Newspaper Page Text
Southern Shorthand
and Business University
10 1-2 West Mitchell Street, Atlanta, Ga.
After taking n course in Booking Shorthnn Typewriting
Banking, Penmanship, etc., at this longestabMslied and reputable
Business Training School.
Over 15,000 Students in Positions.
Pm chasers of Moores Business College, which vas founded
4fi cars ago. Undcrits present maT-agernent 21 years.
Banking Department equipped with adding machines, etc.
Laige Tvwriting Department. Experienced ai d capable Faculty
Best systems in existence taught. The famous Graham-Pit
manie Sh(>rthand. the system which is adopted for expert, work.
The 20th Century Bookkeeping which makes expert accountants.
Evidences of Merit.
The patronage of this school is more than d able that of
anv other Business College in this section, which is u most, sig
nificant fact
Address, A.C. BRISCOE, Pres., or L. W. ARNOLD, Vice Pres.
Prof. Thos. L. Bryan, the well-known Educator, is with the
Southern. 19-11.
described below. It is worth more money and will be
higher but we are anxious to sell.
Monroe county lands will steadily increase in value.
Now is the time to buy.
155 ACRES, more or less, within one mile of the Court House at
Forsyth, three tenant houses, one with three. The
others with two rooms, large barn good crib ana all
for : $2,500
Terms, one-third cash, balance 1 and 2 years with
8 per cent interest.
175 ACRES, more or less, about four miles from Bolingbroke
with tenant houses, barn, etc. Will rent for six bales
cotton with another small house built. A bargain
Can give easy terms. Price $1,750
116 ACRES, more or less, four miles from Forsyth, four room
tenant house, small barn, quantity of saw timber,
near school, On* -third cash, balance 1 and *2 years
with 8 percent on deferred payments $1,600
82 ACRES, more or loss, tour miles from Forsyth, four room
tenant house, some orginal woods, good place, easv
terms and a bargain at <j>| 600
140 ACRES, more or less, four miles from Forsyth, one mile
from Smarrs. four room dwelling painted, two
three room tenant, houses, large barn, buggy honse,
cotton house, smoke and wood houses and all
or ... $5,150
Terms: $750 cash, balance in twelve equal annual
installments with 8 per cent interest on deferred
We have other farms and several homes in Forsvth
lor sale. Write us for descriptions and terms.
We sell dirt cheap.
Complete line of Caskets *ll style* and prio»e.
Careful and polite attention given all funeral* «tTV
■ted to me.
Embalming don* aooordlng to leteet and aaont ta*»
proved methods.
Newest and most np to date equipment.
Calls answered promptly day and night.
Phones 36 and SO.
HcDonough Qa.
Mrs. Nettie McGarity has re
turned home from Fairburn and
East Point, after a ten da) s’ visit
to relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Owen spent
Sunday with Mr. John Rawls and
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff McCullough,
of South River, visited relatives
near Bethany Saturday and Sun
Mr. Iverson Culpepper, ol
Knott, Ga., spent last week with
his cousin, Mr. Raymond Culpep
Mr. and Mrs. Coss Morris spent
Wednesday w r ith Mr. John Mor
row and family, near town.
Mr. Green Upchurch and family
visited Mr. Arthur Upchurch and
family Sunday.
Mr. Joe Rawls, of Jackson, visit
ed his brother a few days last
Well, Mr. Editor, I will tell you
and the readers of this paper
what a great revival meeting we
had at our church last week and
to see the precious souls of six
girls and three boys saved! Oh!
I surely did enjoy the meeting
fine. Rev. H V. Adamson assist
ed Brother W. F. Burdette in the
good meeting.
Mr. John Callahan, of Gwinnett
county, visited relatives here
several days this week. He re
turned home last Saturday with
his sister, Mrs. E. E. Milam, and
three little girls, Misses Ruby, Le
ola, and Lizzie Milam.*
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barr spent
Saturday and Sunday in Atlan
Mrs. Winnie Estes is on a visit
to North Carolina, the guest of
her parents, Mi. and Mrs. Brit
Guess cotton picking time is
drawing very neqr. I have seen
lots of cotton opened around
A crowd from Rex are going to
Shingle Roof camp meeting next
Mis. J. H. Carr and Mrs. 0. H.
Goodman spent one dav last
week with Mrs. J. J. Bunn and
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Standfield
spent several days iast week in
Misses Helen and Annie Kate
Carr spent last Saturday night
and Sunday with Mrs. Mary Cope
Miss Helen Carr spent one day
last week with Miss Hester Chap
Miss Ruby Sanders, of Morrow,
is spending a while with her niece,
Miss Vera Maud Sanders.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thaxton and
children, of Jackson, visited the
latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Presson, Saturday and Sun
Mrs. Eva Ivey and baby, of
Starrsville, spent a few days last
week with her mother, Mrs Lizzie
Mrs. Sarah Berry’ and children
spent one day last week with Mrs.
Emma Berry.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fincher
spent a lew days last weeK in
Newton county, visiting the for
mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
B. Finch a r.
Mrs. E. W. Bledsoe spent the
week end with her sister, Miss
Ola Whitaker.
