Newspaper Page Text
iA. Department Devoted to the In
terests of all the Schools of
the County.
By 0. 0. Tolleson, County School Superintendent.
The Teachers’ Institute has
closed; the teachers have departed
to their schools; the appeal of the
school’s bell has been answered
by many healthy, happy boys and
and girls; and the promise of a
profitable year’s work is before
The teachers entered into Miss
Parrish’s work with eagerness.
Revs. Bledsoe, King and Barclay
added to the devotional exercises
inspiration and helpfulness. The
matrons of McDonough furnished
satisfactory hospitality. Dr. B.
E. Horton addresses the teachers
Thursday on “Health and School
Sanitation” —a plain, practical,
helpful talk that will show results
in the schools of Henry County
Hiis year.
Thanks to you all.
Farmers Bulletin number 511 of
fiie department ol Agriculture on
Farm bookteping is one that
every teacher and farmer uught
to jiave. Write your congress
man lor it.
Prof. Claude Gray, President
Locust Grove Institute, is a man
who never does things by the
halves. The lollownig ietter is
suUieient it tviuence be neces
“in regard to the Scholarship
of which you spoke to me a tew
days ago —Locust Giove InsiiiuU
win give a Scholarship ot free
tuition either m tne Lnerary ot
Commercial Departments L.r uoys
and one in either tile Music or Ex
pression Departments tor girls.
You cun oner uitui lor au> oi the
wenk or. events winch you may
“i oeiieve that the Fair you are
arranging siiouut ue oi gr at sv.r
.Vice to me setiuots Oi tile nouiilj. ’
. Among the prominent visitors
j'„o me iienry Coumy ran*, i\uv.
Hi, win be Miss e. b. I'amsn, bup
tti v isOl’ oi tAiUcuuun; a. J'uU
Campbell, ana ivnss Mary Ciet
weli, Dept. oi bcnuoi intension,
anil Milton P. Jarnagin, Diuiessoi'
oi Aniuiai riusoanuiy, oi tile
{Stale tun ge oi rtj'iii'Uuuie.
All kinds of second hand pipe
and one complete waterworks
routnt for sale. J. G. Smith. tf.
Mr. Jack Jenkins, of Baxley,
forniely of this county, was up
tins weeK his formei
home. His says Henry County
has inane many improvements
since tie moved away and has
much belter roads, tie is a reg
ular suosciiber tu The \v eeaiy.
FOR SALE—One house ai.d lot
in McDonough. bee Vv. a. Vv tnte,
McDonough, Da. Aui.
Mr. George Alexander’s host oi
friends regret to see him wearing
a sling about his hand, tie cam.
in contact with a gasolene lump
Friday night ai*u ins i and was
i bauly burned, it is not serious
but w ill require several to
The Bunnell Concert
A Decided Success.
Despite the rain and threatening
weather, The Nell Bunnell Concert
Company an almost full house at
the School Auditorium last Thurs
day evening.
Miss Louise McHenry was the
favorite in her child and negro
impersonations and bird melodies,
while Miss Bunnell received en
core after encore as she delighted
the audience with her marvelous
Miss Milligan found the school
piano somewhat disappointing, but
showed herself a musician unde
niably in the selections she gave.
Truly it was a program without
| a comment but lo praise.
The next number comes Friday,
! November 15, Mrs. Win. Calvin
I Chilton m “Polly of the Circus.”
The management has decided
to make the tonowing oner until
j Nov. 12th, 4 p. m.:
Double Season Tickets with Re
served Seats, $1.75.
Single Season Tickets with Re
served Seats, SI.OO.
Alter 4 p. m. Nov. 12th admit
tance wid oe strictly S(J cents lor
auults and 25 cents iur grammar
school children.
0. 0. Tolleson,
McDonough Lyceum Cuuise.
All kinds of second hand pipe '
ana one complete wuierwuras
outfit lor sale. J. G. Smttn. t .
Mr. Q. R. Nolaij/ ot Cnarlotte,
N. C., was tile guest oi ins motlier
Judge and Mrs. F. J. Reagan,
Miss lone Price, and E. u. rveagan
spen l in Conyers.
Mrs. tied Walker is expected
home in a lew days from uuoiui.
Mr. Will Walker, of Cordele,
has Oeeu the guest £u ins moliier,
airs. Eiiuila vV dlk-td', lilts WceK.
Mrs. RUiel Tye W right is ex
pecieu noiue tins week, after an
extended visit to Anauiu, Macon,
and ottier places.
Money to loan on larm lands.
Browing Brow n
The fiiends here of Miss Kittie!
May lirdt, of Tuoiuasion, will Le
interested in her approaening mai -
riage to Mr. Kooert vv alker, ot
Griffin. She made many friends
here in the spring when sue was
ihe guest ot Mrs. Lucy Reagan.
FOR SALE —My house in Mc-
Donough. If not soia privateiv
earlier, will be sold at public
outcry at Court house on the
nisi Tuesday m December next,
w . H. Ctiveiand, McDonough, G.i.
Miss Bessie Milchen, oi Griffin,
,vas liie guest ot Airs E. D. 1 one
son me in si ot the wee.\.
MesdamtsJ.N. W oodrui'f,George
nieeii, and Howard Caiinicnae.
.eit \v eunesday lot Vv iliucoociiet
,o visit Mr. and Mis. io.a \voou
i uit.
Mr. G. H. Stallworth and Miss
Name Lou blanwoitn. spent Mon
day in Jackson wnu tne family oi
i B. F. Wright.
