Newspaper Page Text
Mr. L. H. Thompson is not as
well at this writing, and is not en
joying as good health as he has
ibeen for some time,
Odus Price, who has for the
■«nast year been engaged with a
firm in Boston, Mass., was a visi
tor near here Sunday.
Rev. .1. A. Jackson is still con
fined to his room, and unable to
walk, caused from sticking a nail
n his foot.
Mr. J. Brooks Chaffin has
moved up above McDonough for
'his year.
Dock Mays recently lost his
faithful old horse which he had
owned for number years.
The two children of Mr. Will
Woodward, who have been seri
ously ill with pneumonia, are bet
ter at this writing.
Mr. Emmett Rosser, who fell
md broke his leg recently is able
to be out again.
Rev. I. G. Walker will preach at
this place on the Ist Sunday night
n March. He has changed his ap
pointments here at night services.
Captain F. M. Clayton died at
ais home in Atlanta last Friday
morning. He was 78 years of
»ge, and is survived by one son
•md three daughters. He was
formerly of this county, and was
t charter member of the Masonic
Hodge of Masons in McDonough,
ile was a confederate veteran,
having served as captain of Corn
zany K. Twenty Second Georgia
.Regiment. A number of company
reside in this county; among
them are: L. H. Thompson, H. F.
i ireen, N. ,1. Carroll, S. P. Green,
David Wilson, J. M McGarity, W.
V Gardner, and others, and all of
these old vetrans of the 60’s will
he sad to hear of his death. One
We have ready for your inspection full and complete lin?s of Percals, Ginghams, Madras, Suitings, Zephyrs, Piques,
Swiss, B atiste, Linenes, Chamhreys, Poplins, Soisettes, Galate is, Swiss J issues, Crepes, Silk Stripe Voils, Gaze Splendor,
trap Bcudes, Broca Jed Pongees, Brocaded Foulards, Varna Silks, Cantonia Silks, Satin Foulards, Faconne Foulards.
We have the most compute line of low cut shoes we have ever shown. We are showing them in the latest styles and
leathers. White Buck Pumps, White Sandals, Tan Oxfords, Patent Sandals, Patent Pumps, Satin Pumps, Colonial
Ties, Brown Ooze Pumps, Gun Metal Pumps, Gun fleta! Ties, Dongola Ties, at $1.50 up to $3 50.
15 yards Good yard wde Bleaching SI.OO
3,000 yards Embroidery worth up to 25 cents a yard at 10 cents a yard.
All Linen Torchon Lace up to 4 inches wide 5 cents a yard.
Good Pearl Buttons 1 cent per dozen.
Misses Giagham Dresses 6 to 14 years 50 cents.
Best 25 inch Checks 5 cents a yard.
McDonough, Georgia. >
by one these gallant old veter i s
are answering to the last roll
call of the great Catain of tlie
Fair View.
Mrs. J. W. Sanders spent Friday
afternoon with Mrs. P. K. Chap
Miss Mattie Bunn spent last
week with her sister, Mrs. J. A.
Mrs. D. A. Martin, of Riverdale,
spent a while with relatives in
this section last Thursday.
Mrs. W. C. Stanfield spent last
week with relatives at Griffin and
Several from around here at
tended the funeral of Mr. W. E.
Copeland at Mt. Carmel last Wed
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Martin, of
Aberdeen, spent last Wednesday
with Mr. J. H. Carr and family.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Walker spent
last Sunday with Mr. Robert
Chappell and family.
The little daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. F. M. Holland was burned to
death last Friday. She was about
eight years old. She and her lit- ;
tie brother, who was older than
she, were out in the field burning
off terraces. The father was in
Atlanta and their mother almost
burned her hands off trying to
save her child. The funeral and
interment were at Tanner’s Mon
Mr. J. M. Avery went to Love
joy last Tuesday to see his bro
ther, Mr. H. T. Avery, who is very
Mrs. Nancy Golden who is sick,
|is ....v better.
.■ii L T. Lane went to McDon
ough last v.-'-k an 1 purchased a
fi ■ h ' se.
Mrs. Amanda Campbell and son,
John, visited relatives near Love
joy last Sunday.
We are sorry to note that Mr.
Bob Kelley is very sick.
Two weeks ago there was a
mysterious disappearance of a
negro girl living on Mr. I. M.
Burks’place. There were about
forty men hunting for her last
Saturday. Mr. Burks has offered
a revvard for her.
Miss Ida Rowden is very sick.
We hope lor her a speedy recov
Seetn’s like it snows every Sat
urday night, so that everybody
will have to stay at home Sunday.
Mrs. Polk, from below McDon
ough, spent a few days last week
with Mrs. Lawson.
Mr. A. S. Martin, of Jonesboro,
and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Martin, of
Aberdeen, and Mr. D. A. Martin,
of Riverdale, visited Mrs. W. E.
Copeland last Thursday.
Mr. Will Lawson and son, Har
mon, spent Saturday in McDon
Mr. J. P. Polk visited Mr. Will
Lawson one day last week.
Misses Lizzie Alexander and
Mamie Woodward visited in this
community Friday.
Mr. J. C. Morris made a busi
ness trip to MeDonouga Friday.
Mr. P. B. Cheek* was very sick
Saturday and Sunday, but is now
able to be at his place of business.
He went to Atlanta this week for
an X-ray examination.
you often judge the sender by the
stationery. Poor stationery makes
a “cheap” impression. Other people judge \ou in the same
wav when uni send a ’etter. See that your stationery is
good. The difference in price between good and bad sta
tionery is so small that anyone can afford the better kind.
Come in and look over our high class stock today.
Our stationery department is the best equipped in
this countv. These are a tew of our specials:
Monogram Stationery.
The Reliable Drug Store
McDonough drug go.
McDonough, Ga.