The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, July 12, 1912, Image 2
THE HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY FRANK KKACJAN, Editor. Entered at the postoffice at McDonough. Ga., as second-class mail matter. Advertising Rates furnished on appli cation. Official Organ of Henry County. McDonough, Ga., July 12, 1912. Obituaries. One obituary, not more than one hundred words in length, will be published free; only one obituary for each death. All containing more than one hundred words must be accompanied with one cent per word for all in excess of one hundred words. We cannot under take to cut them down to the one hundred word limit Manuscripts not accompan ied with postage will not be returned. Warning No statements purporting to come from The Henry County Weekly are genuine unless they have written on their face the signature of Frank Reagan Editor, or are presented by him in person. Any person receiving such a statement will please notify Frank Reagan, Editor McDonough. Georgia. TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS No paper will be published next week. Correspondents need send no letter for next week’s publi cation. On the following week, however, the week beginning with Monday, the 21st instant, The Weekly will be published as usual and regular ly thereafter. This is in keeping with our annual custom established by our predecessors and continued by us, that both our readers and we may have a rest. How to Get What We Want. There are so many things which McDonough needs. Above all she needs more peo ple. More people mean more business, more trade and more money. Before the people will come they must be invited. When they have been invited, they will not then come until we offer them some inducements. One of the greatest attractions a town can offer to prospective residents is excellent school facil ities. And here lies one of McDon ough’s greatest needs; it needs more room in its buildings prop erly to care for the school attend ance which it could secure, if it only had them. McDonough needs a public park. The Daughters of the Confederacy need to be aided liberally in their efforts to make a park at Big Spring. McDonough neees streets and bridges and sidewalks. McDonough needs advertising. But we have many needs and some of them are pressing needs. There is a way to supply these needs. A Board of Trade for our town will do more in that direction than any other one thing. Some have formed an idea that the object of the contemplated Board of Trade is merely to pro tect our merchants against bad debts. This may be thought by a few to be its only object. And it can easily and properly be one of the lines of such a body’s work. But it ought never to be its principle object at all. Its work should be far broader and of concern to a greater num ber of people. Such a body should be organ ized along the most unselfish lines and should take up with vigor and energy any move looking to the good and progress of our city. I am now handling Rising Sun Self-rising Flour, only $1.75 per sack. T. M. Bright. BOYS AND GIRLS AT OUR COUNTY FAIR. The Weekly publishes this week a list of prizes offered to the Girls Canning Club and Boys Corn Club. That is, a list as it now stands. Many more prizes will be added, for not more than half of the people in the county who are interested in the work have been approached on the subject as yet. These prizes will be offered for the best exhibit at the county fair made by the members of these clubs. And our county fair is going to he a great success too. The farm ers and merchants and other business interests are taking an active interest in it and will make a success of it. County School Superintendent j O. 0. Tolleson and Co-operative I Farm Demonstration Field W rk erJ. B. Brown are working daily at arousing the people to the op portunity the fair presents W all our people’s coming together and observing what we have accom plished. It is fitting that especial en couragement in their work should be given the girls and boys. For, if they be not interest in the farm work and life, we shall see an other generation abondoning the field and seeking the cities. Work for our fair! Lovejoy Live Topics. Rain, Rain, the oldest citizens dont remember seeing just such a spring; the farmers can scarcely plow one day in each week, crops are indeed sorry, cotton small and late, and some of it very grassy. ; Can’t make over a half crop at best. If the rainy weather con i tinues much longer the crop will be short. The corn crop is sorry, so was the wheat and oat crop, provisions are high and the far mers used more guano than ever before. Somebody is going to get left this fall, unless cotton brings 15 to 20 cents per pound. The Fourth of July has come and gone. Several Lovejoy citi zens attended the annual singing at Mt. Carmel and reported a lqrge crowd and a