The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 01, 1912, Image 4
LEGAL NOTICES. administrator’s hale. •Georgia Henry Conuty : By Virtue of an order granted t>y the Court of Ordinary of said County, will he sold before tin* Court House Door, in the City of McDonough, said State and Coun ty, on the First Tuesday in Nov ymver 1912, between the legal bourn of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following lands belonging to the estate of Mrs. M. C. Thompson, late of said County deceased, to wit: One Hundred, Eighteen and 39- 100 acres of land, in the 11th land •district of said State and County, bounded on the North by lands of the estate of R. L. Thompson, deceased, and the Atlanta and Covington Public Road, on the East by other lands of the estate of said Mrs. M. C. Thompson, deceased, South by lands of G. W. Crumbley, Cotton Indian River aind lands of D. J. Green and West by lands of W. E. Owen and estate of R. L. Thompson, deceased. Also Seventy Three aod 67-190 Acres of land in the 11th land dis trict of said State and county, bounded on the North by the At lanta and Covington Public Road, East by lands of G. W. Crumtley, South by lands of G. W. Crumbley and West by the first described tract of land, being lands of the estate of Mrs. M. C. Thompson, deceased. Sold as the estate of the said Mrs. M. C. Thompson, deceased, for the purpose of payment of the debts of said estate and distribu tion among the heirs thereof. Plat of said land can tie seen at the office of E. M. Smith. McDon ough, Ga. This Oct. Bth 1912. J. P. Thompson, Administra tor Estate of Mrs. M. C. Thompson, deceased. Dismission From Administration. Gevrgia, Henry Conntv : Whereas, Mrs. Edna A. Gray, Administratrix of .lackson Colvin, represents to the Court in her pe tition, duly filed mid enteied on record, tlist she has fullv Hilminis tered Jackson Colvin’s estate : This is therefore to cite all per mutes concerned, kindred and credi tors to show cause, if any they can, 'why said Administratrix should not be discharged from her administra ttion and receive Letters of Dismiss ion on the first Monday in Nov., 1912. 11-1 1 A. G. Harris, Ordinary Administrator’s Sale. Georgia Henry County: By virtue of an order granted by the Court of Ordinary in and For said County, will be sold on the First Tuesday in November 1912, before the Court House door in the City of McDonough, said State and County, between the legal hours of sale to- the highest bidder for ca«h, the fol lowing real estate belonging to to the estate of Mrs. N. E. Morris, late of said County, deceased,to w it: The East half of land lot No. •in the 11th land district of Henry County, Ca., containing One Hun dred, One and One fourth acres more or less, and bounded on the .North by lands of Mrs. S. R. Wil son, East by lands of H. S. Elliott, .South by lands of M. B. Hinton and H. S. Elliott, and West by lands of 11. S. Elliott and state of Mrs Susie Crumbley, same being inStockbndge District. Also Seventy Five'acres of land more or less in the 11th land Dis; ict of Henry County, Georgia, lot No 1. bounded North by lands of H. S. Elliott, East by of Mrs. L. F. Owen, South and West by lands of T. D. Stew art. Said lands sold for the purpose -of payment of the debts of said deceased and distribution among the heirs of said estate. This Oct. 7th 1912. Gus Owen. Administrator estate of Mrs. N. E. Morris, deceased. 11—1, 4. For Leave To Sell Georgia, Henry County. To whom it may concern: A. F. Adamson, Excutor of the estate of James R. Robinson deceased, having in due form made application for leave to sell all lands belonging to said Estate, Said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said County to be held on the first Monday in Nov ember 1912. This Ist day of Oct 1912. 