The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, June 28, 1912, Image 4
THE HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY FRANK REAGAN, Editor. Entered at the noatoffiec at McDonough, Qa., as second-class mail matter. Advertising Kates furnished oh appli cation. Official Organ of Henry County. McDonough, Ga., June 28, 1912. Obituaries. One obituary, not more than one hundred words In length, will be published free; only one obituary for each death. All containing more than one hundred Words must lie accompanied with one cent per word for all in excess of one hundred words. We cannot under take to cut them down to the one hundred word limit Manuscripts not accompan ied with postage will not be returned. Warning. No statements purporting to conn from The Henry County Weekly are genuine unless they have writien on their face the signature of Frank Reagan Editor, or are presented by him in person. Any person receiving such a statement wili please notify Frank Reagan, Editor McDonough, Georgia. McDonough high school ELECTS ITS FACULTY. Professor Gunby and All But Two of Old Faculty Re elected. The Trustees of the McDonough High School have elected the fac ulty for the next school year. Professor E. D. Gunby was re elected Supertendent without any other name’s being considered at all. He has made an excellent head of the school and has brought the school up to the high est point of efficiency and attend ance ever known in its history. With regret the trustees lose the services of Miss Laura Smith, who declined her old place here to accept a place in the Jackson schools. The many friends here of Mrs. E. 0. Ham will be glad that she has been elected as one of the new teachers. This is her old home and she will be welcomed back with pleasure. Miss Ivey, of Warrenton, is the only other new teacher. The following is a complete list of the newly elected faculty: Professor E. D. Gunby. Super intendent. Mrs. R. H. Hankinson, Ninth and Tenth Grades. Miss Anne Thornton Spence, Seventh and Eight Grades. Mrs. 0. E. Ham, Sixth Grade. Miss Bertha Bunn, Fifth Grade. Miss Mary Ivey, Fourth Grade. Miss May Tarver, Third Grade. Miss Lula Hall, Second Grade. Miss May Woodward, First Grade. The year just closed was the most successful in every respect since the establishment of the school. The attendance reached the fine figure of 317. The school has been seriously hampered by the cramped space within which it has had to work. The auditorium has already been practically ruined by the necessity of having to provide additional class rooms. They now are in sufficient to* accommodate the classes and it is imperative that additional class rooms be provid ed before any increase in attend ance can be cared for. If the entire auditorium were used for class rooms and a new auditorium added, then the neces sary room would be provided. With this arrangement the au ditorium could be restored and twelve grades could be provided in the school. If McDonough is to progress, it must have the proper school facil ities. New imported Cuba Molasses just received. Copeland Turner Mercantile Company. KNOW YOUR BANK Every man who seeks a depository tor his hinds owes it to himself to learn all be can of the bank’s responsibility. The management of the Bank ot Henry- County cordially invites you to investigate the ability and willingness ot this bank to satisfactorily meet your every banking needs. The more searching the investigation, the more pleased you will be with the policy ot this good old strong institution. We spare no pains to make your dealings with us pleasant and profitable, and are always in position to lake care of our custom ers whose business is satisfactory, and on terms reasonable and consistent with sound banking. Call in to see us and let us handle all your banking business. Have recently installed a nice line ot tire proof safety boxes, and are prepared to safeguard your valuable papers, etc., at a very nominal cost. Call and in spect them. Your iriends, THEBANK?HENRYCOUNTY McDonough, ga. MRS. DAVID LEWIS PASSES AWAY. Aged Widow of Beersheba Dis trict Died Saturday Morning. Mrs. David Lewis died at her home in Beersheba district Satur day morning at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Lewis was the widow of the late David Lewis and was an estimable woman of fine Christian traits of character and her life of service made her many friends, who will join with the bereaved family in mourning her loss. She leaves three daughters and five sons and three step sons. The funeral and interment were at Mt. Bethel Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Singing at Philiippi. There will be an all-day singing at Philiippi on the 30th of June. Everybody is cordially invited to attend and bring well-filled bas kets. All leaders come and bring their new books. W. F. McKibben, Van McKibben, Darrette Hard}, Committee. Mrs. Etheridge and Mrs. J. T. Sowell Entertain. Mrs. J. P. Etheridge and Mrs. J. T. Sowell entertained very de lightfully at the latter’s home on Thursday afternoon of last week. Punch was served by Misses Beula Rosser and Bessie Sowell. Games were enjoyed by the guests for some time, after which a salad and ice course and cream and cake were served. High grade auto oil and dry batteries. Copeland Turner Mer cantile Company. Mrs. 11. S. Williams spent Wed nesday in Atlanta with her sister, Mrs. Hart, who is very ill. f Mrs. James A. George, of At lanta, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. J. Reagan, this week. Mrs. Paul Baker, of Atlanta, is the guest of Mrs. E. D. Tolleson. