The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 29, 1911, Image 4
THE HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY 'l\ t; »(i \N, Kill tor Km iihl at tli> i»ostofli««*ftt MoDonough, On a- MM'ontl t'lasti mail mutter. ■tv ii-imi. ]<i|li k farnlsh*‘(l on ftppll- Oft n Official Organ of Henry County. McDonough, Ga., Dec. 29,1911. 'ni mi. - tmi liiriiar.v, not more tl. n l‘ 11 in ,■ <| u .ill. in length, will b. •1. < i t-. ; iit nr obituary for ei< ii i I • ■ n liiiM ir more than o i . >t nip -i In itccoin panietl w ' ■ fi iti p. tt m or ull In excers of 0 ril wo oh We eannot uncler tn ifii i hi tinvt n io the one hundred \t ii. i a' iiM'itptM not aconinpan it i i oi-tau.- will not In* returned. ui nint; No Matt-mentH purporting t< ue liom l lie llenr.t County Weekly hi limit' uiilei»> they have written on tt faet ihe Kitrnat tire of Krank Kengun, K< , oi are pres •iiteil by him in |)ern<>n. As |m isoii rt reiving such a statement will please noi i 1 y Frank Heagan, Kditor M i) 'iioiigli, Georgia Mr. J. 0. Middleton Marries the 27th. Cards have been received here by friends announcing the coming marriage of Miss Lula Kirksey, of Albany, Ga., East Dougherty, to Mr. J. 0. Middleton, of this coun ty, the marriage to take place at the home of the bride’s mother on the 27th instant. Miss Kirksey will be pleasantly remembered here, as she visited here several times as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Laura Alexander. Mr. Middleton is well known here, being a brother of Mr. H. M. Amis, and has been residing here and at Greenwood for several years and is one of our most pros perous young farmers and busi ness men. He is receiving the congratulations of his many friends upon winning a South Georgia belle as his bride to be. Miss Ethel Coan Hostess. One of the most delightful af fairs of the season was the kitchen shower at which Miss Ethel Coan entertained for her sister Mrs. Charles Coan. The hall and sitting room were beautifully decorated in holly. In the receiving line with Mrs. and Miss Coan were: Misses Mc- Vicker and Williams. On entering the guests were served with hot chocolate. “Kitchen” was played amid much amusement, Mrs. Coan win ning the prize, a silver tea bell. An interesting feature of the af ternoon was the favorite recipes of each guest. A delightful salad course was served. Mrs. Park Dallas, of Atlanta, spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Annie Nolan. All Millinery at actual cost at Miss Blanche Wentzell’s. Thanking our friends for their kind and generous patronage of the past and soliciting a continuance of the same and wish ing you all a merry Chistmas and happy New Year, We are yours to serve, MCDONOUGH TRADING COMPANY, McDonough, Georgia. locals. Among the out-of-town friends and relatives who attended the funeral of Mrs. .John P. Copeland Monday were: Mr. and Mrs. Zed Betts, of Monroe; Mr. Charley Betts, of Dexter; Mr. J. A. Cope land and Miss Lizzie Copeland, of Hampton; and Mr. Dave Cagle, of Atlanta. Miss Lula Hall spent the week end in Decatur. Mrs. Hankinson will spend the Christmas holidays in Elorida. FOR RENT. —One two horse farm two miles from McDonough. J. E. M. Fields. Mr. Will Ammons has moved into town and is occupying Mr. Jesse Copeland’s house. Mrs. J. M. Carmichael and Misses Ruth and Esther spent Wednesday in Atlanta. Miss Annie Nolan spent Wed nesday in Atlanta. Mrs. Annie Nolan spent Mon day in Atlanta. Miss Cora Betts left Tuesday for Monroe, where she will visit her brother, Mr. Zed Betts. Mrs. J. A. Rape is better, after several days’ illness. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Vanduzer left Saturday morning for their home in Elberton, after a stay of sometime in our city. Mr. Olin Cathy, of Pike county, is moving back to Ola to live, and his many Henry county friends welcome him back. Sardis. Mr. Trellis Morgan spent Mon day afternoon with Mrs. Sallie Carter. Mrs. Lelah Mae Mason called upon Mrs, Sallie Hays Friday afternoon. Mrs. Nora Mason spent last week with her son, Mr. Grover Mason. Mr. Carlton Hays spent Wednes day night with Mr. W. F. Lewis. Mr. Howard Hays and Mr. Jack Hajnes spent Friday in McDon ough. Mrs. Trella Carter and children spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Sallie Carter. Mrs. Nettie Cowan spent Thurs day wiih Miss Sadie Lewis. Mrs. Trella Carter called upon Mrs. Sallie Hays Friday afternoon. Mr. Jeff Hays and family spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Sallie Hays. Well, Mr. Editor, as this is my last