Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. W. F. Grant, daughters,
Leonora and Virginia, and son,
Fred, spent last Monday in Atlan
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mays an
. nounce the birth of a boy.
Mrs. Cornelia Dorsey, of Mart i
is expected the last of this
week to be the guest of relatives
Mrs. .1. C. Walden left Tuesday
to attend the State U. D. C. Con
vention at Athens.
Master Eugene Lee and little
Miss Frances Lee were the week
end guests of Mrs. J. C, Walden.
There will be a Halloween party
at the home of Miss Artie Bellah
Friday evening, November the Ist,
for the benefit of the U. D. C.
Library. Admission 25cts. Every
body come and enjoy the Hallo
ween jokes.
Mr. M. A. Terry went to McDon
ough on a little business trip Tues
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Grant are sympathizing with
them in the loss of an infant son.
To the General Public
Especially the Ladies.
A Demonstration o f Heinz’s
Pickles and Sunshine Crackers on
Wednesday November 6, 1912.
In charge of their representa
a special invitation is extend
ed to all.
You will be made to feel at
Adv. W. O. Welch,
McDonough, Ga.
Mill days every Saturday.
Bring your corn to Planning mill
-I. H. Rape.
Placed 74 men’s and bey’s hats in show window $i and $2 values, Special Sale Saturday,
Placed a lot of men’s ribbed underwear, 50c values, in window, at 39c Special Sale
Saturday, October 19th 60 gat ments were sold.
Have on sale for Saurday October 26th. Lot of men’Ssoccaps, just arrived from New
York, at 39c.
W ill place on sale Saturday, November 2nd, 2,000 yards outing flannel, just arrived
from New York, roc va'ue, at 7 4 C - - ee show window for display and examine the goods.
If you want cheap goods this fall, this will be the time, as the sale will last only one day.
Have a full stock of men's, ladies’, and children’s Shoes, Men's and Children’s cioth=
ing, Overcoats, and rain coats. Cluett Shirts, odd pants, Arrow Collars, men's ties, Not-A-
Seasrt hosiery for the whole family, Dress Goods, Notions, Silks, Linens, Laces, Trimming,
You should visit the millinery parlor on the second floor, where only millinery goods
are carried. Ladies’ Ha»s, Suits, and Cloaks, Skirts, House Dresses, Ribbons, etc. Miss
Nix n will be be glad to show you through. .*. 1 visited the the New York markets late
and have a lot of goods under v alue. The cotton crop is short. You w ant the goods and
you want them cheap. Then come to J. L. Gardner's store.
Coats T! read, per dozen 50c 2 Dozen Safety Pins . 5c 5 Pound Coffee . . SI.OO 18 Pounds Sugar . SI.OO
4 Ladies’ Handkerchiefs 5c 3 Pounds Red J Tobacco SI.OO 1 Paper Pins ic 2 Bottles Wine of Cardui 1.50
2 Packages Black Draught . . . 25c
J. L. Gardner, Locust Grove, Ga.
Lessie Moore had as her guests
Sunday Misses Winnie Bryant,
Irene Turner, Larne Luminus, and
Eva May Woods.
Miss Vinnie Lou Jinks came
from Atlanta and spent the week
end at home.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Avery. Mrs.
H. H. Mabry, Tom Potts, and Tom
Woods visited Mr. T. P. Ray and
family, near Jenkinsburg, Sun
Mr. and Mrs O. A. Adams spent
the week end at Pace.
Mrs. Tom Rosser visited rela
tives in McDonough Saturday.
For Rent.
2 1-2 horse farm in Sandy Ridge
Dist. for 5 bales lint cotton. Ap
ply to G. B. H. Welch, McDon
ough, Ga. tf. Adv.
County Line.
We are having pretty weather
once more again this time.
The people are gathering their
little crops what they have made.
The merchants are coming out
very slowly in collecting this time.
We are glad to know that Mr.
W. J. Cleveland’s folk are im
proving a little after so long ill
ness with typhoid fever.
There is so much news about
visiting in your paper and the
people grumbling about it till I
hate to say anything visiting.
Mr. A. S. Mills has decided to
do away with his peach orchard;
he has decided that there is as
much money in cotton as there in
Plough Boy.