11-1,4. A. G. Harris Ordinary. Executor’s Sale. By agreement of the legal heirs of R. R. Cawthom, deceased, will be sold before the Court House door in McDonough, Ga., within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in November 1912, 128 acres of land, lying in Tussahaw District, of said county and state. Sold as the estate of R. R. Caw thom, deceased, for distribution. W. A. and J. C. Cawthom, 11-1, 2 —Adr. Executors. Administrator’s Sale. Georgia, Henry County. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary, will be sold before the court house door in McDonough, Ga., within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in November 1912. 202 1 2 Acres land more or less in Hampton Dist. of said County and State, bounded as follows: On the north by lands of Harris and Dupree on the south by lands of J. H. MaLaier on the ease by lands of W. F. Wilson on the west bv lands of Napier Estate; less the cemetary lot 87 x 117 feet. Sold as the Estate of Daniel Ruff deceased, for distribution. This 7th day of Oct 19;2. J. D. Ruff Administrator 11-1, 4. Ailminis trator V Nile. Georgia, Henrv Conntv : By vitue of an oriier from the the Court of Ordinary will ho sold before the iLorm Mc- Donough, within tlie legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in No vember 1912. thrie «<■’•<»«. of land more or les<. hein.: a part, of land lot No. P 22 lying in Slink- Rag dis trict ot said S f ate ami * o intv. Sold as the estate of Jute Hnm hricK di ed. This Oet. 7th. 1912. W E. M. Dodson. Administrator. 11-1. t Administratrix’ Sale. By virtue of an order of the or dinary of Henry County Georgia, will be sold to the highest bidder, before the Court House door in the City of McDonough, Henry Coun ty, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, the following property to wit: Oi.e hundred and seventy three acres of land more or less in the 7th district of Henry County, Georgia, bounded as follows: On the North by lands of Will Crumbley, Joe Chafin and Henry Owen; on the East by lands of Tom Kelley, and Jesse Gilbert and Mrs. Lydia Chafin; on the South by lands of Mrs. Mary Ann Gilbert and Mrs. Samantha Mclntosh; and on the West by lands of Will Crumbley. The same being the lands upon which J. H. Gilbert, deceased, resided at the time of his death. Sold as the estate of J. H. Gilbert, deceased, for the purpose of the payment of debts and distribution among the heirs of said deceased. Terms Cash. This the 9th day of October 1912. Mrs. Ida Gilbert, Adminstratrix of J. H. Gilbert, Deceased. 11-1, 4. executor’s hale. Georgia Henry Conntv: By virtue cf an order granted by the Court of Ordinary in and for “aid County, will besjld before the Court Honse door, in the City of McDonough said State and Coun ty, between the legal hoars of .sale, on the first Tuesday in November, 1912, to the highest bidder for cash, the following lands of the estate of G. B. Barham, late of said County, deceased, to-wit: Seventy acres of land, more or less, in Hampton District of said State and County, known as the Tom Harris place, and bounded on the North by lands of W. M. Harris, on the East hy lands of Mrs. Smith, on the South by lands of C. W. Du pree and West by lands of W. M. Harris. Also a one-half undivided inter est in One Hundred and Sixty acres of land more or less, in the Third Land District of Henry County, Georgia, bounded on the North and West by lands of R. H. Greer, East by lands of Robert Chappell and South by lands of T. D. Stewart, Frank Hightower and Mrs. N. C. Fears. Also one house and lot in the town of Hampton. Georgia, said lot on'aining three -fourths of an acre more or less, known as the Fuller lot and bounded on the North by lot of Zack Norwood, East by an alley, South by lot of Minnie Gil ton and West by lot of Bob Hardin. On this lot is situated a three room house. Also one honse and lot in the town of Hampton, Georgia, known as the Green Greslmm lot, said lot containing one-half acre, more or less, and bounded North by lot of Minnie Gilton, East by an alley, South by lot of R, E. Martin and West by lot of