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ihe Henry County W eekly
E. M. F. Company Brings Its
Agents to Detroit at Com
pany's Expense.
Mr. A. F. Lemon leaves Sunday
for a very pleasant trip to Detroit,
Michigan, to visit Mr. Flanders,
president of the E. M. F. and Flan
ders Automobile Makers.
This is a trip given by the Com
pany to all its Agents, and the en
tire expense of same is paid by
the Company.
Mr. Lemon will join a party of
other E. M. F. Agents in Atlanta.
From that point a special train of
Pullman cars, provided by the au
tomobile company, will take the
agents to Detroit.
This entertainment will cost the
Studebaker Company about
$100,000.00, but they expect it to
be a paying move.
They announce that the past
years sales of E. M. F. and Flan
ders cars have been unprecedented
. and for the coming year promise
to break all former records.
Miss Mary Ola Lee, of Atlanta,
is the guest of Mrs. John Walden.
Mrs. John Walden, Mrs. Rosa
Lee Ellison, and Miss Mary Ola
Lee spent last Sunday at Indian
Mrs. Marvin Power, who has
been quite sick, is better.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hawkins,
from Shreveport, La., visited rela
tives here this week.
Little Miss Helen Clark, who
has spent several weeks in
Shreveport, La., with her sister,
returned home Tuesday.
Mrs. John Ward spent Tuesday
in Atlanta.
Master J. P. Branan spent last
Sunday at Indian Spring.
Mrs. Arthur Mays has been on
the sick list but is better.
Mrs. James Mann and children,
of Atlanta, were the recent guests
of Mr. and Mrs. James Hightower.
Miss Green Livingston returned
home Monday from Indian Spring
camp meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McWilliams
have opened their house here
again, after spending ten days at
Indian Spring.
Mrs. Olivia Ward was here Tues
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Duncan
and little daughter, Pauline, vis
ited their sister, Mrs. Ida Key,
Saturday night and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Lewis visited
in Stockbridge Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Perry Lee Milam and Miss
Lila Mae Richardson attended tfye
meeting at Noah’s Ark Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Lewis and
son, Lawrence, visited relatives in
tuis section Friday, Saturday, and
Mr. W. N. Duncan and lady vis
ited their brother, Mr. George
Odum, near Rex, Wednesday and
stayed until Friday.
| Meeting will begin at this place
Igain next Friday night. Let
Large Attendance and Success
ful Meetings Are Expected
at Shingle-roof.
The annual camp meeting a t
Shingle-roof will begin this (Fri
day) evening.
A large number of families have
moved out and many visitors will
attend the services.
A glorious revival is the prayer
and the hope of all the children of
God, and such it is believed the
njeetings will be.
Many of the Methodist church’s
most noted ministers will preach;
among them are Bishop Candler,
Presiding Elder J. H. Eakes, and
Pastor Olin King.
Bishop Candler will preach a t
11 o’clock Monday morning and a
magnificent and appreciative con
gregation will no doubt hear him.
Notice to the Sunday Schools.
Pursuant to a resolution offer
ed by E. M. Copeland and adopted
by the people, I hereby appoint
and notify R. O. Jackson, I. P.
Rosser, and C. C. Fargason, a
committee whose duty it is to no
tify all the Sunday Schools of
Henry county to appoint delegates
to meet at a time and place desig
nated by said committee to act as
Executive Committee, which is to
elect officers of Henry County
Sunday School Association t o
serye during the year 1912, begin
ning September Ist, 1911, and
ending September Ist, 1912, to for
mulate plans and regulations gov
erning said Association.
H. W. Carmichael,
everybody come that can, and
those who can’t pray that we may
have a glorious meeting.
Mrs. W. L. Lewis had as her
guests Saturday afternoon Mrs.
W. N. Duncan and Misses Sallie
Gilbert and Lois Donehoo.
