The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 29, 1912, Image 4
MANY WON PRIZES AT COUNTY FAIR. List of Prizes and Winners Is Published in This Week's Issue. The following is a complete list «jf all the prizes offered at the Henry County Fair held at Mc- Donough last Saturday, w r ith the name of the winner of each: AGRICULTURE. 1. Best, largest, individual farm exhibit. First prize* Avery Corn Drill, giv en by Copeland-Turner Mer. Co. Won by S. P. Crowell. Second pri?e, $5.00, given by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Won by L. G. Bowden. Third prize, Ribbon, given by Bank of Henry County. No entry. 2. Best 10 ears of corn, yield considered. (A sworn statement of yield per acre must accompany exhibit). First prize, half ton fertilizer, giv en by Planters’ Warehouse & Lumber Co. Second prize, 2 sacks Guano, giv en by T. C. Kelley. Third prize, Ribbon There were no entries under 2 complying with the rules. 3. Best 5 stalks cotton. hirst prize, half ton fertilizer, giv 'en Green, Tarpley & Co. Won by T. C. Kelley. Second prize, 1 pair rubber heels, given by J. W. Welch. .Won by Seab Darkness. Third prize, Ribbon No entry. 4. Best Deck of peas, thrashed, ‘ variety and yield considered. (A sworn statement of yield per acre must accompany exhibit.) hirst prize, All-in-One Plow, given by Copeland Turner Mer. Co. 'Second prize, SI.OO, given by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Third prize, Ribbon 'There were no entries under 4. 5. Best peck peanuts. First prize, one can Jackson Sq. coffee, T. J. Patterson. -Second prize, $1 00, uiven by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Third prize, Ribbon There were no entries under 5. Ti. 'Best exhibit potatoes (sweet). First prize, $2.00 cash, given by McDonough Board of Trade. Won by J. M. Green. •Second prize, $1 00, given by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Third rize, Ribbon No entries. HOUSEWORK. 1. Best, largest exhibit liouse xwork (sewing, canning, cooking, etc.) First prize, 10-lb. bucket lard, giv en by T. J. Patterson. Won by Miss Donia Bankston. Second prize, SI.OO, given by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Won by Miss Estelle Stroud. Third prize, Ribbon > Won by Miss Willie Roundtree.. 2. Best piece fancy work. First prize, 1 box stationery given by McDonough Drug Co. Won by Mr«. Joe J. Smith. Second prize, SI.OO, given by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Won by Mrs. Sarah Patterson. Third prize, Ribbon Won by Miss McKnight. 3. Best exhibit pot flowers and -chrysanthemums. prize, choice $5.00 hat, given by Miss Blanche Wentzell. Won by Miss Mamie Johnston. Second prize, SI.OO, given by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Won by Mrs. Joe J. Smith. Third prize, Ribbon Won by Mrs. D. C. Turner. LIVE STOCK. 1. Best horse colt 2 years arid up, age considered. First prize, $5.00, given by Joe J. Smith. Won by T. P. Wise. Second prize, $3.00 horse blanket, given by I). T. Carmichael. Won by Joe J. Smith. Third prize, Ribbon Won by I. W. Crumbley. 2. Best horse colt under 2 years age considered. First prize, $5.00, given- by H. M. Tolleson. Won by J. L. Moseley, j Second prize, $2.00 horse blanket, given D. T. Carmichael. Won by E. D. Tolleson. Third prize, Ribbon Won by Joe Elliott. 3. Best mule colt 5 years and up, age considered. No entry under 3. 4. Best mule colt under 2 years age considered. No entry under 4. 5. Best pair horses (team). First prize, No-Name hat, given by McConnell-Manley Co. Won by Tolleson & Turner. Second prize, Ribbon Won by B. O. McDonold. Third prize, Ribbon No entry. 6. Best pair mules (team) First prize, Laprobe, Tolleson & Turner. Won by Joe Elliott. Second prize, Ribbon | Won by Clarence Craig. Third prize, Ribbon No entry. 7. Best combination horse. I First prize, horse blanket, given by D. T. Carmichael. Second prize, Ribbon Third prize, Ribbon There were no entries under 7. HOGS. 1. Best boar 1 year up. First prize, 1 pair Beacon shoes, given by D. P. Cook Co. Won by S. E. Smith. Second prize, SI.OO, given by Mc- Donough Board 4 Trade. Won'by Bunk Elliott. Third prize, Ribbon No entry. 