Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Popular Former McDonough Boy
Wins Charming Fayette
ville Girl.
Miss Mattie Lena Blalock and
Mr. L. A. Ingram were married
Tuesday morning at Fayettville.
The Rev. W. J. Deßardeleben per
formed the ceremony.
Mrs. Ingram is a daughter of
the Hon. A. O. Blalock, of Fayette
ville, and is one of the city’s most
charming and popular young
ladies. She has many friends
throughout the State and is re
ceiving expressions of the happy
wishes of them all.
Mr. Ingram is a son ot our ex
cellent townsman, Mr. W. B. J.
Ingram, and lived in McDonough
until a year or more ago, When he
moved to Fayetteville. He is at
present conducting a prosperous
business at Fayetteville.
Mr. Tngram has host«; of frinnds
here and in Henry County, as well
as n his new home. All are heap
ing upon him their congratula
Mr. and Mrs. Ingram went to
Atlanta Tuesday and arrived here
Wednesday, where they were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. J.
Ingram at an elegant dining Wed
nesday evening.
They will make their home in
Mr. H. S. Williams, of Columbus,
spent Sunday in McDonough.
Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Lifsey and
Truman, of Barnesville, spent the
holidays here with relatives.
Misses Rosa Lee Brown and
Lucile Tolleson visited Miss Hill in
Atlanta several days during
Mr. J. D. Embry, of Albany,
spent several days last week here
with Mr. George Alexander.
Mr. Perry Sowell has returned
to his work in Atlanta after a few
days at home.
Mr. Joel Bankston spent the
week end at Oxford with his sis
ter, Mrs Dasher.
Mrs. B. E. Horton spent several
days during Christmas with her
mother at College Park. Dr. Hor
ton spent Sunday there and they
returned home together Sunday
Mr. J. Edward McGuire, of At
lanta, was in our city during the
Mr. H. C. Harper, of Mississippi,
spent several days in our city
during the holidays.
Mr. Park Dallis. of Atlanta, was
the guest of Mrs. Annie M. Nolan,
for several days during Christmas.
Mr. Q. R. Nolan, of Charlotte,
N. C., was the guest of his moth
er, Mrs. Annie M. Nolan, Wednes
day and Thursday of Christmas
Dr. and Mrs. H. Walter Cope
land were among the hosts last
week entertaining at dinner. At
6 o’clock on last Friday evening
their guests included Misses Paul
ine Mallet, Sallie Mae Ball, Sara
Lou Hardin and Elizabeth Rogers;
Whit Russell, Boyd McMichoel,
George Head and Joseph Edwards.
—Jackson Argus.
McDonough, Georgia. Friday January 3, 1913.
Popular Tussahaw Couple
Joined Fortunes Christ
mas Day.
Miss Ruth Craig and Mr. Jim
Austin were married on the after
noon of Christinas Lay at the
home of the Rev. J. A. Jackson,
near Bethany, the latter perform
ing the ceremony.
Mrs. Austin i s an attractive
young lady with many friends,
who are wishing her well. She is
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Mr. Austin is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. S. A. Austin and is a popular
young man. He lias many friends
throughout the county, who are
congratulating him.
They will make their home in
Tussahaw district.
McDonough's Efficient and Gen
ial Postmaster Died Christ
mas Eve.
Mr. Samuel E. Dailey died at
his home here Tuesday morning,
December 24, 1912, at 11 o’clock.
He had been ill a long time and
the end was known to be near,
but it was unexpected at the time
when it came.
Mr. Dailey was one of the pio
neer citizens of McDonough and
was probably the oldest citizen
left here who was born in McDon
He was born here, on the east
ern edge of town, at the old Nol
ley place, on March 5, 1840.
At the time of his death, Mr.
Dailey had served nearly eight
consecutive years as Postmaster
at McDonough. He was also post
master here in 1866.
He was a capable business man
and, until disease struck him down,
a year or so ago, he was a man of
wonderful energy.
He and his charming life com
panion loved to entertain and
their hospitality is a pleasant and
happy memory to a host of friends
here and throughout the state.