Miss Blanche Wentzell has the
latest styles in millinery. Adv.
The old fashion “blue back
spelling bee” given under the
auspices of the School Improve
ment Club, at the auditorium Fri
day evening was enjoyed by a
large and enthusiastic crowd.
Mrs. Fields and Dr. R.J.Arnold act
ed as choosers and Mr. J. L.
Moore as teacher.
We have arranged to have an
interesting Lyceum attraction in
connection with our school. The
first attraction will be given Nov
ember 6th.
Tuesdav evening a large and
appreciative audience enjoyed at
the school auditorium the humor
ous lecture delivered by Rev.
Lovick P. Winter. This nnique
lecture entitled “Behold, 1 have
played the fool,” was enjoyed im
mensely by all present. One-half
of the proceeds was given to the
School Improvement Club.
On Thursday afternoon, Nov.
7th, there will be speaking by all
the school children, expect those
who are in the debate.
Prof. Horton has enlarged the
ball ground by having a few trees
cut down and the boys are get
ready for'a good team next sea
son. Prof. Horton, with the aid of
the School Improvement Club, has
cleaned off the entire school
grounds, which helps to make th£
school a more attractive looking
Preaching At Rocky Creek.
The Rev. Banks McCullough, of
Bethany, will preach at Rocky
Creek next Sunday, November
3nd at 11 o’clock. Every body
invited to come.
For all styles of up-to-date milli
nery call to see Miss Blanche
Wentzell. adv.
Oid Jack Frost was a visistor
in this section last week.
Mrs. Robt. Chappell and sister,
Miss Walker, spent last Sunday
with Mrs N. C. Fears, of Hampton.
Mr. J. H. Carr and daughter,
Annie K., spent last Sunday with
Mr. C. S. Goodman, of Hampton.
Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Chappell,
spent Sunday afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. D. M. Weems.
Mrs. J. H. Carr and Mrs. Mary
Copeland spent Sunday afternoon
as the guest of their brother, Mr.
Martin, of Luella.
Miss Vera Maud Sanders, who
js attending school at Hampton,
spent last week end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sanders.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gardner pass
ed through here last Saturday.
Mrs. W. C. Standfield spent last
week in Griffin, as the guest of
her mother, Mrs. Adams.
Mr. Ben Strickland had the
misfortune of losing a fine mule
one day last week.
Mr. Robt. Chappell visited rela
tives at Locust Grove last Sunday.
Messrs. Rob’t r 'happ'ell, J. H.
Carr, and J. A. Wells attended
Court in McDonough last week.
Butter fly.
Pins Apple.
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Copeland
visited in Atlanta Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lester spent
Saturday night with Mr. Jesse
Copeland and family.
Miss Clyde Copeland spent Sun
day with Miss Leola Mangham.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thaxton
have be«n quite sick at home of
her father’s but is some better cA
fhis writing.
Merry Widow.
Rev. W. N. Dut.can filled his
regular appointment here at this
| place last Sunday, and preached
jan able sermon, which he always
does; if we would all do, as he
tells us to, there would be no
i chance for us to miss heaven. He
was called back to preach here
another year. I don’t think they
could have done better. It seems
that every word he says comes
right from God.
Mrs. Clifford Gilbert and daugh
ter, Miss Sallie, spent Friday after
noon vith Mrs Lowe Carroll.
The prayer meeting at this
place Sunday night was fine; we
had a large crowd and, the best
of all, God was in our midst.
Mrs. Georgia Holloway and
Miss Matt Crumbky and Mr. and
Mrs. G. A. Holloway spent Sun
day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Holioway.
The Sunday School at this place
was changed to 3 o’clock in the
afternoon, instead of in the morn
ing; t' at gives everybody a chance
to come that wants to, so if they
don’t come, we will just know
you don’t want to.
Lonely Girl.
Georgia, Henry County:
To whom it may concern:
Edd D. Arnold, havingxiade ap
plication to me in due form to be
appointed Administrator upon the
estate of Joe Arnold late of said
county, notice is hereby given that
said application will be heard at
the regular term of the Court of
Ordinary for said county, to be
held on the First Monday in Dec.,,
Witness my hand and official
signature, this 28 day of Oct. 1912..
A, G. Harris, Ordinary.
11-22,4. .