The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 08, 1912, Image 2
THE HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY FRANK REAGAN, Editor. Entered at the postofficeat McDonough. Ga., as second-class mail matter. Advertising Rates furnished on appli cation. Official Organ of Henry County. McDonough, Ga., Nov. 8, 1912. Chituariea. One obituary, not more than one hundred words in length, will is published free; only one obituary for each death All containing more than one hundred words must be accompanied with one cent per word for all in excess of one hundred words. We cannot under take to cut them down to the one hundred word limit, Manuscripts not accompan ied with postage will not be returned. Warning, No statements purporting to come from 'l'be Henry County Weekly are genuine unless they have writien on their face the signature of Frank Reagan Editor, or are presented by him in person. Any person receiving such a statement will please notify Frank Reagan, Editor McDonough, Georgia. Remember the County Fair. Next week, on Saturday the 16th instant, is the day for the county fair at McDonough. We should make this year’s fair a great success and have a perma nent annual event of this kind. Do you know that Georgia’s corn yield has increased 80,000,000.00 during the past 5 years? Do you doubt that this is largely due to the Boys Corn Club CON TESTS? You of course realize that every citizen of Georgia has a dollars and cents interest in this increase. As it produces more money, there is more to be spent here at home which has heretofore been sent west. If this increase can be made greater each year in Henry coun ty, will not the citizen even in the remotest part of the county reap the reward of a section having more wealth? We ynow that the spirit of con test and friendly rivalry is the very life of this corn movement. By sleeping and doing nothing to encourage it, we shall reap some small growth from the gene ral state increase, though probably having to spend the increase in another county for corn and meat. By encouraging and rewarding this spirit, we shall build up in our own county a kingdom with in itself capable of living at home and feeding at the same place. The corn increase is but one of the many forms of growth this spirit of contest will encourage and nourish. And the increase of wealth pro produced will cover every section of the county, wherever the plow turnf the soil. Why then will not every section reap the benefit? Why should not every section join in the encouragement by off ering prizes? It is not a McDonough fair, but a county fair. The business men throughout the county should add this new line so their stock in trade and provide for the very early future a profit exceeding that on any other line handled by them. Now is your opportunity. Send Professor O. O. Tolleson notice of the prizes you will offer. Notice. Will be sold at the residence of J. T. Hendon on November 19th 50 acres of land more or less in Flippen district, near Salem church. Also 2 wagons and other farm tools. Sale starts at 10:00 o’clock, a. m. Terms half cash. Balance to suit parties. J. T. Hendon, Agent. 11-15, 2. Adv. PRESBYTERIAN PASTOR INSTALLED SUNDAY. The Rev. Jonas Barclay Will Be Officially Made Pastor Here. The Rev. Jonas Barclay, who has recently become the pastor of th e McDonough Presbyterian church, will be installed next Sun day morning at the regular church hour. The Rev. Frank I). Hunt, of De catur, Evangelist of the Atlanta Presbytery, will preach the ser mon and give the charge to the charge to the pastor. Rev. Mr. Bradley, of Jackson, will give the charge to the con gregation. These services are always inter esting and impressive and the gen eral public is invited to attend. Conley. We are feasting on fresh spare ribs and back-bones and baked potatoes, as long as they last. We don’t care if cotton will go to twenty cents a pound. Wish it would. The farmers are just trying themselves to see which one can sow the most wheat and oats. There is going to be more ground sown in this community than has been sown in a long time, for the people have made but very little corn this round and the cotton has done but very little and they will not have money to buy with. So they have to do something. Mr. W. M. Stephens is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. James went to the Gate City shopping last Fri day. Mr. Alf Fouche and a party of friends were the guests of Mrs. Fouche, Sunday. Miss Alla B. Carmichael will leave next week for a visit to Miss Bessie Thomas at Waycross. Messrs Ingram, Redwine, and Wilson, of Fayetteville, were visitors here Sunday. Miss Kathleen Walker, of Griffin has been the attractive guest of her sister, Mrs. A. A. Lemon. Miss Ellen Neal returned home the first of the week. She attend ed the state U. D. C. convention at Athens and spent the week end in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs Alec Brown, Miss es Ruby Walker, Helen Dunn and Alla B. Carmichael made an automobile trip to Atlanta Mon day. Mr. Joe Carter, of Butts County, was in our City Tuesday. Rev. Jonas Barclay and Mr. B. B. Carmichael left Tuesday to attend the meeting of Synod at Eastman. Mr. and Mrs A. B. Combs, of Barnesville spent Wednesday, with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Copeland. Mrs. B. F. Moore