The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 10, 1911, Image 6
Along Route Four. (Last Week’s Letter.) Master Adiel Berry, of Locust Grove, spent Saturday and Sun day as the guests of his uncle, Mr. Mitt Upchurch. Mrs. Bettie McGarity spent one afternoon last week as the guest of Mrs. M. H. Berry. Mr. Carl Jackson, of McDon ough, was with homefolks Sun day. Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Smith, of McDonough, passed through here Sunday in their auto. Master Lee Lester spent Sun day afternoon in this community. Mr. Boyd Carmichael was in this section Sunday afternoon. The many friends of Mr. B. T. Berry regret to know he is quite ill at present. We hope he will be better in a few days. Mrs. Arthur Brown returned home last Monday, after a few days’ visit with relatives at Locust Grove. Mr. E. F. Berry, of near Turn er’s Church, called on his brother a while Sunday afternoon. Rev. Elijah Oglesby and Mr. Jim Jeffares, of McDonough, pas sed through here Sunday. Mr. Oglesby preached an able sermon at Sharon Sunday. Mrs. Carl Berry and children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lester and family Saturday night. Miss Clyde Copeland, accom panied by her cousin, Mr. Jonas Lester, attended the house party given by Miss Mae Mitchell, of Oak Hill Saturday night. Messrs. Grady Elliott, and Wardie Foster, passed through here Sunday afternoon. A large crowd from this section attended the funeral of Mrs. Mark Norman, which occurred at Beth any Sunday. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved parents of the deceased. A Card of Thanks. Dear Editor: —Please allow us space in your most valuable paper to thank our kind neighbors and friends who administered to us with loving hands and words, and stood by us in the sickness and death of our little darling Navoye. Also to thank Drs. Ellis and Smith for their valuable aid. May God’s richest blessings rest on each one, is our prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jeffares. HAVE A DRINK AT THE HORTON SODA FOUNT In The NEW Place We are now at home to our friends in our beautiful and spacious store, where the First National Bank formerly stood. We are now better prepared than ever to serve you, and have everything in the DRINK AND DRUG LINE Also Fresh Candies. Call on us soon and often. McDonough, ga. Philiippi. (Last Week’s Letter.) Mrs. B. F. Crumbley visited Mrs. Lawrence Crumbley last Sunday. We still have Sunday school at this place. Last Sunday after noon Brother Alverton, of Locust Grove, mad? a very interesting talk. Miss Mary Lou McKibben visi ted Miss Roxie Jinks last Sunday. On last Sunday afternoon a horse ran away with Mr. Buck Moore and threw him out of the buggy and hurt him real badly. We hope for him a speedy re covery. Mr. W. J. McKibben made a business trip to Atlanta last Sat urday. Miss Kate Ellis visited Miss Agnes Bearden a few days last week. Messrs. S. B. and H. D. Crum bley made a very pleasant visit to Griffin last week. Mr. John 0. Minter, of near Jenkinsburg, was a pleasant visi tor in this section Sunday after noon. Flippen. (Last Week’s Letter.) Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Riley attend ed meeting at Rex Sunday. Misses Lelia and Oza Johnson, Eva Fields, Maggie Dailey, and Lura Fields were the guests Miss Myrtice Fields a short while Sunday. Miss Eva Fields was the guest of Miss Oza Johnson Saturday afternoon. Miss Ida Moss, of Jackson, is the guest of Mr. Gus Branan and family this week. Mr. Fred Glass spent a short while with Mr. Dudley Fields Sunday morning. Miss Dennis Fields spent Thurs day in Atlanta. Mr. J. K. Hood spent Wednes day in McDonough. Mr. Oscar Fields Spent Sunday in Rex. F. E. L. A Card of Thanks. I desire to thank the people of McDonough for their many good deeds of love and kindness ex tended to myself, and to my wife’s relatives in the death of my dear companion, and may God’s richest blessings ever rest upon them is my wish. M. A. Norman, Jr. • I fcjj" & SCWiNG mach,ne WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. If you purchase the NEW HOME you will have a life asset at the price you pay, and will no* have en endfe«« chain of repairs. Quality Considered If you want a sewing machine, write for our latest catalogue before you purchase. The New Home Sewing Machine Co., Orange, Mass. E. J. REAGAN, Attorney at Law, McDonough, Georgia. Office in the Masonic Building. Will practice in all the courts. j / DR. J. A..NELMS, • / Physician and Surgeon, LUELLA, - GEORGIA. f' - ’ r- 1 - " ?-■ ■ > T. A. LIFSFY. DENTIST Office Hours : 7.30 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 P. 11. BROWN & BROWN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, *, ' ‘ , McDonough, Ga. D. A. BROWN, DENTIST Office Hours : 7.30 to 12 A. M. to 5 P. M. McDonough, Ga. R. O. JACKSON, Attorney=at=Law, MCDONOUGH. GA Office over Star Store. Wedding Suggestions. Let us help you make your selection. In hand painted China we have Salad {Bowls, Olive Bowls, Sandwich Plates, ChoD Plates, Sugar and Cream, Vases and Fruit Bowls. Rich Cut Class. We have most anything you may want in fancy large pieces down to the smaller ones from SI.OO TO SlB.oO. Come in and take a look and compare these goods and prices with others. Yours for business, P. B. CHEEK, McDonough, Georgia. Are You Nervous? What makes you nervous? It is the weakness of your womanly constitution, which cannot stand the strain of the hard work you do. As a result, you break down, and ruin your entire nervous system. Don’t keep this up! Take Cardui, the woman’s tonic. Cardui is made from purely vegetable Ingredients. It acts gently on the womanly organs, and helps them to do their proper work, It relieves pain and restores health, in a natural manner, by going to the source of the trouble and building up the bodily strength. CARDUI WomanVTonic Mrs. Grace Fortner, of Man, W. Va., took Cardui. This Is what she says about it: “I was so weak and nervous, I could not bear to have anyone near me. I had fainting spells, and I lost flesh every day. The first dose of Cardui helped me. Now, I am entirely cured of the fainting spells, and I cannot say enough for Cardui, for I know it saved my life.” It is the best tonic for women. Do you suffer from any of the pains peculiar to women? Take Cardui. It will help you. Ask your druggist Write to: Ladle*' Advisory Dept, Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special Instructions, and 64-page book.“ Home Treatment lor Women,” *ent free. JDO GET YOUR PIANO NOW. Pay For It Under Oar Convenient Plan. It is possible for you to have a splendid piano, not a cheap “tin-panny” one, and you may have it now. You may have our beautiful Phillips & Crew Co. Piano placed in your home, by paying a small sum down and the rest in two years’ time, monthly payments, quarterly, or each fall if you depend on crops for your income. Any reasonable terms are acceptable. We put our name on this piano—Phillips & Crew Co. We put our half century experience into its handsome case, its skilled workmanship, its beautiful lasting tone, its splen did wearing quality. We put our reputation behind it. On account of avoiding middlemen’s profits, you can save at least SIOO.OO on a Phillips & Crew Co. Piano. Y\ rite today for folder showing prices, cut of piano, terms, etc. Get your piano now. Your home needs it. PHILLIPS & CREW CO. ATLANTA, GA. SAVANNAH, GA.