2. Best boar under one year. First prize, $2.50 cash, given by W. O. Welch. Won by George Welch. Second prize, SI.OO, giver, by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Won by Leon Carmichael. Third prize, Ribbon Won by J. W. Fannin. 3. Best brood sow. First prize, $2.00, given by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Won by J. R. Elliott. Second prize, $1.00; given by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Won by S. E. Smith. Third prize, Ribbon M r on by J. W. Fannin. 4. Best gilt. First prize, $2.00, given by Mc- Donough Board ot Trade. Won by J. W. Fannin. Second prize, SI.OO, giver by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Won by S. E. Smith. Third prize, Ribbon M'on by S. E. Smith. 5. Best litter pigs, number con sidered. First prize, $2.00, given by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. M on by S. E. Smith. Second prize, SI.OO, given by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Won by J. R. Elliott. Third prize, Ribbon No entry. CATTLE 1. Best buli, age considered. First prize, $3.00, given by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. I M’on by W. A. Bellah. Second prize, SI.OO, given by Mc- D mough Board of Trade. Won bv W. J. Elliott. Third prize, Ribbon Won by J. J. Knight. 2. Best milk cow: First prize, $3.00, given by McDon ough Board of Trade. Won by Dock Crumbley. Second prize, SI.OO, given by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Won by L. G. Bowden. Third prize, Ribbon Won by N. A. Glass. POULTRY. 1. Best pen chickens. First prize, $2.00, given by McDon ough Board of Trade. Also $5.00 given by the Farmers & Merchants Bank. Won by Laurie and Kenneth Cavenaugh. Second piize, SI.OO, given by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Won by Bailor Smith. Third prize, Ribbon Won by N. W. Woodward. 2. Best pen turkeys. First prize, $2.00, given by McDon ough Board of Trade. Second prize, SI.OO, given by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Third prize, Ribbon There were no entries under 2. 3. Best pen ducks. First prize, $2.00, given by McDon ough Board of Trade. Won by T. J. Patterson. Second prize, SI.OO, given by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Won by N. W. Woodward. Third prize, Ribbon Won by J. Hi Rape. 4. Best cock. First prize, $2.00, given by McDon ough Board of Trade. Won by Bailor Smith. Second prize, SI.OO, given by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Won by G. W. Milam. Third prize, Ribbon Won by D. P. Shields. 5. Best hen. First prize, $2.00, given by McDon ough Board of Trade. Won by Laurie and Kenneth Cavenaugh. Second prize, SI.OO, given bv Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Won by I. W. Crumbley. Third prize, Ribbon Won by W. T. Knight. EDUCATION. (All entries must be registered through one of the schools-of the county). CLUBS. • (Open to members of the Boys’ and Girls* Chibs.) 1. Best Boats’ Corn Club exhib it t includes yield, quality, profit, exliibit and report). First prize, choice of $25 00 scho larship to State College of Agri culture or Berkshire pig, given by Central of Ga. Ry. Co. Won by James Pritchett. Second prize, SIO.OO given b \ First National Bank, McDon ough. Won by Emmerson Mitchell. Third prize, SI.OO, given by Board of Education of Henry Co. Won by Loy Strawn. 2. Highest yield. First prize, $50.00 scholarship, given by Locust Grove Institute. -Won by Henry A Exum. Second prize, bicycle tire (or gro ceries of equal value l J. L. At kinson & Son. • Won by Clifford Stone. Third prize, SI.OO, given by Board of Education of Henry Co. Won by J. Woodward. 3. Best 10 ears, yield and profit considered. First prize, No. 43 John Deere Cotton and Corn Planter, given by G. W. Cathy. M on by Willie Price. Second prize $2.50 sweater, given by T. A. Sloan & Co. Won by J. E. Pritchett. 1 hird prize, 50 cents, given by W. H. Stewart. Won by Sam Moseley. 4. Best Girls’ Canning Club ex hibit (includes yield, quality, vari ety, profit and report,) First prize, $50.00 scholarship, given by Locust Grove Institute. Won by Miss Vivian Patillo. Second prize, $5.00, given by Board of Education of Henry Co. Won by Miss Carrie Riley. Third prize, SI.OO, given by Board of Education of Henry Co. Won by Miss Lonie Bellah. Fourth prize, $5.00, given by Board of Education of Henry Co. Won by Miss Norah Foster. Fifth prize, $2.00, given by Board of Education of Henry Co.' Won by Kitty May Mitchell. Sixth prize, 50 cents, given by W. F. Hand. Won by Miss Lucile Woodward. Seventh prize won by Miss Martha Brown. 