The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 01, 1911, Image 6
Along Route Four. Picking cotton will soon be the order of the day in this communi ty, and the measeis, measels! they are just raging in this section. Those who have them are: Mes dames Olla Berry, Emily Nail, tSSettie McGarity and Miss Alma Culpepper, Mr. Sam Rosser and the little infant of Mr, and Mrs. Carl Berry and a good many more have been exposed. We are glad to know the sick in this community are inproving. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Head, of Ciffin, spent Saturday and Sun day with the latter's uncle, Mr. Berry, and family. Mr. Jim Upchurch made a trip lo Griffin Saturday. Mrs. Lois Nail, of Jackson, spent Friday and Friday night with her uncle, Mr. G. D. Lane, and family. It seems this morning, as if autumn times will soon be with us once more. It sure is a sad time to hear the wind howling through the meadows, and send ing the leaves awhirling. Dr. W. D. Scott passed through this section Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Maloy, of near Oak Hill, spent Sunday with the latters parents. Messers Will Head and Louis Berry attended the marble game at Mr. Ewell McGarity’s Saturday .afternoon The reunion at Mr. B. H. Ros ser’s Friday was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Lizzie McGarity and Miss Luie Fruit, of Ashland, Ala., were visitors in this section one day ttast week. Mrs. Parker Nail Passes to the great Beyond. Mrs. Alev Nail died at her home in Locust Grove Monday morning of last week, after three weeks’ illness of typhoid fever. Mrs. Nail was 45 years of age and was a lady of lovely Christian character and beautiful example, she was loved by all who knew her. She leaves her husband, two sisters, and two brothers as follows: Mrs. Mary Wilkerson, of near Stockbridge, Mrs. • Margaret Lawson and Messrs. I. A. and S. C. Varnan, all of Eastman, Ga., . and many other relatives who mourn her death. NIGHT LETTER THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY IX CO It I*OIiATEI). 25 000 OFFICES IN AMERICA CABLE SERVICE TO ALL THE WORLD This Company transmits and delivers messages only on conditions limiting its liability, which have been assented to by the isender of the following night letter. Errors can be guarded against, only by repeating a message back to the sending station for comparison, and the Company will not hold itself liable for errors or delays in transmission or delivery of unrepeated night letters, sent at reduced rates, be yond a sum equal to ten times the amount paid for transmission; nor in any case beyond the sum of Fifty Dollars, at which, unless otherwise stated below, this message has been valued by the sender thereof, nor in any case where the claim is not pre sented in writing within sixty days after the message is filed with the Company for transmission. This is an Unrepeated Night Letter, and is delivered by request of the sender, under the conditions named above. THEO. N. VAIL, President. BELVIDERE BROOKS, General Manager. Received at 10:25 AM .AN FN B 164 Paid NL Detroit Mich Aug 4th/191l McDonough Motor Car Co McDonough, Ga. FLANDERS ‘‘2o'' again made clean sweep. Awarded first and sec ond, all the prizes there were in her class in ten days reliability run Minneapolis to Helena, Mont. Hardest contest any light car ever entered, 1,390 miles over mountains and plains. Worst roads in America and rained most every day. Mud hub deep. The two FLANDERS were only cars in her class to finish with perfect scores, and only one other car of any price, a Mormon $2,700 finished perfect. Cars penalized included Packard, Stoddard, Dayton, Abbott, Detroit, Am plex, Maxwell, Cole, Krit, Hupmobile and other small fry. This is second great victory for FLANDERS “20'' in a month. Other was three perfect road scores in lowas little Clidden. No other SBOO car on oarth can stand up with FLANDERS ‘‘2o'' in hard road work, and in «this latest contest she went out of her class and trimmed the four ■thousand dollar fellows. The Studebaker Corpn. E-M-F. Factories. The funeral and interment were at Locust Gaove Baptist Church Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock. Hopewell. A good rain would certainly be appreciated, as the cotton crop and potato patches are suffering for rain. Mr. G. R. Lewis and family and Mr. Edgar Holloway and family attended camp meeting at Shingle roof last Sunday. Miss Dora Starr, of Stockbridge, is spending a few days with her brother Mr. Hillyer Starr. Mrs. Nan Lewis has as her guest this week Mrs. Ella Morris, of Atlanta. Mr. Tom Johnson and family spent the day with Mr. Bob Wood and lady Sunday last. We regret to say that Mr. Ed gar Holloway’s bady is sick, but hope for it a speedy recovery. Dr. Z. D. Ward was seen pass ing through this section Sunday in his handsome new automobile. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Swann paid Mr. W. S. Berry and family a pop call Sunday afternoon. Little Miss Freida Brown, of Hapeville, is spending this week with her uncle. Rev. W. N. Duncan will preach at Progress next second Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Let every body remember the singing at this place the first Sun day afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Twin Twisters. ( Near Worthville. Mrs. Lizzie Lewis and Mrs. Georgia McCay were the guests of Mr. W. P. Stephens’ family Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Frank and Boon Will iams were the guests of Messrs. Jesse and Carl Stephens Friday night. Miss Fannie Bell Stephens has returned home, after a two weeks, stay in Atlanta with her cousin, Miss Fannie May Ford. Mr. Jack Moss and lady were the guests of Mrs. Lizzie Levis Tuesday. Mrs, Georgia Stewart and Mrs. Effie Ellison were visiting Mrs. Georgia Pullen Wednesday aftei noon, who is right sick at present. Messrs. Grady Ellison and William Middlebrooks, of Newton County, were the guests of Mr. W. P. Stephens’ family Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Doby and little grandson, Bernard, visited Mr. Boyce Hollefield Friday. Mrs. Georgia McCay and Mrs. Lizzie Lewis were the guests of Mrs. Bell Carter Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Doby