spent the day in Locust Grove Grove with her sister, Mrs. L. D. Moore, whose husband continues seriously ill. — Jackson Argus. Well, A. V. M., don’t get un easy about the little correspondent from Conley’s falling out, for I will be with you each week, if my letters are published and nothing to keep me from writing, for there will be more visiting now, for people will soon finish picking out their coiton. Rev. J. M. Defore filled his regu lar appointment at Tanners last Saturday and Sunday and preach ed two fine sermons. I want to ask a question: Why is the fi f tree mentioned more in the Bible than any tree? LEGAL NOTICES. executor’s sale. Georgia Henry Countv: By virtue cf an order granted by the Court of Ordinary in and for “aid County, will be 8 >ld before the Court House door, in the City of McDonough said State and Coun ty, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December, 1912, to the highest bidder for cash, the following lands of the estate of G. B. Barham, late of said County, deceased, to-wit: Also, one house and lot near cor porate limits of Hampton, Georgia, said lot containing one-fourth of an acre more or less, bounded North and West by G. W. Barham, East by public road, South i>y estate of G. B. Barlmm. On this lot is situ ated a three-room house. Also one-fourth of an acre more or less, in same district State and C.ottnty, bounded North and South by estate of G. B Barham, East by Griffin road and West by G. W. Barham. On this lot is situated a three room house. Also one-half undivided interest in a vacant lot. containing two and one-half acres more or less, near the corporate limits of the town of Hampton, said State and county, hounded North by estate of G. B. Barham, East by Griffin road, South by lot of A. B. Mitcham and West by lot A. B. Mitcham and Cemetery. Also one house and lot, in same District, State and County, said lot containing one-half acre, more or less, hounded North by lot of Otis Hennessee, East by lot of Otis Hen nessee, South by McDonough road, and West by lot of George Archer. On this lot is situated a tliree-room house. All of said property sold as the property of G. B. Barham, late of said County, deceased for the pur pose of the payment of the debts of said deceased and distribution of the balance among the heirs of said estate This Nov. 8, 1912. G. W. Barham, Executor. Last Will and Testamest of G. B. Barham, deceased. For Administration. Georgia. Henry County. To whom it. may concern : Henry S. Rowan having made ap pplication to me in due form to be appointed permanent Administra upon the estate of Jno. D. Rowan lateof said county, notice is hereby given that said application will he heard at the regular term of the Court, cf Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in Dec. 1912. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 4th day of Nov. 1912. 11-29, 4. A. G. Harris, Ordinary. GEORGIA, HENRY COUNTY. To whom it may ooncern : H. C. Hightower, having made application to me in dne form to he appointed permanent Administra tor upon the estate of Dr. Raleigh Hightower late of said county, no tice is hereby given that said ap plication will be heard at the regu lar term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the First Monday in December, 1912. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 4th day of November 1912. 11-29, 4 A. G. Harris, Ordinary. Dismission From Administration. Georgia, Henry County : Whereas. W. I. Parr Adminis trator of Estate of Deacy Colvin represents to the Court in her pe tition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully adminis tered Deacy Colvin’s estate: This is therefore to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and credi tors. to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not be discharged trom his administra tion and receive Letters of Dismiss ion on the first Monday in Dec., 1912. 11-29, 4 A. G, Harris, Ordinary, Administrator’s Sale For Deoember. By virtue of an order of the Or dinary of Henrv County, will be sold to the highest bidder before the court house door in the City of McDonongh Henry County Georgia between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in December next, the following real estate towit: 237 acres of land more or less in the seventh district of Henry Coun ty, Georgia, being parts of lots numbers 90. 91, and 102, known as part of the old Russell place, to be sold in five separate tracts or par cels, each of which is fully de scribed in a map or plat of said land, which shows the number of acres in each, and the lines around each of said parcels of land. Also, one acre of land near the City of McDonough, Henry County Georgia, in the seventh district of said county, and bounded on the Nortli. East and South by lands formerly owned by A. A. Lemon, now by Mrs. Annie Nolan, guardi an, and on the West by a road run ning north and south known as the old Cloud Mill road. Said lot known as the old Cleveland Gin lot. and on which the ginnery formerly owned by Cleveland and Robinson was located. Also, One lot near the depot at McDonough, Henry County, Geor gia. known as tiie Cleveland and Robinson Machine Shop. Said lot facing a street on the North, run ning from the Macon street to the said depot, 100 feet, running back