The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 29, 1911, Image 3

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    Happy Happenings.
Hello, Mr. Editor. I guess you
aie preparing for the Christinas
holidays. I hope you a merry
one and all the readers of this
We are having some rain after
the beautiful pleasant weather we
have had. Some of the farmers
are wishing for the cold, so they
can knock up their hogs.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Stanfield
visited Mrs. Jewel Callaway, of
Lovejoy, last Wednesday after
noon. She is very sick yet. She
is going to Atlanta Thursday to
have an operation performed.
Her many friends hope for her a
speedy recovery.
Misses Mae Meadows and Lela
Campbell were the guests of Mrs.
Will Barnett last Saturday night.
The pound supper at Mr. Lon
B rnett’s last Saturday night was
enjoyed by all present. Many in
teresting games were played.
Miss Maud Banks has returned
home, after a week’s visit to her
sisters, Mrs. Cora Stanfield, of
Bolingbroke, and Mrs. Fannie
Wallace, of Goggans.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dorsey visi
ted Mr. and Mrs. Chat Dorsey
We are glad to note that Miss
Mary Medlock is improving at
this writing.
Mr. Frank Sanders, of Sunny
Side, was the guest of Mr. Josh
Dorsey last Sunday.
Mr. Tom Raddiree, of Buck
head, was buried at Liberty Hill
Saturday. He was the son-in-law
of Mr. Henry Hale, of Morrow
Station, and the husband of Arrie
Hale. He leaves a wife and three
children to mourn his death. He
was about 30 years of age.
Mrs. R. H. Chinn went to the
Gate City Thursday.
] has. The designs are Land- HI Jpf
I somest. Let us show them /
Call and let us show you this fam '"s line.
Below is a few of ur Christmas selections suitable for the Baby
to the Grand Pa.
Gents Watches - - ■ SI.OO to $ 45.00
Ladies Watches - - - 6.00 to 45.00
Lockets Solid Gold and Filled LOO to 18.00
Set Rings - - - ■ 1.50 to 125 00
Signet Rings - - * - 1.50 to 18 50
Watch Fobs Solid and Filled - 1.25 f ' 12.50
Bracelets - - - ’ 1.25 to 15 00
Brooches Diamond set - - 8.00 * 37.50
Stick Pns Diamond Set - - 5.00 *• 25.00
Mesh Bags - - - - l- 50 900
Hand Bags - - - * 9 "
Toilet Sets - 3.00 2.00
Military Brushes - - - 1-00 8.00
And a number of other things such as, Cigarette ' in sterling,
Too*h Brushes, Nail Files, Scissors, Pearl Knive Bells, Hat
Brushes, Coat Brushes, darners, Children’s Silver Cut Glass
and Hand Painted China. All goods bought of m * engraved
free of charge. Yours for business
P. B. Cheek, Jeweler McDonough, Ga.
Well, this is the last letter for
1911. The old year will soon be
gone and a new one will soon be
here. Many of us have made
new resolutions and kept them
and perhaps many have broken
them. And some of our loved
ones have passed away. We
who have all our loved ones
should be thankful. I hope all
who have read my letters for the
last 12 months have enjoyed them,
for I have written for the benefit
of the readers and the paper too.
I wish everybody a merry Christ
mas and a .rnppy new year. May
God’s richest blessings rest upon
you all.
(Last week’s Letter.)
Mr. and Mrs. Linton Powell
spent Monday in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Butler and daugh
ter, Miss Tennie, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Grover Clark one day this
Dr. W. C. Estes, from Atlanta,
spent Tuesday in Rex.
Messrs. Willie Callahan, Walter
Estes, and Igo Dease spent Wed
nesday afternoon in Jonesboro.
Mrs. Bill Clark visited the city
last Thursday.
Miss Vera White spent Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. C. W, Powell.
Mrs. Alice Barr went to Atlanta
Mrs. Zenomia Pattillo visited
Mr, Bill Clark and family Sunday.
Mr. Henry Toney and wife spent
Sunday with relatives here.
We regret to say that Mr. J. P.
Barr is confined to his bed. We
hope for him a speedy recovery.
Mrs. M. A. Campbell is not any
better at this writing.
We had with us Sunday Rev.
Jack Penn. He preached a good
sermon. Fig Tree.
Christmas time will soon be
here. Everybody is busy getting
Mr. Jesse Duke and sister, Miss
Lena, were the guest of their
sister, Mrs. Homer Piper, Satur
day night.
Mr. Harvey Piper, is the guest
of his cousin, Mr. Clint Piper, this
Mr. Smithie Piper and wife, of
Atlanta, are visiting his brother
this week.
Mr. Laban Gunn and wife were
the guests of their brother’s family
last week.
Mrs. N. H. Preston was the
guest of her son Mr. M. 11. Preston,
last week.
