Newspaper Page Text
Hhe little red ribbon,the ring!
and the rose!
The summertime comes and
the summertime goes*-
And never a blossom in all of the land
As white as the gleam of her beckoning hand!
T~HE long winter months,and t! te glare
1 of the .snows;
The little red ribbon, the ring, and ihe rose!
And never a glimmer of sun in the skies
As bright as the light of her glorious eyes!
FAREAMS only are true; but the£ fade
and are gone,
forhertace is not herewhqnl waken atdavTn;
The little red ribbon, the ring and fjie rose
Mineo nls.; lhe dream & repose.
I am weary of waiting,and of 'ears,
And mp heart wearies, too, ail these
Moaning over the one prtF song that it Imows.-
The little red ribbon, the ring and the rose!
Copyright. 19m, TW Bobbft-Meri ill Ccimpanf
Will be if at McDonough, Ga.
For Henry County, Saturday
January tne Eighteenth.
Tin- Ui. ted States Civil Service
Comrnissio. 1 announces an exami
nation.on ti. e date and at the
ploces mimed above, as a result of
which it is expq cted to make cer
tification to fill a vacancy in the
position of rural a, !T ier at Hamp
ton, and other v ica* ’ c ' (iS as they
may occur on rural n ’ u tes at post
offices in the above nai ted county,
unless’it is found to be * n the m
•turest of the service to till the
vacancy by reinstatement,, trans
fer, or promotion. The d en *
trance salary for rural carrier s ls
from S6OO to SI,(MX) per aim im -
Age limit, 18 to 55, onr date °f
the examination. The maxima '
age limit is waived in cases of p«M--
sons honorably discharged fro™
the United States military or naval
An applicant uui't have hisactual
domicile in the territory supp.ied
by a post office in the county for
which the examination is an
The examination is open to all j
male citizens of the United States
•who can comply with the require
Application Form 1341, and full j
information concerning the re-;
quirements of the examination, I
can be secured from the secretary
of the local examining board or
the postmaster at ary of the places
named above, or from the U. S.
Civil Service Commission, Wash
ington, D. C.
Elig bles on r glsters established
prior to March i, 1912, can be
considered for appointment only
a. the office for wmen tney were
examined. Such eligibles may be
examined within one year from
their former exauun uious upon
filing applications snowing that
they meet the requirements of the
new examination, their oh. eligi
bility for their home offices not
being canceled.
Applications should be 11 operly
exec uled and filed vith the Com-
mission at Washington. As ex
amination papers are shipped di
rect from the Commission to tiie
places of examination, it is neces
sary that applications be received
in ample time to arrange for the
examination desired at the place
indicated by the applicant. The
Commission will therefore arrange
to examine any applicant whose
i application is received in time to
1 permit the shipment of the neces
sary papers.
An eligible register for the oo
sition of rural letter carrier for
each county will be maintained.
A person must be examined in the
county in which the post office
that supplies his home is situated.
As a result of such ex imination
he may become eligible to ap
pointment as rural carrier at any
post office in such county. A
rural letter carrier after one year’s
satisfactory service mav be trans
ferred to the position of clerk or
carrier in a first or second c ass
post office, to the position of rail
way mail clerK, or to ottie positions
it. the classified service, subject to
stLch examination as may be re
quired by the civil service rules.
I have some dishes which were
sent to the dinners at the Court
House and have never been called
foF. If the owners will let me
know l shall send them.
Mrs. E. J. Reagan.
R cX.
I shall again write a little and
tell you all what a joyful Christ
mas I had and hone everybody
the same and a prosperous New
Year to ah.
Mr. A. A. Born, Rex’s depot
agent, and Mrs. Gennie Sanders and
son ?»pent Christmas day at Man
chester the guests ot Mr, and
Mrs. Paui Dodson.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Barr, of
Southwest Georgia, spent Christ
mas at Rex and StocKbridge with
Mrs. Aurelia Hale and little
daughter, Mi>s Ethel, visited rela
tives at Rex last Wednesday and
Miss Odessa Dease was the
guest of Miss Annie Mae Milam
three days Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Milam visited
his sister, Mrs. John Goss, of
Meriwether County. Mr. Milam
hadn’t seen his sister before in
five years.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Callahan have
motfed to Mr. Alf Clark’s near
Mrs. Igo Dease and family spent
Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Emory Barr went to Atlan
ta on a day last week.
