The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 08, 1912, Image 3

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McDonough, Georgia
The selling of pianos
at auction is an entirely
new proposition and is an
experiment with me. I
have bren led to make a
trial by the experience I
have had in selling them
in the regular way.
In January 1912, I was
appointed distributor in
the State of Georgia for
one of the large piano
manufacturers, and since
that time have sold their
goods throughout the
State. Soon after going
into business I found from
actual experience that the
principal cost to the put
chaser of anv make of
piano is made up of the
selling expense and the
larger margin that is
tacked on tor bad ac
counts. For instance, it
costs any dealer doing
business in Georgia SIOO
to sell a piano. It he sells
tor cash he wants SIOO
profit, and it the payments
ate deterred tor one, two
or three \ ears, as in nine
cases out of ten they ate,
he wants in addition to
his cash profits lrom SSO
to SIOO more.
I maintain no office, I have no office force. I have no salesmen, T sell tor cash or Its equivalent, l boy tor spot cash, and i expect with one
salesman to sell fifty pianos per month, and I am just as anxious to sell vou a good piano as any dealer in the world, for 1 expect to have a sale
in your city once each >ear, and a reputation for selling good g »ods is just as valuable to me as any other dealer.
So come to my auction. You don t have to buy, but you can secure a piano from me at less than half the price you would have to pay
any other dealer in the world. And remember, my pianos are just as good as and have the same guarantee
On the above dates I will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION to the highest bidder a carload of Standard High Grade Pianos.
These pianos are on exhibition at my show room next door to Horton Drug Store. A young lady of McDonough
will be in charge, and you are asked to call and inspect the pianos.
GUARANTEED TO BE NEW.—These pianos are guaranteed to be absolutely new, from the factory to your city. All are
1913 styles. They are made by two of the largest manufacturers in the United States, and each piano carries the guaiantee of
the manufacturer. Thousands of the identical pianos that I offer you are in use throughout the South under different brands,
and numbers of them have been sold in your city and county at prices ranging from S3OO to SSOO.
Remember the Sale Starts Daily at 2 O’clock Sharp, Friday and Saturday, November
15th and 16th I WILL HAVE NO BY-BIDDERS.
111 1
So that a oiano costing
any dealer in this State
the sum of $l5O would
cost you, Mr. Purchaser,
from $350 to $450 ac
cording to the tet m . upon
which the purchase was
made. Let us suppose
that John Doe & Co. are
maintaining a retail store
in Atlanta and are doing
business through their
salesman in various sec
tions of the State.
This firm would pay
SIO,OOO a \ ear rent, and
their tixed charges would
be as much or more, mak
ing a t< tal of $20,000 a
) ear to maiut tin their
show rooms.
Tin ir* best salesman
will not average over
three pianos a month and
will cost his firm from
$1 oo to $l5O per month
salarv, and $ 100 per
month Uavelingexpenses.
Of course all this vast ex
pense must ultimately be
paid by the consumer. I
believe that this expense
can be saved to the con
sumer by our Auction
PI in.