Newspaper Page Text
Popular and Flippen
Young V? ''iccumbed to
Long Illness Sunday.
Mr. Paul Burch breathed his
last Sunday morning at 10:45
o’clock at the home of his fathei
near Flippen. He had been id
about five weeks, having con
traded fever in South Georgia
lit: whs brought home and latei
pneumonia developed in spite os
every effort of his loved ones t<
avert it.
Mi* Burch was a young man k
the early twenties and had a
promising future before him
lie was a young man of excellen
tcharacter and genial ways, whicl
made for him a host of friends
who will mourn and miss him, to
gather with the bereaved family.
He leaves his parents, Mr. am
Mrs. W. H. Burch, Sr.: one sistei
Sdiss Fannie Kate Burch: and si
brothers; Messrs. Will Burch
Jewell Burch, Otis Burch, Lovett
ißurch, and Barney Burch.
The funeral and interment wen
at Flippen Monday afternonn a
3 o’clock. The Rev. J. E. England
xu.macted the services.
Rain, rain, rain is all one can
see these days, but 1 guess it b
all for the best, as the Loro
always does all tilings right.
Mr. Woodfin Gilbert and San
ford Lewis spent Friday nighi
with Mr. Burl Lewis at Mount
Bethel anu returned home Satur
day, and Mr. and Mrs. Burl Lewis
came w'ith them and spent the
night with the latter’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gilbert.
Misses Hattie and Laura Lewis
attended the Sun Jay school pic
nic at Grant’s Park last Friday.
Miss Floy Gilbert, of Stock
bridge, spent Saturday night with
Mrs*. James Gilbert.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lewis spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. R. .1. Gilbert.
Miss Ella Morris, of Atlanta,
spent Thursday night with Mrs.
Kan Lewis.
Mr. Claud Wood and Burl Lewis
ate dinner w r. Leonard Lew is
Bast Sunday.
1 will rin£ Let us not for
get the picnic at this place the
third Saturday in tins month.
Lonely Girl.
JPtizes Offered by Many to Boys
and Girls.
The following comprises the
Csl to date of firms ottering prizes
in the interests of the Boys’ and
Girls’ Clubs for the Henry County
Fair next fall:
Copeland- Turner Mercantile Co.
T. A. Sioan Sc Co.
McDonough Drug Co.
First National Bank.
Planters Warehouse and Lum
ber Co.
Bank of Henry County.
A. C. Ogiesby.
Toileson & Turner.
J. L. Atkinson A- Son.
D. P. Cook & Co.
McDonough Trading Co.
B. Carmichae. Sc Son,
Horton Drug Co.
Farmers and Merchants Bank.
Green & Tarpley Co.
W. O. Welch.
-Joe J. Smith.
Moseley & Son’s Barber Shop
The Henry County Weekly.
July 8, 1912.
Good pat*- rt only $1.50
toer suck at Br ;.
Former Henry County Lady Died
at Rockdale County Home
Mrs. W. 0. Moseley died at her
home in Rockdale County Satur
Mrs. Moseley was formerly Miss
Cleo Crumbley, of Love’s district,
his county, and lived there until
icr marriage in February.
She was but 22 years of age and
■vas an . ttractive and gentie lady
>f estimable Christian virtues. She
lad many friends in this county
vho grieve at her departure.
Mrs. Moseley is survived by her
lusband, her mother, and several
asters and brothhrs.
The funeral and interment were
vere at Ozias Sunday afternoon
t 2 o’clock, Elder E. Oglesby
There will be an all day Sacred
Harp singing at Lebanon church
t Hampton, Ga., next third Sun-
Jay, July 31st. Everybody is in
cited to come and bring well-filled
>askets as we are expecting a lot
>f good singers from Atlanta,
iriffin, Jackson and other places.
Fourth of July Mt. Carmel
Singing a Success.
The annual Fourth of July sing
ing was held at Mt. Carmel last
i hursday. This singing was or
ganized about 26 years ago and
lias been held annually every year
The exercises were opened by
electing H. W. Carmichael chair
man. Will Barnett, Mr. Massey
and Tom Callaway were appointed
committee on arrangements.
The following leaders were
present and took part in the exer
Prof. J. M. Bowman, of Virginia;
Prof. Will Nichols, of Atlanta;
Prof. W. W. Combs, of Locust
Grove; Evangelist W. W. Hooten,
of Ola; A. J. Upchurch, W. G.
