Newspaper Page Text
Hampton Happenings.
tß> u. S. D. MaLaier.)
(Last week’s Letter.)
miss Posie Bright, of Atlanta,
Wi.s here Sunday to see her
mother, Mrs. ft. C. Bright.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pritchett and
daughter, Mary, were visitors to
Atlanta Tuesday.
Col. anjl Mrs. R. E. Church, of
Atlanta, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J, C. Tarpiey Sunday.
Mr. J. L. Moore left for several
points in North Georgia Tuesday
in interest of Hampton Fertilizer
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Carnes, of
Jonesboro, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Harris Sunday.
Mr. VV. J. Harris will sever his
connection with the Crescent
Mercantile Company January
first; he has bought an interest in
the Rockmart Furniture Company,
and will move to Rockmart the
latter part of December. The
many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Harris regret very much to see
them leave Hampton, and wish
for them happiness and prosperity
in their new home.
Mrs. A. B. Mitcham went up to
Atlanta Monday.
Mrs. E. H. Hair and Master Guy
Plowden spent the week-end in
Atlanta with Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Mr. W. M. Harris went over to
Luella Monday on Business.
Mr. T. A. Wilson was the guest
of Mr. Semmes Heard, of Jones
boro, Sunday.
Rev. J. E. England preached
two very able sermons at the
Methodist Church Sunday morning
and night.
Mr. H. G. Fields is having his
home on Central Avenue com
pletely overhauled. When the
work is completed, it will be one
of the prettiest homes in town.
Mr. H. A. Moore made a business
to Atlanta Tuesday.
Mr. E. H. Hair went up to
Atlanta Wednesday.
by miss moore.
On Friday afternoon Miss Sarah
Moore delightfully entertained the
Philharmonic Club.
After a very interesting pro
gram, progressive heart dice was
played; Arnold Moore and Miss
Reva Turnipseed making highest
score. After the game a delicious
salad course was served. Those
present were: Misses Lil Penning
ton, Eva Redwine, Reva Turnip
seed, Mary Pritchett, Florence
Foster, Oline Tarpley, Jessie Belle
Hammock, Carrie Lizzie Davis,
Julia Moore, Mary Wilder, Arnold
Moore and Richard Wilson.
(Last week’s Letter.)
Miss Vesta Ellis, who is teach
ing School here, visited home
folks at Locust Grove Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Roan visited
friends at Williamson Sunday.
Mr. W. E. Copeland and wife
and Mrs. R. R. Roan attended the
funeral of B. B. Dingier at Locust
Grove Friday.
Mr. J. B. Sowell went to Mc-
Donough Saturday.
Mr. Albert Dorton is visiting
Arthur Sowell for a few days.
Mr. J. B. Sowell moved up near
McDonough Monday, we are sorry
to give up a good neighbor like
Mr. Sowell.
Messrs.HAT. Amis and Paul Mays
made a flying trip to McDonough
(Last week’s Letter.)
Mr. W. A. Bellah, and charming
daughter, Miss Dove, were riding
through our midist Sunday after
Mr. J. D. Bowen, was in McDon
ough Tuesday.
Mr. Byron Maddox, of Atlanta,
visited his brother and family last
Mrs. W. H. Jones and children
were the guests of J. R. Reagan
one night last week.
Mr. J. R. Reagan was called to
the bed side of his father in
Atlanta, who is very sick.
Well! the good old farmers, are
about through planting the small
Several from here attended the
lecture made by Miss Celeste
Parish at Woodland School Friday.
Wishing for all a happy Christ
mas and prosperous New Year.
(Last week’s Letter.)
MissTrevie Crumbley, of Macon,
visited Miss Mary L. McKibben
last Saturday night and Sunday.
The singing at the home of Mr.
Charlie Childs last Sunday night
was enjoyed by all present.
Mr. Raymond Wright was a
very pleasant visitor in this sec
tion of the country Sunday.
Miss Elon Crumbley visited Miss
Lillian Jinks Sunday afternoon.
The Henry County Weekly
makes the following unique and valuable offer to its
With each Dollar paid on Subscription, either old or new,
and Fifty Cents extra, we shall enlarge for you or any mem=
ber*of your family any picture you may wish to 11 by 14
inches, mounted on 14 by 17 Card, with a white 12-ply peb
ble mat measuring 16 by 20 inches.
The usual price of this enlargement is $1.50 each,
and for a limited time only we make you this unexcelled offer. Each enlargement is guaranteed to be
an exact reproduction of the original, the quality of the work will appeal to all.
Owing to the heavy cost of making this offer, we are likely to discontinue on short notice. If you
have a picture of yourself, your wife, your children, or close relative, now is the time to have it enlarged.
Some good live solicitors wanted in the various
districts of the county.
The picture to be enlarged and the price of $1.50
must be left at The W eekly office at one
and the same time.
Be sure to write your name and post office on the back of the picture, so
that it will not get mixed with others.
Also remember the receipt number on the subscription receipt given to you, as
The Weekly will publish notice by such numbers when their
enlarged pictures are ready for delivery.
Editor and Publisher The Henry County Weekly,
McDonough, Georgia.
T elephones: Office, 23. Residence, 15.
