Newspaper Page Text
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CJ r* *>< . ZT Q Cd-3 c/2 CJ ,£j
s K E 55 S m j £ « $ h 5 j £
( . L. Bartlett 80 19 5 12 75 7 30 44 24 23 39 14 49 14 435
Jno. R. Cooper 2 3 6 4 2 2 1 7 3 1 31
Walter Wise 233 1411 80 27 49 38 18 45 59 44 56 73 76 57 982
For Solicitor General Flint Circuit.
E - «• Smi,h 208 92 29 25 88 35 24 36 69 64 68 44 77 38 955
E - M ° wen 47 79 37 14 41 9 21 53 15 10 29 47 45 35 483
For Representative
li. J. Arnold 311 107 64 35 123 44 45 91 84 78 96 91 128 71 1428
For County Commissioner
John Bryans 232 30 44 32 98 10 12 05 81 68 74 83 109 39 984
G. W. Morris 62 2 4 12 27 26 32 21 4 1 4 3 6 7 211
The*. C. Jones 3 19 3 1 3 1 2 2 °i
J. R. Anderson 3 111 r
F. M. Dnncan 3 3 13 13 2 1 2 •? 5 -, t; 133
J. E. Tinley 11 2 1 2 12 2 3 8 00
Colored Tri-County School
Fair At Locust Grove.
The colored schools of Henry,
Butts, and S{ , ing c unties will
hold a tri-e un y seh >ol fair at
Locust Grov S: ; nr • v Septem
ber 14th. IVI I • v ; y pe offered
for the best pr-oiidr i;i the var
ious indusf * -. M ;:v entries
have already .1 made in the
departments of cooking, needk
work, baskitn • . < :\ch work.
Some of the e < s -nterei are:
01 xe handles, : . oms, rub-boards,
hat racks, cott m baskets, and
Miss Sarah At k bison, a distin
guished Negro industrial educa
tor, has charge of . the exhibits,
which will i mstu ied in the
assembly room or trie colored
In the morning there will be
abdresses by :vpreo?.natives ot
the county boards ji education,
the Atlanta lA-der dion of colleges
and The Jeanes Foundation.
The after ui will b«* devoted
to field day sports on tin* Athletic
field of Locust Grove Institute
(white. 1
The fair is under the auspices
of the Henry School System, of
which J .Clitton Smith is Presi
Mr. Harold ' .veil has been on
a visit to his aunt, Mrs. Gardner,
near Locust Grove.
FOR SALE —Pine Lumber var
ious si as. J. W. Chaffin Route 1
McDoi ough Ga. 8-30, 4
Mrs. R. J. Culpepper, of Locust
Grove, is the guest of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Lon Sowv 11.
FOR RENT —House now occu
pied by G. W. Cavenaugh. Pos
session given September Ist. Mrs.
Anna Weaver, McDonough, Ga.
Locust Grove
Miss Mamie Owen and Mrs-
Peek Bostwick, of Atlanta, are
tlie guests of Mrs. Dora Bost
Miss Afire Gardner has return
‘ d home, after a pleasant visit to
Mrs. R. C. Brown and Mrs. John
Brown are at WrightsviMe Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hubbard
are visiting home folk here.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Davis an
nounce the birth of a hoy.
Misses Nannie and Mary Rodg
ers, of McDonough, have return
ed home, after a delightful visit
b ■ Miss Anniee Combs.
Mi’s- A. ii. Price spent Tuesday
in Jonesboro.
Miss Mollie Banks, of Atlanta,
is with Miss Clyde CLveland.
Fair View.
(I.ust Weeks Letter.)
Miss Ruby Kate Brannan spent
last week with her cousin, Miss
Mary E. Chappell.
Mrs. J. A. Wells and children
spent last week with Mr. T. N.
Bunn, of Barnesville.
Mrs. J. H. Carr and daughters
have returned home from a pleas
ant visit to Mr. J. B. Benton and
family, of near Monticello.
Miss Vera Maud Sanders, has
returned from a trip to her grand
father, Mr Sanders, of Morrow.
Mrs. Mary Copeland spent sev
eral days last week w ith Mrs. J.H.
Mr. Sam Gardner, of Locust
Grove, spent several days last
w r eek with Mr. Clem Chappell.
As news is scarce as hen’s
teeth and the writer is sleepy, I
will ring off, promising to do
better next time.
Oak Shade.
I will come again this morning
with a few lines, after an absence
of several weeks. Our big meet
ings are about over for this time.
We had a glorious meeting at Mt.
Soitv to say Miss Sullie McKee
is no better.
Air. R. D. Hayes and family re
turned home yesterday to Cur
dele, after spending nearly two
months with . their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Hayes, at Oak
Miss Fannie McHayes is visiting
her aunt, Mrs. J. B. O ven, in the
Gate City. ,
We are going to have an exhi
bition at Mt. Vernon school the
eleventh of September, the close
of our school. Mr. Homer Wal
drop is teacher.
I see in the paper where the
second open boll of cotton had
been brought in. If you will come
to Oak Shade, you will see hun
dreds of open bolls, as many as
four to the stalk. That means we
will start picking this week. We
had our first bloom the 26th of
All good wishes from around
Oak Shade go out to Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Sprayberry for a long and
happy and useful life.
105 Pryor Street
Quick, clean service
Moderate prices
E. W. Roberts, Mgr.
Cheap school supplies
dearest in the end.
£HILDREN don’t use their
belongings like you do. Unless their things are
well made they never last long. Only the best in
schoal supplies is < heap. We specialize in that kind
at this store. All the children like our goods. Bring
them in today and let us show you.
The Reliable Drug Store
McDonough Drug Co.
flcDonough, Georgia.