Mr. John Preston has moved
his family to Griffin. We regret
to lose them.
We regret to note that uncle
Ben Lewis is quite sick, but hope
for him a speedy recovery.
Mr. Isaac Joyner was the guest
of his son, Mr. Green Joyner,
Saturday night.
Christmas is here almost and
the children are looking for Santa
Dr. R. L. Crawford, of Locust
Grove, passed through here Sun
Mr. R, R. Roan attended preach
ing at Luella Sunday.
W. E. Copeland and family
visited her sister, Mrs. J. H. Carr,
Thursday night.
Mr. H. P. Oglesby and wife
visited his mother Sunday.
Mr. W. A. Copeland called on
his son, W. E. Copeland, Wednes
To Xmas Shoppers.
We have hundreds of
things to select from.
What could be of better
service than a high grade
watch. We carry the fol
lowing well Known line:
Elgin, Waltham, Hamil
ton, and Hanpden, fitted
in any design case you
should want. Also the
largest line of Ladies
watches ever shown in
Prices can’t
be beat. Any engraving
free of charge.
THE Gentleman’s watch
must combine reliability
with beauty. Discriminating - men
the world over carry
Walthams of the Colonial Series re
present the last word in watch-making.
They are made as thin as it is safe to
make a reliable watch. They possess
great beauty and will give a life long
service of accurate time-keeping.
We are headquarters for fine Wal
tham Watches. All grades at a wide
price range—each grade the best at
us price.
Southern Shorthand
and Business University
10 1-2 West Mitchell Street, Atlanta, Ga.
After tHking k course* in Booking, Miorth»irw Typewriting,
Blinking, Pentiums hip, etc., at this longest*!Wished and reputable
Business Training School.
Over 15,000 Students in Positions.
Purchasers ot Moore's Business College, which was founded
4(* years ago. Uml *rits present management 21 years.
Banking Department equipped with adding machines, etc.
Large Ty writing Department. Hxperim.ced at d capable Faculty.
Best systems in existence taught. The famous Graham-Pit
manic Shorthand, the system which is adopted for expert work.
The 20th Century Bookkeeping which makes expert accountants.
Evidences of Merit.
The patronage of this school is more than double that of
any other Business College in this section, which is a most t-ig
nificant fact.
Address, A C. BRISCOE. Pres., or L. W. ARNOLD, Vice Pres.
Prof. Thos. L. Bryan, the well-known Educator, is with the
Southern. 19-11.
1 EARLY A/iM i, 1. ” - )
\ WAKEFIELD. Th.» Kirii»t A little li.t«r i. AT DUTCH /
\__ Cabbage Grown. M Flat Head Variety. than Bin t •... in. and Laical Cahbtf* J
Paid in Capital Stock f 30,000.00. Established 41 Years.l
VVe srrew the firsti FROST PROOF PLANTS in 1848. Now have over twenty thousand
flatly fled cuatomora. Wo have crown and sold more cabbarre plants tit An ail othci persons in the
Southern states combined WHY? Because our plants mu* t pic so or we (tend your money back.
Order now; It is time to set those plants in your section to cot extra early oabbairo, uud tho. ar*
the ones that sell for tho most money.
We sow three tons ot Cabbage Seed per season f
YV rite for free catalog of front-proof plants of tho heat vnrirtioF., contain! i * v.U'iablo informa
tion about fruit and vegetable grow in,*. I'ric. .4 < n Oabbag * Plants-lit lots «I’ 50<> at $1.00; 1 (KM) to
6,000 $ 1.69 per thousand; 6,000 to 9.000 $1.26 per t hourtand; 10.000 and over tfLOO per thousand, f. o. b.
Youngs Island. Our special express rate on plants is very low,
YVm. C. Geraty Co., Box 248 Youngs Island, S. C.
"•’cOonough, Ca.
Funeral Director and Embalme'.
Day Phone No. 51. Night Phone No. 52 and 6 J.
All calls answered promptly day or night.
All embalming carefully done and according to beet methods
Our stock of metal and wood caskets and robes are unequalled.
Our services, hearses and equipment, are the best to be had.
We furnish the best steel, briek or oement Vaults.
Big Buggy Values
la BUY your next BUGGY Direct trout US and SAVE" $25.00
"J/IYei '’• fffjtrf '] on the BEST GRADE and EASIEST KENNING Buggy ever
iwn so 'd at the price Irom FACTORY DIKEET to the u»er.
25 00 iaJp Our Famous Buggies
/ V \ w here the most exacting conditions
are enforced. Best Air-Seasoned
Best Workmanship, Thor
ough Inspection. Built for
It contains illustrations and descriptions of over a hundred styles of Iligh-
Grad-'’ Buggies and Harness. It is brimful of VEHICLE VALUES.
WHITE tor it NOW— It costs you nothing saves .you money.