Mr. Henry Strickland and Miss
Sallie Gilbert were out riding
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Cliff Wood and lady visited
in this section Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. C. E. Gilbert and daughter
spent Saturday afternoon with
Mrs. Nan Lewis and enjoyed it
fine eating watermelons.
Mr. Cliff Morris and wife visited
relatives in McDonough Sunday.
Mr. J. B. Sowell and daughters
attended preaching at Luella Sun
Miss Lizzie Pendley, of Sunny
side, spent Sunday and Sunday
night with Mrs. W. E. Copeland.
Mr. R. R. Roan and wife at
tended preaching at Luella Sun
Mr. J. C. Morris and family vis
ited W. E. Copeland and family
Miss Lizzie Pendley visited Mrs.
R. R. Roan Friday.
Miss Mattie May Sowell and sis
ter. Miss Ella Lois, and Mrs. W. E.
Copeland called on Mrs. R. R.
Roan, Saturday.
McDonough, Georgia. Friday august 25, 1911.
She and Mr. Woodfin Combs to
Wed in October.
Mrs. Charles Robert Walker, of
McDonough, has announced the
engagement of her daughter,
Ruth Elizabeth, and Mr. Woodfin
Grady Combs, the wedding to
take place in October at the home
of the bride.
Both of these parties are known
by nearly all the people of Henry
county, who will receive the news
with best wishes for the happy
Miss Walker is a daughter of
Mrs, Emma Walker and has been
a resident of McDonough all her
life. Charming in person and life
and talented in many ways, she
numbers her friends by her ac
quaintances. All of our city and
her many friends throughout the
county and State wish her many
years and all the favors which
happiness can bestow.
Mr. Combs is a son of Mr. W. J.
Combs, and one of Locust Grove
district’s most popular young men.
Of genial personality and unusual
ability, he has hosts of friends at
home and abroad who believe in
him and predict for him much suc
cess. At present they are work
ing over time that good right hand
and throwing arm of his in con
gratulating him.
The happy event will occur
some time in October.
Revival at Union Church.
A ten days’ meeting will begin
at Union church, in Rockdale
county, Friday night, Aug, 25.
Rev. Charlie D. Tillman will preach
and sing, assisted in the music by
Miss Jewel Dodge Tillman. A pi
and and organ will be used.
Everybody invited.
W. O. Butler, Pastor.
Singing Convention.
The second Annnal Sension of
the Henry County Singing Con
vention will meet with Mt. Carmel
church, 7 miles west of McDon
ough, Friday and Saturday before
the second Sunday in September.
Every church, Sunday school, and
singing class in Henry county, is
entitled and requested to send four
messengers and 1 messenger for
every 50 members over 100 it has.
Get busy and elect your mesen
gers at once.
Some of the best singers of the
State will be invited to attend.
From what we have heard o f
the people of Mt. Carmel commun
ity, this convention will be royally
Also get your messengers for
the High Falls Convention, which
meets at Locust Grove church Fri
day and Saturday before the third
Sunday in September.
A. C. Norman, Secretary.
Miss Ollie Rosser Hostess.
Miss Ollie Rosser entertained a
number of her friends Thursday
evening of last week, in honor of
her guest, Miss Maud Denson, of
Music and conversation were en
joyed until a late hour, when ice
cream and cake were served.
Happy Happenings.
The series of protracted meet
ings in this community has come
to a close. Some striking ser
mons have been preached. Some
that ought never to be forgotten
by the people who have sat under
the voice of those who preached
them. But, my! my! To some
they were only as chaff that is
separated from the wheat, I sus
pect, though I hope not. It seems
that way at the present time, but
may the words of the preachers
be as the words of our prophets,
be sown now to be reaped in the
years to come. O, that God
would tend us all and make us to
understand and know that we are
His, and that we should love one
another as he loved us.
Rev. Aycock and *Rev. Pierce
have just closed a meeting at Mt.
Carmel. Rev. Pierce, of Colum
bus, conducted the preaching ser
vices and Mr, Jenkins, of Atlanta,
conducted the singing. We com
mend him in the highest degree,
because we feel that God is with
him and he is using what God has
given him. He gave him a talent
and he is using it. He is blind in
his eyes, but not blind in the spirit.