were the guests of Mr. Jim Doby, of Woodstown Saturday. Blue eyes. Application for Charter. Georgia, Henry County. To the Superior Court of said county: The petititionof J. T. Sowell, J. M. Car michael and W. E. Russell, of Henry County, said State, and J. P. Etheridge, of Butts county, said state, respectfully shows: First. That they desirp for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns, to become incorporated under the name and style of the “McDonough Mercantile Company.” Second. The term for which petition ers ask to be incorporated is twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. Third. The capital stock of the corpo ration is to be fifteen thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dol lars each by a majority vote of said stock. Petitioners ask, however, the privilege of increasing said capital stock, at any time, to any amount not to exceed thirty thousand dollars in the aggregate. Fourth. The objectof the proposed cor poration is pecuniary profit and gain to its stockholders. Petitioners propose to carry on a general merchandise business and to deal in Dry Goods, Notions, Cloth ing, Hats, Shoes, Groceries; buying and selling for cash or on credit all such ar ticles and things as may be profitably handled and sold in connection therewith; acting as general or special agents for other persons or companies in selling or handling any articles or class of articles appropriate to the general merchandise business or usually or conveniently con nected therewith, and to exercise the usual powers and to do all usual, neces sary and proper acts which pertain to or may be connected with the general mer chandise business. Fifth. Petitioners ask for the privilege to have and use a common seal, to buy, hold, lease, rent, sell and convey any kind of real estate, to make or take secur for any indebtedness, and for such secu. ity to execute or receive deeds, mortgages, collateral, or any lawful security, and to pass such by-laws and rules as maybe necessary for the government of said cor poration not inconsistent with the laws of this State. Sixth. The principal office and place of business of the proposed corporation will be in the City of McDonough, county and state aforesaid. Wherefore petioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid,entitled to the rights, privileges and immunities, and subject to the liabil ities fixed by law. Brown & Brown, Attorneys for Petitioners. Georgia, Henry County. I. J. A. Fouche, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original petition for Charter of the “McDonough Mercantile Com pany” as appears of file in said office. Witness my official signature and seal of said Court, this August 21, 1911. J. A. Fouche, Clerk. POSITIONS SECURED BY THE STUDENTS OF THE Southern Shorthand and Business University 10 1-2 West Mitchell Street, Atlanta, Ga. After takine a course in Booking. Shorthand, Typewriting, Banking, Penmanship, etc., at this long established and reputable Business Training School. Over 15,000 Students in Positions. Purchasers of Moore’s Business College, which was founded 46 years ago. Under its present management 21 years. Banking Department equipped with adding machines, etc. Large Tvwriting Department. Experienced and capable Faculty. Best, systems in existence taught. The famous Graham-Pit manic Shorthand, the system which is adopted for expert work. The 20tli Century Bookkeeping which makes expert accountants. Evidences of Merit. The patronage of this school is more than double that of any other Business College in this section, which is a most sig nificant fact. ENTER AT ONCE WRITE TODAY FOR CATALOG. Address, A. C. BRISCOE, Pres., or L. W. ARNOLD, Vice-Pres. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Prof. Thos. L. Bryan, the well-known Educator, is with the Southern. 19-11. THE HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY Business Building Bureau TS YOUR BUSINESS SICK? Do you think you should have more trade? Is there anything worrying you in connection with the growth of your business? We have the Remedy We have retained the services locally of the greatest retail and Bank advertising expert in this country, DUNDAS HEN DERSON. and now put his services at your disposal free of all cost and without condition of any kind. Write out an account of your whole business troubles freely and frankly and S9nd them to this office. We will pass the letter on to Mr. Henderson and you will receive from him in a few days a solution of your difficulties—the same kind of solution that has made success for thousands of merchants in the same position as yourself. It may be that a new style of advertising will make a dif ference in your business. Possibly a certain kind of advertising folder that has brought success to others is what you need. A particular method cf win dow dressing may be what will bring you the success you lack. Special salesmanship that has made success in similar circumstances may be indica ted in your business. But whatever it is, send the fullest, particulars of voar troubles to this department and let DUNDAS HENDERSON help you—FREE. This costs yon nothing and may help you to make a fortune. Write today. Further particulars of our offer may he obtained on appli cation to this office. All communications are absolutely confi dential—address FRANK REAGAN, The Henry County Weekly Business Building Bureau MCDONOUGH, GEORGIA. ! ■ ;>® /«kjs| Eastman Kodaks Ranging in price from $2.00 to $12.50 These KODAKS are here for your inspec tion. Also have ail the different sizes of films to fit your Kodak. Let me have your films developed and finished for you. P. B. CHEEK, Jeweler, McDonough, ga. Some scheme of a novel kind that will bring the money pouring into your money drawer is possible. Your competitors may be worrying you and you may want a knowledge of the lat est method of fighting them. You may need help in get ting in your bad debts—a few hints can be given that have materially helped others out of trouble. How to conduct a special sale, or sales, may possibly be the shortest way out of your worries. Kodak Fine I atn now carrying a nice line of the well known