The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 10, 1911, Image 4

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KKANK K KAO AN, K/<li«»r.
Knutml nt tb* po*tofll<*»at McDonough,
On., as *roon4'Cla*s mall matter.
Advertising Kates furnished on appli
Official Organ of Henry County.
McDonough, Ga., Nov. 10, 1911.
Obftnarteo. One obituary, not more
than one hundred words Isa length, will
nnbllshed free; only one obituary for
each death. All containing more than
one hundred words must be accompanied
with one cent per word for all in excess of
one hundred words. We cannot under
take to cut them down to the one hundred
worn limit. Manuscripts not accompan
ied with postage will not. l>e returned
Warning. No statements purporting
to come from The Henry County Weekly
are genuine unless they have written on
their face the signature of Frank Reagan,
Editor, or are presented by him in person.
Any person receiving such a statement
will please notify Frank Reagan, Kdit.or
McDonough, Georgia.
Pine Grove.
Here I come again this rainy
morning with no news.
Mr. George Nail moved last
week to the place he purchased
from Mr. Wilson Coan at Union
Graded School.
We regret to note that the sick
through here are no better.
Mr. W. W. Patterson and son,
Carl, made a business trip to
Monroe county last week.
Misses Bertha Rodgers and
Lillie were the week end guests
of friends around Jenkinsburg,
and reported a nice time.
Mrs. John Jackson and charm
ing daughter, Miss Ruby, made a
shopping visit to McDonough
The quarterly meeting at Phila
delphia was well attended Satur
Mr. Walter Cleveland and
family were the guests of Mr. J.
C. Craig and family Thursday.
Christmas is almost here, let all
be ready to enjoy themselves.
Rose Bud.
Notice of Bond Election.
To the qualified voters of the City of Mc-
Donough, Georgia.
Notice is hereby given that an election
will be held in said city, at the regular
piaceof holding elections for said City of
McDonough, Georgia, on the llthday of
December 1911, to determine whether or
not the Mayor and Council of said City of
McDonough, Georgia, shall issue bonds to
the amount of Eighteen Thousand Dol
lars, to lie known as “Sewerage Bonds.”
Said Sewerage Bonds to be issue in de
nominations of ifl,ooo each, and to bear in
terest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum,
payable annaally and to become due and
payable as follow s;
The interest on the entire issue to be
paid on tlte first tiny of January of the
years 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, and
one bond of SI,OOO, and the interest on the
outstanding bonds to be paid on the first
day ©f January of the years, 1919, 1920,
1921, He. 1 , 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928,
1929,1930,1931,1932, 1933, 1934, 193 ft, and
1936, so that the entire issue, principal and
interest will be paid off in Twenty Five
Years. Said Sewerage Bonds shall have
attached to them one interest coupon for
each year t hereafter that said bonds shall
run and said bonds to be numbered from
1 to 18 inclusive, and the coupons shall
bear corresponding numbers.
Said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor
and Clerk and Treasurer of the City of
McDonough, Georgia, with their official
signature. Said bonds and coupons,
when due, shall be paid at The National
Bank of Commerce, in New York City,
N. Y.
The proceeds from the sale of said bonds
when issued shall be used for the purpose
of budding and equipping a sewerage sys
tem in the City of McDonough, Georgia.
Those voting in said election who favor
the issue of said bonds and coupons, shall
have written or printed on their ballots or
tickets “For Sewerage Bonds” and those
opposed to the issuing of said bonds and
coupons shall have written or printed on
their ballots or tickets “Against Sewerage
Bonds.” and if said election shall l>e de
clared in tavor of the issuance of said
bonds and coupons the Mayor and Coun
cil of said city shall proceed to issue and
dispose of said bonds as required by law.
Witness our hands and official signa
tures this the Sth day of November, 1911.
A. M. Stewart, Mayor.
J. B. Dickson, Clerk and Treasurer.
12-1,4. [SEAL.]
Notice of Bond Election.
To the qualified voters of the < ity of Mc-
Donough, Georgia.
