., at the Close of Business
June 7, 1911.
Demand Loans ... $5,602 55
Time Loans - - - 82,415.50
Overdrafts, secured, by cotton, 1,708.71
Overdrafts, unsecured - - 171.67
Bonds and Stocks owned by
the Bank .... 1,400.00
Banking House ... 2,169.00
Furniture and Fixtures - - 1,551.80
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this State - - - 13,029.90
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States - - - 13,812 52
Currency - - $1,058.00
Gold - - - 47.50
Silver, Nickels, etc. 624.08
Cash Items, - - 201.67 1,931.15
Total $ 123,787.86
State of Georgia—Henry County.
Before me came C. M. Power, Cashier of Bank of Stockbridge. Ga., who being
duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said
Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank.
C M. POWER, Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 15th day of June, 1911,
A. H. SWANN, N. P.
Statement of the Condition of
The Citizens Bank
Located at Locust Grove, Ga., at the Close of Business,
June 7, 1911.
Loans and Discounts - 39,338.29
Demand Loans - $2,770.40
Overdrafts, secured, - - 2,684.58
Banking House - 2,607.25
Furniture, and fixtures - 1,540.41
Due from Banks and Bankers in
this State - - 861.96
Due from Banks and Bankers in
other States - , - 2,216 70
Currency . . . 2,586.00
Gold - - - 65.00
Silver, Nickels and
Pennies - - - 393 56
Checks and Cash Items - 382,10
Interest Paid - - - 537.54
Total . ] ! . $65,982.78
State of Georgia —Henry County.
Before me came J. C. McKnight, cashier of the Citizens Bank, Locust Grove,
Lra., who b**insc duly sworn, says that the above and forepoinsr statement is a true
condition of said bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank
J. C. McKNIGHT, Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 20th day of June 1911.
J. W. BROWN, C. N. P.,
Henry County, Ga,
Capital Stock Paid fn - - $ 16,000.00
Undivided Profits, less Current
Expenses and Taxes Paid - 10,067.22
individual Deposits Subject
to Check .... 51,979.51
Time Certificates - - - 26,717.88
Cashier’s Checks - - - 23,25
Bills Payable, including Time Cer
tificates representing Borrowed
Money, 20,000.00
Total $ 123,787.86
Capital Stock paid in $17,860.0*),
Undivided profits, less current
expenses and taxes paid 2,348 80
Individual deposits subject toe’k 15,478.98
Time Certificates - - 296.00
Bills Payable, Including Time
Certificates Representing
Borrowed Money - 20,000.00
Total ! I ' $55,982.78