Newspaper Page Text
i he Henry County Weekly
Editor Since ISOB Becomes
Full Owner First of
New Year.
Mr. J. D. Jones has bought the
Butts County Progress, of Jack
son, from Professor Alfred Aker
man, of Athens.
Mr. Jones has been Editor and
Manager of the paper since 1908
and has had full control of the
He has made it a live and newsy
sheet and will no doubt make fur
ther improvements.
Miss Ruth Turner Hostess,
Last Wednesday afternoon Miss
Ruth Turner was hostess to a doz
en friends as a compliment to her
guest, Miss Simmons, of Gaines
“42” was played, after which
choice refreshments were served.
Much pleasure was added to the
occasion by several selections on
the violin by Miss Simmons, who
is a musician of unusual charm
and ability.
Again that evening Miss Turner
was Hostess to her friends. About
five couples called.
Mrs. W. W. Turner Hostess.
Mrs. W. W. Turner entertained
very delightfully on Tuesday
afternoon at a “Rook” party.
The parlor and dinning room,
where the game was played, were
very pretty with their decorations
of growing plantsiferns, sacred
lilies etc.)
There were four tables. Bon
bons were served during the
game. Later a salad course with
Mrs. Turner was assisted in
entertaining by Misses Francis
Ammons and Ruby Walker.
Those invited were Mesdames
Roy Turner, Sidney Farrar, Hom
er Turner, Fred Walker, Tal
madge Carmichael, Tom Patterson
Paul Turner, Tom Sloan, Bob
Sloan, Dee Tolleson, Marvin
Turner, Asa Lemon, Julian
Weems, E. M. Smith, Ben Neal,
Alex Brown, W. G. Copeland, J.
M. Carmichael, B. E. Horton, E. J.
Reagan, Misses Agnes Dunn, Beu
lah Atkinson, Bess Fouche, Ruby
Walker, Frances Ammons.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. J.
Ingram Entertain.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. J. Ingram
entertained at dinner Mr. and for
Mrs. Lum Ingram, of Fayetteville,
Wednesday evening of last week.
Their guest were : Misses Lucy
Reagan and Ruby Walker, Messrs.
Benton Thompson and John High
Mrs. H. C. Hightower. Hostess.
Mrs. Henry Highttower enter
tained at dinner last Thursday
A large number of friends were
present, and a most enjoyable
occasion it was.
Delightful refreshments were
served at the conclusion of the
of the games.
Thoroughbred Rhode Island Red
eggs, for hatching $1.50 for 15.
Adv. J. C. Harris.
McDonough, Georgia, kriday January 10, 1913.
Dr. and Mrs. O. L. Adams have
returned home, after spending the .
holidays with relatives in Miss-1
Miss Eunice Tarpley spent last
week in Griffin, the guest of Mrs.
Effie Sanders.
Misses Sarah Hooten and Ruby
Langston, of Atlanta, were the
guests of Miss Ida Lu Tarpley dur
ing Christmas.
Misses Lillie Coan, Rosa Lee
Brown, and Lucile Tolleson have
returned to Shorter, after spend
ing Christmas with theif parents.
Mr. Arthur Bankston, of Atlan
ta, spent Wednesday with his
cousin, Miss Bessie Sowell.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Upshaw spent
Thursday in Atlanta.
Prof, and Mrs. E. G. White re
turned Sunday, after spending
Christmas in Cobbs, North Caro
Mr. T. D. Stewart, of AJanta,
was in our city Tuesday.
Mr. S. P. Green, of McMullen’s
district, was here Tuesday.
Mr. Ernest Brown and sister,
Miss Emma Brown, of Orchard
Hill, spent Sunday here with Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. M. Fields.
Misses Meta and Tommie Dora
Barker spent the week end here
with Miss Annie Nolan.
Mrs. E. M. Smith and Miss Ellene
Neal spent Thursday in Atlanta.
Miss Matthews, of Griffin, spent
Sunday with Mrs. Asa Lemon.
Do not forget the Board of
Trade meeting at County School
Superintendent’s office in the
Court House next Monday even
ing at 7 o’clock.