good time and some fine music. A. V. M. locals. Mrs. G. W. Cavenaugh came home from Atlanta Monday even ing and returned Tuesday morn ing, where she is with Mr. Cav enaugh at a sanitarium. She re ports that Mr. Cavenaugh is still very feeble and his general con dition is not much better. Miss Estelle Thornton is taking a vacation in Jackson with the home folk and old friends. Mrs. Will Walker and Mrs. Fred Walker, who have been quite sick, are convalescent. Miss Thomason, of Monticello, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. O. Jackson. Mr. C. W. Walker, of Toccoa, was in our city a few days this week. He says Toccoa is a fine town and he is much pleased with his prospects there. WHEN IN ATLANTA EAT AT Eliot’s QUICK LUNCH, 105 Pryor Street Quick, clean service Moderate prices GOOD COFFEE E. W. Roberts, Mgr. LEGAL NOTICES. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All parties holding Hahns against the estate of .J. S. Heflin are hereby notified to present the same, dulv attested, within terms of the law: those indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment J. H. Heflin, Executor. July 1, 1912. 8-9, 8 For A DMINBTRATION. Georgia. Henry County. Guts Owens having made appli cation to me in due form to be ap pointed permanent Administrator upon the estate of Nancy E. Morris late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the First Monday in August. 1912. Witness my hand and official signature, this 1 day July, 1912. 7-26. 4. A G. Harris Ordinary. FOR ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Henry county. To whom it may concern : P. M. Morris having made appli cation to me in due form to be appointed permanent Adminis trator upon the estate of Nancy E. Morris late of said connty, not ice is hereby given that said appli cation will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the First Monday in August, 1912. Witness my hand and official signature, this 1 day of July, 1912. 7-26, 4. A. G. Harris, Ordinary. FOR HI MISSION. Georgia, Henry County. Whereas, Robert T. Adams, Ad ministrator of Rhoda M- Adams, represents to the Court in his peti tion. duly filed and entered on rec ord, that he has fully administered Rhoda M. Adam’6 estate : This is therefore to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and credi tors to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not be discharged from his adminis tration, and receive Letters of Dismission on the first Monday in August, 1912, 7-26, 4. A. G. Harris, Ordinary. For Administration. Georgia, Henry County. To whom it may concern : A. M. Bowden having made ap plication to me in due form to be appointed permanent Administra tor upon the estate of Luther Price late of said county, notice is here by given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county t 3 be held on the first Monday in August, 1912. Witness my hand and official signature, this Ist day of July 1912. 7-26, 4. A. G. Hirri Ordia try. Georgia, Henry County. To whom it may concern : H. L. Carmichael, having made application 4 to me in due form to be appointed permanent Adminis trator upon the estate of Jake Weems late of said county, notice is hereby given that said applica tion w T ill be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said connty. to be held on the Ist Monday in August, 1912. Witness my hand and official signature, this Ist day of July 1912. 7-26, 4. A. G. Harris, Ordinary, For Dismission. Georgia. Henry county. Mrs. M. E. Henderson, Guardian of Emma Henderson has applied to me for a discharge from her gaurd ianship of PlmniH Henderson. This is therefore to notify all persons concerned to file their ob jections if any they have on or before the First Monday in August else she will be discharged from her ganrdianship as applied for. This July Ist 1912. 7-26, 4- A. G. Harris, Ordinary. For Leave To Sell. Georgia, Henry County. To whom it may concern : L. L. Patterson Administrator of the estate of .1. M. Patterson de ceased, having in due form made application for leave to sell the lands belonging to said Estate, consisting of 188 acres in McMul lin's Dist. of said County and State. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in August 1912. This 3rd day of July 1912. 7-26, 4. A. G. Harris, Ordinary. marshal's sale. Georgia, Henry County. City of McDonough: On the first Tuesday in August 1912 will he sold at the Courthouse door between the lawful hours of sale, one brick house and lot bound ed on tne north by property of H. M. Tolleson, on the east and south alleys, and on the west by Jackson street, in the City of McDonough, said state and connty. Levied on as the property of the McDonough Motor Car Co. to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the City of McDonough for ci f v taxes for the year of 1911. Tenant in possession legally noti fied. This July Ist 1912. 