Newspaper Page Text
A Member of Boy s Corn Club
Brings Weekly Sample.
Wednesday morning Master
Gettys Rosser placed on our desk
a large cucumber raised in his
It weighed tour and one halt
pounds and was sixteen and one
halt inches long and ten and one
halt inches in circumference in its
largest part.
Gettys raised this and many
more like it in his father’s garden'
on Route 1.
Master Gettys i ? a bright boy
and son of Mr. Beecher Rosser,
himself one of our county’s best
fanners. The former is a member
of the Boy’s Corn Club and is
raising his prize acre of corn.
Such boys are the hope of oui
county’s great future.
Mrs. T. J. Patterson Hostess.
Mrs. T. J. Patterson entertained
a number of her friends at an ele
gant bridge party Tuesday atter
r ”'m game was enjoyed for a
time and then a delicious salad
«our<;» and c were servsd.
The fortunate guests thoroughly
enjoyed the afternoon with their
gracious hostess.
No Services at Turner's Church.
There will be no public worship
at Turner’s church next Saturday
and Sunday.
Olin King, Pastor.
The Rev. Fletcher Walton, of
Griffin presiding elder, will preach
at the McDonough Methodist
church on the third Sunday in
July, the 21st instant, morning and
Quarterly Conference will meet
on the Monday following the third
Sunday at iu o’clock.
Olin King, Pastor.
Off For Wrightsville Beach.
' A large party, chaperoned by
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Welch left
yesterday for a visit to Wrights
ville Beach, North Carolina.
The persons accompanaing Mr.
and Mrs. Welch were:
Misses Rochelle and Willie Tar
ver and Amanda Hill, of Bulloch
ville; Mi's. M iry Alexander, Mr. and
M.s. Alec Bro vn. Mr. and Mrs. R.
ji. Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Tur
ner; and Misses Cora Betts, Louise
Arnold, Lucile Tolleson, and Hat
tie Sue Lowe.
Miss Nina Wall Hostess.
Miss Nina Wall was the charm
ing hostess Tuesdey afternoon, in
honor of her attractive guest, Miss
May Clark, of Dawson.
Dominoes were played for some
time. After the game ice cream
and cake were served.
Later in the afternoon the
young men of the town called.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks to the many neighbors
and friends for their kindness and
•ympathy shown us during the
illness and upon the death of our
son and brother Paul.
May God bless each of you is
Ihe prayer of
Mr. Lnd Mrs. W. H. Efoirch, Sr.,
and family.
Mrs. James Carmichael Hostess.
i»irs. James Carmichael enter
tained at “42” Thursday morning,
the occasion being an enjoyable
one in compliment to Miss Alla B.
Carmichael and her house guests,
Misses Ruby Stephens, of Sieph
ens Pottery, Mary Davis, of At
lanta, Bessie Thomas, of Waynes
bora, and L « a uailmd, of Grif
A color scheme of yellow and
white was carried out in decora
tions of nasturtiums and ferns and
in the score cards.
A salad course was served on
the porch, which was cool and in
viting and Mrs. Carmichael was
assisted in entertaining by Misses
Ruth anJ Esther Carmichael and
their guest, Miss Virginia Couch,
of Griffin.
The other invited guests were:
Misses Nina Wall, May Clark, of
Dawson, Jettie Bunn, Lucy Rea
gan, Georgia Smith, of Mexico,
Ruby Walker, Hattie Sue Lowe,
Mrs. Wright, Martha Riley, of
Macon, Ethel Sowell, Clara Bright,
Beulah Atkinson, Eunice Arnold,
Bess Fouche, Ellene Neal, Mary
ook, of Atlanta, Mrs. Horton,
Ruth Turner, Cooper Edwards, ot
i’occoa, Agnes and Helen Dunn,
Nellie Collingsworth, of Atlanta,
Alice Thompson, of Fiovilla, Miss
Vickers, anu Sara Hooten, of At
.anta. ,
Luella News.
Several from around here spent
the Fourth ot July at Neal on a
a fishing trip. An reported a fine
Mrs. F. C. Hunt and daughter,
Kate, vvno Have oeen visiting uieir
Daughter and sister, Mrs. R. F.
Nutt, were ealleu home bunday.
on account ot sickness.
The singing at Lmella Sunday
it.touiUua was (jaito a auOOctt*.
and iViissuS Com us wme
uieic uuu tue p.-upio oi Gueila cun
asaulc ilium Ulal tUoy bli jO \ bll tliell
sKiglng ami ilittUK llioui ever su
.ii ue u ioi' til oil' Kindness in coming.
lUis.. Oldie tiarauess, ut Oil'll Lin,
ts Visiting llor cousin, aG». V\ . id.
dalle> .
Misses Amber Turner and Minnie
INioks. ul UuiiipWu, spent batui
uay nig lit and ftunuay witu AUs. J.
W. tieuuerson.
Mr. and Alts. Wilson Barlielu
spent Sunday wilu Air. anu Mis.
V . Or. i’uruor.
Mr. and Mrs. Luoiau Nutt spent
uuiiaj wnu Mr. anu Mis. it. d.
aN yitt.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Greer, of
iiQiii Koexy Creea, spent tvmuaj
Willi All. anu Airs. G. G. Greer.
