Newspaper Page Text
• oorgia Henry Conntv:
By virtue cf an order granted by
the Court of Ordinary in and for
«aid County, will bes dd before the
Court House door, in the City of
McDonough said State and Coun
ty, between the legal hours of sale,
on the first. Tuesday in December,
11112, to the highest bidder for cash,
the following lands of the estate of
<l. B. Barham, late of said County,
deceased, to-wit:
Also, one house and lot near cor
porate limits of Hampton, Georgia,
said lot containing one-fourth of an
acre more or less, hounded North
and West by G. W. Barham, East
by public road, South by estate of
G. B. Barham. On this lot is situ
ated a three-room house.
Also one-fourth of an acre more
or less, in same district State and
County, bounded North and South
by estate of G. B Barham, East by
Griffin road and West by G. W
On this lot is situated a three
room house.
Also one-half undivided interest,
in a vacant lot. containing two and
one-half acres more or less, near
the corporate limits of the town of
Hampton, said State and county,
hounded North by estate of G. B.
Barham, East by Griffin road,
Sonth by lot of A. B. Mitcham and
West by lot A. B. Mitcham and
Also one house and lot, in same
District, State and County, said lot
containing one-half acre, more or
less, hounded North by lot of Otis
Hennessee, East by lot of Otis Hen
nessee, South by McDonough road,
and West by lot of George Archer.
On this lot is situated a three-room
All of said property sold as the
property of G. B. Barham, late of
said County, deceased for the pur
pose of the payment of the debts
of said deceased and distribution
of the balance among the heirs of
said estate
This Nov. H, 1912
G. W. Barham, Executor.
Last Will and Testamest of G. B.
Barham, deceased.
For Administration.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern :
Henry S. Rowan having made ap
pplication to me in due form to he
appointed permanent Administra
upon the estate of Jno. D. Rowan
iateof said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will be
heard at the regular term of the
Court, cf Ordinary for said county,
to be held on the first Monday in
Dec. 1912.
Witness my hand and official sig
tnatnre. this 4th day of Nov. 1912.
31-29, 4. A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
To whom it. may concrrn :
H. 0. Hightower, having made
application to me in due form to be
appointed permanent Administra
tor upon the estate of Dr. Raleigh
Hightower late of said county, no
tioe is hereby given that said ap
plication will be heard at the regu
lar term of the Court of Ordinary
for said oounty, to be held on the
Jfirst Monday in December, 1912.
Witness my hand and official sig
nature, this 4th day of November
33-29, 4 A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Dismission From Administration.
Georgia, Henry County:
Whereas, W. I. Parr Adminis
trator of Estate of Deacy Colvin
represents to the Court in her pe
tition, duly filed and entered on
record, that he has fully adminis
tered Deacy Colvin’s estate;
This is therefore to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and credi
tors. toshowcause, if any they can,
Why said Administrator should not
be discharged trom his administra
tion and receive Letters of Dismiss
ion on the first Monday in Dec.,
J 3-29, 4 A. G. Barns, Ordinary.
Administrator’s Sale For
By virtue of an order of the Or
dinary of Henry County, will bo
sold to the highest bidder before
the court house door in the City of
MoDonough Henrv Countv Georgia
between the legal hours of sale on
the first Tuesday in December next,
the following real estate towit:
2.37 HCres of land more or less in
the seventh district of Henry Coun
ty, Georgia, being parts of lots
numbers 90, 01, and 102, known as
part of the old Russell place, to he
sold in five separate tracts or par
cels, each of which is fully de
scribed in a map or plat of said
land, which shows the number of
acres in each, and the lines around
each of said parcels of land.
Altfo. one acre of land near the
City of McDonough, Henry County
Georgia, in the seventh district of
said county, and hounded on the
North, East and South by lands
formerly owned by A. A. Lemon,
now by Mrs. Annie Nolan, guardi
an, and on the West by a road run
ning north and south known as the
old ('loud Mill road. Said lot known
as the old Cleveland Gin lot. and
on which the ginnery formerly
owned by Cleveland and Robinson
was located.
Also, One lot, near the depot at
McDonough, Henry County, Geor
gia, known as the Cleveland and
Robinson Machine Shop. Said lot
lacing a street on the North, run
ning from the Macon street to the
said depot., 100 feet, running back
Sonth 200 feet.. Said lot bounded
on the North by depot street, the
East by lot of C. D. McDonald, on
the South by lot formerly owned
by the Nolan estate, and on the
West by lot of R. C. Brown-
Also, one house and lot in the
City of McDonough, Henry County
Georgia, situated on Key’s Ferry
street, and known as the home
place of James 1C Robinson, de
ceased, and fronting 114 feet on
Key’s Ferry street, and running
hack sonth- to a street running
E»st and West between said lot
and the lot of late Geo. W. Bryan,
and fronting 114 feet on the last
named street. Bounded on the
North by Key’s. Ferry street, on
the East by lot of the estate of
James R. Robinson, on the South
by a street between said lot and
Geo. W. Bryan’s lot, on the W 7 est
by an alley rnLning between said
lot, and livery stable and black
smith shops.