Little Miss Margaret Heflin
spent Christinas at her home in
Miss Annie Mae Milam spent
Saturday night and Sunday in De-
Kalb County.
I. G. W.
Let us make you an estimate
on your plumbing work before
you make any contract to have it
done. McDonough Plumbing Co.
Mill days every Saturday.
Bring your corn to Planning mill.
J. H. Rape.
If you get t h e McDonough
Plumbing Co. to do your work,
they will guarantee to give you a
f rst class job. Adv.
Mrs. Verna Wright and child
ren, of Jackson, came Saturday
to spend the week end here with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Money to loan on farm lands.
Brown & Brown.
S f at« of Georgia, County of Hcnrv.
Will bo sold before the Court
House door in the City of McDon
ough, Henry County, Ga , on the
first Tuesday in February, 1013, at
public outerr, within tlie legal
hours of sale, to the highest and
best bidder or bidder or bidders,
for cash, the whole part or parts of
the following described personal
property, to—wit:
4-10 R H. Htd. Winsliip Plain
Gins; 4-t>o Class C Feeders; 1-240
L. H Battery Condenser anil Sup
ports ; 2 Iron Hast Fines; 1-240 L
H. Straight Steel Lint Fine S> s
lem ; 1 Rev. R. R. ?»” Screw Power
Press with 12" Steam Tratuper and
Fittings; 1-11" Class C Elevator
complete; 1-12" Blowing Elevator
complete; 1-12 x 18 R. H. S. C. Con
tinent-ini Engine complete ; 1-54 x 14
Continential R. T. Boiler complete ;
Shafting, Coupling. Set Collars,.
Post Hangers ; Pulleys and Belt
ing. and all buildings, houses, scales
and engines, boilers and settings,
pnmps, stacks and all machinery,
fixtures and accessories, of what
soever ditfscription, used in the
operation or maintenance of the
ginnery p&ant ot the undersigned,
located upon the right-of-way of
the Southern Railway Company at
Fiippcn, in the County of Henry,
State of Georgia, together with the
building or buildings which eonsti
tne »ald plant, together with all the
replenishments, additions aud all
other property that shall appertain
to said plant, levied upon as the
property R. W. Exuui, to satisfy
a mortgage it. ta. issued from the
Superior Cotii t ot Henry County,
Ga.. in favor ot Southern Cotton
Oil Compattf versus K. W. Kxurn.
Tills property being difficult and
expensive to transport, the same
will not be brought to and exposed
before the Court House door on lhe
day of sale, but can be sieu and ex
amined at Fltppen. Ga .on premises
above described, on right-of-way
of Sonthei ti Railw i/ Company.
A. < SOWELL. Sheriff,
1-24, 4 ileiiry County, Georgia.
Cards of Thanks. Obituaries, And
Beginning with January 1, 1913,
all Cards of Thanks, Obituaries,
Resolutions will be charged for at
the regular rate.
This will do away with the old
rule of one hundred words free.
Cash must accompany the copy
at the rate of one and a half cents
per word, None published for
less than twenty-five cents.
So, all such articles sent and not
accompanied by the money will
not be published.
This does not mean that corres
pondents and others are not to
send in accounts of deaths, etc.,
for we want all such reported, but
only briefly and as news.
Georgia Henry County.
All persons holding claims
against the estate of D. D. Baley,
late of said County, deceased, are
requested to present them to the
undersigned at once. All persons
indebted to said estate are request
ted to call on the undersigned
and make immediate settlement of
E. C, Cowan, Administrator,
estate of D. D. Batey, deceased.
This Dec. 18th 1912. 1-24. 6.
Georgia Henry County.
All persons holding claims
against the estate of Dr. Raieigh
Hightower, late of said County,
deceased, are requested to pres
ent them to the undersigned for
settlement at once. All persons
indebted to said estate are re
quested to call on the under
signed and make immediate settle
ment of same.
H. C. Hightower, Administrator
Estate Dr. Raleigh Hightower,
This Dec. 18th 1912. 1-24,6,
Georgia, Henry f'onnty.
To the Superior Court of Said
County :
The petition of D. P. Cook, H. E.
Cook, G. L, Thrasher. W. A. Craitr,
J. F. Moss, W. N. Gilmore, S. P
Crowell, W. J. Elliott. W.S. Crum -
blev and S, E. Smith, all of said
county and state shows;
I. That they desire for them
selves. their associates and succes
sors to be incorporated and made a
body politic under the name and
style of Henry County Supply Com
pany,” for a period of twenty
y oh rs.
