The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 10, 1911, Image 2
FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS Fifty thousand feet of Common Flooring at $1.25 per hundred feet. Fifty thousand feet of Common Siding at $1.25 per hundred feet. FOR CASH AS HAULED, AT Planters’ Warehouse And Lumber Company, McDonough, Georgia. Resolutions on Death Of Mr. J. T. Lewis. To the acting Master, Wardens and Brethren, of Forest Lodge, No. 399 F. & A. M. of Ga. Whereas it has pleased the Great Architect of the Universe to remove from our craft our esteemed brother and co-laborer, the Master of this Lodge, brother Joe T. Lewis. We submit the following to be filed among the archives of this. Lodge: Brother Lewis was born in Henry County Georgia, April 23, 1838. He united with the M. E. Church South when a very young man, and continued a member of that church until the day of his his death. In 1862 he enlisted in Co. H. 27th Ga., Infantry in the Confed erate Army, and served until the surrender at Appomattox in 1865. Brother Lewis was three times married. First to Miss Mary Rountree, second to a Miss Car rol, and last to Miss Phebe Clarke, January 11th. 1873. The latter and five children still sur vive. He moved to Forest Park some six years ago, and was soon there after appointed Notary Public and ex-officio Justice of the Peace. He had served out one term and had recently been commissioned for another four years. Brother Lewis joined the Masons at McDonough, Georgia, in 1860 or 1861, having been at the time of his death 50 years a Mason. From McDonough he transferred his membership to Stockbridge, and at that place was several years Master of Har mony Lodge 156. On moving to Forest Park, Clayton county, he united with this Lodge, and has proven him self a skilled and ever ready workman. He has at sometime filled almost every Station in the Lodge. He was regulai ly elected Treasurer, and after that Wor shipful Master, from which Station he was call d September 26th, 1911, by the all Wise Builder from labor in this Lodge to refreshment in that Temple not built by human hands. He was faithful in his Masonic duties, faithful to his Church duties and faithful and orderly as a Christian citizens of the com munity in which he lived. W. E. Thompson, Elroy Pettys, W. H. Boyd, Committee. FOR SALE -Best horse in Georgia, also almost new buggy and a fine cow. E. J. Reagan, McDonough, Georgia. Central Dots. (Last Week’s Letter.) We have had more rain, and cotton still in the field that never has been picked. Miss Ossie Barnett and brothers, Hubert, Hansel, and T. J., spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Clower and family. Mr. Kenneth Clower visited McDonough last Monday. Mr. D. W. Clower spent last week in McDonough, as a juror. '' 'ifj If there was a better shoe value at the price than Craddock-'] erry Co.’s Southern Girl Shoe for women, we would never he offering you Ihe Southern Girl Shoe, Here is a shoe made of the finest, softest leathers. The making is first quality, We have th*m in high button and lace hoots, oxfords, pumps, slippers and sandals —and what is perhaps the best feature of all —we have these styles in flexible soles for those who want them. The wear and the style are all left in these flexible soles hut the stiffness is ail *wken out. They are as soft and pliable as an old slipper. The Southern Girl Shoe will make your feet look trim and neat, give you the maximum of comfort and weai at a great saving in price. Look for the Bell. It’s a small thing to look for hut a great thing to find. T. A. Sloan & Company, McDonough, ga. Messrs. Z. T. Peeples and S. T. Clower attended quarterly con ference at Hampton last Tuesday. Mr. Z. T. Peeples and daughter, Miss Mamie, of Gadsden, Ala., spent Thursday in Griffin. Mr. D. W. Clower visited Mr. Z. T. Peebles Sunday afternoon. Blue Eyes. Flippen. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Powell, of Rex, visited Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Fields Sunday. If iMJ L+j & u & & u f • bar tie 'feat* A. Id • itv of CMa gSwo All Styles $2.00, all Leathers 7k© Sk©& Mr. Seaborn Pless spent Sun day with Mr. Candler Dailey. Mr. Lonie Phillips spent Satur day in Macon. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McCullough, of Stockbridge, visited Mr. J. W. Rountree and family Sunday. Mr. Candler Dailey, and Miss Lura Fields, and Mr. Lonie Phil lips, and Miss Dennis Fields, at tended preaching at Mt. Carmel Sunday night. Mr. Clarence Strickland and family visited relatives in Duch town Sunday. linings, stitching, buttonholes, every little detail all up to the highest standard. The styles are perfect. Look as longas you please among the shoes that sell for more money and you v/ill not find a single mark of fash ion that is superior to the style features of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Glass, were the the guests of Mrs. Cora Fields Sun day. A large crowd attended Sunday school here Sunday afternoon. JOYS OF HOME. Sweet are the joys of home And pure as sweet, for they Like dews of morn and evening come To make and close the day. The world hath its delights And its delusions too. But home to calmer bliss invites More tranquil and more true. —Anonymous. .£// ; !i : .s \ .. .■ A : \ y\ - 1 —. .>•' : j i' X I rs \ : f if I I Lceclk tiho Rest Bell cn the &&X