Daughters of Confederacy
Made Last Presentation
The last delivery of crosses of
honor by the Daughters of the
Confederacy to the civil war vete
rans w%s made last briday after
noon at the McDonough school
The exercises opened with the
Invocation by the Rev f. J. Bled
The Rev. W. W. Arnold was
master of ceremony and presided
with his usual grace of manner
and speech.
Miss Hattie Sue Lowe gave one
of her charming readings. A
beautiful selection was sung by
Mrs. H. M. Turner anu Misses
Annie G. Thompson and Ruby
Miss Annie Nolan also contri
buted to the interesting program
the charm of her voice in a de
lightful song.
The daughters also sang sweet
ly some of the old songs.
After a few words of tender
sentiment and appreciation a. -
dressed to the veterans by Mr.
Arnold, the President of the
Charles T. Zacharv Chapter, Mrs.
E. J. Reagan, presented crosses to
the following veterans and their
Messrs. T. J. Bledsoe, T. G.
Campbell, J. C. Daniel, J. A. Jack
son, W. C. Laster and J. B. Zach
ry; and Mrs. Mamie Hunton Wall
and Mr. John Hays.
Resolutions of Liberty Baptist
On Sunday Sept. 29, 1912, death
entered the home of Mr. John
Sweaey, at Roseland, Gn., and
bore away a loving wife and
mother. Before her marriage
she was Miss Oilie Rowden. She
was a devoted member of the
Baptist church.
Resolved: Ist, That in the
death of sister Sweney, we Dow in
humble resignation to the divine
will of Our Heavenly Father.
2nd, That we extend to the be
reaved family uur deepest sympa
thy and pray God’s comforting
spirit to attend them in this sor
rowing hour.
3rd, Tliat a copy of these Reso
lutions be spread upon tile church
record and a copy be given the
bererved family.
Mrs. Usher Hinton
Mrs.. Uscar Hightower.
Miss Adeline Fmke.
FOR RENT —Two 2-horse farms
in Lowes district ot Henry County,
6 t-2 miles west ot McDonough
and 3 1-2 miles east of Hampion.
Good houses and all conveniences.
Appiy to W. J. Greer at Bank oi
Henry County. 11-15, 2.
Rev. I. G. Walker tilled his regu
lar appointment at Snaron Satur
day aim Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Duke spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
Mr. Harwell Gunn spent Sun
day with ms mother, Mrs. Lizzie
.vies. Maud Smith is seriously
sick at this writing but w-e hop
for her a s.'eeuy recovery.
Rev. 1. G. Walker spent Satur
day night with Mr. W. G. Gil
Tins section had as its visitor
Sunday night a killing JacK Host
and some ice.
New York Merchants
Can't Buy Bass’ Stock.
Within the last few days we have received numerous inquir
ies from parties in New York and other Eastern Cities, wishing
to buy our entire stock in a lump and ship it to other points. To
all vye replied NO. Our stock will be sold at retail to the people
of Spalding and surrounding counties.
We are under lasting obligations to thousands of friends and
customers who have patronized us so liberally during the thirty
odd years we have been in the mercantile business, and it is our
desire that they receive the profit of our magnificent stock in this
Closing Out Sale, which will bring the business of Bass Brothers
Co. to an end on Dec. 31st.
We have arranged for a special sale of Furniture, Men's and
Boy s Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods, Millinery and Ladies' Suits
every day during the Fair, which will commence next Monday
November 11th.
Our sales force is being constantly increased, and all who
visit the Big Store will receive the very best service possible.
We are glad that so many people from this county are taking ad
vantage of the very low prices we are making, in supplying their
winter needs. Great crowds attend this Bargain Carni/ai every
day. Bring a little money amd get the goods.
Cur large wagon yard and many hitching stalls are free to
the trading public.
Reduced rates on ail railroads to Griffin during the Fair.
Democrat Ticket Wins more Than
Double Electoral Votes of
Combined Opposition.
Governor Woodrow Wilson and Governor Thomas R. Marshall
carried the Democratic banner to an overwhelming victory in Tues
day’s presidential election.
Fairly complete returns have been received as we go *o press.
They leave no doubt that the Democrats have secured an immense
majority of the electoral vote. The score will probably exceed 400.
Roosevelt ran second with about 112 votes and Taft third with 8.
All the New England states, except New Hampshire, vtent for Wil
son and it is still in doubt.
Wilson won all the large states, except Illinois and Pennsylvania,
which are doubtful, though probably for Roosevelt.
The Democratic majority in Congress has been increased but the
Senate is still in doubt.
Woodrow Wilson, a Southern man with a Georgia wife, is our next
In Henry County the vote was: Wilson 535, Roosevelt 122, Taft 15,
Georgia gave Wilson about 45,000 majority.
Rev. Z. E. Barron filled h i s
regular appointment here Satur
day and Sunday.
Miss Ethel Coan and Miss Duf
fey, two popular young ladies, of
near Locust Grove, have been se
cured to teach school at Pine Hill
for this term. We congratulate
the trustee o on securing these two
young ladies.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stroud, of Mc-
Donough, dined with Mr. and Mrs.
T. A. Barham Sunday.
Mr. Carlton Hays bed his mule
to a new tree Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hays and
children spent Saturday night and
Sunday with his mother, Mrs.
Sallie Hays.
Misses Eunice and Leola Haynes
and Miss Oia Whitaker spent Sat
urday night and Sunday near
Bethany, the guests of the Misses
Maggie and Josie Rawls.
Sunday School at this place
next Sunday afternoon at 2:30.
Everybody come.
FOR RENT—One 5 room house
in McDonough, also 3 rooms for
rent. Mrs. Anna W caver, tf. Adv.