Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. W. J. Sloan and little son,
of Atlanta, are the guests of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Atkin
Fresh shipment of Heinz’s pick
les and preserved cherries just
received at Brights. 2-16,1
I r
1 he friends of Mrs. J. A. Fouche
regret to hear that she is very lli.
Mr. Seab Harkness, of McMul
len’s district, was in our city Tues
Mrs. T. T. Port left Monday for
a visit to relatives in Memphis,
Tenn., after a visit to Mrs. P. B.
Delicious pickles fresh at
Bright’s. 2-16,1
Mr. Raymond Cathy spent Sun
d ly in Jonesboro.
Mr. Lum Ingram, of Fayette
ville, visited homefolks Sunday.
Phone 19 Bright’s for preserved
cherries and pickles. 2-16,1
Mrs. H. S. Williams spent Tues
day in Atlanta.
Miss Hattie Sue Low . returned
Monday from Atlanta, where she
has been visiting friends.
Mr. J. C. Harper, of Macon, was
in pur city Sunday.
Mr. G. W. Cavenaugh is report
ed to be doing nicely now in the
Sanitarium in Atlanta.
Mrs. J. M. Carmichael and Mrs.
T. J. Brown attended the matinee
in Atlanta Tuesday.
Mr. John McDonald, of Snap
ping Shoals, was in town Monday.
Mr. Walter Fields is building as
a residence for his family an ac
tractive cottage on Brown street.
Mr. W. I). Tarply was among
the McDonough people visiting
Atlanta last Friday.
Booster Chick feed and the
Pure Wheat the best general feed
for chickens of all ages. Sold all
the year round and produces the
best results. Copeland-Turner
Mercantile Co.
Mrs. Otis Tolleson has had as
her guests this week her sisters
Mrs. Reeves and Mrs. Williams.
Rhode Island Red Poultry Feed
is the safe mash for ehickens, it
makes the hens lay when eggs
are needed and the most profitable.
Copeland-I’urner Mercantile Co.
Mrs. Coe, mother of Mrs. Otis
Tolleson, returned to her home in
Dothan, Ala., this week, after a
three weeks visit here.
Mr. J. L. Fargason is quite
Mrs. Ed. Goodwin, who has been
very sick with LaGrippe, is con
New garden seed, onion sets,
seed corn and seed irish potatoes.
Our stock is strictly first quality
and will produce full crops under
favorable weather conditions.
Copeland-Turner Mercantile Co.
Mr. D. J. Green spent last Fri
day in the Gate City.
Mrs. Bright, of Stockbridge, is
the guest of Mrs. Henry Cleve
Mr. T. J. Brown spent Tuesday
and Wednesday in Atlanta, Mr.
Brown, as Chairman of the county
board of education has performed
the duties of the county school
superintendent during the illness
of Professor Otis Tolleson and has
made an excellent report of his
work to the State School Com
Special prices on Boys and
Men s overcoats and clothes. We
ask you to let us show you some
convincing facts. Copeland-Tur
ner Mercantile Company.
The Rev. W. 0. Butler, pastor
of the Stockbridge, circut, attended
the Missionary Institute here Tues
day. He made The Weekly an
appreciated call and demonstrated
to us that he was once a printer
Copeland - Turner Mercantile
Company are showing many nice
new stylish things in laces and
embroideries. Visit them early.
Mrs. A. G. Harris has returned
home from Willacoochee, where
she has been on a visit to her
daughters who reside there.
The United Daughters of the
Confederacy will meet at Mrs.
Fairar’s on next Thursday after
noon at 3 o’clock, the 29th of
February. The questions will be
found in this issue.
Mrs. Henry Elliott spent a few
days at Stockbridge last week
with her brother’s family, Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. Swann.
Dr. T. A. Lifsey left Tuesday
for Barnesville, where he will
open an office. Mrs. Lifsey and
little Truman will leave in a few
days. Their many friends here
regret to lose them, but wish
them success and happiness in
their new home.
The Rev. W. W. Arnold attended
the funeral of Dr. J. M. Brittain
in Atlanta last Monday. Dr. Brit
tdin was found dead in bed Sunday
morning. At the time of his death
he he was pastor of the Temple
Baptist church in Atlanta, but he
was pastor of the McDonough
church a number of years ago.
He was a good man and had many
friends here, who regret to hear
of his death.
Messrs. B. F. Grant and W. 0.
Welch are attending the Merchants
Convention in Atlanta this week-
What He Remembered.
When a prospective voter in one of
Chicago’s election districts was asked
the date of his naturalization he re
plied that he had taken out his pa
pers so long before that he could not
remember jusi when he had become
an American.
The officer to whom this statement
was made was extremely thoughtful
for a moment. Then lie added:
"Can you remember who was the
Republican candidate for president
that year?
"Sure, I don’t remember who was
running for prisidint,” was the re
sponse, "but it was the same year
that Stuffy McGinnis was appointed
Dog Drownder.”
Our purpose is to make
our bank a material bene
fit to the community in
general and its patrons in
particular. It would be
a pleasure to have your
name on our books.' We
invite you to start a
checking account with
us. The advantages we
offer will be a conven
ience and benefit to you.
Bank Of Hampton,
Hampton, Georgia.
For A Short Time Longer
/ i
The Henry County Weekly
makes the following unique and valuable offer to its
With each Dollar paid on Subscription, either old or new,
and Fifty Cents extra, we shall enlarge for you or any mem=
her of your family any picture you may wish to 11 by 14
inches, mounted on 14 by 17 Card, with a white 12-ply peb
ble mat measuring 16 by 20 inches.
The usual price of this enlargement is $1.50 each,
and for a limited time only we make you this unexcelled offer. Each enlargement is guaranteed to be
an exact reproduction of the original, the quality of the work will appeal to all.
Owing to the heavy cost of making this offer, we are likely to discontinue on short notice. If you
have a picture of yourself, your wife, your children, or close relative, now’ is the time to have it enlarged.
Some good live solicitors wanted in the various
districts of the county.
The picture to be enlarged and the price of $1.50
must be left at The \> eekly office at one
and the same time.
Be sure to write your name and post office on the back of the picture, so
that it will not get mixed with others.
Also remember the receipt number on the subscription receipt given to you, as
The Weekly will publish notice by such numbers when their
enlarged pictures are ready for delivery.
Editor and Publisher The Henry County Weekly,
McDonough, Georgia.
Telephones: Office, 23. Residence, 15.