South 200 feet. Said lot bounded on the North by depot street, the East by lot. of C. D. McDonald, on the South by lot formerly owned by the Nolan estate, and on the West by lot of R. C. Brown- Also, one house and lot in the City of McDonough, Henry County Georgia, situated on Key’s Ferry street, and known as the home place of James R. Robinson, de ceased, and fronting 114 feet on Key’s Ferry street, and running back south to a street running East and West between said lot and the lot of late Geo. W. Bryan, and fronting 114 feet on the last named street. Bounded on the North by Key’s, Ferry street, on the East by lot of the estate of James R. Robinson, on the South by a street between said lot and Geo. W. Bryan’s lot, on the West by an alley running between said lot, and livery stable and black smith shops. Also, one lot in the City of Mc- Donjugh, Henry County, Georgia, situated on Key’s Ferry street, and fronting 91 feet on Key’s Ferry street and running back South to a street running East and West between said lot and the lot of the late Geo. W. Bryan, and fronting 91 feet on the last named street. Bounded on the North by Key’s Ferry street, on the East by street running South from Key’s Ferry to the residence of the late Geo W. Bryan, on the South by running between said lot and the lot of the late Geo. W. Bryan, and on the West by the home place of the late James R. Robinson. All said properity sold as the property of James R. Robinson, deceased for the purpose of pay ing debts and for distribution legatees. Terms Cash. This the 6th day of November 1912, A. F. Adamson, Executor of James R. Robinson. Deceased. 11-29, 4. For Dismission. Georgia, Henry County. Whereas H. L. Carmichael, Ad ministrator of Jake Weems, repre sents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fnlly administered Jake Weems’ estate: This is, therefore, to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and credi tors, to show cause if any they can, wUy said Administrator should not be discharged from his administra tion. and receive Letters of Dismis sion on the first Monday in Dec. 1912. A. G. Harris. Ordinary. . 11-29 4 trustee’s sale in bankruptcy, Georgia Henry County: By virtue of an order granted by the Hon. W. E. H. Searcey. Jr., Referee in Bankruptcy, at Griffin Ga., on November 2nd 1912, will be sold at McDonough Ga. on Fri day November 15th 1912, at Ten O’clock A. M at the late place of business of P. B. Cheek, the entire stock of jewelry and fixtures be longing to the estate of the said P_ B. Cheek. Bankrupt. Said stock consists of watches, clocks, silver ware, show cases, cut gh. ss. knives, forks, spoons, undone large Iron safe. Said sale will be subject to con firmation by the Court granting this order, and the successful bid der will be required to deposit with the undersigned Ten per cent of his bid, the balance to be paid upon confirmation of the sale, and should said sale not be confirmed said deposit will be returned to the bidder. Inventory of said stock can be seen at the office of the under signed, or at the office of W. H. Beck, Griffin, Ga. This November sth 1912. R. O. Jackson. Trustee in Bank ruptcy for P. B. Cheek Bankrupt. 11-8, 1. For leave to sell. Georgia, Henry County, To whom it may concern : Mrs. G. M. Brown, Guardian of FranK, Grace and W. D. Brown has applied to me for leave to sell a house and lot located near Sunny Side in Spalding Co , Ga., in which her said Wards own a three fourths undivided interest, said property sold for the purpose of support and maintainance of said Wards. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county on the first Monday in Deo. 1912. A. G. Harris, Ordinary. 11-29, 4. Administrators Notice to Debtors and Creditiors. Notice is hereby given to all cred itors of the estate of Jake HambricK deceased, to render in an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed bv law, properly made out. And all persons indebt ed to said deceased are hereby re quested to maKe immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This Nov. sth 1912 W. E. M. Dodson, Administra tor. 12 13, 6. Trustee’s Sale In BanKruptcy. Georgia Henry County. By virtue of an order granted by the Hon. W. E: H. Searcey, Jr., Referee in BanKruptev, will be sold at McDonough, Ga., in the store house recently occupied by A. C Oglesbv, on Friday Nov. 15th 1912, at 10 • 30 o’clock A. M. to the highest bidder the following stocK. of goods belonging to the estate of A. C. Oglesby BanKrupt ;-to-wit; A stocK of goods consisting of novelties, pictures, picture molding, hardware, tin ware, crocKery, sta tionery, toys, paints, brushes var nishes, boo Ks. dolls, rugs etc. Said sale will be subject to con firmation by the Court granting this order and the successful bidder will be required to deposit Ten per cent of his bid, and pay the balance when said sale is confirmed. Should the sale be not confirmed said deposit will be returned to the bidder. Inventory of said stocK of goods can be seen at the office of the un dersigned at The First National BanK of McDonough, or at office of W. H. BecK, Griffin, Ga. This Nov sth 1912. R. L. Turner, Trustee in BanK rnptcy for a. C. Oglesby BanKrupt. WANTED. —Sewing to do. Mrs. N. C. Jackson, McDonough, Ga. tf. Adv FARM LOANS. Money to loan on farm lands. * Brownocßrown.