Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
It Has Good Membership and More
Joining Every Day —names
Published Below.
Some important steps were tak
en at the meeting of the McDon
ough Board of Trade on Tuesday
evening of last week.
The Committee on a Constitu
tion reported and the constitution
was adopted.
The committee on membership
reported the addition of eight new
members and that new ones are
being added daily.
Motion was passed directing that
application be made for a charter
at once.
Motion was adopted that the
Committee on County Fair be di
rected to investigate at once the
organization of a permanent Coun
ty Fair Association.
Motion was adopted that a com
mittee, with Mr. W. O. Welch as
chairman, be appointed to confer
with the City Council and ascer
tain if arrangements cannot be
made to erect a permanent and
creditable city hall on the proper
ty where the stand-pipe is.
Motion was also adopted that a
special committee, with Mr. J. E.
Hooten as chairman, be appointed
to visit the city council and request
On Acre And Quarter Makes One
Hundred and Eighty Doz
en Bundles.
Mr. W. A. Bellah makes some
kind of record crop nearly every
For several years he made
phenominal corn yields, and he
was one of the pioneers in show
ing that 100 bushels of corn could
be produced on an acre.
This year his record crop was
His field of an acre and a quar
ter yielded him the immense crop
of 180 dozen bundles of oats, or
about 180 bushels.
Mr. Bellah then planted this
field in sorgham and peas.
His first harvesting yielded him
nine loads of hay. Another cut
ting after about 40 days produced
another nine loads.
Can anybody show a better
Mr. Bellah also raises other good
things on his fine farm in Love’s
district. He won first prize at our
recent County Fair for the best
Card Of Thanks.
We wish to thank most sincerely
all our kind neighbors and friends
who assisted us and sympathzed
with us in the illness and death of
our father.
May God bless every one is our
Children of H. M. Russell.
Miss Louise Arnold is vising
her sister in Lagrange. l
them, if possible, to provide for
electric lights for our streets.
The President will appoint these
committees and all the standing
committees in a few days.
The following is a complete list
of the members up to date:
Joel Bankston, T. M. Bright,
A. N. Brown, J. B. Brown,
T. J. Brown, D. T. Carmichael,
H. L. Carmichael, J. M. Car
michael, G. W. Cavenaugh, D. P.
Cook, H. E. Cook, E. M. Copeland,
H. J. Copeland, W. G. Copeland,
J. B Dickson, J. F. M. Fields, J. J.
Fisher, W. R. Green, A. G. Harris,
J. C. Harris, H. C. Hightower, J.
E. Hooten, B. E. Horton, W. A. D.
Nelson, A. C. Oglesby, E. L. Rea
gan, Frank Reagan, R. A. Sloan,
T. A. Sloan, E. M. Smith, J. G.
Smith, Joe J. Smith, John R. Smith,
A. C. Sowell, W. H. Stewart, H. M.
Tolleson, O. O. Tolleson, D. C. Tur
ner, H J. Turner, H. M. Turner,
J. R. Turner, R. L. Turner, J. V.
Upchurch, J. H. Wallace, J. T.
Weems, J. W. Welch, W. O.
Join at once this organization in
time to be a charter member.
Mr. Jim Cowan, of Atlanta, was
down one day this week.
The Odd Fellow’s enjoyed a
big oyster supper last Wednesday
night, of fish, loafbread, and oys
ter soup.
Messrs. J. E. Mitchell, Paul
Smith, Vester Mitchell, an Marvin
Dodson motored to Atlanta Tues
The pound supper given by Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Callahan Saturday
night was highly enjoyed by a
large crowd.
I can’t name them all. Fruit
and cakes were served at a late
Dr. J. H. Heflin made a pleas
ant trip to South Georgia this
week. I guess the good Doctor
will make South Georgia his home
for the future. We all surely do
hate to give him up, but hope him
and his wife well.
The Masons also had a big sup
per Saturday night. Several from
Jonesboro attended.
Misses Snodie and Cliffie Clark
spent Friday and Saturday in At
lanta, returning home Saturday
Billy Bill.
Miss Leona Welch, who is teach
ing at Phillippi, also Miss Orlena,
who is teaching at Riverdale,
spent the week end with their
parents. They report their schools
in a growing condition.
Mr. Dave Wall, of Mercer Uni
versity, spent Thanksgiving day
at home.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday novehber 29, 1912.
jt County Fair Their Work
Attracted Much Attention
And Comment.
The Girls’ Canning Club of Hen
ry County are not at all behind
the times in their work. This
was conclusively shown by the
excellent exhibit made by them at
our County Fair on the 16th in
A large number of exhibits were
displayed. Most attractively
stacked in tall pyramids, the cans
of tomatoes and fruit appeared fit
to be sold from any market to the
most fastidious taste.
Miss Vivian Patillo won the first
prize for the best exhibit: the
prize being a $50.00 scholarship
at Locust Grove Institute.
The other prize winners, in
their order were: Misses Carrie
Riley, Louie Bellah, Nora Foster,
Kitty May Mitchell, Lucile Wood
ward, and Martha Brown.
Mule Colt Show Post
poned to Nov. 30th.
The only disappointed class,
perhaps, at the County Fair last
Saturday was the mule colt. The
Merchants and Manufacturing As
sociation of Atlanta offered $25.00
in prizes to the Henry County
Fair provided 10 mule colts under
one year were entered.: and that
an additional $25.00 be raised by
the county.
Through the efforts of Messrs.
Joe J.Smith, Hiram Cook and oth
ers the money was raised ,but the
colts promised did not present
So it has been decided to post
pone this contest until Saturday,
Nov. JO, when the same offer
will hold. Please bring your colts
Remember there must be lOcolts
under one year of age. The M. &
M. prizes go to these while the
other $25.00 will be given to colts
one year and up.