The funeral services were held
at the residence on Thursday
morning of last week and were
conducted by the pastors of Mc-
Donough, the Rev. W. W. Arnold,
the Rev. Jonas Barclay, and the
Rev. A. B. Sanders. The inter
ment was in the McDonough ceme
Mr. Dailey is survived by his
wife: four daughters; Mrs. E. J.
Whitehead, Miss Sallie Dailey, Mrs,
Myra S. Wiggins, and Miss Carrie
Dailey: and one son; Mr. John P.
Mr. and Mrs. Hankinson Hostess.
One of the prettiest parties of
Christmas week was the one given
by Mr. and Mrs. Hawkinson to a
number of their young friends last
Thursday evening.
Punch and fruits were served
and music, dancing, and conversa
tion were exjoyed until a late hour.
Miss Ethel Sowell has returned
to her school work in Atlanta,
after spending Christmas at home.
One of Town and County s Best
Citizens Died Thursday
Mr. J. B. Bryans passed away
at his home in McDonough Thurs
day eyening of last week at 6
He had been in '■’eeblf* health
for several months, but the illness
became severe only a few hours
before his death.
Mr. Bryans was a man any sec
tion or city would be proud to pos
sess. Ot the highest integrity, he
was also a man of the broadest
public spirit and was a citizen of
good example and precept.
Indeed in the highest sense of
sacrifice he was a patriot. For,
as a gallant soldier in the Con
federate service, he left an arm as
his gift, to lh. t glorious cause.
He was a man loved by all who
knew him, for his ways were
gentle and his dealings kindly.
Many will mourn him and all who
knew him will miss him.
He was 76 years of age at the
time of his death.
The funeral and interment
were at Sharon Friday at noon.
The Rev. 1. G, Walker conducted
the services.
Mr. Bryans’ wife preceded him
to the beyond almost exactly one
year before. He is survived by
seven daughters; Mrs. Yanie
Stallsworth, of South Georgia: Mrs.
Ed Wright, of Meansville; Mrs. A.
IC. Norman, Mrs. W. E. Gilmore,
| Mrs. Sam Copeland, and Misses
Janie and Elliott Bryans, all of
Henry county; and three sons;
Mr. W. H. Bryans, of McDonough;
Mr. J. G, Bryans, of Dublin; and
Dr. Iverson Bryans, of Augusta.
Mrs. H. M. Turner Hostess.
Mrs. H. M. Turner was hostess
to a dozen friends on Christmas
Bridge and Rook were enjoyed.
She was assisted in entertaining
by Mesdams H. M. Tolleson and
Dee Tolleson.
At the conclusion of the game
delicious refreshments were
Those present were Mesdames
Paul Turner, T. J. Patterson, Doe,
of Lagrange, R. A. Sloan, E. M.
Smith, Fred Walker, and Misses
Ruby Walker, Lucy Reagan, Bess
Fouche, Louise Arnold, Ellene
Neal, and Blanche Wentzell.
Miss Lucile Tolleson Hostess.
Miss futile Tolleson entertained
her friends very charmingly Mon
day evening at dinner.
Her guests were: Misses Rosa
Lee Brown, Sarah Hooten, of At
lanta, Louise Arnold, and Ida Lou
Tarpley; and Messrs. Blake Tur
ner, Jim Bowden, Hugh Kelley,
and Benton Neal.
Miss Ida Lou Tarpley Hostess.
Miss Ida Lou Tarpley entertain
ed delightfully Tuesday evening
in honor of her gest, Miss Sarah
Hooten, of Atlanta.
Miss Rosa Lee Brown Hostess.
Miss Rosa Lee Brown was hos
tess to a few friends on Wednes-1
day evening of Christmas week.
Baptist Paster and Charming
Family go to New Work at
Buena Vista.
The Rev. W. W. Arnold preach
ed his farewell sermon at the Bap
tist church Sunday evening. iU
was a sermon of tender sentiment
and was filled with the Christian
spirit of brotherly kindness and
leaves McDon
ough with the love of our entire
community, irrespective of denom
ination, and our prayers and best
wishes attend him on his way.
