The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 01, 1911, Image 8

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Nowhere else in the whole country is it possible to find such a
great variety of New and fashionable goods as in New York.
Considering the large quantities of goods we handle, and with an experienced and
successful buyer at the market, we will be able to offer our customers the latest mate
rials and best values ever displayed here.
Come to Locust Grove and Make GARDNER’S
Miss Wentzell is in the Eastern
markets and will return Septem
ber sth with the latest effects in
high class styles. Having purchas
ed her stock in New York, Phila
delphia and Baltimore. It will be
one of the best selected stocks
ever brought South. 9-1,1
Camp meeting at Shingle-roof
came to a close last night (Thurs
day), and the meetings were
most successful in every way. A
number of very fine sermons
were preached by Dr. Eakes, Dr.
Jones and other ministers.
Mrs. John Treadwell, of Jack
sonville, Fla., is the guest of her
aunt. Mrs. E. J. Reagan.
lam again selling fine fresh
meats, always on hand from this
date. W. O. Welch, McDonough,
Ga. 9-1,2.
Miss Minnie Forester is expect
ed to arrive in a few days to take
charge of the millinery depart
ment of the Copeland-Turner
Mercantile Co.
Mrs. B. E. Horton has had as
her guests this week Misses
Myrtle and Leila Cook, of College
Park, and Misses Stansell, and
Stella Williams, of Atlanta.
Mr. Tommie Tolleson left Mon
day for Fayetteville, where he
and Mr. Lum Ingram have gone
into the drug business.
Miss Ruth Walker spent last
week in Atlanta.
For Sale. —Mrs. W. E. Ham’s
home place, 5-room house and 7
acres of land, more or less. Ap
ply to T. A. Sloan, McDonough,
Judge E. J. Reagan, of Mc-
Donough, former judge of the
Flint circuit, was in the city yes
terday on the way to Forsyth to
attend Monroe superior court. —
Tuesday’s Griffin News.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bankston
and Mr. Joel Bankston attended
the Brewer-Bankston wedding in
Atlanta Tuesday.
Mr. and M:s. J. T. Leek and
Mrs. Taylor and Miss Taylor, of
Atlanta, were the guests of Mr.
Will King Sunday and attended
camp meeting at Shingle-roof.
Mr. Reuben B rry was the
guest of his parents, Dr. and Mrs.
M. E. Berry Sunday and also at
tended the camp meeting.
Mr. C. A. McKibben, of Atlanta,
was greeting his host of friends
here for several days this week.
Mr. Will Baker, who was one
of the operators here for the
Western Union Telegraph Com
pany for several years, has accept
ed a better position at Jackson
ville, Florida. His many friends
in McDonough regret his depart
ure from our city.
Mr. W. W. Teasley, of Dalton,
spent the week end here as the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dick
100 Cotton Baskets, Hamp Long
make, for Sale by
Planters’ Warehouse
8- 4. and Lumber Company.
The Rev. T. J. Bledsoe, of Brox
ton, is the guest of relatives and
friends in and near McDonough.
Mr. Boyd Carmichael leaves
Tuesday for College Park, where
he will enter the Georgia Military
Academy. He has given an
early order for The Weekly, so
that it will come to him right
from the start.
For Sale. —Good farm 5 miles
west of McDonough. Same dis
tance to Hampton, and Lovejoy.
1 mile to Mt. Carmel church. 200
yards of best school in county.
Part of Willis Copeland place.
J. B. Pritchett,
R. F. D. 3. McDonough, Ga.
9- 4.
Professor Lawrence Duffey, of
Barnesville, spent the week end
in our city, and Mrs. Duffey and
little Miss Sadie returned home
with him Monday, after having
been the guests of relatives here
for some time. Professor Duffey
is principal of the Agricultural
School of the sixth Congressional
School at Barnesville, and the
prospects of the institution are
flourishing and promise great
progress under his able manage
Col. E. M. Smith, of McDonough
was in the city yesterday, accom
panied by his mother, who return
ed to her home at Forsyth after
a visit to him at McDonaugh. —
Tuesday’s Griffin News.
Judge F. J. Reagan attended
superior court in Forsyth and
Macon Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. Joe M. Chaffin has bought
fifty acres of land from the Hon.