2. The principal office of said
company shall be in thecity of Mc-
Ronough, said state and countv,
but petitioners desire the right to
establish branch offices within this
state or elsewhere, whenever the
holders ot a majority of the stock
uiav so determine..
3. The object of said corporation
is pecuniar} gain to its stockhold
4. The business of said corpora -
tion to he cm tried on is as follows:
A {general invrehttmlise business,,
including 1 nying »nd selling dry
L'ootis, clothing, shoes, hats, hard
ware, groceries r etc., and doing all
other things necessary for doing m
general merchandise business. Pe
titiontrs ask the privilege of doing
a geneiai warehonse business, Hitch
as having, weighing, and selling
cotton ; buying, mixing and selling
fertilizer ot all kinds ; buying and
selling cottoi seed meal and
buying, weighing ai d s* Ihngcotton
seed ; hnviug and selling coal; and
doing hll other nets necessary for
carrying on a general warehonse
business. Petitioners farther ask
that they have the tight and privi
lege of buying and selling lumber,
shingles, buck, lime, and nil other
things necessary for cairyimr on a
lumber business. Petitioners fur
ther ask the light » nd privilege of
buying and selling live.stock. Pe
titioners further ask the right and
privilege to buy <*nd sell machinery
of all kind*, including the right to
buv. hold, and si li real estate and
personal property suitable to the
pnrposesof the corporation, and to
execute notes and bonds asevidence
of indebtedness incurred, or which
may be incurred in the conduct of
the affair? of the corporation and to
secure the same by mortgage, se
curity deeds, or other form of liens
under existing laws.
5. The capital stock of said cor
poration shall be Twenty Thousand
($20,000.00) Dollars, with the privi
lege of increasing same to the sum
of Fifty Thousand ($50,000,00) Dol
lars. by a majority vote of the stock
holders, said stock to be divided in
to snares of SIOO.OO each. Which
said sums petitiuneis ask may he
paid in real estate, merchandise, or
cash at its market value. Petition
ers show that 75 percent, of the said
S2O-1 >OO.OO l>as actually been paid in.
ti. Petitioners desire the right to
si e and be sued, to plend and be im
pleaded, to have and to use a com
i man seal, to make all necessary by
jaws and regulations, ai d to do all
| other things that tray be nee* ssary
| for Ihe successful canning in of
, said business.
7. They desire for said ii cot; r,r
ation the power and authority to
apply for and mccij t an < i , n erts
to its charter of either f< in, 11 sub
stance by a vote of a majority of its
steckoutstanding at the time. They
also ask authority for said incur] or
ation to wind up its affairs, liqui
date and discontinue its business at
any time it may determine to do so
by a vote of two thirds of its stock
outstanding at the time.
8. They desire for tlir said incor
poration the light of renewal v.hen
and as provided by the laws of Geor
gia ana that it have all other such
rights, powers, privileges ard im
munities as are incident- to bke in
corporations or permissible under
the laws of Georgia.
■ Wherefore, petitioners prav to be
incorporated under the name and
st\le aforesaid, with the powers
privileges and immunises herein set
forth, and as are now. or may here
after bo. allowed a corporation of
similar cbaiacter under the lawsof
Att’y for Petiliouers.
1, J A. Foucbe, clei k of the Snjier
ior Court of said county do' her* bv
certify that the foregoing is u true
copy of a petition for charter for
Henry County Supply Company as*
isof file in this office.
This Nov. 27. 1912.
Will be sold on the first Tues
day in January, 1913, at public
outcry at the court house in said
county, within the legal hours of
sale to the highest bidder for cash,
certain property which is describ
ed as follows:
One black horse mule ten years
old, one black mare mule twelve
years old, one white spotted cow
six years old, one dark red cow
two years old, three pigs black
and white spotted, and one two
horse wagon, said property levied
on as the property of Warren
Ceffer to satisfy a mortgage fore
closure in favor of J. M. Stroud*
issued from the County court of
said County.
Also 35 bushels, more or less,
of corn in crib. 400 bundles,
more or less, of fodder. 100
bushels, more or less, of cotton
seed, in house. Said property
levied on as ttie property of War
ren Coffer to satisfy a Distress
Warrant, issued from County
court of said County, in favor of J.
M. Stroud, Landlord.
This the 10th day of Dec. 1912.
A. C. Sowell, Sheriff.