Thompson and Prof. Sam Rosser,
of Bethany; W. J. Pendley, of
Pleasant Hill; H. C. Riley, of
F.ippen; E. Coker, of Oakland;
Ira Callaway, and J. S. Barnett, of
Mt. Carmel.
The following organists were
present and assisted in the exer
cises: Misses Bertha and Edna
Rodgers and Prof. Sam Rosser,
from Bethany; Mr. Nichols, of
Atlanta; Harvey Barnett, of Oak
and; Way man Barnett, of Liberty
Hill; Miss Johnson, of Flippen; J.
M. Bowman, of Virginia.
The exercises were closed with
prayer by Prof. J. M. Bowman.
Judson C, Hart, a ministerial
student of Mercer University,
gave one of his famous lectures
at the close of the exercises.
The people of Mt. Carmel know
how to entertain, when it comes
to genuine old time hospitality.
The dinner was almost to over
flowing, and after the crowd was
served, we are satis ied there were
seven times twelve basketsful left
of the fragments. It was good to
be there.
The next annual session will be
held at Liberty Hid July 4th, 1913.
FOR RENT —House now occu
pied by G. \V. Cavenaugh. Pos
session given September Ist. Mrs.
Anna Weaver, McDonough, Ga.
\ Mrs. W. H. Tarplev who has
been the guest for sometime of
her daughter, Mrs. T M. Bright,
jas returned to her home in Hamp
ton district.
Georgia—Ware County,
I, L. A. Wilson, Secretary of the Atlan
oc, Waycross and Northern Railroad
Company, do hereby certify that at a
meeting of the board of directors of said
company duly held on June 22nd, 1912, the
following rosolution was unanimously
adopted, to wit:
Whereas, it is expedient that the Atlan
tic, Waycrossand Northern Railroad Com
puny, should extend its railroad from
r’ort YaUey to the city of Atlanta, it is
Resolved by the Buai’u of Directors o(
this company that its railroad be extend
’d from the city of Fort Valley, in Jous
ton county, Georgia, in a northwesterly
direction through the counties of Hous
ion, Crawford, Monroe, Upson, Pike,
Spalding, Fayette, Henry, Clayton and
Fulton in said State to the city of Atlanta.
Georgia, and to some suitable point at or
near the central portion of said city, a
distance of about 10b miles.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and the seal of said company, at
Waycross, Georgia, this June 22nd, 1912.
(Signed) L. A. WILSON
See’y Atlantic, Way cross and Northern
Railroad Company.
Notice of Local Legislation.
Notice is hereby given that at the pres
ent session of the General Assembly of
Georgia, a bill will be introduced, entitled:
“An act to incorporate the town of Ln
clla, in the county of Henry, State of
Georgia, to define the corporate limits
[hereof, to provide for officers thereof, dt -
line their duties, powers and privileges,
and fer other purposes.”
for congress.
To The Democratic Voters of the Sixth
Congressional District:
1 take this means of announcing my can
didacy for re-election to Congress, subject
to the primary to be called and provided
ror by the democratic executive committee
fur the Sixth Congressional District.
I ask for re-election based upon my rec
ord, and shall appreciate the support of
my friends, as in the past.
C. L. Bartlett.
L’o the White Voters of the Sixth Con
gressional District:
I am a candidate Tor the office of Con
.ressman to the 63rd American Congress,
subject to the Democratic white primary
to be called by the Executive Committee
this summer 1 shall appreciate your sup
port, pud if elected, 1 promise you a con
scientious and careful discharge of the du
ties of the office and ar ever watchful re
gard for the interests of all the people of
the district. Yours respectfully,
,T"hn R. Cooper.
To the Democratic Voters of the Sixth
Congressional 1 Mstiiot.
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for < 'ongre.->s from the Sixth Congression
al District , Subject to such rules and regu
lations as may be fixed !by the executive
committee of the District.
Whether I am able to see you in person
or not, i assure you that your support will
be appreciated.
Thanking my friends for many assur
ances of support, and believing with your
iictive support I will be successful, I am.
Very respectfully,
J. W. Wise
1 a m a candidate for Solicitor General
of she Flint Circuit, subject to nomiua
ion in the primary to be called by the
State Democratic Executive Committee.
1 will appreciate all support given me,
and if elected, promise a faithful, fair
and impartial discharge of the duties of
the office to the best of my ability.