E. M. Smith a mile and a half from
town on the Key’s Ferry road,
and expects to live there next
Home P'or Sale. —My home
located on New street. Terms to
suit. Apply to Mrs. Anna Weaver.
McDonough, Ga. 10-13, 8.
The application for charter of the
McDonough Mercantile Company
appears this week with a change
in the name. It is changed to the
McDonogh Trading Comvany.
After the same had been filed and
adyertised’under the former name,
it was discovered that there had
already been a company by that
name, though now not in active
business. Through abundant
caution to avoid the posibility of
any confusion of names, it was
thought best by the incorporators
to incorpora ;e under the new
name of McDonough Trading
Prof, and Mrs. Lawrence Duffey
of Barnesville, were in the city
yesterday on the way home from
a visit to relatives in McDonough.
Mr. Duffey is superintendent of
the Sixth District Agricultural
School at Barnesville and says he
expects a large attendance the
coming term. —Tuesday’s Griffin
The funeral and burial of Mrs.
Mary E. Copeland Sunday was
largely atteded by the deceased’s
many friends and relatives. A
full account of her death appears
in the Hampton news of The
Weekly. Mrs. Copeland was an
aunt of Messrs. H. J. and W. G.
Copeland, of this city.
Mr. G. W. Morris, of Brushy
Knob district, made a busines
trip to McDonough Wednesday.
Rev. J. H. Eakes went over to
McDonough yesterday to attend
Shingleroof camp meeting, near
McDonough. He was accompan
ied by his brother, Rev. R. F.
Eakes, of Elberton, and Rev. E. M.
Dixon, of Forsvth. —Tuesday’s
Griffin News.
Professor E. D. Gunby arrived
Wednesday and everything is in
readiness for the McDonough
High School opening next Mon
day. A large attendance and
successful year are confidently
expected. The full faculty was
given in The Weekly a few weeks
Miss Bess Fouche returned yes
terday from Aniston, Ala., where
she has been the guest of her
aunt, Mrs. Matthews.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Sloan, Mrs.
Carrie Mayo, Mr, and Mrs. Will
Walker, Arthur Bowden, John
Turner, and Willie Turner, return
ed from New York last Sunday.
Miss Bessie Thomas has
returned to her home in Waynes
boro, after a pleasant visit to Miss
Alla B. Carmichael.
Rev. and Mrs. John A. Simpson
and children returned home to
day from Danielsville.
Special prices in cut glass at P.
B. Cheek’s. 9-8, 2.
Mrs. Annie M. Nolan and Mr.
Q. R. Nolan made a business trip
to Calhoun this week.
Miss Edna Stephens, from
Young Harris, has returned to
take her place in McDonough
High School.
Dr. and Mrs. Adel Scott are
expected home this week from a
visit to relatives in Virginia.
All sizes of Kodak films at P. B.
Cheek’s. 9-8,2.
Miss Nine Wall spent the
week at the camp ground as the
guest of Miss Blake Bunn.
Mr. Fred Walker spent Monday
in Atlanta.
Mr. Sanders Smith, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday here, making the
trip in his automobile.
Mr. F. D. McMillan and Miss
Mamie Bellingrath, of Atlanta,
spent the week end with relatives
Missess Ruby and Ruth Walker
visited Atlanta Wednesday.
Mr. Lamar Etheridge, of Jack
son, was here Wednesday.
A “good roads train,” with a
number of government road ex
perts on board, is scheduled to
reach McDonough at 10 o’clock on
the morning of Friday, the 6th
day of October. We have not
been informed, however, that they
will build us any roads.
I am temporarily located in
the Masonic building.
9-1, 1. T, A. Lifsey.
Flave your kodak films finished
at P. B. Cheek’s. 9-8, 2.
Mr. T. A. Sloan has returned
from New York, where he went
to purchase the large select
stock of dry goods and millinery
for T. A. Sloan & Company’s fall
business. He reports that he has
selected the finest line which -has
ever been displayed in McDon
ough, and that he bought at such
a bargain that he can sell the same
way and give the firm’s jnany
friends unheard of bargains.
9-1, 1.