Mi's. Hughes. On this lot is situated a four-room house. Also one house and lot near cor porate limitsof Hampton, Georgia, said lot containing one-fourth of an acre more or less, bounded North and West bv G. \V. Barham. East by public road. South by estate ot G. B. Barlmm. On this lot is situ ated a three-room house. Also one-fonrth of an acre- more or less, in same district State ami County, bonnded North and South by estate of G. B Barham, East bv Grilfin road and West by G. W Barham. On this lot is situated a three room house. Also one-half undivided interest in a vacant lot containing two and one-half acres more or less, near the corporate limits of the town of Hampton, said State and conntv, hounded North by estate of G. B. Barham. East by Griffin road. South by lot of A. B. Mitcham and West bv lot A. B. Mitcham and Cemetery. Also one house and lot, in «ann District. State and County, said lot eontainiiiij one-half acre, more or less, bounded North by lot of Otis Hennessee. E «st by lot of Otis Hen nesseo. South by McDonough road, and West by lot of George Archer. On this lot is situated a three-room house. All of said 'property sold as the property of G. B. Barham, late of said County, deceased for the pur pose of the payment of the debts of said deceased and distribution of the bait nee among the heirs of said estate This Oct. 8. 1912. G. W. Barham, Executor. Last Will and Testamest of G. B. Barham, deceased. FARM LOANS. Money to loan on farm lands. Brown&Brown. Good farm for sale, of 105 1-4 acres near Beersheba, Ga. Phone or write W. B. Webb, Jackson, Gii* Adv. For Sale. Iwo houses and lots on East side of McDonough. One 2 room and one 4 room house. Six acres with four room house, and 5 acres with 2 room house, one half mile from town. Also 18 acres land and 7 room house and several va cant lots known as the Campbell place on the South side of McDon ough. Will be sold at public out cry on first Tuesday in November next, if not sold before. H. C. Lemon, McDonough, Ga. Adv, tf Land For Sale. Eighty-one acres, one mile from Ola; 100 acres, two miles north of McDonough, part of the Sloan place. Will be sold at public out cry at the court-house at McDon ough, on the first Monday in November, 1912. By agreement of heirs, Terms cash. G. V. Jenkins, Agent. McDonough Route 1. Notice to the Public. I am now the agent in Henrv County for the J. R. Watkins Med ical Company, succeeding Mr. W. A. White. All the Company’s oki accounts are in my hands for collection. I shall appreciate a prompt set tlement of all these accounts and a continuance of the fine patron age you gave Mr. White. I shall be in McDonough during all of next week and every Sat urday. Yours respectfully, Adv. J. C. Culpepper. Electric Lighting Fixtures for the Home, Store or Public Building. Styles new, Prices Reasonable. : : Queen Mantle &. Tile Co. NEAR TERMINAL STATION. 56 West Mitchell St., - - Atlanta, Georgia. HOWARD CARMICHAEL LEADING UNDERTAKER. Complete 11a* of Casket* all styles and price*. Careful and polite attention given all funeral* ectra ded to me. Embalming done aeoordlng to late** and most i~ prsred methods. Newest and most up tc date equipment. Calls answered promptly day and night. Phone* 38 and 80. flcDonough Qa. MISS BLANCHE WENTZELL HIGH GRADE MILLINERY McDonough, . . . . Georgia D. A. BROWN. DENTIST Office Hours ; 7.80 to 12 a m. to 5 V. M McDonough, Ga. R. O. JACKSON, Attorney-at-Law, MCDONOUGH. G A Office over Star Store. BROWN & BROWN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. McDonough, Ga. DR. J. B WATKINS, VETINARr SURGEON. Treatment of diseases of all ani mals. All calls promptly attended to. Office Leach & Co’s new barn. Phone 44 —151. Jackson Ga. % E. J. REAGAN, Attorney at Law. McDonough. Georgia. Office in The Henry Coanty Weekly Building. Will practice in all the courts. 0. L. ADAMS, DENTIST MCDONOUGH. GA. TELEPHONES: OFFICE, 107-J RESIDENCE. 103 OFFICE IN LEMON BUILDING.