The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 10, 1911, Image 3
Rex. Rex school opened last Monday with an average of 52 pupils. Mr. H. V. Adamson, of Jonesboro, is the teacher. Mrs. W. C. Estes, of Atlanta, visited relatives here recently. Mrs. W. R. Callahan was the guest of Mrs. R. E. Kyle last Tues day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Azmond Lewis, of Atlanta, were the guests of Mr. John Howell and family Sunday, Mr. Sam Mays and son, Mr. Grady was in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Barr, and daughter, spent Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kyle. • ‘Mrs. Zepomia Pattillo spent Sunday with Mrs. Kate Burks. Mr. J. P. Barr and son, Monroe, visited the Gate City Friday. Mrs. Wiil King spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Fullerton. Mrs. M. A. Campbell is very low at this writting. .. Mr. Walter Barr and wife, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mays, near Stock-bridge, Sunday. Mr. Jim Bradberry came home Saturday- from - the Navy; his time was out 'sometime in Octo ber. Mr./and Mrs. Marion Pattillo, of Atlanta, are visiting homefolks. .■ £ ... • -/,/ fs - Fig Tree. - " Paid Their Preacher in Full. The .colored Methodists around Stockbridge: included in four churches have paid their pastor, Rey. „ Cox, his entire salary of $f60«60! and" finished it up by the njiddle of Qctober. Now they are getting up i fund fora suit of Clothes. Their good work de serves praise from both white and ' colored.- ;t f> 0. /, .'i ' Correspondent. Incorporation of First National . w -'Ba(hJr Of Hampton. , , y . Washington, D. C., ~ September 26, 1911. Whereas, by satisfactory evi dence presented to undersign ed, it has been made to appear that “THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HAMPTON,” in the City of Hampton in the County of Henry and the State of Georgia, has complied with all the pro visions of the Statutes of the United States, required to be complied with before an associa tion shall be authorized to com mence the business of banking; Now therefore I, Willis J. Fowler, Deputy and Acting Comp troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that “THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HAMPTON,” in the City of Hampton in County of Henry and State of Georgia, is authorized to commence the business of Bank ing as provided in section fifty one hundred and sixty nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States. In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of office this twenty-sixth day of September, 1911. Willis J. Fowler Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency. 12-8,10 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. Georgia—Henry County : Notice is hereby given to all parties having claims against the estate of S. H. Griffin, deceased, to present the same properly made out. to the undersigned Executors, and all persons indebted to said estate are hereby required to make immediate settlement. This October 27, 1911. Charles H. G riffin and Mary E. Griffin Executors of the will of men S. H. Griffin deceased SCHOOL. Lesson VII. —Fourth Quarter, For Nov. 12,1911. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Dsn. v, 17-3*. Memory Verses, 25-28—Golden Text, Eceles. xll, lA-—Commentary Prs parsd by Rev. D. M. Stearns. We are glad to have another lesson In Daniel, hot It may be so long be fore we return to this book that It may be to glance at the book as a whole and outline Its contents. It is the book of the times of the gen tiles until the time of the kingdom shall come when Daniel’s city and people shall have their transgressions blotted out and shall enjoy the ever lasting righteousness of chapter ix, 24. Any one can make an outline to suit himself, but the following, by chapters, may suggest a better one. I. Daniel's purpose of heart. 11. The stone kingdom to till the earth. 111. The image worship, or the furnace. IV. The proud humiliated. V. The judgment on the blasphemer. VI. The triumph of God over His enemies. VII. The everlasting kingdom (paral lel with chapter ii). VIII. Kingdoms friendly to Daniel’s people. IX. Dan iel’s prayer and Gabriel's prediction of the seVenty-sevens. X. Gabriel’s sec ond visit to Daniel. XI. Antichrist and his overthrow. XII. The kingdom to follow the resurrection of the just and the great tribulation. From even such au outline as this we see that the portion assigned for today’s lesson is just the story of a sample leader of the devil’s followers, whose end is surely foretold in Fs. ix, 17; Matt, xxv. 41. It is part of the great king dom story of the l»ook and - must be considered in that