Mrs. Nora Hunt spent Saturday
night and Sunday with her sister,
Mrs. Trella Hays.
Mr. Arthur Hilly and wife, of
near Salem, spent Saturday night
with Mr. and Mr. Emmis Carter.
Miss Eva May Barham has just
returned from a visit near Jack
son. She reported a nice time.
Mrs. Howard Carter and Mrs.
Boyd Morgan called on Miss Ola
Whitaker Saturday afternoon.
Lovejfiy Live Topics.
Well I was glad to read “Read
er’s” reply to Pearl’s Bible quest
ion; he will have to come again.
He seems to think Cain lived a
long time in the land of Nod be
fore he knew his wife. He fur
ther says that we understand
Adam and Eve were the first on
earth. Let us turn to Genisis,
first chapter, 26th verse: "And
God said, Let us make man in our
image after our likeness and let
them have dominion over the fish
of the sea and over the fowl of
the air and over the cattle and
over all the earth and over every
creeping thing that creepeth on
the earth.”
27th verse: “So God created
man in his own image, in the
image of God created he him,
male and female created he
28fh verse: “And God blessed
them and God said unto them:
“Be fruitful and multiply and
replenish the earth. Subdue it
and have dominion over the fish
of U’e sea and over the fowl of
the air and over everv living
thing that worketh upon tin
31st verse: “And God saw
everything that he had made and.
behold, it was very good and the
evening and the morning were
the sixth day.”
Second chapter Genesis, Ist
verse: “Thus the heavens and
the earth were finished and al, the
host of them.”
2nd verse: “And on the sev
enth day God ended his work
which he had made and he rested
from all his work which God
created and made.”
6th verse: “But there went up
a mist from the earth and water
ed the whole face of the ground.”
7th verse: “And the Lord Goa
formed man of the dust of the
ground and breathed into his nos
trils the breath of life man
became a living soul.”
Bth verse: “And die Lord God
planted a garden Eastward in
Eden and there he put the man
whom he had formed.”
21st verse: “And the Lord
God caused a deep sleep to fall
upon Adam and he slept and life
took one of his ribs and closed up
the flesh instead thereof.”
22nd verse: “And the rib
which the Lord God had taken
from man made the woman and
brought her unto the man.”
I think I have plainly shown
diat Adam and Eve were not the
first on earth and can see no rea
son for Cain’s having to live to an
old age to know his wife.
So, Reader, you can search the
Scriptures, for in them ye think ye
have eternal life and they are tiiey
which testify of me.
lam glad to have Reader join
our circle, as there is much to
gain and nothing to lose. So
come again. 1 hope Pearl has re
turned home and will give us a
nice letter this week. The weath
er is still very warm and our sick
are improving.
A. V. M.
Pine Orchard.
Miss Helen Carr and sister, An
nie Kat a . spent a few days last
week with their aunt, Mrs. W. E.
Miss Bessie Coker attended
camp-meeting Sunday.
Mrs. Drew Carmichael and Miss
Dora Wolfe spent Saturday with
Mrs. S. M. Coker.
Mr. Ernest Barnett and family
spent Saturday night with Mr. S.
M. Coker.
Mr. Andn w Alexander visited
Mr. Hugh Coker Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edd Coker visited
her brother, Mr. Charley Dickson,
last Friday.
Misses Sulie Tarpley and Ethel
Coker attended preaching at
Liberty Hill Sunday.
Messrs. Fred and Aldine Sor
row visited Mr. J. D. Alexander
Mr. Will Coker and family visit
ed his sister, Mrs. Callaway, in
Monroe this week.
(Last Week’s Letter.)
We correspondents will surely
be glau when the election is over
for two reasons: one is that we
will know who got into office and
the other is we think maybe there
will be more space in the paper
for our letters to be published,
for we all enjoy reading each
other’s letters and knowing what
is going on in other settlements
from which we live.
The protracted meeting started
at the Rock church last Saturday.
We hope they will have a good
revival there.
It is a busy time with the farm
ers now. They are trying to get
their little fodder pulled down
while the sun shines.
Mr. Kellet Abercrombie, of
Lovejoy, visited Mr. J. M. Avery
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Stephens, of
Ellenwood. visited the latter’s
brother, Mr. Charley Young, of
Gwinnett cou dy, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Williamson,
are all smiles; they have as their
guest a little boy. Mr. Williamson
says he has been plowing; it keeps
him busy trying to keep him from
plowing up his cotton.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Abercrombie,
of near Hampton, visited Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Avery Friday night.
Saturday they all visited Mr. Bill
Campbell and family and Satur
day night they were with Mrs.
Amanda Campbell.
Mi*. L* T. Lane visited his moth
er in Douglas County last week
and she returned with him Sun
Mr. Bill Lee, of F v-est Park,
sang at Tanners last Sunday. His
son, Mr. Powell Lee, will teach a
ten days singing school at Tan
ners. He will start Monday after
the fourth Sunday in this month.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stephens
visited their daughter and family,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Avery, last Sun
Mr. Herdert Rowden, of Macon,
is visiting relatives at Ellen
Mr. and Mrs. John Berry and
children spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Mance Berry.