6. Best piece sewing. First prize, $5.00 given by Frank Reagan. Won by Miss Annie Lemon. Second prize, choice box Frank E. Block Goods, given by Carl Bright. Won by Miss Clara Cowan, Un in Graded School. Third prize, Ribbon No entry. (Open to pupils under 10 years only.) 7. Best dressed doll. First prize, 1 bottle perfume, given by McDonough Drug Co. Won by Miss. Nettie Morris, Un ion Graded Schco 1 . Second prize, SI.OO, given by Board of Education Henrv Co. Won by Miss Bernice Sefczer, Union Graded School. Third prize, Ribbon No entry. 8. Best piece wood-work. Firs! prize, SI.OO cash, given by J. E. Hooten. Second prize, knife, given by Mc- Donough Drug Co. Third prize, Ribbon There were no entries under 3. GENERAL. 1. School having largest, best exhibit in propot tion to number teachers (covers all school work' —maps, drawings, writing, note books, etc.) First prize, heater, given by 3. B. Carmichael & Son. Won by McDonough Public School, Second prize, $5.00, given by Board of Education Henry Co. M’on by Union Graded School. Third prize, SI.OO, given by soard of Education of Henry Co. No entry. 2. School winning largest num ber points. (First prizes count 15 points; second 10; third 5.) First prize, $5.00 given by Far mers’ and Merchants Bank. Mc- Donough. Won by Union Graded School. Second prize, $2.00, given by Board of Education Henry Co. M’on by McDonough Public School. Third prize, SI.OO, given by Board of Education of Henry Co. Won by Pleasant Hill School. ATHLETICS. (For 1912 pupils only) 1. ?00 yd. dash. (.boys under 14). First prize, Ribbon and 100 points Won by Joe Gunter, Union Graded School. Second prize “ 50 * £ Won by Henry Williams, Mc- Donough Public School. Third prize won by WalkerSlliott. 2. 100 yd. dash (boys 14 and up). iFirst prize, Ribbon and 100 points Won by Isaac Gunter, Union ! Graded School. Second prize, “ 50 “ Won by John John Kimbell, Pleasant Hill School. 3. Running broad jump (boys under 14). First prize, Ribbon and 100 points Won by Henry Williams, Mc- Donough Public School. Second prize, “ 50 “ Won by Leo Bowden and Fred Whitaker, Union Graded School. 4. Running broad jump (boys 14 and upj. First prize, Ribbon and 100 points Won by Ralph Culpoper, Union Graded School. Second prize, “ 50 “ Won by Linton Rosser, Union Graded School. Third prize won by Harrie Gunter, of Daniel’s School. . 5. Sack race. First prize, Ribbon and 100 points Won by Alvin Hopkins, Union Graded School. Second prize, “ 50 “ Mon by Vaney Bowden, Union Graded School. Third prize won by Gettys Ros ser. 6. Tug of war. between 5 rep resentatives. First prize, Ribbon and 100 points Second prize, “ 50 “ Won by Union Graded School os the only entrant. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Largest family present. First prize, 1 sack Table Talk Flour, given by McDonough Trading Co. Second prize, Ribbon 2. Person attending from farth est distance. First prize, SI.OO, given by Mc- Donough Board of Trade. Second prize. Ribbon There were no entries under l and 2. Go To The Panama Canal Exposition. Do you wish to go to the Pana ma Canal Exposition at San Fran cisco in 1915? \ ou can do so at half the regu lar rate, with all expenses paid and pay for same in small weekly ’ or monthly payments. 'I have arrangements by which 1 can make this proposition to three persons. The first three to accept will be the favored ones. Write oi’ see Frank Reagan, FOR SALE—First class acetylene lighting and fixtures at half price. Will give terms. B. B. Carmichael McDonough, Ga. Adv. 11-29,2. Mr. T. N. Moseley has sold his barber business here and moved to Manchester. His many friends here regret to lose him and v\ :sh him abundant success. FOR SALE —Twelve pigs, good stock. J. W. Weems. Adv. tf. FOR RENI Blacksmith shop at Flippen. J. B. Rowan, Flippen, Ga. Adv. FARM LOANS. Money to loan on farm lands. Brown & Brown. f< -»R SALE One pair of p rtaires never been used at all Telephone No. 15,