For Rent. —One 3-room house
on Atlanta street, now being va
cated by Mrs. Elliott. Apply to
A. F. Bunn, McDonough, Ga.
Notice to Itebiors and Creditors.
Georgia, Henry County.
Notice is hereby given to all creditors of
the estate of M. V. Sowell, late of said
county, deceased, to render in an account
of their demands to me within the time
prescj ilted by law, properly made out.
And ill persons indebted to said de
ceased are hereby requested to make im
mediate payment to the undersigned.
This Tth day of August, I'.Ul.
A. C. Sowell, Administrator,
9 15, 6. Estate of M. V. Sowell.
Application for Charter.
Georgia. Henry County.
To the Superior Court of said County:
The petition of C. W. Walker, Mrs.
Minnie Walker, and A. M. Bowden, all
residents of said State and county, respect
fully shows:
1. That they desire for themselves, t.heir
associates, successors and assigns to be in
corporated under the name and style of
“The Walker-Bowden Company.”
2. They desire to be incorporated for
the period of Twenty Years, with the priv
ilege of renewal at the expiration of said
3. The principal office and place of busi
ness of said corporation shall be in the
City of McDonough, said State and county,
but petitioners desire the right to estab
lish branch offices and places of business
within this State from time to time, as
may be considered for the best interest of
the corporation, and to discontinue said
offices and places of business whenever
the directors of said corporation may see
4. The object of said proposed corpora
tion is pecuniary gain to itself and its
5. The capital stock of said proposed cor,
poration is Eight Thousand Dollars,
which said sum has been actually paid in.
They ask for the right to increase said
amount of capital stock from time to
time, to a maximum of Twenty Thousand
Dollars, and for the right to decrease
same at any time to the original amount
of capital stock. Said capital stock is to
be divided into shares of the par value of
One Hundred Dollars per share.
b. The particular business to be carried
on by said proposed corporation is that of
a general mercantile business, buying and
selling for cash or credit, dry goods, no
tions, shoes and all such articles and
things as are usually embraced in the dry
goods business and all such articles and
things as may be profitably handled and
sold in connection with the business of
said proposed corporation. They usk for
the right to buy and sell, for cash or cred
it, groceries, hardware, buggies, wagons
harness and all articles usually handled
by a general mercantile establishment.
7. Petitioners ask for the right to buy
sell, hold, rent, lease, convey and other
wise dispose of ail kinds of property, real,
personal and mixed, to take and make
mortgages, deeds, and other evidences of
debt, to borrow and lend money and to
secure the same by mortgage, deed, or
otherwise, to pledge its property or secur
ities, and to provide for the payment of
H. Petitioners ask for the right to pur
chase, subscribe for,. or otherwise
acquire and dispose of the
shares, stocks, bonds, evidences of
debt of other corporations, now organized
or that may hereafter be organized under
the laws of Georgia, and to hold the same
with all the rights of ownership therein
as is permitted to natural persons
9. Petitioners ask that said corporation
have the right to sue and be sued, have
and use a common seal, to plead and be
impleaded, to make and execute all neces
sary by-laws binding on its members, and
to do all and everything that
may be necessary and proper
for the successful carrying on of
the business contemplated, and with all
such rights, powers and privileges and im
munities as are incident to like corpora
tions and permissible under the laws of
10. Petitioners ask that said corporation
have the power to apply for and accept
amendments to its charter, to liquidate
its affairs and wind up its business when
ever it may desire.
\\ herefore petitioners pray that they
be made a body corporate, under the
name and style aforesaid, with the powers,
privileges and immunities herein set
forth, and such others as are now or may
hereafter be allowed corporations under
the laws of Georgia, and subject to the lia
bilities fixed by laws of said State.
E. M. Smith,
Petitioners' Attorneys.
Georgia, Henry County:
I, J. A. Fouche, Clerk of the Superior
Court in and for said county, do hereby
certify that the within and foregoing is a
true and correct copy of the application
filed in this office by C. W. walker and
others to be incorporated as ‘ The Walker-
Bowden Company,” as will appear from
the records of file in this office. Given
under my hand and seal of office this 39th
day of August, 1911.
J. A. Fouche,
9-32,4. C. S. C\ H. C. Ga.