The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 22, 1912, Image 1

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    The Henry County Weekly
At Saturday’s County Fair They
Were A Great Feature And
Showed Large Yields.
The exhibits and reports of a large number of boys of the Boys’
Corn Club were a feature of tha County Fair last Saturday.
For the best general display Master James E. Pritchett won the
first prize.
For the best yield Master Henry Exum won first prize. On his
acre he produced the magnificent crop of 145 bushels asd 41 pounds,
at the small cost of 19 3-4 cents per bushel.
We give below a complete list of all the boys who made displays
at the fair, with quantity produced and the producing cost per bush
el of each:
Name Bushels Pounds Cost per Bu.
Henry Exum 145 41 19 3-4 c
Emmerson Mitchell 96 48 22c
Sam Moseley 91 1-2 22c
Willie Price 79 52
James Pritchett 70 3 pks. 25c
Clifford Stone 70 33c
J. B. Woodward 68 2-3 30c
Lov Strawn 68 1-4 28 l-2c
John Kimbell 65 22c
J. S. Elliott 57. 40c
Geo. Moseley 53
A. D. Moseley 52
Homer Elliott 50 29c
Jeff Bellah 49 30c
Hubert Payne ; 47 31c
Otto White 40 35c
Ivan Austin 38 1-2 42c
Geo. T. Dickson 27 1-2 80c
Raymond Fullerton 27
Mr. and Mrs. W. Veal and two
children, of near Snapping Shoals,
came up Saturday to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Dick
son, and see the Fair.
All Millinary goods at half price
come quick. —Copeland-Turner
Mer. Co. Adv.
Mr. Frank Brisendine was the
guest of the family of Mr. Q. Dick'
son Saturday.
Little Misses Ruby and Ruth
Culpepper, of near Bethany, spent
Saturday with the family of Mr.
Q. Dickson.
Mr. Hendley Daniel was the
guest of his sisters in Griffin for a
few days last week.
Mr. H. P. Redwine, of Fayette
ville, was here Sunday.
Mr. Goss, of Atlanta, was a vis
itor here Sunday.
Mr. Benton Thompson was a
visitor to Atlanta Saturday.
Mrs. Cicero Daniel and Mrs.
Eliza Crookshanks went down to
Griffin last Tuesday to see the
big Fair.
FOR SALE —First class acetylene
lighting and fixtures at half price.
Will give terms. B. B. Carmichael
McDonough, Ga. Adv. 11-29,2.
Rev. Olin King left to
attend the Conference at Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Will Green and
Miss Mattie McDonald were the
guests of the family of Mr. Jack
Russell Sunday.
Dr. Emmerson Weems and Mr.
J. T. Weems spent Tuesday in
McDonough, Georgia, Friday November 22,1912.
Miss Mattie McDonald, who is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Green,
spent a few days last week x with
Misses Stella and Ada Russel.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Turner, of
McMullen’s district, had as their
guests Sunday ihr. and Mrs.
George Green, Mr. and Mrs. Mar
vin Turner, Mr, Roy Turner, and
Mrs. Savannah Fergason. An
elegant o’pposum dinner, with all
the delightful things that usually
accompany this, was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coker, of near
Oakland, were with the family of
Mr. Q. Dickson Saturday and also
took in the County Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Hooten
spent the week end with his
parents in Atlanta.
100,pair shoes worth up to S2OO
at SIOO pair.—Copeland-Turner
Mer. Co. Adv.
Mr. and Mrs, Kimball Patterson
went to Atlanta Monday to the
Automobile Show.
Mr. and Mrs. Flinn, who have
been living in McDonough about
four months, have moved to
Mrs. Will Price and Miss lone
Price spent Tuesday with Mrs.
Ernest Smith.
Miss Anne Spence is in Atlanta,
being called there by the critical
illness of her mother.
Mrs. Alice Smith, of Saratoga,
N. Y., is spending a few days
here, with Mrs. Whitehead.
Mrs. E. M. Smith was in Atlan
ta Saturday.
Money to loan on farm lands.
Brown & Brown.
Popular And Prominent McDon
ough Married
Miss Lethea Sorrow and Mr. C.
R. Hand were united in marriage
Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock at
the home of the groom’s brother,
Mr. H. H. Hand, in Hampton.
The Rev. J. E. England perform
ed the ceremony.
Mrs. Hand is an attractive
young lady of Pleasant Hill com
munity and has many friends
throughout the county, who are
extending to her their best wishes.
She will be gladly welcomed as a
resident in McDonough.
She is the daughter of Mrs. Liz
zie Sorrow.
Mr. Hand is a son of Mr. G. W.
Hand and is a popular and capable
young citizen of McDonough and
assisted to the County Treasurer.
His scores of friends are congrat
ulating him upon the happy event.
Mr. and Mrs. Hand are at pres
ent with his father near McDon
ough but will shortly move to
town and'begin keeping house.
Misses Cora Hand and Lila Hand
and Messrs. Jasper Pendley and
Albert Sorrow attended the wed
Mr. Benton Neal, of Emory Col
lege, spent Sunday at home with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
Mrs. Carrie Mayo spent Sun
day with her parents at Locust
Messrs. A. M. and Timon Bow
den spent Sunday at home.
Miss Cleo Carmichael and Mr.
Frank Smith Carmichael, of Jack
son, and Messrs. Slocum and
Jones, of Macon, made an auto
mobile visit to our city Sunday.