Also, one lot in the City of Mc-
Donjugh, Henry County, Georgia,
situated on Key’s Ferry street,
and fronting 91 feet on Key’s
Ferry street and running back
South to a street running East
and West between said lot and the
lot of the late Geo. W. Bryan, and
fronting 91 feet on the last named
street. Bounded on the North by
Key’s Ferry street, on the East by
street running South from Key’s
Ferry to the residence of the late
Geo W Bryan, on the South by
running between said lot and the lot
of the late Geo. W. Bryan, and on
the West by the home place of the
late James R. Robinson.
All said properity sold as the
property of James R. Robinson,
deceased for the purpose of pay
ing debts and for distribution
among the legatees. Terms Cash.
This the 6th day of November 1912,
A. F. Adamson, Executor of
James R. Robinson, Deceased.
13-29. 4.
For Dismission.
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas H. L. Carmichael, Ad
ministrator of Jake Weems, repre
sents to the Court in his petition,
duly filed and entered on record,
that he has fully administered Jake
Weems’ estate;
This is, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and credi
tors, to show cause if any they can,
why said Administrator should not
be discharged from his administra
tion, and receive Letters of Dismis
sion on the first Monday in Dec.
A G. Harris, Ordinary.
31-29, 4,
Georgia-Alabama Fair
Columbus, Ga., Nov. 27th-Dec. 7th
[fit .Over One G. ou . n 5 y and * n " Horse Three running Be* T. Brook*.
B y / %, . i Hundred exhi- Raginn and harness races ... Preside*.
¥f y b,t * ShOWn * 9 dai, y- Mile vTce^r^deot
' tZ \ VMwJUmI Pooltry Columbus Poultry Motor Racers will break
- J i/il Show Association \ n Cycles records on this
—' charge. 2000 birds. y fast track.
%£R9RKd\ Corn Boys Corn Clubs fire At night. Balloon
? 1 Georgia and w nr i ( <- flights over the
k'-AjF Alabama to contest. WWrKS grounds daily. 4
/N%J. Livc Fineß ; pens of live Midway Wonderful at- 0 iSS
v ) iPHf stock Btoc u k eve r i “ the Shows tractions Many '
/ X south on exhibition. 3DOWS> f ree showg< j‘
Fml Manuiac- In and around BraSS Celebrated Military
• rag turers Columbus will n aiM j Band Concerts - * fjmt
1 W* make this a hit. daily.
Jacobs’ Department Store
The majority of our customers pay $15.00 for a
suit of clothes—some more—some less—but $15.00 is
the average price. We were determined when enter
ing our fall campaign to sell the best sls 00 men’s
suit that would be, or ever was sold in Atlanta.
We succeeded in getting the best at this price and
so great has been our sales already on our fall line of
$15.00 suits that we reordered on some styles, and
more new suits arrived yesterday at this price that we
are going to show you.
English-American box back models —blue basket weave and serge —black
undressed worsteds —black and fancy colorings—brown and grey in two-toned
effects—mixtures and multi-mixtures. Come in and ask especially to see our
$15.00 suits. Others ranging up to $25.00, or down to SIO.OO.
Jacobs’ Department Store
233-35-37 Peters St. Atlanta, Georgia.
For leave to sell.
Georgia, Henry County,
To whom it may concern :
Mrs. G. M. Brown, Guardian of
Frann, Grace and W. D. Brown has
applied to me for leave to sell a
house and lot located near Sunny
Side in Spalding Co , Ga., in which
her said W’ards own a three fourths
undivided interest, said property
sold for the purpose of support and
maintainance of said Wards.
Said application will be heard at
the'reguiar term of the Court of
Ordinary for said county on the
first Monday in Dec. 1912.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
11-29, 4.
All kinds of second hand pipe
and one complete waterworks
outfit for sale. J. G. Smith, tf.
Good farm for sale, of 105 1-4
acres near Beersheba, Ga. Phone
or write W. B. Webb, Jackson,
Ga. Adv.
Administrators Notice to Debtors
and Creditiors.
Notice is hereby given to all cred
itors of the estate of Jake HambricK
deceased, to render in an account of
their demands to me within the
time prescribed bv law, properly
made out. And all persons indebt
ed to said deceased are hereby re
quested to maxe immediate pay
ment to the undersigned.
This Nov. sth 1912
W. E. M. Dodson. Administra
tor. 12 13, 6.
FOR RENT —One one- horse
farm and one two-horse farm.
This is land I have just purchased.
Also for sale one 15 horse-power
Frisk traction engine and sa v
mill outfit. Would sell part or all.
Terms for good paper. A. C.
Norman. Route 1. Adv 11-22, 2.
McDonough, Ga.
Mill days every Saturday.
Bring your corn to Planning mill
J. H. Rape.
Increase in Rates for Job
Because of the constantly in
creasing price of paper, The
Weekly finds it necessary to in
crease the rates for job printing
on December 1, 1912.
At first we announced the in
crease to go into effect on Janu
ary 1, 1913. But the rapid raise in
material makes it necessary for us
to put it into effect earlier.
The increase in advertising rates
will not go into effect until Janu
ary 1, 1913.
Card Of Thanks.
I wish to express my sincere
thanks to those who were so kind
during the illness and death of
my wife. May God bestow his
richest blessings upon them.
E. J. Smith.