Notice is hereby given, that an election
will b« held In Mid city, at the regular
place for holding elections for said city of
McDonough on the 11th day of December,
1911, to determine whether or not the
Mayor and Council of said City of Mc-
Donough, Georgia, shall issue bonds to
the amount of Twenty Two Thousand
Dollars to be known as “Waterworks
Said Waterworks Bonds to lie issued in
denominations of $l ,000 each, to bear in
terest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum
and to become due and pay able as fol
The interest on the entire issue to be
paid on the first day of January of the
years 1913, 1914 and one bond of SI,OOO and
the interest on the outstanding bonds to
be paid on the first day of January of the
y»ars 1915, 1910, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920,1921,
1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1920, 1927, 1928, 1929,
1930, 1931, 1932, 1988, 1984, 1985, and 1980, so
that the entire issue, principal and inter
est, will be paid off in Twenty Five Years.
Said Waterworks bonds shall have at
tached to them one interest coupon for
each year thereafter that said bonds shull
run and said bonds to be numbered from
1 to 22 inclusive and the coupons shall
bear corresponding numbers.
{Said bonds shall tie signed by the Mayor
and Clerk and Treasurer of the City of
McDonough, Georgia, with their official
signature. .Said boials and coupons when
due shall be paid at THE NATIONAL
City, N. Y.
The proceeds from the sale of said 1 onds,
when issued shall be used for the purpose
of building and equipping a system of
waterworks in the City of McDonough,
Those voting in said election who favor
the issue of said bonds and coupons shall
have written or printed on their ballots or
tickets the words “For Waterworks
Bonds” and those opposed to the issuing
of said bonds and coupons shall have
written or printed on their ballots or
tickets “Against Waterworks Bonds,”
and if the said election be declared in
fuvor of issuing said bonds »nd coupons
the Mayor and Council of said city shall
proceed to Issue and dispose of said bonds
as required by law.
Witness our hands and official signa
tures this the Bth day of November, 1911.
A. M. Stewart, Mayor.
J. B. Dickson, Clerk and Treasurer.
12-1,4. [SEAL.]
Administatob’s Salk.
Georgia, Fulton County.
Ry virture of an order of Fulton Court
of Ord[pary passed at the January term
191 L I will sell at public octcry to the
highest bidder before the door of the
Court House in Fulton County, between
the legal hours of sale on the fisrt Tuesday
In December 1911, the following property
belonging to the estate of Bun C. Ward,
deceased, to wit: An undivided one half
interest in all that tract or parcel of land
situated in the town of Stookbridgo in
hind lot number 61 of the 12th district of
Henry County Georgia, and being lots
8,9, 10, 11, 40, and 42 in Block “D” of
subdivision of the W. 1). Grant property
as per plat on file in office of G. W.
Adair, Atlanta, Ga., commencing on the
East side of Burks Street 208 feet North
from the Northeast corner of Burks and
Jonesboro Streets, and running thence
East 100 feet, thence North 30 feet,
thence East 100 feet to Berry
Street, thence North along the West
side of Berry Street 30 feet, thence
West 100 feet, thence North 30feet, thence
East 100 feet to Berry Street, thence
North along the West side of Berry Street
30 feet, thence West 200 feet to Burks
Street, and thence South along the East
side of Burks Street 120 feet to the
point of beginning. Terms cash.
Mrs. Althea O. Ward,
Adminstratrix of estate of Bun C. Ward,
deceased. 12-1,4
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia. Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the
Court if Ordinary of said county
will be sold at pnblio outcry, on
the lirst Tuesday in December l!)l 1
at the court house in said county,
between tlio legal hours of sale,
the following real estate to-wit:
One house and lot in the 7th land
district of Henry county, Ga.,
near the corporate limits of the
city of McDonough, on the Macon
road, containing one-fourth of an
acre and bounded on the North
by lot of colored Baptist church.
East by an alley, South by colored
school lot and West by Macon
To be sold as the property of the
estate of Salina Low, deceased,
tor the purpose of payment of the
debts of said deceased. Terms
cash. This Nov. Btli 1911.
D. T. Carmichael,
Administrator estate Salina Low.
deceased. 12-1.4
For Dismission.
Georgia Henry Connty.
Whereas, O. G. Mosley Executor
of B. W. Mosley, represents to the
Court in his petition, duly filed
and entered on record, that he has
fully administered g. W. Mosley’s
This is, therefore, to cite all
persons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause, if any
they can, why said Executor
should not be discharged from his
administration and receive Letters
of Dismission on the first Monday
in December 1911.