For further information, consult
Joe J. Smith and Hirman Cook.
(Last Week’s Letter.)
Misses Ethelene and Rowena
Smith were the guests of Mrs. O-
B. Dailey Sunday.
Mrs. S. E. Murphy, of Stone
wall, is the guest of Mrs. Cora
Fields this week.
Mr. Candler, and Miss Maggie
Dailey, and Miss Lura Fields dined
with Miss Rachel Rowan Sunday.
Mrs. Lula Glass spent Thursday
with Misses Leila and Oza John
Mr. Dudley Fields and Miss Amy
Carver, of Griffin, spent Saturday
night and Sunday with Mrs. Cora
Fields and attended the Fields and
Hinton wedding.
Miss Pearl Warren and Mr. John
Hinton were the guests of Miss
Willie Rountree Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hinton spent
Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Misses Eva and Lura Fields
spent Friday in McDonough.
The Many Exhibits Showed Us
Many Things VVe Didn’t
Know We Had.
The Henry County Fair at Mc-
Donough on the 16th instant is
still the talk of the town and
Last week we were not able, to
tell of all the fine things we saw
Elesewhere we give a comnlete
list of all the grizes and the name
of the winner of each.
In addition to the prize winners,
however, th re were many entries,
which deserve mention.
We endeavored to secure the
names of all entries, but found it
impossible to get some.
The display of live stock has
been highly complimented by all
who saw it.
Messrs. Parks Wise, Joe J .
Smith, W. E. Combs, and J. V.
Upchurch had some splendid
specimens of horse flesh. Mr. E.
D. Tolleson and B. O. McDonald
each drove a handsome pair of
prize-winning horses.
Many mules were on hand, but
we were unable to get the owners’
In this department the people
were indeed surprised at the
many fine porkers.
Some of the owners were
Messrs. S. E. Smith Leon Carmi
chael, George Welch, J.W. Fannin,
and J. R. Elliott.
Probably the largest and most
varied exhibit was the poultry
The exhibitors were as follows:
D. P. Shields, Stockbridge; S.
G. White, Hampton, Leghorns;
Bailor Smith, White Orpingtons
and Black Minorcas; Mrs. Farrar,
Rhode Island Reds; J. M. Steele,
White Leghorns and Black Minor
cas; Mrs; W . W. Carmichael,
White Wyandottes; Dock Bryans,
White Leghorns; Paul Shields,
White Leghorns; O. B. Dailey,
Rhode Island Reds; G. W. Milam,
Stockbridge, White Leghorns; I.
W. Crumbley, Buff Orpingtons;
W. T. Knight, Rhode Island Reds
Mr. Gault, of Atlanta, was in
our city Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Sloan and
Mr. Adam Sloan will spend Thurs
day in Atlanta with Messrs. Carl
and Wyman Sloan.
Mr. Park Dallis spent Sunday
here as the guest of Mrs.. Annie
Mrs. D. T. Carmichael will spend
the week end with her parents
near Griffin.
Mrs. A. W. W alker returned to
her home near Griffin last Mon
day, after a week’s visit to her,
daughters here, Mrs. Asa Lemon
and Mrs. D. T. Carmichael.
Miss Annie Lemon spent Satur
day in Atlanta.
and White Wyandottes; N. \V
Woodward; C. J. Turner, Indian
Game, J. H. Rape, Indian Runner
Ducks; T. J. Patterson, Indian
Runner Ducks; Mrs. R. D. Bran
nan; Laurie and Kenneth Cave
The exhibits of corn were dis
played by Messrs. W. J. Elliott, I).
B. Morgan, S. A. Austin, F.’m"
Davis, L. G. Bowden, C. W. Tur
ner, S. P. Crowell, and Homer
Messrs. J. M. Green, J. W. Mid
dlebrooks, L. G. Bowden, John
Price, Mrs. M. W. Rountree, and
Master Zehna Nail showed some
very fine sweet potatoes. Some
were immense, probably measur
ing 15 inches long.
Fine Yates apples and turnips
were shown by S. B. Moseley and
J. H. Mitchell repectively.
Mrs. E. M. Copeland had on
exhibit two beautiful oil paintings,
which were her own work. Her
pupil, Miss Helen Harris, also
showed a baautiful oil painting
she had made.
There was a. bewildering and
beautiful array of housework and
sewing. One of the prettiest was
a lingerie dress made by Miss
Estelle Stroud.
Other exhibitors were Misses
Donia Bankston, Ida Lou Knight,
McKnight, Annie Lemon, Mrs. Joe
J. Smith, Mrs. Sarah Patterson,
Mrs. D. C. Turner, and others.
This display of crazy quilts at
tracted the attention of every
Mrs. Martha Knight, 76 years of
age, showed a beautiful and diffi
cult piece of work, and others
were shown by Mrs. W. A.
Ammons and Mrs. Asbury W
Beautiful flowers were display
ed by Miss Mamie Johnston, Mrs.
Joe J. Smith, Mrs. D. C. Turner-
Mrs. E. J. Reagan.
Misses Stella and Kate Russell
will soon move to McDonough
and will occupy Mrs. Weaver’s res
idence. Mrs. Weaver will move
into the Cavenaugh place. These
young ladies’ hosts of McDonough
friends will gladly welcome them..
Mr. D. J. Green spent Monday
in Atlanta.
Mr. Wyman Sloan, of the School
of Technology, spent Sunday here
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T
A. Sloan.
Mr. J. C. McDonald, and family
of Snapping Shoals, are visiting
Mrs. McDonald’s mother at Dal
Miss Alla B. Carmichael return
ed Saturday from Waynesboro.
$i A Year