He has always preached ser
mons of both power and beauty
and is one of the most eloquent
speakers who ever came to Mc-
Buena Vista is the new scene of
his pastoral work and he and his
family left for their new home
The whole family have a warm
place in McDonough’s heart and
we regret to lose them.
Well Known and Popular Hamp
ton Citizen Died From Fall
Christmas Day.
Mr. H. L. Griffin died at the
Grady hospital in Atlanta Wednes
day night of last week at 9.30
o’clock, as the result of a fall the
same day.
Mr. Griffin was spending the
Christmas holidays in Atlanta and
on Wednesday was leaving his
room at the hotel and started
down the stairs, in some way he
stumbled and fell headlong to the
He was rushed to the hospital,
but he lived only a few hours.
Mr. Griffin was 55 years of age
and was a genial and capable
gentlemen, who had many friends
here and in the State.
The remains were brought to
Hampton for interment Friday
Mr. Griffin is survived by two
sisters: Mrs Adams, of Alabama;
Mrs. Lillian Wilder, of Atlanta:
five brothers; Messrs. Walter Grif
fin and Claud Griffin, of Alabama;
Mr. Nick Griffin, of Atlanta; Mr.
Charles Griffin, of Marietta, and
Mr. Carl Griffin, of Hampton: and
one grandson, Grover Cleveland
Griffin, of Alabama.
Estimable Stockbridge Lady
Died There Friday
Mrs. Pete Phillips died at her
home in Stockbridge Friday morn
She was a woman of estimable
Christian character and her death
is deplored by many friends, who
sympathize with the bereaved
The interment was at the Fac
tory Burial Ground Sunday morn
Mrs. Phillips leaves her husband
and several children.
Charming Local Young Lady and
Popular Richland Gentle
man Married the 26th.
Miss Eunice \rnold nnd Mr.
W illard Giles were united i n
marriage at the Baptist church on
1 hursday evening, December 26th.
Before the ceremony a boauti
tul bridal chorus was sung by
Mrs. H. M. Turner, Misses Eunice
Arnold, Bess Fouche, Ruby Wal
ker, and Messrs. Benton Thomp
son and rom Tolleson.
1 hen entered the bride with
her maid, Miss Louise Arnold.
The bride wore a beautiful tailor
ed suit of taupe cloth, with hat to
match, and her flowers were
American Beauty roses.
Miss Louise Arnold wore a
white lace robe and carried Amer
ican Beauty roses.
To the strains of the wedding
maich they were met by the
groom with hie best man, Mr.
( arver Dixon, of Richland, nnd by
the bride’s father, the Rev. W. W.
Arnold, who then performed the
ceremony in his usual impressive
and beautiful manner.
Mrs. Giles is one o! McDonough’s
most charming a n d generally
loved young ladies. Hosts of
triends here and throughout the
state are wishing her well.
Mr. Giles is a capable and genial
gentleman and a promising young
business man of Richland.
Mr. and Mrs. Giles left on the
same evening on the 6:30 o’clock
train lor Richland, their future
Miss Annie G. Thompson And
Mr. Benton Thompson Hosts.
On last Sunday Miss Annie G.
Thompson and Mr. Benton Thomp
son entertained a few friends ai a
most beautiful dinner party.
The dining room and table were
beautiful with elaborate Christ
mas decorations.
There were covers for ten. A
delightful six course dinner was
served. Those present were :
Misses Nina Wall, Beula Atkinson,
Lucy Reagon, Alla B. Carmighael,
Ruby Walker; Messrs. John High
tower, Hendley Daniel, Tom Tol
leson, and Ed Reagan.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sowell
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sowell en
tertained at an elegant 6 o’clock
dining Christmas day. Their
guests were: Judge and Mrs. A.
G. Harris, Mr. Homer Harris, Miss
Ethel Sowell, and Mr. Perry Sow
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Welch Hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Welch en
tertained a t a pleasant dining
Those present were: Dr. and
Mrs. B. E. Horton, Mr. and Mrs.
Wade Turner, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Stewart, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Mrs. H. M. Turner and Miss
Bess Fouche went to Atlanta Sat
urday to attend the matinee “Every