Newspaper Page Text
Georgia Henry County:
Notice is hereby given to all of
the creditors of the estate of Lina
Lowe, late of said county, deceased,
to render in an account of their de
mands to me within the time pre
scribed by law. properly made out.
And all persons indebted to said
deceased are hereby requested to
make immediate payment to the
This 28tli day of August, 1912.
H. 1. Carmichael, Adminis
trator of Lina Lowe 19-4, ti.
For Leave To Sell.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern :
H. L. Carmichael Administrator of
the estate of Jake Weems de
ceased. having in due form made
Do You Know How This
Tea Came to Be?
First a price was fixed, below which no"
really GOOD tea can be sold.
*1 Next, all teas selling at this price were cupped and
tested for quality.
Finally, a blend was perfected, at least 25 per cent better than
the best of these tested teas, and the result was called
Votan Tea
to match the superb coffee by that name.
q It is now offered to you with every assurance that it is, in
deed, a reaUy fine tea at quite a moderate price and you can get it
M well as VOTAN COFFiLE of only one dealer in this town; via.
Costs You Nothing When Idle —
Almost Nothing When It Runs
WHEN an I H C engine is at work, it is
the cheapest dependable power you
can use; when not working it costs
you nothing. It will work just as hard at the
close of the day as at the start—will work
overtime or all night just as readily. It is
ready to work whenever you need it; always
reliable and satisfactory. You can use an
IH C Oi! and Gas Engine
to pump w’ater, to run the wood saw, cream
separator, churn, grindstone, washing machine,
feed grinder, corn husker and shreoder, en
silage cutter, or any other farm machine to
which power can be applied.
I H C oil and gas engines are constructed of
the best materials; built by men who know
what a good engine must do; thoroughly tested
before leaving the factory.
They are made in all sizes from 1 to 50-horse
power; in all styles vertical and horizontal,
air and water cooled, portable, stationary and
mounted on skids, to operate on gas, gaso
line, naphtha, kerosene, distillate or alcohol.
Kerosene-gasoline tractors, 12 to 45-horse
Ask the I H C local dealer to show you an
I H C engine and explain each part, or write
for catalogue and fuil information.
International Harvester Company of America
(Incorporated) tf
Atlanta Ga.
I H C Service Bureau
The purwise of this Bureau is to furnish, free
of charge to all. the best information obtainable -^Xv/rini
on better farming. If you have any worthy ques-
tions concerning soils, crops, iand drainage, irri
gation. fertilizers, etc., m, 1 r inquiries specific fc
and send them to I H C Service Bureau, Harvester r
Buildiug. Chicago, USA
application for leave fco sell the
lands belonging to said Estate,
consisting of 1 honse and lot in Mc-
Donough Dist. of said County and
Said application will be heard
at the regular term of the Court of
Ordinary for said county to he held
on The first Monday in Sept. 1912
This stli dnv of Aug. 1912.
8-30, 4. A. G. Harris. Ordinary,
All parties holding claims
against the estate of Luther Price
are hereby not’tied to present the
s «.me duly attested, within terms
of the law and those indebted to
said estate are notified to make
immediate payment.
9-20.6 A. M. Bowden. Adinistrator.
Judge E. J. Reagan spent Mon
day in Atlanta.
The Hon. E. M. Smith spent
Tuesday in Atlanta.
Mr. Joel Bankston visited Atlan
ta Tuesday.
Miss Mittie Wall, of Fitzgerald,
is the guest of her uncle, Col. J.
F. Wall.
Studebaker wagons in all sizes,
One, Two, and Three Horse. You
cannot go astray when you go in
the Studebaker, the best wagon
built in America. More in use to
day in Henry county than all other
makes combined. D. T. Carmich
ael. 8-30, 2.
Professor and Mrs. 0. o. Tolle
son have returned from a visit to
her mother, Mrs. Coe, at Dothan,
Ala. Mrs. Coe returned with
Mr. J. B. Dickson spent a few
days at Indian Spring last week.
Miss Marion Carmichael, of
Atlanta, is the guest of her grand
mother, Mrs. B. B. Carmichael.