Oh, how many young men have
good eyes, good ears, and can
speak for God to glorify his Holy
name and will just sit still, as far
as spiritual things are concerned,
and won’t do anything.
What is God going to do with
that kind of a young man? Cast
him into outer darkness.
Fourteen united themselves with
the church.
How much longer have the
preachers to preach to the church
members? In all the meetings we
have had this summer there was
nearly all the time taken in preach
ing to the church. There is no
time to look after the sinners.
What is going to become of them
if the church don’t put on the robe
of righteousness or the whole ar
mor of God and get out of the
wav of sinners and then step out
and invite them to partake of the
good things which the Lord has
given them to feast upon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Callaway
are all smiles over a fine girl.
Mrs. Minnie Pool, of Hampton,
and Mr. Wyatt Rowan, of Meri
wether county, were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. McLendon last
week and Emmet Wallace was
the guest of his mother last Sun
Mr. Tom Pendley has returned
home, after a few days in Macon
and Milner. *
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wallace, of
Smarrs, are visiting relatives at
this place.
Mr. R. F. Stanfield and Miss
Janie May attended the sacred
Harp singing at Barnesville last
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Lela Callaway visited her
cousin near Milner a few days
last week.
Mr. R. F. Stanfield and his son,
Hatlie, attended the Sacred Harp
singing at McDonough and report
a nice time.
Miss Susie Stanfield was the
guest of her cousin, Mr. Clint
West, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. McLendon
Former McDonough Man Passed
Away at Neal.
Mr. J. E. Knott died at his home
near Neal last Saturday morning
at 9 o’clock, of blood poisoning.
His death was very unexpected,
as he had been sick only a few
Mr. Knott was a native of
Henry county, a son of the la
mented David Knott and Mrs.
Lucy Knott, now of Atlanta. He
lived in McDonough until a num
ber of years ago. In McDonough
and Henry county he was always
popular and beloved by all for his
genial ways and excellent charac
ter. He was 52 years of age.
He was a brother of Mr. M. A.
Knott, and a brother-in-law of Mr.
H. B. Neal, of our city.
The remains were brought to
McDonough Sunday morning and
were interred at 10 o’clock in the
cemetery here. The Rev. Olin
King conducted the burial services.
He is survived by his wife and
two daughters and five sons as
follows: Misses Lillian Knott and
Mary Knott; Messrs. David Knott,
George Benton Knott, Francis
Knott, Willie Clyde Knott, and
Neal Knott, And also his mother
and a number of brothers and sis
Miss Ruth Rape Hostess.
Miss Ruth Rape was hostes to a
number of friends last Tuesday
evening, as a compliment to Miss
Annie Sullivan, the guest of Mrs.
Jamie Hooten.
Music and conversation were
enjoyed and late in the evening
cream and cake were served.
visited relatives in and around
Stockbridge last week.
Mrs. Wynn and her daughter,
Miss Ruth, have returned home.
Rev. A. S. Ulm will not preach
Saturday night and Friday night,
as was announced in the last
locals. . Pearl.
Flat Rock.
Several of our young people at
tended the Holiness campmeeting
at Indian Spring Sunday.
Mr. Lois Wilson and family vis
ited relatives near Bethel Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. U. R. Hinton spent
a few days last week with rela
tives at this place.
Mr. W. R. Henry has moved
into his new residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Lum Cook visited
Mr. Gus Owen and family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Henry vis
ited Mr. C. T. Elliott and family
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Owen visited
the former’s parents Sunday.
Miss Alma Hinton attended the
Camp meeting at Indian Spring
last week.
I regret to say the sick are not
improving much at this writing.
Mrs. G. W. Owen, accompanied
by her granddaughter, Miss Marie
Phillips, spent one evening last
week with Mr, Gus Owen and
family. Old Sager.
$i A Year