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY CONFERENCE MEETS HERE. The Woman’s Missionary So cieties of the Griffin District Methodist Episcopal Church South will hold their annual meeting at McDonough Methodist Church July Ist, 2nd, and 3rd. The opening services Monday evening will consist of short ad dresses followed by an informal reception. Everybody is cordially invited to attend these services. Locust Grove. Mrs. E. T. Peek and children' have returned to their home, after a visit to her mother, Mrs. Melton, in Jackson. Dr. J. A. Combs has gone to Baltimore to the National Conven tion. Miss Stella Gardner, who has teaching at Bessie Tift College, is at home for the summer. Mrs. Will Nolan, of Atlanta, is the expected guest of her sister, Miss Aimice Combs. Miss Bettie Reynolds and little daughters, Misses Elizabeth and Ada, are at home. They have been in school at Milledgeville since last fall. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hubbard, of Cordele, are with home folk. Miss Elder, of Macon, who has been the attractive guest of Miss Mirabelle Smith, has returned home. Mr. J. L. Combs spent Sunday with his son, Mr. Ed Combs, out at the race track. There will be an all-day singing at Beersheba Sunday. Mr. C. V. Williams and family attended the singing at Liberty Hill Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Bettie Reynolds and chil dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Combs at the Race Track. Rocele. Miss Laura Smith, of Flovilla, is the guest of Jier sister, Mrs. T. J. Brown. Mr. Eli Price, of the Sixth dis trict, was in McDonough Satur day. Messrs. W. A. Ward and M. H. Judd, of Macon, were guests of friends at the Brown House Sun day. Mrs. Asa Lemon spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Walker, near Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Carmichael and Mr. Andrew Walker spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A W. Walker, near Griffin. Oil cook stoves, saving in time, fuel, and labor, easily operated, no danger. Copeland Turner Mer cantile Company. Mr. H. W. Carmichael returned from Barnesville Saturday, where he visited his daughter, Mrs. T. A. Lifsey. Miss Irene Boag, of Griffin, who lias been the charming guest of Miss Bess Fouche, returned to her home in Griffin Tuesday. Miss Maggie Manley, after a visit to Miss Bess Fouche, returned to her home in Jackson Monday. Over loaded on tin and glass fruit cans, jelly glasses and ice cream freezers, Copeland Turner Mercantile Company. Miss Annie May Atkinson, of Atlanta, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. W 0. Welch will chaperone a large party on a trip to Wrightsville Beach, which leaves July 11th. Clesing out prices on summer millinery and ladies ready-to-wear goods. Copeland Turner Mercan tile Company. Special . prices on shoes and slippers, full stock of polishes, blacking and bon ami. Copeland Turner Mercantile Company. Important Notice To Correspond ents. * The Weekly will appear next week as usual though it is the ; week when we nearly always take i our vacation and do not issue the i paper. Instead of that, date, there will be no paper for the week of i July 19th. in order to allow the Ed itor to attend the convention of . the Weekly Press Association. On the week of the 19th only a small . edition to carry the legal advertise ' ments will be published and none 1 will be mailed. Notice of Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given that at the pres ent session of the General Assembly of Georgia, a bill will be introduced, entnled: “An act to incorporate the town of Lu. ella, in the county of Henry, State of Georgia, to define the corporate limits thereof, to provide for officers thereof, de. fine their duties, powers and privileges, and for other purposes.” Stockbridge. Miss Alice Kelly was the attrac tive guest of Miss Corrie Gossett last week. Several affairs were given in her honor. On Tuesday evening Miss Corrie Gossett en tertained. Thursday evening Miss Artie Bellah was hostess to a num ber of young people in her honor. Saturday evening Mrs. Augustus Swann entertained Misses Alice Kelly, Corrie Gossett, Artie Bellah, Anna Butler, and Green Livings ton to tea. Messrs. Marvin Dod son and Gus Born, of Rex, called during the evening. Col. J. J. Barge and family were the guests of Mrs. J. \V. Clark last week end. Mrs. J. C. Walden and Mrs. Rosa Lee Ellison spent Saturday in Atlanta. The Sunday Schools of Stock bridge and Bethel will picnic at Grant Park Friday, July sth. Miss Dora May Milam is at home for a few days. She goes again to assist Rev. Chas. Dunnaway in music at a meeting the second week in July. Miss Ziporah Bellah is at home, after an extended visit to Atlan ta. Mrs. Nora McWilliams has re turned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Adamson, at Rex. Mr, Paul Dodson and Miss Cleo Dodson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Hightower Friday night and Saturday. Little Misses Essie and Jessie Kelly spent Saturday night with relatives here. Business College schol arship for sale at The Weekly office.