Miss Gladys Staniord and Mo
•uni Huobard. ot Alii lit ~ spent
bunaay with Miss Vessie Staud
\lr. Joe Shaw, of Atlanta., is
spending a few da.) a with his sister,
Mi«. J. A Nelms.
Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Nelms spent
last Thurnday alter noon with Mr.
and Mrs. J.N. Ward.
Mr. a lid Mrs. G. W. Moore spent
last aunday with their grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W, S. Steele.
Mrs. J. H. Carr was t-he guest
ot Mrs. P. R. Martin Sunday.
Mr. Harry Goodman, of Hamp
ton, sqtnt Sunday with his aunt,
Mrs. J M. Standard.
Mrs. J. M. Standard and Miss
Birdie Bar ha in made a business
trip to Griffin Saturday.
Mr. W. E. Dre wry spent Sunday
night with lu niefolk at Molena.
Miss Grace Goodman, of Hamp
ton, last week with her sis
ter, Mrs. D. G. Neal.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Goodman
speni Sunday with the latter’s par
<*' t.s. Mr. and Mrs. B. F Thomp
McDonough, Georgia. ft wi J&i
FUNERAL DIRECTORS AX 1) Sjffi '' ..ifj
All calls answered promptly day or night j| 1-G
All embalming carefully done and according to best j
methods. |
< arefnl and polite attention given all funerals entrusted ji 1 \, r*""*"*
*>- 1 rfgsZi Vy
Our line of Caskets, Rohes, Etc. are unequaled. V* 1 ?' ?- \ ¥ nJV
Can furnish the best Metal, Brick or Cement Vaults'
Sunday School Celebration
Friday. July 26, 1912.
The annual celebration of the
Henry County Sunday School As
sociation will be held at Shingle
Roof Camp Ground Friday, July
26, 1912.
Mr. D. W. Sims, of Atlanta, Ga.,
and other speakers will deliver
addresses in the morning, and
there will be a business meeting,
followed by a musical session, in
the afternoon. A full program is
being completed.
It is the purpose to reorganize
the association at this time and to
put it on a working basis. That
this may be representative, it is
desired that every school send
its superintendent and two others
as delegates. The pastors will
be enrolled as honorary delegates.
Everybody interested in the
cause invited. Come and let’s
make it a dav worth while.
H. W. Carmichael, President.
U. O. Tolleson, Sec.-Treas.
Mrs. B. E. Horton is hostess to
a charming house party, consist
ing of the following young ladies:
Misses Mary and Myrtle Cook,
Mozelle Eason, and Fay Bridweli,
of College Park; Miss Frances
Hargrov , of Marshalville; Miss
Singie Mims, of Atlanta, aud Miss
Bess Milligan, of Villa Rica. Mrs
Horton will entertain for them at
a lawn party Friday evening.
Miss Cooper Edwards, of Toccoa,
is the guest of Miss Rmh Turner.
Mrs. Annie M. Nolan, Mrs. W.
B. Everett, of Rockmart, Miss
Eloise Harrell, of Albany, Mr.
Park Dallis, of Atlanta, Miss Annie
Lemon, and Miss Annie Nolan left
yesterday for a 10 days stay at
Wrightsville Beach, North Caro
Miss Collingsworth, of Atlanta,
is with her cousin, Mrs. J. G.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Treadwell,
are the guests of Dr. and Mis.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner and
little daughter, Julia, spent last
week with his father's family in
McMullen’s district.
Dr. Walter Copeland and child
ren, of Jackson visited relatives
here last week.
For the best fancy patent flours,
call Bright No. 19.
Little Miss Virginia Couch, of
Griffin, came Thursday to visit
her friends, Misses Ruth and
Esther Carmichael.
Mrs. T. A. Sloan Entertains.
Mrs. T. A. Sloan was hostess to
the young people of McDonough
at her beautiful home Wednesday
evening, in honor of Miss Eula
Riley. Mrs. Ethel Tye Wright's
Conversation and other amuse
ments were enjoyed by the
Punch was served during tho
evening, and later ice cream
and cake.
The fortunate guests thoroughly
enjoyed the evening.
Complete line of Ck.ikrtsall styles and prioe#.
Careful and polite attention given all funerals entru
sted to me
Embalming done according to latest and most im
proved methods
Newest and most «p to date equipment.
Calls answered promptly day and night.
Phones 28 and SO
ncDonough Ga.
Only one Dealer in tlris Town
can sell you the highest grate,
fairest-priced coffee and tea to
be had anywhere, for he alone
sells The Votan Line
Each, best of its kind
This dealer U -nTSK
Bt<—> |
AamrstPhitcombßilcp B
looking for Love. |
ml Has he passed mis |g
*r‘-t the skiesofMag, r
Andafaceasfairas the summer f
2?ou answer back,butlwandercwV E
sasiDhjgesjbut his eyes f
were P
|; And his face as dim as a rairg> cfoy? If
But stout of heart will I onward I]
jare. I
knowing otlpvc is beyond-s°raevohered
The u>vel seek, with the £ges I
f of blue, I
And the bright, sweet smile f
. . . unknown of jjou; [i
Ana on from the hour his trail is found ■
I shall sing sonnets the whole L
I .sear round. v
Ciwruw. tw w>te»ini Ctmtm ~