connection as well as in its personal relation to indi viduals. It is the record of a drunken revel with which God Interfered sud denly. It was a great gathering of great people In the eyes of the world, and doubtless those Invited felt as much honored as Hainan did (Es. r, 5) when Invited to the banquet of Queen Esther. The golden and sliver vessels which had been taken from the temple of the Lord at Jerusalem were used as common drinking ves sels, and they praised all gods except the living and true God. In the midst of their drunken revelry a • Very strange and startling thing happens, for the fingers of a man’s hand are seen writing words upon the plaster of the wall of the king’s pal ace, and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote (verse 5). The king is filled with trembling and dismay, and all his wise man ace called to in terpret the words, but they could not read the writing (verse 8). This is the third time in this book that the wisdom of this world failed to under stand the tlilugs of God (11. 10; v, 27). How true it is that “the things of God knoweth no man, but the spirit of God" (I Cor. ii, 10). All the wisdom of this world is utterly at fault con cerning things heavenly. The opinions and surmises of people are not worth the breath that utters them when they venture upon the things of God. There are unseen agents all about us, and while the hand of the Lord is against His enemies It Is upon all them for good that seek Him (Ez. viii, 22). The queen hears of the unusual and startling event, and, coming into the banquet house and seeing the king greatly troubled and his lords astou ished and the wise men helpless, she remembered Daniel and bis marvel ous skill in interpreting hard tilings in the days of Nebuchadnezzer, and she said, ‘‘Let Daniel .be called and he will show the interpretation” (verses 10-12). When Daniel came into the presence of the king he was told of the inability of all the wise men to interpret the writing and was offered a great reward or great rewards if he would do it (verses 13-10). Dis daining the proffered rewards. Daniel said, ‘‘Yet I will rend the writing unto the king and make known to him the interpretation” (verse 17). We think of Abraham's rejection of the offer of the king of Sodom, of Elisha’s re jection of Naaman’s gifts and of Peter’s remark that the things of God cannot be purchased with money. The refusal of the man of God to go home with Jeroboam or accept his gifts (I Kings xiii) is also on the same line. Daniel then reminded the king of what the most high God had done for his father and how He had humbled him and added fearlessly and search ingly. “Thou hast not humbled thine heart though thou knowest all this, but hast lifted up thyself against the Lord of heaven, * * * and the God in whose hand thy breath is and whose are all thy ways hast thou not glorified” (verses 22, 23). W hat a searching word for multitudes of peo ple! The time of all earthly kingdoms is fixed. Only the kingdom of God is eternal. The Lord is a God of knowl edge, and bv Him actions arc weighed (I Sam. ii, 3i Our days are numbered, our thoughts and actions weighed, and the life story inji uiorral body will lig finished some day. However rnucTi riches and honor may have l>een ob tained. the question comes, "Then whose shall those things be?” As to the condition of those who rebel against God, let the words of the Lord Jesus in Luke xvi. 23; Mark ix, 43-48 tell all who desire to know. See also Rev. xx. 15. " *.. Babylon may perish, but Daniel and all who, like him. do the will of God ■hall continue and abide forever. What shall It profit though a man gain the world and All Its pleasure !f his soul is not saved? Election of County School Superintendent. The following letter explains itself; Hon. T. J. Brown, McDonough, Georgi t. Dear sir; As you knew, Mr. Tolleson’s term of office as County School Commissioner will expire on May 7, 1912, and prior to this date under the law there must be an election by the people for his successor. Section 2 of the act (See page 112, 1911 “School laws”) provides that an election must be held not later than 60 days before this date. In order to save the candidates and coun ties expense it has been decided to have the election in each county coincident with the Gov ernor’s election. Section 14, page 107, of the act revising our school laws specities certain qualifications in place of the ex amination as heretofore. These qualifications are four in number: 1. Three years experence in teaching, one year of which shall have been in Georgia, and the possession of a first grade license. Or 2. A diploma from a reputa ble college