The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, July 12, 1912, Image 5
Tussahaw. Here I come again, as it will be the last time until the 26th. The glorious Fourth has passed and it will soon be time for pro tracted meetings to start, but the farmers are not nearly done lay ing-by. Say, correspondents; what do you think about our scribes’ writ ing about visiting? I hear a good many say that what they take the paper for is to hear about the people; they think that is what the Henry county paper is for. Mr. Dock Laney and children, of near Locust Grove, spent Tues day with his sister, Mrs. John McGarity. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff McCullough, of South River, spent Sunday with relatives near Bethany. * Mr. Joe Rawls, of Jackson, who has been sick for some tim.e, is visiting his brother, Mr. John Rawls. Miss Mollie Rawls* had as her guests the Fourth Mesdames Fannie Sowell and Lizzie Mc- Garity, of McDonough, Mrs. Bow den and daughter, of near Phila delphia church, and Mrs. Georgia Culpepper. Mrs. Nettie McGarity and son were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kitchens, of Newton county. Mrs. Minnie Moseley and little daughter, Francis Mildred, spent the Fourth with Mrs. Jim Berry in McDonough. Mr. Boyd Carmichael, of Mc- Donough, spent a while Saturday with Raymond Culpepper. Subscribe for The Weekly THE DIRECTORS OF THE BANK OF HENRY COUNTY Held their semi-annual meeting at their office July 9, 1912, and after considering earnings of the bank for the past six months which was highly satisfactory, and all other affairs of the bank revealing a very healthy and easy condition, it was ordered that the net earnings be earned up to undivided profit account, and that a 5 per cent, semi-annual cash dividend be paid to stock holders as a mid-summer greeting from this good old institution, and as a token of appreciation of tho officers and directors for your co-operation and business which has made it pos sible for us to do this. v The bank is in a strong, healthy condition, doing a good business and enjoying the support, co-operation and business of a host of good people, but we are in position to handle more good business, and want yours. Would it not pay you to make this your bank? Deposit your savings with us and when you need a little money to carry on your business we’ve always got it, and are glad to accommodate our customers on conservative but liberal terms. Drop around and hitch up with us. Your friends, THEBANK ?HENRY COUNTY McDonough, ga. is now one of woman’s strongest weapons. The delicious tragrance ot a delicate pertume carries lasting memories ot womanhood that even make up tor lack ot p et tiness —and other things. But the pertume must be good. Much of the cheaD perfume nowadays is made from min eral products, and not only loses its strength, but decom poses into an obnoxious smell. Our perfumes are carefully selected toget and retain your custom. You can therefore be absolutely sure they are good. Come in and try them for yourself. Some of Our Specialties: Hudlet’s Full Line of TOILET PREPARATIONS The Reliable Drug Store McDonough Drug Co. i ICL/onuugh, Georgia. A National Searchlight THE SENIOR PARTNER wc dwturbed. The little boy of one of the firm* traveling men was critically ill. Th«? distracted mother begged that her husband be notified. A Long Distance Bell Telephone call located him, but he had gone to a neighboring town to sell goods. Would the Telephone people reach kintf The Telephone people would try. They found him aad he started for home at once. r- ~ The Universal Bell Telephone System n a national search light. It seeks the distant person for you and locates him if it is possible. ®B j the way, have yon a Bell Telephone? SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY FOR SALE! I will sell my gin lery, good building, with com plete outfit v-f 3-7 u saw jjns. Cole boiler and en :ine; ost six thousand dollars. I will take three thousand dollars. Terms if d sir d. 1 will also rent gou. brick store house 25x80, for $20.00 per month. R* C. BROWN. Locust Grove, Ga.