The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 08, 1912, Image 4

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We the Grand Jury chosen and
sworn for the October term of
Superior Court 1912, make the fol
lowing recommendations and pre-
We, through our various com
mittees, have examined the books
of the Ordinary, Clerk of the Su
perior Court, Sheriff, Tax Receiver,
Tax Collector, Treasurer, County
Court Dockets, and the Justice
Court’s Docket, and have been
correctly kept so far as we are
able to know, with the exception
of a few irregularities in the Jus
tice Dockets in 489th and 486th by
failing to sign cases, and no entries
made by the bailiff, also on the
Clerk’s Records we find that there
are but very few of the mortgages
cancelled. We ask our people to
look after this maiter more care
fully in the future.
We have inspected the Coun.y
farm and find same in fine state of
cultivation and have just gathered
from same 800 to 1,000 bushels of
corn and 600 bales of clover and
hay, also find 40 to 50 hogs in
healthy condition. We find that
the roofs on two or three houses
needs repairing and also a new
well dug.
We also find 5 inmates, 2 white
and three colored, in fairly good
We heartily indorse the manage
ment of the farm, also the contract
made by the Ordinary with Mr.
Woodward for the year 1913.
We find the convict camp in
good sanitary condition as could
be expected, we find 27 convicts
well cared for, and in healthy con
dition. Also 28 mules in fairly
good condition and we recommend
that the Ordinary purchase a tent
at once for the mules.
We examined the County jail
and find the jail kept in as good
sanitary condition as could be ex
pected under the conditions. We
recommend that the fence around
jail be repaired and also two wells
filled up in the jail yard.
We find the Court House in
fairly good condition and we also
reccommend that proper authori
ties put toilets in Court House.
We recommend that the Ordi
nary pay Mrs. Moate, Mrs. Rape,
Mrs. Mary Copeland and Mrs. Fan
nie Kimball ($10.00) Ten Dollars
per quarter, each.
We recommend that Sandy
Ridge Court Mouse be rebuilt.
We recommend that the Ordi
•nary build a bridge over Tussahaw
Creek on the road leading from
M. V. Sowell’s home place to Mr.
C. H. Daniel’s at Old Mill place.
We recommend that the Ordi
nary build a new high bridge
across Cotton River on Peach
stone Shoals road at Tunner’s old
We recommend that the Ordi
nary build a walk-wav across Cot
ton Indian Creek between Mr.
Bellah and Mr. Hunter, same to be
built at once.
We recommend that the short
•curve be cut out of the road at
Green’s old mill as early as pos
We recommend that the Ordi
nary change the road leading from
M. C. White’s Gin to Stock bridge,
on creek known as the James
place, and we also recommend
that same be done at once.
We recommend that Mr. C. W.
South be reappointed Notary Pub
lic in Shake Hag district.
We recommend that L. F.
White be reappointed as Notarv
Public in Brushy Knob District.
We recomme 'd that J. L Sav
age be reappointed as Notary Pub
lic in Sandy Ridge District.
We receommend that W.D. Nel-
son be appointed Notary Public of
McDonough District.
We recommend that Mr. Law
rence Gunter be appointed Notary
Public in Love’s District.
W’e recommend that the County
Court Judge be paid $400.00 per
annum. We recommend that the
Clerk for the County Commission
er be paid $600.00 per annum.
We find $133,833 gain in taxable
property and we commend Mr.
Wallace for his excellent work.
We recommend that the Ordi
nary discontinue Mrs. Evyline
Daily’s name on pay roll.
We sincerely tender our thanks
to his honor, Judge Daniel, for his
eloquent and impressive charge.
We thank our Solicitor General
J. W. Wise for his services and
able advice through this session.
We heartily extend to our fore
man, A. G. Combs, our sincere
thanks for the manner in which
he has dispatched business and
the courtesy he has shown the
members of our body.
We heartily extend to our Clerk,
Jerry Walker, our sincere thanks
for the faithful duty he has shown
as a Juror and for the promptness
in the dispatch of the business of
this body.
We wish to extend our thanks
to Mr. Alex Borders for the man
ner in which in which he waited
on the Grand Jury.
We recommend that these pre
sentments be published in the
Henry County Weekly and they
be paid the sum of ten dollars.
Resp. submitted,
A. G. Combs, Foreman.
Jerry Walker, Clerk.
J. M. Ingram
C. W. Gardner
Robt. Chappell
J. L. Gardner
J. S. Hunt
D. P. Cook
T. C. Kelly
Green Mitchell
J. H. Elliott, Jr.
W. J. Turner
W. N. Strickland
S. K. Austin
H. A. Turne
B. F. Grant
S. P. Crowell
J. B. Low
S. G. Bryans
J. L. Mosely
Joel Bankston
R. H. Greer
B. H. Welch.
Georgia, Henry County.
Ordered that the foregoing Gen
eral Presentments be entered up
on the minutes and published as
therein recoaamenued.
This October 31, 1912.
Robt. T. Daniel, '
J udge S. C. F. C.
By W. F. Hand, Treasurer, Hen
ry County, Ga.„ Octoberl9l2.
To balance on hand April
16th - - - $5260.27
To Frank Reagan, C. C.
