Newspaper Page Text
Great Fun Was Enjoyed By People
Last Friday Night At School
The Old Mai s’ Association held a public meeting at the school
auditorium in Hampton Friday night.
The exhibition was vvitnessd by a large audience and they thor
oughly enjoyed the fun.
Below is given the Cast of Characters.
Jerusha Eliza Bangs, Pres. - Mrs. Kate Fields
Rebecca Retrace, Treas .... Mrs. Maude Brown
„ Minty '"Tovertop Miss Rubie Turner
». '
Mariana Mellissa Plank Mrs. Edwards
Desire A. Mann Mrs. Lyons
Hepsibah Odelia Olds Mrs. Nix
Ann Ellen Patterby Mrs. Hammock
May Haverman Miss Janie Frank Turner
Petunia Pickles Mrs. Pritchett
Serena Hasben - . - - - - - Mrs. Turnipseed
Charity Hopegood Miss Pearl Adams
Rachel Ketcham Mrs. North
Belinda Bliss - Miss Lois Davis
Prof. Makerneux Mr. Hiram Hawkins
And a corresponding number of duplicates for the made-over old maids
Old-Fashioned and Fantastic.
Musical Concert at
Locust Grove Institute.
There will be a musical concert
at the Locust Grove Institute au
ditorium, given by the chorus
class of the Locust Grove Insti
tute on next Wednesday evening
at 8 o’clock.
Admission is 25 cents.
The concert be in charge of
Mr. W. W. Combs, Director, and
Miss Bafmajian, Pianist.
Preaching at Rocky Creek.
The Rev. T. J. Bledsoe, of Beth
any, will preach at Rocky Creek
next Sunday, Dec. Ist, at 11 o’clock.
Everybody is cordially invited to
come and help in the good work.
Land Sale
Will sell at public outcry to the
highest bidder at the court house
in McDonough on the first Tues
day in December, 1912, a 33 acre
farm in Tussahaw district. Terms
Cash. Adv.
J. M. Carreker.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Knight and
family completed moving to their
new home in Flippen Wednes
day. Their neighbors and many
friends see them leave with
regret. Mr. Knight will be in busi
ness in Flippen.
Mr. Evan McConnell, of Atlanta,
visited in our city Monday.
Mr. Roy Manley spent Thanks
giving Day in Atlanta.
Misses Annie Nolan and Ruby
Walker and Messrs. Benton Neal
and Edward Reagan attended the
play in Hampton Friday night.
Misses Helen Dunn and Alla B.
Carmichael spent Thanksgiving
Day in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Borders spent
Thanksgiving in Atlanta with
their daughter, Mrs. Noel.
The members of the Methodist
church are having a week of
prayer at the church this week,
meeting at 3 o'clock each after -
Misses Hattie Sue Low left
Thursday for Talbotton to be the
guest of Miss Claire Spivey.
Miss Ethel Sowell left Sunday
for a visit to friends in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Williams and
family left Monday for their new
! home in Columbus. Their many
1 friends here regret to give them
1 up but wish them success in their
new home.
Mr. A. C. Oglesby is in Atlanta
this week as a juror in the United
States Court.
Mrs. Jeff Knight and Mrs. Lum
Harper were in our city shopping
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Combs
and son, A. G., of Locust Grove,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, A.
F. Lemon, Sunday,
Schloss Bros, clothes for men,
and Perfection clothes for boys are
being sold rediculously low at
Bass’ in Griffin. No price interfer
.erice at their store now. Adv.
Mr. J. R. Padgett, of Atlanta,
visited our city Sunday.
The Rev. W. W. Arnold is vis
iting mother in Washington. She
is very ill.,
Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Scott spent
Thursday with Mrs. Lula Camp in
Little Miss Mary Weems is im
proving, after a serious illness
with ear trouble.
Miss Amanda Hill, of Bulloch
ville. is the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Alex Brown.
Misses Annie G. Thompson and
Witsie Oglesby went to Stock
bridge Tuesday to be present at
the Davis-Oglesby wedding Wed
Stockholders’ Meeting
A meeting of the Farmers’
Union Warehouse Company
Stockholders will be held at the
Company’s office in McDonough
on Saturday, December 14, 1912,
at 9 o’clock A. M .
G. L. Thrasher, President.
12-6,2. (Advt.)
_ WANTED. —Sewing to do. Mrs.
N. ( Jackson, McDoflough, Ga.
U. Adv
"opular Former McDonough
Couple loin Fortunes
at Stockbridge.
Miss Leonora Davis and Mr.
Frank A. Oglesby were married
at the home of of the bride’s par
ents at Stockbridge Wednesday
afternoon at 3 o’clock. The Rev.
W 0. Butler performed the cere
mony. Miss Annie G, Thompson
played the wedding march.