A. G. Harris,
12-1,4. . Ordinary.
For Dismission.
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas, J, B. Thurman, Ad
minstrator of Mary E. Thurman,
represents to the Court in his
petition, duly filed and entered on
record, that he has fully adminis
tered Mary E. Thurman’s estate :
This is, therefore, to cite all
persons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause, if any
they can, why said Adminstrator
should not be discharged from his
administration, and receive
Letters of Dismission on the fiirst
Monday in December 1911.
A. G. Harris,
12-1,4. Ordinary.
Administrators Salk.
By agreement of the heirs at
law, will be sold at the Court house
door in McDonough on the first
Tuesday in December, 1911, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to
the higest bidder, the following
described real estate. One hun
dred and twenty acres of land,
divided into two tracts of 90 acres,
more or less, known as the Bud
Moseley place ; and 30 acres, more
or less, west of the 90 tore tract,
and adjoining lands of V. L.
Crumbley. Sold as the property
of J. C. Crumbley’s estate,
Terms cash. Sold fqr distribution.
Gr. W. Crumbley,
11-17,2 Agent.
Hickory ,
Mr. and Mrs. Cammie Craig, of
Bethany, spent Saturday night
with the latter’s parents.
Mr. George Kelley and daughter
Miss Mae, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Elliott recently.
Mr. Joe Steele visited relatives
at Griffin last week.
Mr. Jord Johnson spent Sunday
night with his sister at this place.
Miss Mollie Hendon was the
guest of Miss Fanny Branan Sun
Mrs. Annie Elliott arrived Sun
day to be the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Elliott for a few
Miss Fanny Ellis spent Satur
day night very pleasantly w r ith
Misses Travie Lee and Mary E.
We have a flourishing school at
this place under the efficient
management of Miss Fanny Ellis,
of Locust Grove.
Messrs. Paul and Tye Rowan
made a business trip to McDon
ough last week. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Branan, of
Bethany, had as their guests
Sunday Mr. Ben Branan and
family and Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Branan, of this place.
Messrs. Robert Crumbley and
Boyce Moss were in this vicinity
Messrs. Beman and Charlie
Branan made a business trip to
Conyers Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Branan had
;as their guests Monday Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Glass, of Flippen, and
Rev. Olin King, of McDonough.
Mrs. Virgie Steele and children
Benjaman and Jessie, visited Mr.
Joe Johnson and family Friday
Mr. Otis Love spent Monday in
Registration Book
Is Now Open.
To the Citizens of the City of
McDonough, Georgia:
You are hereby notified that
the registration book for an
election for water works and
sewer bonds for said city of Mc-
Donough, Georgia, is now open at
the office of the Clerk and
Treasurer at The Bank of Henry
County and will remain open
until December 2, 1911.
J. B. Dickson,
Clerk and Treasurer.
Calls for heavier Clothing
and Shoes. Our Clothing
room is filled with an im- ~JS
mense line of Over Coats,
Full Suits. Odd Coats and
Pants for Boy’s, Youth’s hß||l
and Men. You will be do
ing yourself an injustice if
you do not visit our sale *
on these goods.
are the wearing kind, the /
service kind, the guaran- /
teed kind. /
Your size is here. The I
Price is a Snapper.
Very Truly, „1
’Phone No. 25. McDonough, Georgia.
mat C ll
o Gooa jum^
To give you satisfaction a cigar must be of the brand
that pleases your taste—it must also be well kept
just sufficiently moist to burn evenly and fragrantly
to the end—and the wrapper must hold neatly and
smoke dean. Our cigars are like that and we carry
all the best brands. These are a few cigars we have
in stock: RED STAR, PORTINA, C. H. S., CORTEZ,
The Reliable Drug Store
McDonough drug go.
McDonough, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bryant spent
Sunday and Monday in Atlanta.
Notice of Election.
The Trustees of all public
schools of Henry county, are
hereby, notified that Saturday,
November 18, 1911, has been set
by the Board of Education as the
day ipr the annual election of
trustees to fill all vacancies in the
various Boards of Trustees. The
retiring trustees will see that the
election is provided for as is
usual for electing county officers.
0. 0. Tolleson.
11-17,2. C. S. Supt., Henry Co.