Newspaper Page Text
Misses Annie Nolan and Annie
Lemon and Mr. Q. R. Nolan spent
the week end in Atlanta.
Miss Ethel Colvin, and Mr. Fred
Preston, of Jackson, spent Satur
day and Sunday as the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. J. Ingram,
Mr. Otis Love spent Sunday at
High Falls.
If you could see the crowds
that throng our store daily you
would ask the question, What
does it all mean anyhow?
Etheridge Smith & Co.
Mr. Benton Neal, of Emory
College, spent Sunday at home
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
B. Neal.
Mrs. P. B. Cheek has been very
ill at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Woodliff, in Atlanta, but is
now much better, to the joy of
her many friends.
Complete line of Pipeing and
Pipe-Fittings always on hand at
Stansell and Rape’s. tf.
Mr. Tommie Tolleson, of
Fayetteville, spent a few days
here this week. For Sunday he
had with him Mr. Walter Burch,
of Fayetteville.
Mrs. R. A. Sloan and Mrs. A. K.
Brown spent Monday in Atlanta.
See Stansell & Rape for two
horse Harmon plow stocks.
Mrs. Cora Hill, of Bullochville,
was the guest of her daughter,
Mrs. A. K. Brown, last week.
Made at home, best one-horse
wagon on the market, at Stansell
& Rape’s.
Mr. T. D. Stewart, of Atlanta,
spent Saturday in McDonough.
The Mills have made a cut in Cotton goods and we always give our
customers the benefit of all reductions.
Good Pearl Buttons per dozen - - 1 cent.
10 cent Pearl Buttons per dozen = - 5 cent.
Factory Knit Sox per pair 5 cent.
Black Factory Knit Hose, extra heavy, per pair 10c.
Extra heavy Knit Sox per pair = - 8 and 10c.
Extra heavy Cotton Flannel 8, 10 and 12 l-2c. a yd.
39 inch Sea Island - - - sc. a yard.
Extra heavy Sea Island - - = 7c. a yard.
Fruit of the Loom, Hill and Barker
Mills Bleaching, ALL YOU WANT, Bc. a yard.
Conestoga Cheviot . . . . 15c. a yard.
Good Feather Ticking . . . 15c. a yard.
Aviation Caps .... 25c. to SI.OO.
Sweaters 25c. to $4.98.
SC. Needles, 3 papers for 5 cent.
Lot of odds and ends in Misses Shoes worth $1 00 to $f.25 per pair 25c. Lot of Men’s Shoes
worth up to $3.50 per pair $1.50. All Men’s hats to go at 25 per cent discount
McDonough, Georgia.
Mr. Fred Kelley, of Atlanta,
was the guest of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W, B. Kelley, Sunday.
Messrs. H. T. Rape, H. S. Wil
liams, D. T. Carmichael, H. M.
Turner, A. M. Bowden, Tommie
Tolleson, A. F. Lemon, A. A.
Lemon, F. L. Walker, J. T.
Weems, and T. B. Thompson at
tended the Shriners’ meeting in
Atlanta Monday night.
Try the new soda fount. The
Henry County Dmg Company,
McDonough, Georgia.
For a good smoke or chew, buy
your cigars and tobaccos at The
Henry County Drug Company.
Notes on Road Improvement.
“I have no respect for the
teacher, whether in primary
school, high school or college,
who is not also interested in the
improvement of our public roads,”
said Prof. E. C. Branson, of
Georgia, at the recent Conference
for for Education in the South.
There is a growing feeling that
neither the country teacher nor
the country preacher is living his
whole life nor doing his whole
duty unless interested in in all the
movements that make for rural
betterment. —Raliegh (N. C.) Pro
gressive Farmer.
The lowa Legislature has made
the use of the road-drag compul
sory. A special tax is levied for
the purpose and the money from
it can be used for no other pur
pose. Macadam roads are the
things to hope for and to work
for, but if a neighborhood is not
able to build such roads, there is
no use concluding that mud-holes
and ruts are a necessity. Put the
drag to work. It will help wond
erfully, and the time will coine
soon when the road money will
be used to pay for work worth
while instead of for mere piddling.
—Raleigh (N. C.) Progressive
j Farmer.
Avery’s Reversible Disc Plows
Are labor-saving Implements,
Are Not an Expense.
life jBU B j K?
But an investment, bringing quick, constant dividends.
DRAFT is light in proportion to work. DIRT-PROOF removable boxes on all
Wheels, which hold the oil and insure perfect lubrication.
DISC BEARING chilled and dirt proof, insuring long life.
Turning Plows, Drag Harrows and Reversible Disc Cuttaway Harrows with
tongue trucks. We can interest you in these goods and in the PRICES.