The Misses Stripling, of Macon,
are the guests of Rev. and Mrs,
L. G. Bowden.
miles west of McDonough about
same distance to Hampton same to
Love joy, 1 mile to Mt. Carmel
church, 100 yards to best school
in county. Best settlement in
county. J. B. Pritchett, Route 3,
McDonough, Ga. 9-13, 4.
Miss Nell Wise is the guest of
her sister, Mrs. W. B. J. Ingram.
Miss Mytirce Wayne, of Monroe,
will be the guest of Mrs. E. D.
Tolleson this week for several
Mr. John Elliott, of McMullen’s
district, was in our* city Tues
| day.
A scholarship in one of the At
lanta colleqes for sale
cheap at The Weekly office.
Mr. ard Mrs. J. E. Hooten and
| little daughter spent the week end
in Atlanta.
Mrs. Eliza Welch, of Hampton,
is the guest of her son, Mr.
J. W. Welch.
Complete Line of Wagons of all
.sizes and makes, the very best as
sortment of Harness at all prices
to go with them. It costs you
nothing to look, it is a pleasure to
show you. The wise man looks
before he buys. D. T. Carmichael.
8-30 2
Misses Maud, Claud and Lemmie
Simms, and Messrs. Jonn Rey
nolds and Lowe Reynolds, of At
lanta, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. M. C. Lowe.
Mrs. Ethel Tve Wright is visit
ing friends in Macon.
Miss Lois Walker, of Locust
Grove, is the guest of Mrs. Asa
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hooten, of
Jacksonville, Florida, will spend
the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Hooten.
FOR SALE —100 acres land in
Locust Grove district, one and a
half miles nor th of Jenkinsburg.
! Apply to J. L. Combs Locust
1 Grove, Ga.
9-13, 4.
Mrs. Marvin Harper and little
sons, Richard and Marvin, Jr., of
Birmingham, Ala., are the guests
of Mrs. Howard Carmichael.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carmichael
have reiurued from Tallulah
Mrs. T. J. Brown visited Atlanta
I Tuesday.
Misses Lukie and Nadine Har
per left Wednesday for Shingle
Roof Camp meeting.—Joneeburo
FOR SALE —80 acres of land,*-
1 mile west of Locust Grove.
Well improved. J. H. Gardner,
Route 3 Locust Grove, Ga.
9-13, 4.
Mrs. H. M. Tolleson and Mr.
and Mrs. D. T. Carmichael in one
party and the Rev. W. W. Arnold,
and Misses Lilah Copeland and
Lillie Coan attended the Second
District Meeting of the Flint River
Association at the Hampton Bap
tist church Tuesday and Wednes
Dr. and Mrs. Hankinson, of Au
gusta, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Hankinson,
Mrs. C. D, Turnipseed and Miss
Jessie Turnipseed and Miss Reba
Turnipseed, of Hampton, are
spending this week with the fami
lies of Messrs. E. H. and P. B.
Fife here. —Jonesboro Enterprise.
Judge E. J. Reagan made an
automobile trip to Covington Tues
See your neighbor’s wagon,
“The Studebaker.” Most of them
will not have any other make, for
it is the lightest running wagon
on wheels. And they are willing
to tell you so. The Studebaker
tires are guaranteed not to come
loose in 5 years. D. T. Carmich
ael. 8-30, 2.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Copeland,
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Copeland, and
Mrs. Lilah Copeland and H. J.
are spending a few days at Bor
den Wheeler Springs.
Miss Venelu Jenks returned to
her home in McDonough Satur
day morning, after a visit of sev
eral days to Miss Bertha Boatner.
—Griffin News.
Mr. Ad Little, of Henry county,
was a visitor in Jonesboro Tues
day. His son, Arnold, who has
; been on a visit with relatives here
for several days, returned home
with him. —Jonesboro Enterprise.
Misses Hattie Sue Lowe and
I Annie G. Thompson attended the
Confederate Veterans Reunion at
Marietta Wednesday. They were
maids of honor to Miss Etta
Hardeman, of Gainesville, spon
sor for the cavalry.
