Newspaper Page Text
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wright visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Crumbley
Friday and Saturday.
A crowd of nineteen went
straw-riding dast Monday after
noon. They report a nice time.
Mrs. Rodney McKibben, of
Atlanta, and Mrs. Emmett Sandi
fer, of LaGrange, spent last week
with relatives and friends around
A number of people attended
the baptizing last Friday after
noon. After a few days meeting,
ten were baptized.
We are glad to know that Mrs.
H. D. Crumbley. is some better at
this writting.
Mr. Raymond Wright, of near
Jackson, visited relitives and
friends around here last week.
We regret to know that Miss
Bessie Ingram, Mr. Raymond
Bearden and Mr. Stewart Mc-
Kibben have the measles. Hope
for them a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Tingle visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Tingle
Saturday night.
Miss Annie Jinks visited her
cousin, Miss Roxie Jinks, a few
days last week.
The singing at Mr. S. B. Kim
bell’s Wednesday afternoon was
enjoyed by all present.
Miss. Della Chiids had as her
guests Saturday night Misses
Emma and Lula Gaillard, Mary
Sue Wallace, and Eva Ray.
Mr. J. D. McCullough returned
Saturday from New York, where
WITH the Latest Improved Machinery and Tools and the
Best Workmen is in better shape to do your repair work
on short notice. There is no such thing as a better equipped
Jobbing Machine Shop in the South—No better mechanics.
We repair anything in the way of machinery from a bicycle to
a locomotive or battleship. Quality is the only way it is fig
ured here.
hadrovn a. n. others
Terms Strictly Cash. PHONE 75.
he spent ten days buying a fall
stock for Stockbridge Mercantile
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. DeLong
spent Monday in Atlanta,
Mrs. Ella Askew, of Ellenwood,
spent the week end with Mrs.
Rosa Lawrence.
Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Hightower
visited Mrs. Kelly Sims last Satur
Mr. Smith Settle, of Jackson,
is with the Stockbridge Mercan
tile Company this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McCullough
attended camp meeting at Indian
Mrs. Ida Grant visited Mc-
Donough Saturday and Sunday.
Misses Ruby and Bessie Hinton
visited Misses Mary and Cora
Hightower last week.
Mrs. Frank Coker, of near Mc-
Donough, has returned to her
home after a three weeks’ treat
ment for fever from Dr. R. H.
Mrs. J. D, McCullough spent
last week with her mother, Mrs.
J. N. Rountree.
Miss Elon Hinton was the guest
of Mrs. J. D. McCullough a few
days last week.
Dr. Jim Estes’ two sons, of.
Atlanta, are the guests of Master
Willie Lawrence.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hightower
visited Mrs. Lizzie Mosely last
Mrs. J. D. McCullough and
Master J. D. visited Mrs. C. C.
Hinton last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Branan
announce the birth of a son.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ward and
children, of Decatur, stopped here
a while Sunday, enroute home
from Shingleroof came meeting.
Mr. R. A. Hawkins has return
ed to Shreveport, La., after a
vacation and visit to relatives
Mr. Howard Gossett was here
Sunday. Miss Corrie Gossett,
who has been quite sick, we- are
glad to note is better.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hightower,
of Atlanta, spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. James High
Little Miss Lucile Mann, of At
lanta, who has been visiting her
grandparents here, spent a week
with her aunt, Mrs. Joe Thomp
Miss Virginia Branan, of Gwin
nett county, was the guest of Miss
Green Livingston this week.
Miss Ward McWilliams is home
for a two weeks’ vacation, before
returning to Locust Grove Insti
tute for the school term.
Miss Mina Austin has been
elected one of the teachers to as
sist Mrs. Ham in the school here.
We shall be glad to have them
both with us for the school term.
Mr. Ben Walden was here last
Mrs. Rosa Lee Ellison spent last
Saturday in Atlanta.
Misses Willie Berry and Ward
McWilliams were the guests of
Miss Ella Berry one day last week.
Mrs. C. M. Sprayberry, of
Woolsey, was a recent visitor
For Administ.ration.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
T. X. Moseley having made applica
tion to me in due form to be api>oint
ed permanent Administrator upon the
estate of J. B. Moseley, late of said
county, notice is hereby given that said
application will be heard at the regular
term of the Court of Ordinary for said
county, to be held on the First Monday in
September, 1911.
Witness my hand and official signature
CAN satisfy your wants in
supplies for anything in
machinery, automobile, bi=
cycle, or sewing machine line.
The Quality Tire for Automobiles.
The Georgia Trading
Company, Georgia!
Offers for Sale and on Easy Terms
the Following Property in
Monroe County.
A 7-room house with large barn,
servant house, and other outhouses
on r> acres of land, übout four blocks
from the Court House in Forsyth
100 acres of land three-fourths of
a mile from railway station, land
well watered, with 7-room dwelling,
barn, tenant house and other im
provements - - $2,000
300 acres of land on Central rail
road between Smarrs and Bolin
broke ... $2,700
271 acres, 7 miles from railway
station, level land.7s acres of fresh
land, 0-horse farm open for culti
vation, considerable amount of
original woods, 2-story frame resi
dence of Brooms, 2 new 4-room
houses, ] 3-room and 1 2-room ten
ant houses with barn at each set
tlement. A splendid plane and can
be easily sub-divided - $10,500
03 acres of land three miles from
Forsyth, 2-room frame dwelling
with barn, wagon shelter, etc.
Write for list of other Lands and prices.
Forsyth, Georgia.
9-2*2. 12,
this 7th day of August, 1911.
A. G. Harris,
9-1, 4. Ordinary.
For fieave to Sell Land.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
A. C. Sowell, administrator upon the
estate of M. V. Sowell, deceased, having
in due form made application for leave to
300 acres of land one-half mile
from railway station with 4-room
dwelling with hall,and four 2-room
tenant, houses, good barn, crib, etc.
100 acres of land 5% miles from
railway station in g jcd community,
near schools and churches, with
4-room dwelling, 2-room tenant
house, barn, etc. - - $1,500
400 acres 6 miles from railway
station, 1 5-room and 1 4-rooin
dwelling with good barn at eaeh
settlement, 3 tenant houses, about
30 acres of bottom and a quantity
of saw timber - - $5,250
500 acres 1% miles from railway
station, well watered and on the
place is a 7-room dwelling, 1 4-room,
1 3-room, and 4 2-room tenant
h#uses with 4 good barns. SO,OOO
20 acres of land on which is a
splendid water power and a Hour
and corn mill, 2% miles from town.
On the place is a 6-room dwelling
with cribs, etc. - - $4,000
sell all the lands belonging to said estate
consisting of 199 acres, more or less, a
Tussahaw district of said county and
Said application will be heard at tht»
regular term of the Court of Ordinary
for said county, to be held on the first
Monday in September, 1911.
This 7th day of August, 1911.
A. G. Harris,
9-1, 4. Ordinary.