Newspaper Page Text
We are going to close out Millinery, consisting of about 500 Hats,
regardless of price.
All SIO.OO to $15.00 Hats, your choice now - $4.50
All 5.00 to 10.00 Hats, your choice now - 2.50
All 3.00 to 5.00 Hats, your choice now - 1.50
All 2.00 to 3.00 Hats, your choice now - 1.00
Misses Hats -50 c, 75c and 1.00
A big lot of white and black Plumes from 50 cents up
Don’t buy anything in the Millinery line before inspect
ing these wonderful bargains.
See Us For Your Clothing, Hats, Shoes And Furnishings.
All $25.c0 Mens Suits now $15.00 All $i5.00 Hens Suits now $9.00 All $12. 50 Mens Suits now $7.50
We are closing out lots and lots of Dry Goods, Notions, etc., at actual wholesale cost.
Every time you make a purchase in our store you save money and every time you fail to see us before making a
pure hase, you lose money. Come and see for yourself.
Remember the place, “Walkers Old Stand.”
Bring a basket of Eggs, some
Chickens and a few pounds
of Butter.
to the Big Store and get a wagon load of merchandise. Ineed.
it will pay you to bring two wagons so you may carry back every
thing you will need for the winter, matters not what it may be, we
rel! it, or give it away. Our Closing Out prices are stirring this
whole country. Hardly a day passes that we don't send goods
into every town in 30 miles of Griffin. Nothing held back—en
tire stock must now go regardless of the price. In a few lines of
merchandise we find we are greatly overstocked and there goods
we are giving to our friends and customers absolutely free. No
No tickets. No drawing. No chance game. Just simply free.
All you have to do is to come and make your selection. We
have a few more weeks in which to complete this Closing Out Sale,
and we assure you that during the remaining days we will present
*lO the trading public the very highest class merchandise at price
never before quoted by any retail merchant.
Bear in mind that we are not making cut prices on Calico,
<Gingham. and Unberwear alone, but on our entire stock of SIOO.-
900.00 worth, we give no bait. Just simply going out of busi
ness December 31st. that's all.
P. s. We again assert that it will pay you to ride 40 miles
3o buy a pair of shoes and suit of clothes from us.
Of th e P. B. Cheek Stock of Jewelry
Silverware, Cut Glass, Holiday Novelties,
By order of Hon. W. E. H. Searcy, Jr.
Referee in Bankruptcy, I will sell the stock
of P. B. Cheek, at auction, on Saturday,
Nov. 23rd at retail, to the highest bidder.
Each article in said stock will be offered
for sale and the purchaser will get the
article he buys as the same is bid off. This
sale does not have to be confirmed by
Court. You get the articles as you buy
This is an opportunity to buy high
class goods at a very low price as every
thing in the store must be sold.
Ladies especially invited to attend this
R. O. JACKSON, Trustee.
Sale begins promptly at ten o’clock.
All $15.00 to $20.00 Suits brand new now $7.50 to $12.00
All 12.50 to 15.00 Suits brand new now 6.00 to 9.00
Several SIO.OO to $12.50 Suits, your choice now for only 5.00
All ladies long coats, SIO.OO to $15.00 values, now 5.50 to 8.75
Ladies Skirts at $1.75 each.