This wedding unites two of Mc-
Donough’s former residents.*
Mrs. Oglesby is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Davis, now of
Stockbridge but recently of Mc-
Donough. She is a charming and
talented young lady, who has
many friends here and through
the county, whose best wishes
are hers in this happy event.
Mr. Oglesby is a son of Mrs.
Silas Oglesby, of McDonough dis
trict, and until recently he lived in
McDonough but now lives in At
lanta. He has friends here and
throughout the state by the hun
dreds and their congratulations
are being heaped upon him. He
is of genial ways and excellent
ability and success in the world
is predicted for him.
After the ceremony, Mr. and
Mrs. Oglesby left on the afternoon
train for McDonough, where they
will be the guests of relatives for
several days before taking up
their residence in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Brown, Miss
Annie G. Thompson, and Mr.
George Alexander, from McDon
ough, attended the wedding.
Misses Dora and Birdie Cagle
and Mamie Thomlinson, and Mr.
C. B. Ford, of Atlanta, also at
tended and accompanied the bride
and groom to McDonough.
Mr. and Mrs Roy Turner and
little Miss Julia Adella spent Sun
day with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Turner.
Mrs. F. D. McMillian, of Atlan
ta, has been the guest of her
brother, Judge E. J. Reagan.
Dr. Emmerson Weems has re
turned to his home in Appalachi
cola, Fla., after a visit to h i s
father, Judge G. G. Weems. The
latter’s condition remains unim
The first Saturday in December
is the day for electing Justices of
the Peace in Georgia. That will
Saturday of next week the 7th
Mr. E. M. Foster, of the Sixth
district, was in our city Wednes
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Johnson
spent a day or two in McDonough
this week.
Mr. Cliff Culpepper and Mr.
Charley Dickson wiil occupy the
W. D. Knight residence here.
Mr. Q. A. Dickson will shortly
move his family to his farm near
Mrs. Henry Elliott, Mrs. Wade
Turner, and little Frances-, went
Saturday up in Brushy Knob dis
trict to visit relatives, returning
Sunday afternoon.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to thank most sin
c -rely our friends for their many
deeds of kindness and words of
sympathy in the death of our
dear wife and mother.
May God’s richest blessings rest
upon each one of you.
G. W. Cathy and family.
Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Jackson.
Excellent Opportunities
Awaits You at the Big Store
in Griffin.
7 'HE TREMENDOUS VOLUME of our sales since
Oct. 15th shows conclusively that the hun
dreds of pe’ople who have attended this Bar
gain Carnival have in no way been disappointed.
A great ina.iy families have supplied their winter
needs and many homes have been furnished from
the Big Store since we commenced our Closing
Out "ale, yet seme of the choicest bargains re
main unsold. Comparative prices would give you
only a faint idea of the great reductions through
out our store, as they are so irregular. Some
most excellent values show a reduction of only
about 20 per cent, from the former prices, yet
others show that nearly 50 per cent, of the worth
price has been clipped off. Our entire stock is
marked in plain figures both the regular and the
closing out price. We have a definite end in view
and we will not allow anything to prevent the sell
ing of this magnificent stock. All thought of prof
it-making has been abandoned. We are selling
out, giving out and going out of the mercantile
business - that is all.
Griffin, Georgia. 1
By the Students of the
Southern Shorthand & Business
10 1-2 West Mitchell Street, Atlanta Ga.
After taking a course in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting,
Banking, Penmanship, etc., at this long established and reputable
Business Training School, over 15 01)0 students in positions.
Purchasers of Moore’s Business College, which was founded 4b
years ago. Under its present management 21 years.
Banking Department equipped with adding machines, etc. Large
Typewriting Department. Experienced and capable Faculty. Best
systems in existence taught. The famous Graham-Piimanic Short
h >nd, the system which is adopted for expert work. The 20th Cen
tury Bookkeeping which makes expert accountants.
The patronage of this school is more than double that of any other
Business College in this section, which is a most significant fact
Address A. C. BRISCOE, President, or L. W. ARNOLD, Vice-Pres.
Professor Thos. L. Bryan, the well-known educator, is with the Southern
Executor’s Sale.
Will he sold before the Court House at McDonough, on
the first in December it i i o’clock, the home place
of the late Dr. J. S. Heflin; (20) twenty ot choicest building
lots in Locust Grove, Gi Also one-hilt interest in H.-flin-
Price Roller Mill. Tn - >e<t chance to get some ot choicest
building lo f :s in the grow ng town ot Locust Grove. Term*.:
one-hall cash, balance in six or twelve months at 8 per cent,
interest. j. H. HEFLIN, Executor.
house and lot i n McDonough.
See W. A. White, McDonough, Ga.
Tf. (Advt.)
Mr. Carl Slaon, of Atlanta, spent
Sunday here with his parents.
Mr. G. C. Pledger left Tuesday
for Winder to be best man at his”
brother’s wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown arid
their guest. Miss Hill, spent Thurs
day is Atlanta.