ONLY I am going to offers surrey,
aad 12 buggies at a knock-out prices
o make room for another car of
wagons, Cash or Credit. The best
line of buggies, buggy harness,
wagons, wagon harness, and the
best assortment ever offered the
people of middle Georgia in stock
to-day. you can be convinced by
coming to my repository. D. T.
Carmichael. 9-30,2.
FOR SALE-81 acre farm in Mc-
Donough district. Good 6 room
house, barns and outhouses. Well
watered. J. D. Solomon, Locust
Grove, Route 3, Box 14.
9-20, 4.
It is runiore 1 that one of Henry
county’s cleverest old bachelors,
Mr. Will Berry, was a visitor in
Jonesboroon last Sunday.—Jones
boro Enterprise.
Mr. W. E. H. Searcy, Sr., of
Griffin, spent a little while here
Saturday, enroute to his home in
Griffin from the superior court in
See your neighbor’s wagon,
“The Studebaker.” Most of
them will not have any other
make, for it is the lightest running
wagon on wheels. And tney are
willing to tell you so. The Stude
baker tires are guaranteed not * o
come ! oose in 5 years. D. T. Car
michael. 8 30, 2.
I Mrs. Pearson and Miss Pearson,
of Jonesboro are the guests of
Mrs. Charley Bankston.
FOR SALE. Fine and paying
Grocery business in a growing and
prospering town. Fine opportun
ity for anybody who wishes to en
ter this kind of business. Apply
at The Weekly office or write.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Collins, of
Spalding county, spent Sunday at
Shingleroof camp-meeting.
Mrs. Lee Crouch, of Benton,
Ark., is ths guest of her cousin,
Mrs. D. E. Clements.
Mr. J. W. Ellison is with his
family here this week.
WANTED. Some beeswax. J.
W. Welch. 9-6, 2.
Buy your Lumber, shingles and
general building material of R. C.
Brown. Locust Grove, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Patrick and
little son were visitors at Shingle
roof camp-meeting.
See J. L. Gardner, Locust Grove,
for Walter A. Woods M owing ma
chines and Rakes. 9-6, 2.
Mr. and M s Joe J. Smith and
family were tenting at Shingle
roof during camp-meeting, and
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Green were
their guests.
Complete Line of Wagons of al
sizes and makes, the very best
assortment of Harness at all
prices to go with them. It costs
you nothing to look, it is a pleas
ure to show you. The wise man
looks before he buys.
8-30 2 D. T. Carmichael.
Mrs. Shumate and Mrs. Wickers,
of Montezuma, are the guests of
Mrs. H. H. Greer.
Mrs. I. L. Sowell has as her
guest, Mrs. Will Davis, of Ala
ONLY, I am going to offer 3 sur
reys and 12 buggies at a knock
out price’ to make room for an
other car of wagons, Cash or
Credit. The best line of buggies,
guggy harness, wagons, wagon
harness, and the best assortment
ever offered the people of middle
Georgia instock to-day. You can
be convinced by coming to my re
pository. I). T. Carmichael.
8-30, 2.
Studebaker wagons in all sizes.
One, Two, and Three Horse.
You cannot go astray when you
go in the Studebaker, the best
wagon built in America. More in
use to-day in Henry county than
all other makes combined. D. T.
Carmichael. 8-30,2.
Misses Ruth Rape and Ethel
Sowell will go Friday for a visit to
Miss Ethel Coan, near Locust
Grove. Miss Coan will enterta n
for them Friday evening.
Little Miss Flora Neal, one of
McDonough’s charming girls, is
visiting her friend, Martha Cole,
near the city this week. —Griffin
The friends of Mr. L. D. Moore,
of McDonough, who has b en on
a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Frank
McElheny, regret to learn of his
critical illness. He was carried
home yesterday. Monticello
Mrs. Verna Wright and her
three children returned last Tues
day from a six weeks’ visit to her
sister, Mrs. Comer Woodward, at
Abilene, Texas.
Little Miss Elizabeth Owen,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. N.
O wen, who lias been ill with ty
phoid fever, isconvalescing, to the
delight of her many friend's.
FOR SALE —33 acre farm, with
4 room dwelling and barn, in
Tussahaw district. J. M. Carre
ker, Route 1, McDonougii, Ga.
8-30, 2.