Fund - 43.00
To S. W. Whitaker, T. C. 20.00
To S. W. Whitaker, T. C. 1611.00
To A. G. Harris, (3rd. - 7.00
To S. W. Whitaker, T. C. 33.59
To O. O. Tolleson - - 1.40
io A. G. Harris, Ord. - 8.16
To A. G. Harris, Ord. - 1.85
To A. G. Harris, Ord. - 5.00
TofiFrank Reagan, C. C. 50.00
By Superior Court Exp. $ 815 50
By County '\>urt Exp. 55 00
By Stationery - - 76.76
By «lail Expenses - - 125.25
By Poor F«rm & Pauper
Expenses - - 393 88
By County Property Re
, pairs - 109.95
By Registration - - 25.00
By Elections - - - 132.00
By Public Roads - - 1641.36
By Convicts - - - 1324.10
By Bridges - - - 1933.83
Balance on hand $408.65.
W. F. Hand,Treas.
Henry County, Ga.
GROCERIES for cash —Reduce
high cost of living. Bright’s.
11-1,2 Adv.
Stockbridge Circuit Officials For
At the fourth quarterly confer
ence held at Stockbridge October
29th the following officers were
elected to lead in church work
for the coming year:
Stewards —Stockbridge, S. C.
McWilliams, Uriah Askew, Ward
Crumbley, H. M. Glass, A. D.
Williams. Union —Thos. G. White,
J. D. Bowen, E. E. Owen, A. C.
Richardson, H. C. Toney. Wil
liam’s Chapel—L. C. Butler J. T.
Lambert, L. S. Peacock, A. C.
Farmer, Thos. D. Alexander.
Bethel—J. W. Patillo, J. W. Thur
man, S. K. Austin, W, G. Calla
way, Thos. G. Swann.
Sunday School Superintendents:
—Stockbridge —J. W. Hightower.
Union —W. A. Bellah. Williams
Chapel —Walter J. Hollums. Beth
el —Grover C. Clark.
Church Leaders: Stockbridge —
W. W. Milam. Union —John G.
Mann. Williams Chapel—W. J.
Hollums. Bethel —Sol K. Austin.
The Stockbridge Circuit, well
organized and well officered,
starts out for 1913 with good
FOR RENT —One one- horse
farm and one two-horse farm.
This is land I have just purchased.
Also for sale one 15 horse-power
Frisk traction engine and sa v
mill outfit. Would sell part or all.
Terms for good paper. A. C.
Newman. Route 1. Adv 11-15, 2.
McDonough, Ga.
Oak Shade.
The Autum leaves are falling
fast. The winter is about here.
It seems that Mr. White has killed
Mr. Green all over the land. We
almost had a young snow around
Oak Shade this morning. Mr.!
Frost came in abundance.
Mr. Ed Sprayberry has been on
the sick list a few days; glad he is
Mrs. Fannie Sowell, of McDon
ough, visited Mrs. J. P. Hays, her
neiee, Saturday and Snnday. Also!
her sister, Miss Lily Jones, and j
neice, Mattie Leak Camp, from i
Mrs. Nancy Knowles is still very
Misses Fannie Me and Gertie
Hayes attended the halloween
party at Rose Hill Tuesday night,
Mr. Homer Waldrop was chief of
Mr. Alt' Conkle visited his broth
er, Mr. O. N. Conkle, Sunday from
the Gate City.
For Rent.
2 1-2 horse farm in Sandy Ridge
Dist. for 5 bales lint cotton. Ap
ply to G. B. H. Welch, McDon
ough, Ga. tf. Adv.
Money to loan on farm lands.:
A large line of Gents’ clothing
!to c ose out cheap. Vv .B. J. In-;
gram. a dv.
For Sale.
Two houses and lots on Easf
side of McDonough. One 2 room
and one 4 room house. Six acres
with four room house, and 5 acres
with 2 room house, one half mile
from town. Also 18 acres land
and 7 room house and several va
cant lots known as the Campbell
place on the South side of McDon
ough. Will be sold at public out
cry on first Tuesday in November
next, if not sold before. H. C.
Lemon, McDonough, Ga. Adv, tf
Land For Sale.
Eighty-one acres, one mile from
Ola; 100 acres, two miles north of
McDonough, part of the Sloan
place. Will be sold at public out
cry at the court-house at McDon
ough, on the first Monday in
November, 1912. By agreement
of heirs, Terms cash.
G. V. Jenkins, Agent.
McDonough Route 1.
105 Pryor Street
Quick, clean service
Moderate prices
E. W. Roberts, Mgr.
Electric Lighting Fixtures
for the Home, Store or Public Building.
Styles new, Prices Reasonable. : :
Queen Mantle &. Tile Co.
56 West Mitchell St., - - Atlanta, Georgia.
Oempl.tellne of Cfesketaall .trlea and prioas.
Car.fnl and pollta attention given all funerals satm
atod to m.
Embalming dona according to latest and most im
prored methods.
K« wa.t and most mp to date equipment.
Call, anavrered promptly day and night.
Phna.a 38 and 80
ncDonough Ga.
mcdonough, - - . . Georgia
Office Hours .
7.30 to 12 A. M. to 5 P. M.
McDonough, Ga.
Office over Star Store.
McDonough, Ga.
Treatment of diseases of all ani
mals. All calls promptly attended to.
Office Leach & Co’s new barn.
Phone 44 —151. Jackson Ga.
Attorney at Law,
McDonough. Georgia.
Office in The Henry County
Weekly Building.
Will practice in all the courts.
0. L. ADAMS,