Newspaper Page Text
-2 COMING IN •£-
We beg to announce to our friends and customers that we
are prepared with a large, well-selected, well-bought stock of
goods, to supply your every want during the coming season.
Let us figure with you. We want your trade and shall en
deavor to accommodate you if possible.
See the regulations and let us have your orders. Accept
our heartiest thanks and appreciation for past favors, and wish
ing you a happy and prosperous New Year.
Mr. T. P. Anderson
Dies in Atlanta.
Mr. T. P. Anderson died in a
sanitarium i n Atlanta Sunday
night, from the effects of a fall
some days before.
He was an engineer and in
some way fell from his engine re
ceiving injuries which later re
sulted in death.
While he lived in Newton
county before going to Atlanta
and still owned a farm there, he
was often in McDonough and had
many friends here, who regret his
The remains were brought to
McDonough Tuesday morning and
were carried to Zion church in
Newton county, whese the inter
ment occurred.
Miss Ethel Sowell Hostess.
Miss Ethel Sowell entertained a
a few of her friends on Saturday
evening, as a compliment to her
guest, Miss Stevie Brogden, of
McDonough’s college girls and
boys have returned to their re
spective colleges after spending
the holidays at home, as follows:
Misses Rosa Lee Brown and Lucile
Tolleson, to Shorter; Messrs.
Pearce Stewart, Benton Neal, and
Dozier Fields, to Emory college;
Messrs. Timon Bowden. Paul Tur
ner, and Dozier Russell to the
University of Georgia; and Mr.
Wyman Sloan to the Georgia
School of Technology. Mr Troy
Smith will not return to Stone
Mountain but will work at the
Variety Store.
Members of Board of Trade.
Joel Bankston,
T. M. Bright,
A. N. Brown,
J. B. Brown,
T. J. Brown,
D. T. Carmichael,
H. L. Carmichael,
J. M. Carmichael,
G. W. Cathy,
G. W. Cavenaugh,
D. P. Cook,
H. E. Cook,
E. M. Copeland,
J. H. Copeland,
W. G. Copeland,
J. B. Dickson,
W. B. J. Ingram,
J. F. M. Fields,
J. J. Fisher,
Edd Goodwin.
D. J. Green,
W. R. Green,
W. J. Greer,
A. G. Harris,
J. C. Harris,
Henry Hightower,
H. C. Hightower,
J. E. Hooten,
B. E. Horton,
J. B. Lowe,
H. B. Neal,
W. A. D. Nelson,
A. C. Oglesby,
James H. Patterson,
H. T. Rape,
E. L. Reagan,
Frank Reagan,
R. A. Sloan,
T. A. Sloan,
T. A Sloan, Jr.,
E. M. Smith,
J. G. Smith,
Joe J. Smith,
John R. Smith,
A. C. Sowell,
W. H. Stansell,
W. H. Stewart,
J.M. Stroud,
W. D. Tarpley,
H. M. Tolleson,
0. O. Tolleson,
D. C. Turner,
H. J. Turner,
H. M. Turner,
J. R. Turner,
R. L. Turner,
J. V. Upchurch,
J. H. Wallace,
J. T. Weems,
J. W. Welch,
W. O. Welch,
J. M. Woodruff.
Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Horton
Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Horton were
hosts to a few friends at a de
lightful dining Friday. Their
guests were: Dr. and Mrs. J. G.
and Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Lifsey.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Carmichael
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Carmichael
entertained a few friends at an
elegant dining Friday evening.
Mr. Joel Bankston Host.
Mr. Joel Bankston was host to
a number of his gentlemen friends
at 6 o’clock dinner Friday even
Miss Ruth Turner Hostess.
Miss Ruth Turner was hostess
to her friends Tuesday evening.
She entertained delightfully for
her guest, Miss Fay Simmons, of
Complete line of Okskets all stylo* and prlo«n.
Careful and polite attention given all funeral* entru
sted to me.
Embalming done aooordlng to lateet and meet Ina
prsrod method*.
Eeweet and most np to date equipment.
Call* answered and night.
Phonee SS and M.
ftcDonough Ga.
I hope you all have had a merry
Christmas and wish all a happy
New Year.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Presson had
a family reunion at their home
Sunday and it was very much en
joyed by all present.
Mr. Jessie Duke and his sister,
Miss Lizzie, spent a few days last
week with relatives near Rock
dale County.
Mrs. Ethel Presson and children
spent a few days last week with
her mother, Mrs. A. J. Lawson, at
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Pjper and
and little daughter, Ruth, spent
one day last week with the lat
ter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Well, I will ring off by th ank
ing the Editor for my prize and
wishing him a happy and prosper
ous New r Year.
Miss Mary Barker, of Atlanta, is
the guest of Mrs. Annie M. Nol
Mrs. B. C. Ward, of Atlanta,
and Mrs. John Ward, of Stock
bridge, attended the funeral of
Mr. Sam Dailey here Thursday of
last week.