Miss Ruby Walker attended the
football game between Georgia
I and Technological School in At
lanta Saturday.
We will be closed next Thurs
day (Thanksgiving) Copeland-
Turner Mer. Co. Adv.
Mr. Orin Jordan spent Sunday
in our city.
Mrs. W. J. Sloan and children
left Tuesday for their home in At
lanta, after a week’s visit to her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Atkin
Mr. Robert Ramsey, of the
Royster Fertilizer Company, of
Macon, was the week end guest
of the Rev. Jonas Barclay.
FOR RENT —Blacksmith shop at
Flippen. J. B. Rowan, Flippen,
Ga. Adv.
Miss Bess Fouche is again at
home, after several weeks’ visit
to Birmingham and Anniston, Ala.
Her many friends are glad to see
her at home again.
Mr. Lum Ingram, of Fayette
ville, spent Sunday here with
home folk.
LOST OR STRAY—From my liv
ery stable last Friday night, one
black and white spotted sow
weight about 125 pounds. Any
information will be gladly receiv
ed. Dock Bryans. Adv.
All stores will be closed next
Thursday, the 28th instant.
Fine Exhibits And Immense Crowd
Were Here And Enjoyed
It Very Much.
Beyond all the expections of our most hopeful was the Henry
County Fair at McDonough last Saturday.
Early in the day the people and exhibits began to pour in and
there was a fine aggregation of both.
There were so many classes of exhibits that we hardly know where
to begin. We shall mention but a few now and next week we shall
give a complete list of all the prize winners. Look for it covering a
whole page of The Weekly.
Mr. W. O. Cornelius, District Agent of the Farm Demonstration
Work, was here and judged the live Stock and the agricultural exhib
its. AM noted how many of the former and how few of the latter
were made. Mr. Cornelius’ comment on it was that he had never
seen so fine an exhibit of live stock with so little on which to feed
them. He said he had never seen a better showing of horses and
Mr. J. K. Giles, District Agent of the Boys’ Corn Club work, was
also here attending to the exhibits in that department. Miss Mary
Creswell, of the Girls’ Canning Club work, was present in charge of
that work.
Miss Celeste Parrish, one of the State School Supervisors, was
present. Excellent addresses were made by her, Miss Creswell, and
Mr. Giles.
We shall say more next week of the Girls Canning Clubs and of
each of the features of the Fair.
Steps are now being taken to organize a permanent county fair as
sociation, secure fair grounds, and make all the necessary prepara
tions for a stupendous annual fair.
See what Henry County has done already, dream of what she can
do, talk your dreams, and go to work with us and realize your dreams
in deeds.
•The Daughters of the Confeder
acy will have their next regular
meeting at the residence of Mrs.
J. A. Fouche on Friday, the 29th
at 2:30. »
Miss Hattie Sue Lowe spent the
week end in Atu.n ..
Mr. Will Atkinson spent Tues
day in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hand are en
tertaining a fine ten pound boy at
their .home, who arrived Monday.
Mr.'and Mrs. R. A. Sloan and
Mr. Lid Mrs. A. K. Brown motor
ed tfl&Bullochville Sunday.
Mrs. Lamar Etheridge spent
the week end here with her par
ents, Judge and Mrs. Paul Tur
-sßev. W. W. Arnold and Mr. E.
M. Copeland are representing the
McDonough Baptist church in
Moultrie this week at the Georgia
Baptist Convention.
FOR SALE —Twelve pigs, good
stock. J. W. Weems. Adv. tf.
Miss Ellene Neal returned Tues
day from a ten day’s visit to*Mrs,
Lifsey in Barnesville.
Mr. Ben Neal is attening Con
ference at Carrollton this week.
Mesdame E. M. Smith and J. G.
Smith and Miss Ellene Neal were
the guest of Miss lone Price
Mrs. E. M. Smith and Ernest,
Jr., and Mrs. Neal were the guests
of friends in Jackson Monday.
Mr. Harold Sheats, of Gaines
ville, spent several days in our
city last week.
Misses Alice Austin and Nellie
Kate Callaway visited Snapping
Shoals Sunday.
Board of Trade Meeting.
The Board of Trade met last
Tuesday evening in the office of
the Secretary.-
Many important matters werc
considered, a constitution was
adopted to apply for a charter, and
a number o£, special committees
were created.
A fuller account will be given
next week.
Join the Board of Trade and
help make McDonough move.
Jt ... •
Chapman-McNair Copany’s
House Warming.
In this week’s issue -of The
Weekly is a full page advertismenf
of the Chapman-McNair Company,
of 155-157 Edgewood Avenue and
96-98 Piedmont Avenue, Atlanta.
This thriving concern has just
completed a handsome new store
building, with fronts on two
streets, and every modern conven
ience, with elevators, etc,
They have an immence stock of
seasonable goods and prices
which appeal to all.
Oyster Supper.
There will be an oyster supper
next Saturday night at the Flippea
School. Everybody is invited.
Mr. G. W. Cathy visited his
sister, Mrs. John E’dalgo, at For
syth last week.
Misses Annie Nolan and Annk
Lemon spent Saturday in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Brown and
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Walker vifeited
the Automobile Show' in Atlantf
Mrs. Paul Turner and Misse*
Nena Tye and Ruth Turner vis
ited Atlanta Tuesday.
$! A Year