Mr. Parks Wise and Mr. Clint
Gibbs, of Lovejoy, were in Mc-
Donough Tuesday.
Mr. John Callaway has moved
to Macon, where he is working.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Richardson,
of Rockdale county, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Tur
ner Saturday.
Mrs. Carrie Mayo will leave to
day for a visit to her sister, Mrs.
A. S. Odom, at Lyons.
The ladies of the Baptist church
will observe the week of prayer
next week,
Mr. Newman’s little girl contin
ues very ill, which is a very trying
ordeal to her parents, to see her
intense suffering.
Mrs. Jim Woodruff and three
little daughters left Tuesday after
noon for their home in Willacoo
Miss Edith Ellington, of Thom
son, is the new teacher in charge
of the 4th grade of the McDon
ough Public School, taking Miss
Ivey’s place.
If you are a member of the
Board of Trade, read in The
Weekly what committee you are
on and get busy.
Miss Kate Russell has charge of
a school at Cork, in Butts county,
but, to the pleasure of her friends,
she will spend the week end with
the home folk here.
Mrs. J. A. McDonald, of Snap
ping Shoals, spent a few days here
with her daughter, Mrs. Will Green,
last week.
Former Weekly Man and Mr.
0. A. Hanes Lease Jones
boro Paper.
Messrs. 0. A. Hanes and Lamar
Tigner have leased the Jonesboro
Enterprise. They assumed con
trol on the Ist of January.
The many McDonough and
Henry county friends of these
gentlemen congratulate them on
coming into the management of
this old and excellent paper.
Mr. Tigner was for several years
connected with The Weekly. He
is a genial gentleman and a fine
newspaper man. Mr. Hanes was
for a while the editor of the
Hampton News and is a newspa
per man of experience and ability.
He is affable and agreeable in his
We confidently expect these
gentlemen to make a fine success
in this field.
Mr. C. A. Perry, who leases the
property to Messrs. Hanes and
Tigner, leaves the newspaper busi
ness to travel. He is a talented
and clever gentleman, whom we
shall miss from the fold.
Former Georgian Was Recently
Called Here and Has
The Rev. J. M. Gilmore, of
Monroeville, Ala., has accepted
the call of the McDonough Baptist
church to be their pastor.
He will also serve Sharon
He and his family will reach Mc-
Donough about the 22nd instant
and he will preach here on the
fourth Sunday.
Mr. Gilmore’s family consists of
his wife and three small children.
The family will form a pleasant
addition to the social life of our
Mr. Gilmore has occupied the
pulpit of the church here several
times and the people were charm
ed with his sermons and with his
Methodist Woman's Missionary
Society Meet.
The Woman’s Missionary Society
of the McDonough Methodist
Church held the regular business
meeting monday at the home of
Mrs. A. M. Stewart.
There was a full attendance
and the reports showed the pledge
and all assessments paid in full
for the year 1912.
The officers for the year 1913
are as follows:
Mrs. W. B. Kelley, President.
Mrs. H. B. Carmichael Ist Vice
Mrs. A. B. Sanders, 2nd Vice
Miss Bertha Bunn 3d Vice
Mrs. A.W. Turner, 4th Vice Pres
Mrs. J. B. Dickson, Rec. Secre
Mrs. E. M. Smith, Cor.Secretary.
Mrs. A. M. Stewart, Treasurer.
Mrs. H. B. Neal, Agent.
Mrs. Boykin Newman, Pianist.
Miss Bertha Bunn, Press. Supt.
Mr. John L. Gardner, one of Lo
cust Grove’s livest merchants and
best citizens, was in our city Tues
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hand moved
into McDonough Wednesday from
his father’s, and they are now
keeping house. They realize that
The Weekly’s visits are necessary
to start a well regulated house
Mr. F. B. Strawn was in our city
Mr. C. Culpepper, of Tussahaw
district, was here Tuesday.
Miss Helen Dunn returned home
Wednesday night from a long visit
to Pelham, Shellman, Albany and
other South Georgia places.
Mr. H. I’. Hawkins, of Stock
bridge, was here Tuesday.