E. M. Smith.
To the Voters of the;Flint Circuit:
I am a candidate for Solicitor Oeneral
of the Flint circuit, subject to the Demo
cratic primary to pe held in August,
If elected. I promise to do my full duty
*s I see it to the best of my ability.
I solicit and will appreciate the support
of the people of the circuit.
Very respectfully,
E. M. Oweu.
105 Pryor Street
Quick, clean service
Moderate prices
fc. W. Robert*-', Mgr
Southern Shorthand
and Business University
10 1-2 West Mitchell Street, Atlanta, Ga.
After taking a conrse in Booking, IShorthnn. . Tvpewriting.
Banking, Penrnwnshi i>. etc., at this long established and reputable
Business Training S' houl.
Over 15,000 Students in Positions.
Purchasers of Moore's Business College, which was founded
4fi years ago. UncLrits present management 21 years.
Banking Department equipped with adding machines, etc.
Large Tv writing Department. Experienced aid capable Faculty
Best systems in existence taught. The famous Graham-Pit
roanio Shorthand, the system which is adopted for expert work.
The 20th Century Bookkeeping which makes expert accountants.
Evidences of Merit.
The patronage of this school is more than double that of
any other Business College in this section, which is a most sig
nificant fact
Address, A. C. BRISCOE, Pres., or L. W. ARNOLD, Vice Pres.
Prof. Thos. L. Bryan, the well-known Educator, is with the
Southern. 19-11.
For Sale.
100 cords of Pine Wood. D. C.
Carmichael, Route 3, McDonough,
Ga. 7-26,2
The notes and accounts which
wer j in the hands of J. K. Hood,
of Flippen, Ga., for collection,
have been deposited with the
Bank of Henry County, where the
interested parties can find them.
8-1,4 L. C. HOOD.
We Can Train Ton in Tour
Own Home During Odd
Hours to be a
Let us help you learn the
commercial branches book
keeping, salesmanship, steno
graphy, penmanship and the
studies that go with them.
Tuition Includes books, sta
tionery and supplies of every
kind. Including use of type
writer ln your own home
without extra charge.
SCHOOL is part of THE
29 Colleges, a sufficient gua
-2% rantee of the thor
\fy oughress of our M
vtr methods. rTfflW
. M Send for •/*», \
■ > JT FREE illus
? trated catalog, IvyxV
[browns HOME STUDYSCim
I Eighth i Pine Sts. St.Louss.Mo.
Costs little— make big money. Simplest fastest,
lightest runnlne IT’S ALL hi THE TATLQi) FEED Every
miH fitted with wire cable drive, set eut attach
ments and adjustable idler. Improved carriage
backing device is quick acting and a time saver.
Made ln all sizes, pertable and stationary.
W. sa.nuf.ctur. .KfinM, holier., ihiasl. mnehia.., oo«-og
taw., wood .plitten, ate., ud do foundry work. Write foe
prior, now.
Mallwy I XaylM Iraa Warts, Bax 14, Macsa, Ba.
Sixty of these now famous article*
bound ln book form—
pasteboard cover#— 64 ip—
pages, with an Inspiring I "a
money-making suggea- f -ail if
tlon on each page. f.gll/il™ /
Mailed prepaid. *sc. Viijs** s.
Bnslness Publishing C®, 1
Ith and Pine Sta.. /
St Lou la Mo. *-
Still Pressing and Cleaning.
I am still located in the old
Henry County Weekly building,
where I shall be for the next year.
I give my best and most careful
attention to all kinds of cleaning,
pressing and dyeing.
Thanking you for your excellent
past patronage and requesting a
continuance of the same, I am
Yours respectfully,
tf J. P. Powell.
McDonough. 6a.
Treatment of diseases of all ani
mals. All calls promptly attended to.
Office Leach & Co’s new barn.
Phone 44 —151. Jackson Ga.
Attorney at Law,
McDonough. Georgia.
Office in The Henry County
Weekly Building.
Will practice in all the courts.
Office Hours ;
7.30 to 12 A. M. to 5 P. M
McDonough, Ga.
Office over Star Store.
Forget Your Feet.
A busy man might as
well be crippled as to be
poorly shod. Poor shoes
make it awful hard to
keep your mind off your
King Bee and Easy
Street are comfortable.
They are made in our
Georgia Shoe Factory
and are “there” on
style and wearing qual
Two new classy lasts
have just been put in
“Ty Cobb,” Red Rock.**
They’ll please you.
Just ask your dealer to
show them.
J. K. Orr Shoe Co.,
Red Seal Shoe Factory,