or Normal school. Or 3. Five years experience in actual school supervision. Or 4. An approved examination before the State Board of Educa tion as to qualification. As heretofore candidates must be residents of the county in which they offer ior election and must be persons of good moral character. County Boards of education must first pass upon the qualifi cations of the candidates and their conclusion must then be for warded to the State Department of Education for final decision as to eligibility. The State Board of Education will have another meet ing about the middle of Novem ber. In order that there may be no question about fairness and justice to all, I suggest the following course of precedure: That the County Borrd of Edu cation, through its president, make announcement in at least two issues of the County Press that it will meet in November for the purpose of passing on the qualifications and eligibility of candidates desiring to make the race for County Superintendent of schools. As soon as this meet ing has been held, send the action of the Board at once to me and final decision as to eligibility will be taken here as soon thereafter as possible. I send you, under seperate cover, a copy of 1911 “School Laws.” Truly yours, M. L. Brittain, State Supt. of Schools. In obedience to the above in structions, the County Board of Education will meet at the office of the County School Commis sioner on Saturday the 4th day of November, 1911, for the purpose of passing on the qualifications of candidates. T .J. Browm, President of of the Board of Education of Henry County. 11-10,4. y\le Are fltei , w foil BE3SZBESIJ SECT 1 ®: • SM H.TT 51 *. ** LS«EK3M r.T/mJSO T j C ■ f .NS -5/7.00 $22.50 ‘PEteHT PREPAID MALSBY, SHIPP & CO., S fo Delivery Guaranteed Dept. V" Atlanta, Georgia Tax Collector's Regular Rounds FOR 1911, SECOND ROUND. DISTRICT DAY NOVEMBER McMullen’s, Friday io Locust Grove, Monday 13 Hampton, Tuesday 14 Lowe’s, Wednesday 15 Tussahaw, Thursday 16 Beersheba, Friday 17 Love’s, Monday 20 Brushy Knob, Tuesday 2 r Shakerag, Wednesday 22 Flippen, Thursday 23 Sixth, Monday 27 Stockbridge, Tuesday 28 THIRD ROUND. DISTRICT DAY NOVEMBER Tussahaw Wednesday 29 Sandy Ridge, Thursday 30 DECEMBER Beersheba, Friday 1 McMullen’s, Monday 4 Locust Grove, Wednesday 6 Hampton, Thursday 7 Lowe’s, Friday 8 Love’s, Monday 11 Brushy Knob, Tuesday 12 Shakerag, Wednesday 13 Stockbridge, Thursday 14 Sixth, Friday 15 Flippen, Monday 18 Sandy Ridge, Tuesday 19 I shall be at McDonough every Saturday, every First Tuesday in each month, and all ol the first week of Superior Court, lrom October 16 to the 21st, inclusive, until the books close on December 20, 1911. S. W. WHITAKER, Tax Collector, Henry County, Ga. POSITIONS SECURED BY THE STUDENTS OF THE Southern Shorthand and Business University 10 1-2 West Mitchell Street, Atlanta, Ga. After taking hcourse in Booking. Shorthand, Typewriting, Banking. Penmanship, etc., at this Jong established and reputable Business Training School. Over 15,000 Students in Positions. Purchasers of Moore’s Business College, which was founded 4fi years ago. Und'irits present management 21 years. Banking Department equipped with adding machines, etc. Large Ty writing Department. Experienced ar.d capable Faculty. Best systems in existence taught. The famous Graham-Pit manic Shorthand, the system which is adopted for expert work. The 20th Century Bookkeeping which makes expert accountants. Evidences of Merit. The patronage of this school is more than double that of any other Business College in this section, which is a most sig nificant fact. ENTER AT ONCE WRITE TODAY FOR CATALOG. Address, A. C. BRISCOE, Pres., or L. W. ARNOLD, Vice-Pres. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Prof. Thos. L. Bryan, the well-known Educator, is with the Southern. 19-11. From 525 to S3O in the purchase of one oi our celebrated Ji/g/i Grade Family Sewing Machines, as against the Jobbers’, Dealers’ and Agents’ pro!its. Besides the saving the Sew ing Machine is covered w ith our TEN YEAR GUARANTEE niniii wmm Our Sewing* Msehtne* Arc constructed from the material, in th(* pomihlo manner by Skilled me chnnles. Highly flni«h.-d, Vtaely adjusted. V.m*? run lilnir durable and handsome. We hare thousands of letters from custnmefti confirming our utatement* an l to the Triii* Merits of our celebrated Sewing Machines. Our Big New Catalogue Illustrates, Describe* and | TYices our entire line of Sewing Machinea, Cooking i and Heating SU>wr and bfceci Rangva. itiSiuHoHa from start to finish, ns It fully explains our di rt ft s« 11 tug plan and bow we save you from S2O to S3O. Send lor it today—lt Is FREE.