A number of the young people
were out riding on last Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Childs and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Bearden visited Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
Moore last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Jinks, Misses
Roxie Jinks and Georgia McKib
ben made a business trip to Jack
son last Saturday.
(Last week’s Letter.)
Mr. Jesse Jeffares and wife were
the guests of their sister Mrs.
Omes Rosser, Saturday night.
Mr. Ed Mason, wife, and baby, of
McDonough, spent Sunday with
Mr. Green Joyner’s family.
Mr. Jessie Duke spent Saturday
night and Sunday with his cousin,
Mr. Asberry Coursey.
Miss Willie May Coursey has
returned home, after a two weeks’
visit to her cousins, Misses Lena
and Lizzie Duke.
Mr. John Preston and wife were
the guests of his brother, Mr.
Leonard Preston, Sunday.
On Nov. 3d Mr. Laban Gunn
and Miss Nannie Preston were
united in holy bonds of matrimony,
Mr. Walter Gilmore officiating,
we wish them a long and happy
Mr. Walter Gilmore moves his
family to his father’s to make
their home till ready to move
Notice to Bridge Contractors.
McDonough, Ga., Dec. 11, 1911.
Will be let to the lowest bidder
before the court house door in
McDopough, Ga., on January 4th,
1912, the furnishing all steel
material and erecting a steel
bridge over Cotton-Indian Creek,
7 miles from McDonough, accord
ing to plans and specifications on
file in my office in McDonough,
Ga., and open to the inspection of
Right is reserved to reject any
or all bids.
A. G. Harris,
12-22,2. Ordinary.
sheriff's sale.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern :
Will be sold at the Court House
door in said county on the first
Tuesday in January, 1912, within
the legal hours of sale, the follow
ing real estate, to-wit ;
Seventy-seven (77) acres of land
in Sliakerag district, bounded
North by lands of J. W. Thurman,
East by Talmon Pattillo, South by
Mrs. Rosa Lawrence, and West by
J. W. Thurman, and being what is
generally known as the old Uriah
Carroll home place: situated in
Henry county. Georgia.
Levied on as the proyertv of J.
H. Carroll, to satisfy an execution
issued from the Superior Court of
Henry county, Georgia, on the 4th
day of November, 1910. in favor of
Eugenia Carroll, widow, etc.,
against Jno. H. Carroll, executor
of Uriah Carroll.
Tenant in possession notified.
This November 27, 1911.
12-22,4. A. C. Sowell. Sheriff.
Georyin. Henr. County.
Mrs. Mattie Johnson, having
made application f>r twelve
months .support out of the estate
of Frank Johnson deceased. All
persons concerned are hereby re
quind to show cause belore the
court of ordina r\ of said county on
the first Monday, in January. 1912.
why said ap, lication should not be
12-2 h 4 A, G Harris Ordinary
For Dismission.
Georgia. Henry County.
To Wl l o n if ma\ Concern :
W. S. Wvnn, having made appli
cation to me in due form to be ap
pointed permanent Administrator
upon the estate ofW. T. Wynn, late
of said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will be
heard at the regular term of/ the
Court of Ordinary for said county,
to he held . n the first Monday in
January. 1932.
Witness my hand and official
signature, this 4th day of Decem
ber, 1911.
A. G. Harris,
12-29,4. Ordinary.
Georgia, Henry County.
The Act of the General Assem
bly of 1911 provides that, in cases
where there las been no legal
election for County School Super
intendent at the regular biennial
election, it is the autv of the Ordi
nary to call an election at least 60
days prior to the expiration of the
present term.
At the suggestion of the State
School Superintendent, it has been
decided to call this election coinci
dent with the Governor’s election
onjanuary 10, 1912.
It is therefore hereby ordered
that a special etection be held in
this county to fill the office of
County School Superintendent on
January 10, 1912.
Given under my official hand and
seal on this the 27th day of Novem
ber. 1911.
A. G. Harris.
Ordinary of Henry County, Geor
gia. 12-22,4.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern :
Will be sold at the Court House
inlaid county on the first Tuesday
in January, 1912, within the legal
hours of sale, the following real
estate, to-wit:
‘‘A lot of land lying in the 775th
district, G. M.. said Henry county,
five acres more or less, adjoining
the lands of Jake Hainbrick. on the
East by Mrs. Dodson, on the South
by Mrs. Dodson, on the West by S.
C. McWilliams, the land whereon
the defendant’s widow now re
Levied on as the propi rty of
Frank Johnson estate, to satisfy
an execution issued from the
Justice’s Court of the said 775th
district. G. M.. of Henry county.
Georgia, on the 27th day of April.
1911. in favor of S. C. McWilliams.
Plaintiff, against Frank Johnson
estate, defendant.
Written notice given the one
now 7 in possession.
This November 27. 1911.
12-22.4. A. C. Sowell. Sheriff".
Georgia. Henry County,
Whereas. Mrs. A. S. Peek, ad
ministratrix of estate,of W. H H.
Peek, represents to the court in her
petition, duly filed and entered on
record, that she has fully adminis
tered her estate:
This is. therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and credi
tors, to show cause, if any they
cun. why said administratrix should
not he discharged from her admin
istration. and receive letters of
dismission on the first Monday in
•January. 1911.
This November 27. Dll.
12-22.4. A. G. Harris, Ordinary.