letter I will close, wishing the editor and ye scriber a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Bill. Rex. Well it is just a few days until Christmas. Hope everybody will have a good time. Dr. W. C. Estes, of Atlanta, spent Monday in Rex. Mrs. Mollie Camp visited Mrs. R. E. Kyle one evening this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barr spent Sunday in Atlanta, the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. George Gunter. Mr. Hugh Mitchell and w ife spent Tuesday with Mr. Joe Callahan and family. Mr. W. E. Camp spent Monday in Atlanta on business. Miss Birdie Powell spent Sun day with home folks. Dr. Heflin, of Locust Grove, was the guest of his son, Dr. J. H. Heflin, one day this week. Quite a number from here went to the wreck at Ellenwood Sunday afternoon. No one was hurt much but the engineer; his leg was broken. It surely was a sight to look at. The wreck was caused by an open side track. Fig Tree. Bowensville. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Bowen were in McDonough Tuesday. Mr. William Gleaton and wife visited at the home of the latter’s parents Sunday. Miss Ethel Reagan is spending the w r eek with relatives near Turner’s. Charlie Moseley visited home folks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe How r ell and Miss Eftie Ford were the guests of friends Sunday. Several attended services at Ozias Sunday. Mesdames. J. R. Reagan and Betty Nichols spent Sunday with Mrs. D. J. Roseberry. Mr. Fletcher Bailey and master Roger Reagan, of Pace, visited here Sunday night. Mr. W. A. Bellah pased through here one day last week. Mr. Mat Maddox, Sr., has moved I back to his country home. D. J. Roseberry and H. C. Rea gan spent the week end in Atlanta last week. Mr. N. J. Bowen w r as in Stock bridge Monday. Stockbridge. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Grant and children spent Monday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Ab Harris and son, Clarence, were here last Sunday. Miss Laura May Davis went to Atlanta Monday. Mr. Will Milam and daughter, Miss Dora May, spent Monday in Atlanta shopping. Mrs. Marvin Power and little daughter, Miidred, left Tuesday for Comer, to be the guests of Mr. Power’s parents. Misses Artie and Zipora Bella have issued invitations to a dining which is to be Wednesday Christ mas week. Mr. W. K. Branan and daughter, Miss Ruby, spent Monday in At lanta shopping. Miss Ward McWilliams is ex pected home from Locust Grove Institute for the Holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton McCullough expect to move into a new home this week. Miss Ottie Wagner was the guest of friends here this week. Mr. Ed Livingstone will have a dining at his mother’s home dur ing the holidays. Miss Willie Rountree, of Flippen, spent a few hours in our city last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ida Grant spent Monday in Atlanta. Mrs. Lena West, of Cordele, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Carroll. Mrs. Sallie Rountree spent Depaoup|[ 4- > # D6i CfltldlftS —the kind of candies that please the most delicate feminine fancy. Put up in pretty boxes and cartons —fit to present to a queen—or in bulk, with all their delicious flavor carefully preserved. And they are pure. We pride ourselves on that. Only the best sugar and the most palatable fruit extracts are used in our candies. Come in and taste them. You will find exactly what you want>-we have them all. Here are some of our specials: Nunnally’s Christmas Boxes. The Reliable Drug Store McDonough drug go. McDonough, Ga. Saturday in Stockbridge, the guest/ of Mrs. J. D. McCullough. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McCullough and J. D. Jr., spent Wednesday in Atlanta. Miss Alice Hinton is very ill of typhoid fever at her father’s home near town. We are sorry to note the con tinued illness of Mrs. Ann High tower, who is at the ripe old age of eighty. Under Dr. Johnson’s treatment we are glad to say Mrs. Lawrence is very much improved. Rev. Daves and wife, of Griffin, are visiting Mrs, Lula Henderson, As this is the last letter before Christmas, we wish all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year and trust all will enjoy it, “Editor” and all, and all start in with good resolutions in the New Year. Col. G. W. Bryan returned home Friday night from Savannah where he has been spending some time with his daughter, Mrs, Hugh Hutton. Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott and Mrs. D. W. Scott made an auto mobile trip to Atlanta Tuesday.