7-26, 4. Bailor Smith, Marshall. marshal’s sale. Georgia. County of Henry, City of McDonough : On the first Tuesday in August 1912 will be sold at the Court house door between the lawful hours of sale, one lot of land bounded as follows; on the w T est bv Southern R. R., two hundred feet, on the south by Jonesboro Street one hundred and sixty eight feet more or less on the east by land of H, J. Copeland two hundred feeit and on the north by land of J. B, Newman one hundred and thirty five feet more or less, in the city of McDon ough, said state and county. Le vied on as the property of J. B. Newman to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the City of McDonough for city taxes for the year of 1911. Tenant in possession legally noti fied. This July Ist 1912. 7-26, 4, Bailor Smith, Marshall. marshal’s sale. Georgia, Henry, County City of McDonough ; On the first Tuesday in August will be sold at the Court house door, between the legal hours of sale one house and lot bounded on the east by Atlanta St., on the north by Carmichael St., on the west by land of J. F. Willingham and on the south by property of O. O. Tolleson, in the City of McDon ough, said state and county. Levied on as the property of W. H. Cleveland, to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the City of McDonough for city taxes for the year of 1911. Tenant in possession legally notified. This July Ist 1912. 7-26, 4. Bailor Smith, Marssal. MARSHAL’S SALE. Georgia, Henry County, City of McDonough : On the first Tuesday in August 1912 will be sold at the Court house door between the legal hours of sale one lot of land bounded as fol lows : On the east by Jackson St., seventy-two feet more or less on 1 he north by alley, two hundred teet, and on the west by Griffin St., seventy-two feet more or less, in the City of McDonough, said state and county. Levied on as property of A. F. Lemon, to satisfy a tax fifa in favor of the City of MoDon ongh for city taxes for the year of 1911. Tenant in possession legally notified. This July Ist 1912. 7-26.4. Bailor Smith, Marshal. Dismission from Administration. Georgia, Henry County Whereas, P. G. Simmons. Ad ministrator of Caroline Simmons represents to the Court in his peti tion, duly filed and entered on rec urd. that he has fully administer ed Caroline Simmons’ estate: This is, therefore, to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and credi tor-. to show cause, if any they can. whv said Administrator should not he discharged from hisadmins tration, and receive Letters of Dismission on the first Monday in August, 1912. 7-26-4 A. G. Harris. Ordinary. -Stockbridge. A large number of people from here and Atlanta attended the pic nic at Grant Park and a most de lightful day was spent. The lunch proved to be quite an interesting part of the program. It was splendid. Mrs. R. A. Hawkins and little Miss Helen Clark spent a few days with Mrs. u. J. Barge and attended the picnic, returning home Friday. % Mr. R. A. Hawkins spent the week-end here. Miss Lois Gilbert returned home Sunday night from a delightful little visit to Atlanta and Flippen. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Terry re turned home Friday evening from a visit to Atlanta. Mr. Grady Estes, of Atlanta, was here Sunday afternoon. Misses Myra Berry and Lois Gilbert spent Sunday at Flippen. Locust Grove. Mrs. Will Nolan, of Atlanta, is with her sister, Miss Annice Combs Mrs. Annie Webb, of Macon, is the guest of Mrs. Mary Cleveland. Miss Esther Smith has returned home, atter a visit to Her sister, Mrs. Eubanks. Miss Eva Ray, of Jackson, was the week-end guest of Miss Ophe lia Hubbard. Mr. A. H. Price and family vis ited relatives at Flippen Sunday. Miss Nottingham has returned to her home in Macon, after a visit to Miss Bessie Williams. Miss Margaret Heflin, of Atlanta, is with home folks. Quite a large crowd attended the fish-fry at Heflin & Price’s mill last Thursday. Dr. Jim Heflin, of Rex, was in our town Monday. Master E. T. Peek is visiting his grandmather in Jackson. Mrs. Carl Combs has returned home, after a visit to relatives here. Rocele. Ellenwood. We have formed a club here for picking blackberries and w'e surely do have a good time. Miss Mary Rowden went to At lanta last Monday. Mrs. Castellaw, of Locust Grove, has returned home after a week’s visit to her sister. Mrs. Nannie Bond, of Atlanta, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bond, last Sunday. Misses Leone and Eula McVick er went to Atlanta one day last week. Miss Bessie Sowell, of McDon ough, is visiting Miss Ludie V. Bond this week. Mr. T. L. Bond, of Atlanta, and son, Byron, visited his parents one day last week, Professor A. P. Griffin, of the University School for Boys, at Sfone Mountain, spent Wednesday in our city, in the interest of his school. Mrs. Olin King and children left Thursday to spend a week or ten days with her parents near Rock mait.