Mr. E. J. Price, of the Sixth dis
trict, was in our city Tuesday.
Mr. J. R. Green, of McMullens
district, was here Monday.
Mrs. Paul Turner and little Miss
Josephine spent Tuesday in Jack
son, the guest of Mrs. Lamar Eth
Misses Ruth Turner and Fay
Simmons attended the perform
ance of “The Spring Maid” in At
lanta Tuesday.
Miss Clara Bright has gone to
Waynesboro, where she will teach.
Miss Jettie Bunn returned to
East Point Sunday, after spending
the holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. F. Bunn.
Mrs. J. F. Wall spent Saturday
in Atlanta.
Miss Carrie Daily spent the week
end here.
Miss Esther Smith, of Locust
Grove, has accepted a place in the
McDonough Public School. She
has the Sixth grade.
Mrs. R. A. Sloan is visiting her
mother at Bullochville.
Mr. J. W. Brannan was in our
city Wednesday.
Mr. J. B. Dickson and Mr. Gor
don Dickson spent Friday in At
Mr. H. A. Brown, of Route 4,
was in our city Tuesday.
Mr. S. B. Kimbell, one of Tussa
haw district’s and Henry county’s
finest citizens, was on our streets
a short while Tuesday.
Mr. J. C. Tolleson, of Jenkins
burg, visited McDonough and The
Weekly Tuesday.
Mr. B. C. Bright, of Hampton
district, was in our city Tuesday.
Mr. George Chaffin, of Route 1,
visited McDonough Tuesday and
paid The Weekly a much appreci
ated visit. Mr, Chaffin has been a
subscriber to The Weekly ever
since it was established in 1873.
He is an excellent gentlemen and
it is of such material as he that
the high standing of Henry coun
ty’s citizenship has been built.
Mr. R. A. Payne left Tuesday for
Birmingham, Ala., where he will
be connected with the Southern
Railway Company in the special
agent’s department. Hi s many
friends regret very much to lose
him as a fellow citizen, but wish
him every success.
Mr. J. A. Babb, of Route 3 was
in our city Tuesday.
The Gazette Has Made Its Ap
pearance In The News
paper Field.
There has been added to our
exchange list a bran new neighbor
among the newspapers.
It is the Locust Grove Gazette.
The sheet is filled with news and
advertisements and makes a neat
and attractive appearance.
The Locust Grove people are
full of public spirit and are sup
porting the new venture with en
If they but continue so, the pa
per cannot be kept from being a
Mr. Archibald Farr is its editor
and is making a most creditable
We trust that he will prosper
and the town with him.
Mrs. J. G. Smith Hostess.
Mrs. J. G. Smith was hostess to
a number of friends last Friday
“42” was enjoyed and delightful
refreshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Ross
Lose Infant Daughter.
The little 3 years old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Ross died
Saturday afternoon at her parents
home in Stockbridge. She suc
cumbed to the dread meningitis.
The funeral and interment were
at Concord Sunday afternoon at
2 o’clock, Rev. Mr. Rowden offici
She leaves her father and moth
er and one sister.
The whole community sympa
thizes with in them in the loss of
the bright little one.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dickson Hosts.
On Wednesday evening of last
week Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dickson
entertained a number of friends
at dinner.
A delightful course dinner was
served to the guests, who were:
Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Horton, Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Hooten, Rev. W. W.
Arnold, and Miss Louisd Arnold,
Mr. E. M. Copeland, Mr. Gus
Brown, Judge Oscar Jackson,Miss
es Ruth Turner and Fay Simmons
and Mr. Hendley Daniel.
Mrs. A. K. Brown Hostess.
Mrs. A. K. Brown entertained
a number of friends at two tables
of Rook Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rape Hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rape were
hosts to a large number o f
friends at an elegant game dinner
on Saturday of Christmas week.
Misses Ruth Rape and Ethel
Coan assisted in entertaining the
Will pay best price for hides.
Adv. J. V. Upchurch.
Rev. John W. Ham
Preaches Here Sunday.
The Rev. John W. Ham, of At
lanta, will preach at the McDon
ough Baptist church next Sunday
morning and evening.